49 research outputs found
Formação de recursos humanos em Saúde Ambiental no México com visão global e foco local para enfrentar os desafios atuais
Mexico and the Latin American region face enormous challenges related to environmental degradation and pollution and their impact on human health and ecosystems. It is therefore necessary to train professionals so that they have a multidisciplinary vision. Since 1990 the Mexican National Institute of Public Health has been gaining experience in the teaching of environmental health— initially according to an epidemiological approach and gradually including more integrative perspectives. On the other hand, the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí has been training professionals with a strong focus on environmental science since 2002 as part of its multidisciplinary Environmental Science postgraduate program. Both institutions are leaders in the study of environmental health and have generated scientific information on various mining, agricultural, metropolitan and indigenous issues, among others.There is no question that significant progress has been made in the training of environmental health professionals but much remains to be done to achieve the wellbeing of communities and ecosystems and to consolidate a comprehensive environmental public health system. Mechanisms must therefore be developed to translate scientific evidence into public policies that have a positive impact on environmental health.México y la región de Latinoamérica enfrentan enormes retos relacionados con la degradación y contaminación ambiental y su impacto en la salud humana y en los ecosistemas, por lo que es necesario formar profesionales con visión multidisciplinaria. El Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública ha acumulado desde 1990 experiencia en la enseñanza de la salud ambiental. Originalmente, con un enfoque epidemiológico e incorporando progresivamente perspectivas más integradoras. Por su parte la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí a partir del año 2002 con el Programa Multidisciplinario de Posgrado en Ciencias Ambientales ha contribuido en la formación de recursos humanos altamente especializados en el área de las ciencias ambientales. Ambas instituciones son líderes en el estudio de la Salud Ambiental y han generado información científica sobre diversas problemáticas en zonas mineras, agrícolas, metropolitanas, indígenas, entre otras. Sin duda, se han obtenido avances significativos en la formación de recursos humanos en el área de salud ambiental, pero aún falta mucho por hacer para alcanzar el bienestar de las comunidades y los ecosistemas y consolidar un sistema salud pública ambiental completo. Se deben articular mecanismos para trasladar la evidencia científica en políticas públicas que impacten positivamente en la salud ambiental.O México e a região latino-americana enfrentam enormes desafios relacionados com a degradação e a poluição ambiental e o seu impacto na saúde humana e nos ecossistemas, pelo que é necessário formar profissionais com uma visão multidisciplinar. O Instituto Nacional de Saúde Pública tem acumulado desde 1990 experiência no ensino da saúde ambiental originariamente com uma abordagem epidemiológica e incorporando progressivamente perspetivas mais integradoras. Por sua vez, a Universidade Autónoma de San Luis Potosí a partir do ano de 2002 com o Programa Multidisciplinar de Pós-graduação em Ciências Ambientais tem contribuído na formação de recursos humanos altamente especializados na área das ciências ambientais. Ambas as instituições são líderes no estudo da saúde ambiental e têm gerado informações científicas sobre diversas problemáticas em zonas mineiras, agrícolas, metropolitanas, indígenas entre outras.Não há dúvida de que foram realizados progressos significativos na formação de recursos humanos na área da saúde ambiental, contudo, há ainda muito a fazer para alcançar o bem-estar das comunidades e dos ecossistemas e consolidar um sistema de saúde pública ambiental abrangente. Devem-se operacionalizar mecanismos para transformar a evidência científica em políticas públicas que impactem positivamente a saúde ambiental
Biomarkers of manganese exposure in a population living close to a mine and mineral processing plant in Mexico
Manganese (Mn) is considered an essential metal; nevertheless, excessive Mn exposure in humans is known to affect central nervous
system. Mn access to its toxic target, the brain, is a complex phenomenon subject to physiological and physiopathological processes; in
which, among others, the route of exposure plays an important role. Mn airborne exposure has gained interest both in occupational and
environmental studies in order to understand the effects of low-level, long-term exposure. The objective of the present study was to
describe the relationship between blood Mn and prolactin as marker of effect exposure, as well as other variables from subjects dwelling
in a mining district in central Mexico environmentally exposed to the metal. This study was conducted on 230 volunteers; blood samples
were obtained from cubital vein and hemoglobin, prolactin, lead (Pb), and Mn levels were measured. Non-parametrical Spearman’s
correlation showed statistical associations between blood and Mn levels and prolactin (r ¼ 0.197), hemoglobin (r ¼ 0.213), age
(r ¼ 0.186), and blood lead (r ¼ 0.167). Multiple regression analysis showed that blood Mn levels as an important factor to
determine serum prolactin levels (b ¼ 0.111, p ¼ 0.029) in a model corrected by gender and age. Results suggest that assessment of Mn
exposure by biomarkers on general population is complex due to the variability and characteristics of the metal; however, specific
subpopulations such as iron-deficient individuals are suspected to accumulate Mn in blood and thus they may be susceptible to the
neurotoxic effects of Mn
Research / children's health
The article provides detailed information from a study that suggests environmental exposure to airborne manganese (Mn) is neurotoxic, especially when inhaled, and is inversely associated with intellectual function in young school-age children. Entering into the body through the lungs, airborne Mn may access the brain directly through olfactory uptake. This cross-sectional study measured the environmental exposure to airborne Mn resulting from mining and processing in Hidalgo State in central Mexico, and explored its association with the intellectual function of school-age children
Climate Change and Potential Health Effects in Mexican Children
Climate change (CC) is the most important challenge of our time, a long-term global problem and one of the most serious global threats to human health in the future. CC is the expression of changes in temperature and water cycle, floods and drought events, extreme heat waves and sea level rise. Children are particularly vulnerable because they are highly sensitive to climate changes. The main environmental hazards affecting children’s health are poor household drinking water quality and availability, lack access to adequate sanitary facilities, poor hygiene practices, outdoor and indoor air pollution, vector-borne diseases, chemical hazards, and unintentional injuries. Except for some unintentional injuries, these environmental hazards are associated to CC
Avaliação da exposição a hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos e partículas em suspensão (PM2.5) por queima de biomassa numa zona indígena do Estado de San Luis Potosí, México
The domestic use of firewood represents a socio-ecological condition that causes important health effects, mainly in rural areas of developing countries. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in women and children, as well as the concentration of PM2.5 inside dwellings of indigenous people who reside in Tocoy, San Antonio, San Luis Potosí, Mexico. With the results, the perspective of parents for making decisions with regards to the environmental health of children due to risks of exposure to toxins was analyzed. 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP) was used as an exposure biomarker to PAHs, and the 24-hour PM2,5 was measured inside indigenous dwellings using Minivol® equipment. 100 % of the studied dwellings used biomass for cooking and 70 % burned garbage in their homes. Levels of 1-OHP of 1.15 (0.28-2.1) and 1.04 (0.28-3.62) μmol/ mol creatinine were found in women and children respectively. In addition, mean PM2.5 concentrations of 93.3 ± 3.6 μg/m3 were detected. Finally, it was shown that 90 % of caregivers say that children spend more time in the kitchen area and the backyard, which are poorly or not adapted to child safety. This indigenous community is an example of the health risks associated with indoor air pollution in Mexico. Therefore, intervention programs aimed at reducing exposure to these toxins in vulnerable populations are required, starting with the education of caregivers.El uso doméstico de leña representa una condición socioecológica con importantes efectos sobre la salud, principalmente en las zonas rurales de los países en desarrollo. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la exposición a hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (HAP) en mujeres y niños, así como la concentración de PM2,5 en interiores de viviendas indígenas de Tocoy, San Antonio, San Luis Potosí, México. Con los resultados, se analizó la perspectiva de los padres para la toma de decisiones en la atención a la salud ambiental infantil por riesgos de exposición a tóxicos. Utilizamos el 1-hidroxipireno como un biomarcador de exposición a HAP y se evaluaron las PM2,5 de 24 horas en interiores de viviendas indígenas mediante equipos Minivol®. El 100 % de las viviendas estudiadas utilizaban biomasa para la cocción de sus alimentos y el 70 % quemaban basura en sus hogares. Se encontraron niveles de 1-OHP en mujeres y niños de 1,15 (0,28-2,1) y 1,04 (0,28-3,62) μmol/mol creatinina respectivamente. Además, se detectaron concentraciones medias de PM2,5 de 93,3 ± 3,6 μg/m3. Finalmente se mostró que el 90 % de los cuidadores indican que el niño se concentra en el área de la cocina y traspatio, existiendo poca o nula adaptación para la seguridad del niño. Esta comunidad indígena es un ejemplo de los riesgos en salud asociados a contaminación de aire de interiores en México; por consiguiente se requiere de programas de intervención dirigidos a reducir la exposición a estos tóxicos en poblaciones vulnerables, iniciando por la educación de los cuidadores.O uso doméstico de lenha representa uma condição socio-ecológica com importantes efeitos sobre a saúde, principalmente nas zonas rurais dos países em desenvolvimento. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a exposição a hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos (HAPs) em mulheres e crianças, bem como a concentração de PM2.5 em interiores de habitações indígenas de Tocoy, San Antonio, San Luis Potosí, México. Com os resultados, analisou-se a perspetiva dos pais para a tomada de decisões relativamente à saúde ambiental infantil por riscos de exposição a tóxicos. Utilizámos o 1-hidroxipireno como um biomarcador de exposição a HAPs e avaliaram-seas PM2,5 de 24 horas no interior das habitações indígenas com o equipamento Minivol®. Em 100 % das habitações estudadas era utilizada biomassa para a cocção dos alimentos e em 70 % dos lares eram queimados resíduos.Encontraram-se níveis de 1-OHP em mulheres e crianças de 1,15 (0,28-2,1) e 1,04 (0,28-3,62) μmol/mol creatinina respetivamente. Além disso, foram encontradas concentrações médias de PM2.5 de 93,3 ± 3,6 μg/m3. Por fim, apurou-se que 90 % dos cuidadores indicam que as crianças se encontram na área da cozinha e logradouro, existindo pouco ou nenhum cuidado para a proteção das mesmas. Esta comunidade indígena é um exemplo dos riscos em saúde associados a contaminação do ar interior no México; indicando que são necessários programas de intervenção destinados a reduzir a exposição de populações vulneráveisa estes tóxicos, iniciando pela educação dos cuidadores
Evaluación de la exposición a hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos y partículas en suspensión (PM2,5) por quema de biomasa en una zona indígena del Estado de San Luis Potosí, México
El uso doméstico de leña representa una condición socioecológica con importantes efectos sobre la salud, principalmente en las zonas rurales de los países en desarrollo. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la exposición a hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (HAP) en mujeres y niños, así como la concentración de PM2,5 en interiores de viviendas indígenas de Tocoy, San Antonio, San Luis Potosí, México. Con los resultados, se analizó la perspectiva de los padres para la toma de decisiones en la atención a la salud ambiental infantil por riesgos de exposición a tóxicos. Utilizamos el 1-hidroxipireno como un biomarcador de exposición a HAP y se evaluaron las PM2,5 de 24 horas en interiores de viviendas indígenas mediante equipos Minivol®. El 100 % de las viviendas estudiadas utilizaban biomasa para la cocción de sus alimentos y el 70 % quemaban basura en sus hogares. Se encontraron niveles de 1-OHP en mujeres y niños de 1,15 (0,28-2,1) y 1,04 (0,28-3,62) μmol/mol creatinina respectivamente. Además, se detectaron concentraciones medias de PM2,5 de 93,3 ± 3,6 μg/m3. Finalmente se mostró que el 90 % de los cuidadores indican que el niño se concentra en el área de la cocina y traspatio, existiendo poca o nula adaptación para la seguridad del niño. Esta comunidad indígena es un ejemplo de los riesgos en salud asociados a contaminación de aire de interiores en México; por consiguiente se requiere de programas de intervención dirigidos a reducir la exposición a estos tóxicos en poblaciones vulnerables, iniciando por la educación de los cuidadores
Design and efficacy of an Ecohealth competency-based course on the prevention and control of vector diseases in Latin America
Objective. To design and analyze the efficacy of an Ecohealth competency-based course on the prevention and control of vector-borne-diseases for specific stakeholders. Materials and methods. Multiple stakeholders and sectors of the region were consulted to identify Ecohealth group-specific competencies using an adjusted analysis matrix. Eight courses based on the competencies were implemented to train EA tutors. The effectiveness of the course was evaluated through the use of paired- t-tests by intervention group. Results. Strategic, tactical, academia and community stakeholder groups and their competencies were identified. An overall gain of 43 percentage points (p<0.001) was observed in terms of competencies score in trained tutors, which further trained 1 033 people. Conclusion. The identification of the stakeholders and their competencies proved to be useful to guide training courses to significantly improve the initial competencies and create a critical mass to further advance the EA in the regio
Health and Economic Benefits of Complying With the World Health Organization Air Quality Guidelines for Particulate Matter in Nine Major Latin American Cities
ObjectivesThis study aims to estimate the short-term preventable mortality and associated economic costs of complying with the World Health Organization (WHO) air quality guidelines (AQGs) limit values for PM10 and PM2.5 in nine major Latin American cities.MethodsWe estimated city-specific PM-mortality associations using time-series regression models and calculated the attributable mortality fraction. Next, we used the value of statistical life to calculate the economic benefits of complying with the WHO AQGs limit values.ResultsIn most cities, PM concentrations exceeded the WHO AQGs limit values more than 90% of the days. PM10 was found to be associated with an average excess mortality of 1.88% with concentrations above WHO AQGs limit values, while for PM2.5 it was 1.05%. The associated annual economic costs varied widely, between US 196.3 million to 2,209.6 million for PM2.5.ConclusionOur findings suggest that there is an urgent need for policymakers to develop interventions to achieve sustainable air quality improvements in Latin America. Complying with the WHO AQGs limit values for PM10 and PM2.5 in Latin American cities would substantially benefits for urban populations
Impacto en la salud del Ecosistema por actividades antropogénicas en una cuenca manganesífera
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