47 research outputs found

    El juego como herramienta educativa

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    El juego presenta una dualidad: por un lado, es un recurso educativo con el que se puede trabajar cualquier concepto, pero al mismo tiempo es un contenido por sí mismo, un objeto de estudio con numerosas ramas. Los juegos se pueden clasificar según el espacio, la tipología y el número de los jugadores o las dimensiones sociales, intelectuales oculturales que se ponen en marcha en el momento de jugar. Cada tipología resulta una nueva propuesta de estudio.El joc presenta una dualitat: per una banda és un recurs educatiu amb el que es pot treballar qualsevol concepte, pero a l'hora és un contingut per si mateix. Un objecte d'estudi amb nombroses branques. Els jocs es poden classificar segons l'espai, la tipologia i el nombre dels jugadors o les dimensions socials, inltel·lectuals o culturals que es posen en marxa en el moment de jugar. Cada tipologia esdevé una nova proposta d'estudi.Play presellts a duality. On the one hand, it is a resource which can be losed to work on any concept, but at the same time it is content in itselJ - an object Jor study with numerous branches. Cames can be classified according to the space, type and number of players all the social, intellectual or cultural dim ensions involved in actual playing. Each type is a new area Jor study

    Juegos en fiestas y grandes eventos

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    Jugar és una de les formes com es pot explicar l'activitat d'una entitat en un context festiu. El context pot estar emmarcat en un esdeveniment especial (una festa major, festa de barriada o mostra d'entitats) o bé ser una finalitat en sí mateix (com a forma de donar a coneixer les activitats de l'entitat). Quan l'organització de la festa supera uns límits de participants o d'educadors implicats, pot resultar un problema de preparació i coordinació. La meva experiència en l'organització de diferents activitats em porta a tenir sistematitzats uns procediments i uns recursos que resulten de gran utilitat.Playing is one of the ways all organisations activities can be explained in a festive context. The context may be a special event (a village festival. a neighborhood festival or a show) or may be an end in itself (as a means of publicising the organisation 's activities). When the fesrivals organisation exceeds the limits on the participants or educators involved, there may be problems of preparation and co -ordination . My experience in the organisation of various activities leads me to have systematised procedures and resources which are very usefull.Jugar es una de las formas como se puede explicar la actividad de una entidad en un contexto festivo. El contexto puede estar enmarcado en un evento especial (una fiesta mayor, fiesta de barrio o muestra de entidades) o bien ser una finalidad en sí mismo (como forma de dar a conocer las actividades de la entidad). Cuando la organización de la fiesta supera unos límites de participantes o de educadores implicados, puede resultar un problema de a: preparación y coordinación. Mi experiencia en la organización de diferentes actividades me lleva a tener sistematizados unos procedimientos y unos recursos que resultan de gran utilidad

    Quantum Ratchets for Quantum Communication with Optical Superlattices

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    We propose to use a quantum ratchet to transport quantum information in a chain of atoms trapped in an optical superlattice. The quantum ratchet is created by a continuous modulation of the optical superlattice which is periodic in time and in space. Though there is zero average force acting on the atoms, we show that indeed the ratchet effect permits atoms on even and odd sites to move along opposite directions. By loading the optical lattice with two-level bosonic atoms, this scheme permits to perfectly transport a qubit or entangled state imprinted in one or more atoms to any desired position in the lattice. From the quantum computation point of view, the transport is achieved by a smooth concatenation of perfect swap gates. We analyze setups with noninteracting and interacting particles and in the latter case we use the tools of optimal control to design optimal modulations. We also discuss the feasibility of this method in current experiments.Comment: Published version, 9 pages, 5 figure

    Modelització de la biodiversitat d'espècies mitjançant la sèrie geomètrica

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    La sèrie geomètrica és un model molt utilitzat en estudis de diversitat d'espècies. L'objectiu principal d'aquest treball és el d'investigar i comparar diferents estimadors del paràmetre del model geomètric. Primer es fa una introducció de la biodiversitat, i es presenten les gràfiques més utilitzades per representar les dades. S'introdueixen, també, els models més populars en aquest camp. Seguidament, el treball se centra en el model geomètric, i es presenten sis estimadors diferents del paràmetre de la sèrie geomètrica. L'ús d'aquests estimadors s'il·lustra amb dades empíriques d'estudis ecològics. Posteriorment es presenta, en els casos possibles, un interval de confiança per aquests estimadors. Per últim, es realitzen simulacions de dades amb R amb la finalitat d'avaluar els estimadors en termes de biaix, variància i error quadràtic mig, i veure quins d ells ens ofereixen una millor estimació del paràmetre del model

    Remote Sub-Wavelength Addressing of Quantum Emitters with Chirped Pulses

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    We propose to use chirped pulses propagating near a bandgap to remotely address quantum emitters with sub-wavelength resolution. We introduce a particular family of chirped pulses that dynamically self-focus during their evolution in a medium with a quadratic dispersion relation. We analytically describe how the focusing distance and width of the pulse can be tuned through its initial parameters. We show that the interaction of such pulses with a quantum emitter is highly sensitive to its position due to effective Landau-Zener processes induced by the pulse chirping. Our results propose pulse engineering as a powerful control and probing tool in the field of quantum emitters coupled to structured reservoirs.Comment: 5+3 pages, 3+2 figure

    La gamificación en la educación superior : teoría, práctica y experiencias didácticas

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    El propósito de este libro es ayudar a los profesores y formadores universitarios a adentrarse en el tema de la gamificación educativa y entender su potencial didáctico para la mejora de la docencia universitaria

    Preparation of Decoherence Free Cluster States with Optical Superlattices

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    We present a protocol to prepare decoherence free cluster states using ultracold atoms loaded in a two dimensional superlattice. The superlattice geometry leads to an array of 2*2 plaquettes, each of them holding four spin-1/2 particles that can be used for encoding a single logical qubit in the two-fold singlet subspace, insensitive to uniform magnetic field fluctuations in any direction. Dynamical manipulation of the supperlattice yields distinct inter and intra plaquette interactions and permits to realize one qubit and two qubit gates with high fidelity, leading to the generation of universal cluster states for measurement based quantum computation. Our proposal based on inter and intra plaquette interactions also opens the path to study polymerized Hamiltonians which support ground states describing arbitrary quantum circuits.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Sentinel-1 A-DInSAR approaches to map and monitor ground displacements

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    Persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI) is a group of advanced interferometric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) techniques used to measure and monitor terrain deformation. Sentinel-1 has improved the data acquisition throughout and, compared to previous sensors, increased considerably the differential interferometric SAR (DInSAR) and PSI deformation monitoring potential. The low density of persistent scatterer (PS) in non-urban areas is a critical issue in DInSAR and has inspired the development of alternative approaches and refinement of the PS chains. This paper proposes two different and complementary data-driven procedures to obtain terrain deformation maps. These approaches aim to exploit Sentinel-1 highly coherent interferograms and their short revisit time. The first approach, called direct integration (DI), aims at providing a very fast and straightforward approach to screen-wide areas and easily detects active areas. This approach fully exploits the coherent interferograms from consecutive images provided by Sentinel-1, resulting in a very high sampling density. However, it lacks robustness and its usability lays on the operator experience. The second method, called persistent scatterer interferometry geomatics (PSIG) short temporal baseline, provides a constrained application of the PSIG chain, the CTTC approach to the PSI. It uses short temporal baseline interferograms and does not assume any deformation model for point selection. It is also quite a straightforward approach, which improves the performances of the standard PSIG approach, increasing the PS density and providing robust measurements. The effectiveness of the approaches is illustrated through analyses performed on different test sites.This work has been partially funded by AGAUR, Generalitat de Catalunya, through a grant for the recruitment of early-stage research staff (Ref: FI_B 00741) and through the Consolidated Research Group RSE, “Remote Sensing” (Ref: 2017-SGR-00729). It has been also partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the DEMOS project “Deformation monitoring using Sentinel-1 data” (Ref: CGL2017-83704-P) and by AGAUR.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Using mixed reality for the visualization and dissemination of complex 3D models in geosciences: application to the Montserrat massif (Spain)

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    In the last two decades, both the amount and quality of geoinformation in the geosciences field have improved substantially due to the increasingly more widespread use of techniques such as Laser Scanning (LiDAR), digital photogrammetry, unmanned aerial vehicles, geophysical reconnaissance (seismic, electrical, geomagnetic), and ground-penetrating radar (GPR), among others. Furthermore, the advances in computing, storage and visualization resources allow the acquisition of 3D terrain models (surface and underground) with unprecedented ease and versatility. However, despite these scientific and technical developments, it is still a common practice to simplify the 3D data in 2D static images, losing part of its communicative potential. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the possibilities of extended reality (XR) for communication and sharing of 3D geoinformation in the field of geosciences. A brief review of the different variants within XR is followed by the presentation of the design and functionalities of headset-type mixed-reality (MR) devices, which allow the 3D models to be investigated collaboratively by several users in the office environment. The specific focus is on the functionalities of Microsoft’s HoloLens 2 untethered holographic head mounted display (HMD), and the ADA Platform App by Clirio, which is used to manage model viewing with the HMD. We demonstrate the capabilities of MR for the visualization and dissemination of complex 3D information in geosciences in data rich and self-directed immersive environment, through selected 3D models (most of them of the Montserrat massif). Finally, we highlight the educational possibilities of MR technology. Today MR has an incipient and reduced use; we hope that it will gain popularity as the barriers of entry become lower.This research was funded by MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033: PID2019-103974RB-I00 and by Interreg V-A, POCTEFA: EFA364/19.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The timing of immunomodulation induced by mesenchymal stromal cells determines the outcome of the graft in experimental renal allotransplantation

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    The immunomodulatory characteristics of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) may lead to multifaceted strategies in rejection of organ transplantation. This study was designed to investigate, first, the effect of the donortype MSCs from Wistar rats on the immune system of immunocompetent Lewis rats and, second, the rejection responses in a renal transplantation model of Wistar to Lewis. In the first experimental model, MSCs from the bone marrow induced a systemic immune response in the immunocompetent Lewis rats, characterized by two different phases. In the initial phase (days 1-3 after MSCs infusion), the main findings were a decrease in the percentage of the main peripheral blood (PB) lymphocyte subpopulations [T cells, B cells, and natural killer (NK) cells], an increase in the FOXP3 MFI in Tregs, and an elevated concentration of circulating proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1 beta and TNF-alpha). In the late phase (days 4-6), the percentage of T cells, B cells, and NK cells returned to baseline levels; the concentration of circulating IL-1b and TNF-a decreased; and the level of anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-10 and IL-4) increased with respect to the initial phase. In the allogeneic kidney transplantation model, rats were randomized into four groups: nontreated, cyclosporine oral administration, and two groups of rats treated with two different schedules of MSC infusion: 4 days (MSCs-4) and 7 days (MSCs-7) before kidney transplantation and in both a further infusion at the day of transplantation. Both MSC treatments decreased the percentage of T, B, and NK cells in PB. Creatinine levels, survival, and histological parameters were better in MSCs-7 than in MSCs-4. We can conclude that MSCs, by themselves, produce changes in the immune system; they do not need a pathological condition to produce immunomodulatory responses. In the renal allograft model, the optimal time schedule for MSC infusion before grafting was 7 days to prevent acute rejection