1,187 research outputs found

    Studi Implementasi Evaluasi Berbasis Kompetensi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran keterlaksanaan evaluasi berbasis kompetensi pada SMKN 6 Bandung Bidang Keahlian Teknik Bangunan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dengan metode deskriptif eksploratif dan teknik statistik presentase ditemukan bahwa implementasi evaluasi berbasis kompetensi masuk pada kategori sangat tinggi. Dengan demikian tuntutan agar ada kesesuaian dengan model kurikulum (KTSP) berbasis kompetensi sudah terlaksana. Namun dalam operasionalnya ada kendala kendala yang muncul dengan adanya keharusan untuk melibatkan pihak internal dan eksternal dalam proses verifikasi dan uji kompetensinya. Selain itu faktor pendanaan menjadi persoalan tersendiri karena diperlukan anggaran dalam proses uji kompetensi karena melibatkan pihak luar (Asosiasi Jasa Konstruksi, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, dan lembaga lainnya )

    3D Analysis of chromosome architecture: advantages and limitations with SEM

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    Three-dimensional mitotic plant chromosome architecture can be investigated with the highest resolution with scanning electron microscopy compared to other microscopic techniques at present. Specific chromatin staining techniques making use of simultaneous detection of back-scattered electrons and secondary electrons have provided conclusive information on the distribution of DNA and protein in barley chromosomes through mitosis. Applied to investigate the structural effects of different preparative procedures, these techniques were the groundwork for the ``dynamic matrix model{''} for chromosome condensation, which postulates an energy-dependent process of looping and bunching of chromatin coupled with attachment to a dynamic matrix of associated protein fibers. Data from SEM analysis shows basic higher order chromatin structures: chromomeres and matrix fibers. Visualization of nanogold-labeled phosphorylated histone H3 (ser10) with high resolution on chromomeres shows that functional modifications of chromatin can be located on structural elements in a 3D context. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Pengaruh Kebijakan Tunjangan Perbaikan Penghasilan (TPP) terhadap Semangat Kerja Aparatur pada Badan Kepegawaian dan Diklat Daerah Kota Manado

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    Based on Manado Mayor Regulation No. 05 of 2011 in the administration set to the Employee Income Supplement PNSD Regional Government within the city of Manado . Earnings improvement allowance policy is expected to boost morale within the apparatus of Manado City Government . By taking the test site Personnel Board and Regional Training Manado City , conducted research to determine the extent of the influence of policy in improving morale apparatus . This study uses quantitative methods . Sources of data / research respondents set as many as 30 employees were taken with the technique of sampling srtratified 55 employees Personnel Board and Regional Training Manado City . Instrument and data collection techniques used questionnaires and assisted with interviewing techniques . Data analysis used statistical regression analysis and product moment correlation , processed using the computer program SPSS version 12.0 for Windows .The study found : ( 1 ) the regression coefficient of earnings improvement allowance policy on morale and apparatus are significant posifive ( 2 ) the correlation coefficient and the coefficient of determination of income improvement allowance policy on morale is strong and apparatus signifikan.Berdasarkan research concluded that : ( 1 ) earnings improvement policy impact or a positive and significant impact on morale improved apparatus , (2 ) earnings improvement allowance policy makers have the power / morale significant influence on the apparatus . Based on the research results , it is suggested that the government continues the policy of the city of Manado can benefit the earnings improvement and continue to evaluate and make improvements to the weaknesses

    Pengaruh Keluarga dan Kelompok Referensi terhadap Keputusan Konsumen Membeli Kosmetika Khusus Pria Merek Garnier Men (Studi Kasus di Pekanbaru)

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    This research is conducted to test the influences of family and reference group which are contained of Friendship, Working, Purchase, Consumer-action, and Web Group towards purchase intention of Garnier Men cosmetics in Pekanbaru. Samples of this research are Garnier Men's consumer from both teenagers and men in Pekanbaru. Samples are chosen by using some sort of method and it were both only self-purchase and mature user above 17 years old. In this research, linear regression method is chosen for data analysis by SPSS version 20 and the the result shows that there are some affecting variables which didn't significantly affect purchase intention of Garnier Men cosmetics in Pekanbaru. Family and Friendship Group are the only affecting variables that significantly affect purchase intention of Garnier Men in Pekanbaru

    Perkembangan Hutan Kemasyarakatan Di Provinsi Lampung (Progress of Community Forest in Lampung Province)

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    Community Forest (HKm) in Lampung Province has to be 14 years of age with its dynamics on implementation. Studies on HKm progres is needed. The study aimed is to know progress of HKm especially distribution, problem and expectation condition. The study was conducted in September to December 2014 in Lampung Province. Data was collected using open ended and semi-structured questionnaire interview and direct observation. Information of HKm distribution obtained through survey and identification of districts in Lampung Province. Problem faced and expectation condition on implementation of HKm were collected through interview with farmer groups and national, provincial or district forestry offices and meeting/socialization about HKm. Data was analyzed using a fishbone diagram and descriptive. The results showed that HKm is a solution on problem of forest management conflict, community around the forest have very high dependence upon the forest, its caused forest conversion in Lampung Province. HKm (licence issues for community forest/IUPHKm, determination of community forest working area/PAK) in Lampung Province distributed on 9 of 15 districts. The main problems on HKm implementation was limited of budget support.. HKm is not a priority program so coaching and mentoring are not maximum. Development of farmer groups, land, and entrepreneurship are keys for increase of local welfare and to maintain the wholeness of forest and their functions

    Peranan Petani Terhadap Strategi Pembangunan Hutan Rakyat Di Bagian Hulu Sub DAS Logawa Di Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah (Roles of Farmers on Development Strategies of Community Forests at Upstream Areas of Logawa Sub River Stream Regions in Banyumas)

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    Strategy approach in the development of community forests as portion for land utilization is mostly relevant in connection with quicker degradation and deforestation of natural resources at the Logawa Sub River Drainage Area Stream Regionsin Banyumas Regency in Central Java. Aims of the research were to exploite potency and problem community forestsfrom the environmental, social and economic aspects, and to formulate strategies to develop community forests to sustain management at the upstream areas of the Logawa Sub River Stream Regions. It used survey method and a descriptive analysis, i.e. a research method focusing on attention at problem solving occurring in current period, whereas the problem solved was the factual problem. Through RPA activities and by using FGD method and continued by using AHP. Testresultsof the preparation of the hierarchy with the highest weighting orscalingconsistencycriteria ofinterestto theassessorsaidconsistentlyshowsthatsocialcriteria; sub-criteriatoincreaseparticipation; alternativeto thepricefactoristhehighestpriorityis most important tonote. Results of the formulation become a grand strategy that is implemented in a great agenda or become a directed program, so it will give optimal benefits for the society by environmental, economical, and socialapproaches. The strategic formulation directed for development of small holder forests at the Logawa Sub River Stream Regions is by strengthening farmer groups of the small holder forests, through models of counseling, extension, training, and collaboration to enhance farmers' capabilities until being self service, so they have capability to eliminate obstacles happened serially step by step and to be completed starting from the most important thing, particularly how to achieve bargaining position either obtained from qualified wood or non-wood product, easiness to get capital and market access by staying to keep environmental everlasting

    The Effectiveness of LED Light Spectrum Exposure on Growth and Color Performance of Orange Clownfish, Amphiprion Percula (Lacèpède, 1802) Juvenile

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    Ikan badut Amphiprion percula merupakan ikan hias air laut yang diminati pasar global ikan hias karena memiliki daya tarik tersendiri pada warna jingga yang dimilikinya. Ikan badut hasil budi daya memiliki kualitas warna jingga yang cenderung memudar. Penggunaan manipulasi spektrum cahaya dalam sistem budi daya dapat memengaruhi Perubahan jumlah kromatofor yang dapat meningkatkan warna ikan menjadi terang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan spektrum cahaya lampu LED yang tepat terhadap pertumbuhan dan kualitas warna yuwana ikan badut. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap pada lima perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri atas empat jenis spektrum cahaya lampu LED dengan panjang gelombang berbeda yakni putih (P), merah (M), hijau (H) dan biru (B) dengan lama penyinaran 12 jam dan kontrol. Rerata panjang total awal ikan uji adalah 3,28±0,24 cm dan bobot 0,91±0,19 g. Hasil penelitian selama 60 hari pemeliharaan menunjukkan bahwa parameter respons fisiologis dan pertumbuhan terbaik adalah pada perlakuan lampu LED biru dengan kadar glukosa sebesar 40,00±2,65 mg dL-1, kadar malondialdehyde (MDA) sebesar 9,30±0,29 nmol mL-1, laju pertumbuhan spesifik (LPS) sebesar 1,71±0,05% dan efisiensi pakan (EP) sebesar 78,23±1,97%. Parameter kualitas warna terbaik pada perlakuan lampu LED biru dengan skor dalam Toca color finder (TCF) mencapai warna jingga pada bagian dorsal, caudal dan anal, red,green and blue (RGB) ratio pada warna bagian dorsal, caudal dan anal masing-masing sebesar 64,59±1,00%, 68,12±0,74%, dan 72,56±0,20% serta jumlah kromatofor sebesar 346±10 sel/ 0,1 mm-2. Spektrum cahaya lampu LED biru menghasilkan pertumbuhan dan kualitas warna terbaik pada yuwana ikan badut Amphiprion percula
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