6 research outputs found

    Nanokomposit Karet Alam/Silikon Sebagai Otot Sintetik Dengan Sifat Mekanik Seperti Otot Manusia

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    Penggunaan kadaver di dalam studi medis sudah lazim digunakan terutama sebagai media pembelajaran dan pelatihan tindakan medis seperti bedah. Akan tetapi kadaver manusia membawa sejumlah masalah yang tidak dapat dihindari. Sehingga perlu dicari material substitusi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengganti kadaver. Penggunaan material substitusi ini perlu memperhatikan potensi Indonesia agar dapat membantu perkembangan bangsa. Indonesia sendiri merupakan negara penghasil karet alam terbesar kedua di dunia. Maka dipilihlah komposit karet alam sebagai pengganti kadaver manusia. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat karakteristik dari komposit karet alam yang disintesis tersebut. Selain itu komposisi material yang digunakan juga penting untuk diperhatikan. Material yang digunakan adalah foaming agent, gelling agent, curing agent, activator, stabilizer dan filler. Filler yang akan digunakan adalah nanosilika, kaolin dan kalsium karbonat. Material yang telah dibakar kemudian dikarakterisasi mekanik dengan Universal Testing Machine untuk menentukan modulus Young dan FTIR untuk melihat struktur gugus fungsi penyusun nanokomposit dari polimer karet alam ini. Pengujian sampel kontrol juga dilakukan pada sampel yang dibuat dari karet sintetis (silikon) dan daging sapi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa material yang memiliki kemiripan karakteristik mekanik dengan anggota tubuh bagian dalam.  Karet komposit lateks 50% dan Silikon 50% pengujian 1 (0,070 MPa) menyerupai kerongkongan (0,77 MPa) serta pengujian 2 (0,041 MPa) memiliki karakteristik mekanik yang menyerupai usus manusia (0,0356 MPa). Karet komposit lateks 75% dan Silikon 25% pengujian 1 (0,196 MPa) dan pengujian 2 (0.136 MPa), memiliki karakteristik menyerupai tulang rawan pada lutut pria remaja (0,13 MPa).Kata kunci:Kadaver, karet alam, karakteristik mekanik, siliko

    Magnetic Lens Made of a Single Solenoid for Controlling Bending of Two-Dimensional Ion Beam

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    The magnetic field inside an ideal solenoid cavity with an arbitrary cross-section is always constant, while it is always zero outside the solenoid. We can make a solenoid lens that can focus a parallel beam to a point behind it by adjusting the curvature of the solenoid circumference. In this paper, we discuss the design of magnetic lenses ranging from simple geometries to the general ones. We discovered that there are an infinite number of curvatures that can be used to focus the parallel beam to a specific focal point. Using this property, we also present the concept of a simple mass spectrometer by measuring the intensity of the ion captured by a detector placed at the focal point. This result is expected to enrich learning material in undergraduate courses, especially for the topic of electricity and magnetism.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Development of Slice Test Device for Testing Natural Rubber Composites Similarity with Incision Cadaver on Surgical Process

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    This research has developed the slice test device to test natural rubber composites made of magnetically modified natural zeolite on nanosilica-reinforced natural rubber composites. We tested the sample similarity with incision cadavers in surgical practice with mechanical characteristics like human tissue. Natural rubber was used as a primary component in the production of synthetic human tissue. The natural rubber was blended with magnetic particle nanosilica, an alternative filler that mixes nanosilica, natural zeolite, and magnetite. This project used several materials formulas to give synthetic human tissue the desired mechanical qualities and incision test characteristics. We used technical specifications rubber (TSR) SIR 20 with nanosilica reinforced fillers and Titanate coupling agent (TCA) as filler and elastomer binders. Samples were characterized using Universal Testing Machine and then tested with the incision test equipment specially designed by the team. Mechanical characteristics of different human body part tissue were compared to the control samples and had similar mechanical characteristics with internal human tissue characteristics. It was found that nanosilica fillers combined with magnetically modified zeolites and titanate coupling agents are potentially applicable for synthetic muscle replacement cadavers with a custom formula

    Analisis kandungan gizi pakan pellet yang diformulasikan dari bahan baku nabati berbeda terhadap kecukupan gizi ikan herbivora

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    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan gizi dari pakan pelet yang diformulasikan dari bahan baku nabati yang berbeda dan sesuai dengan kecukupan gizi ikan herbivora. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Metode Deskriptif Analisis dengan pendekatan Kuantitatif dengan perlakuan sebagai berikut: A : pelet yang diformulasikan dari tepung daun kelor, B : pelet yang diformulasikan dari tepung daun pegagan, C : pelet yang diformulasikan dari tepung daun gamal, D: pelet yang diformulasikan dari tepung kedelai. Parameter uji dalam penelitian ini adalah kandungan gizi pakan seperti protein, karbohidrat, lemak abu dan air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kandungan gizi pakan yang paling baik terdapat pada pakan dari jenis tepung daun gamal dengan jumlah protein adalah 32,28%, karbohidrat 36,30%, lemak 8,45%, abu 10,77% dan air 12,20%. Selanjutnya pakan dari jenis tepung daun kelor dengan jumlah protein adalah 32,20%, karbohidrat 36,88%, lemak 6,97%, abu 11,85% dan Air 12,10%. Kemudian diikuti oleh pakan dari jenis tepung daun pegagan dengan jumlah protein adalah 28,33%, karbohidrat 34,67%, lemak 9,73%, abu 12,15% dan air 14,10% dan terakhir pakan dari jenis tepung biji kedelai dengan jumlah protein adalah 29,35%, karbohidrat 35,30%, lemak 13,08%, abu 11,28% dan air 12,10%.Kata kunci: pakan; gamal; kelor; pegagan; kedelaiAbstractThis study aims to determine the nutritional content of pellet feed which is formulated from different vegetable raw materials and following the nutritional adequacy of herbivorous fish. The method used in this study is Descriptive Analysis Method with Quantitative approach with the following treatment: A: pellets formulated from Moringa leaf flour, B: pellets formulated from gotu kola leaf flour, C: pellets formulated from gamal leaf flour, D: pellets formulated from soy flour. The test parameters in this study are feed nutrient content such as protein, carbohydrates, ash and water. The results showed that the best nutrient content in the diet of gamal leaf flour with the amount of protein was 32.28%, carbohydrate 36.30%, fat 8.45%, ash 10.77% and water 12.20 %. Furthermore, feed on the type of Moringa leaf flour with the amount of protein was 32.20%, carbohydrate 36.88%, fat 6.97%, ash 11.85% and water 12.10%. Then followed by feed from the type of gotu kola leaf flour with the amount of protein is 28.33%, carbohydrate 34.67%, fat 9.73%, ash 12.15% and water 14.10% and finally feed on the type of soybean flour with the amount of protein is 29.35%, carbohydrate 35.30%, fat 13.08%, ash 11.28% and water 12.10%.Keywords: feed; gamal; moringa; gotu kola; soybea

    Nanosilica Particulate Magnetic as Alternative Filler on Natural Rubber Composites with Human-Tissue-Like Mechanical Characteristic

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    There have been no reports of the simultaneous application of natural fillers, such as magnetite and natural zeolites, to increase the strength of composites containing silica (SiO2) fillers as reinforcing fillers in natural rubber. This study has investigated the effect of magnetically modified natural zeolite on nanosilica-reinforced natural rubber composites that include a mechanical characteristic like human tissue. We use technical specifications rubber (TSR) SIR 20 with nanosilica reinforced fillers and Titanate coupling agent (TCA) as fillers and elastomer binders. The results showed that the nanosilica-zeolite-magnetite (Fe3O4) mixture had an influence on strength and stiffness and could be a substitute filler. The precursors made with some variations include the optimization of filler and the optimization volume fraction of nanosilica. Mechanical characteristics of different human body part tissue were compared to the control samples and have similar mechanical characteristics with internal human tissue characteristic. Based on these results, nanosilica fillers combine with magnetically modified zeolites and titanate coupling agents, potentially as an alternative filler to replace carbon black, and are applicable for synthetic muscle replacement cadavers with a customized formula

    Design Smart Installation Household Electricity Using Solar Panels 600 Watts on Grid Capacity

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    Energy security plays an important role, especially in the modern and digital era which continues to increase in use. The availability of renewable energy sources is very abundant in tropical countries of Indonesia, especially solar energy sources that can be used to meet electricity needs on a household scale without worrying about limitations and pollution. This study aims to design electrical installations using solar panels with an autonomous drive system following Arduino uno-based sunlight with a capacity of 600 watts on-grid to reduce the cost burden of PLN and reduce air pollution. The addition of Arduino uno autonomous devices plays a role in increasing the efficiency of solar radiation received thereby increasing the output power of the installation. The result of this study is the design of a power plant installation with a solar cell with a capacity of 600 watts with 13 50-watt monocrystalline PV solar modules with supporting components, such as a 1000-watt inverter, and an efficiency device in the form of an Arduino uno-based autonomous drive system. This research produces data on the benefits obtained by using this tool amounting to Rp. 12.500 / month for 20 years of efficiency in using solar panels