17 research outputs found

    Valor de la PET en la recurrencia del cáncer de próstata con PSA < 5 ng/ml

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    We intend to evaluate the usefulness of PET scans in diagnosing recurrent prostate cancer after a curative attempt using radical treatment. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 92 consecutive prostate cancer patients in biochemical progression following radical surgery (63) or radiation treatment (29) were studied with positron emission tomography (PET). In all cases two scans were performed in the same day (11C-choline and 18F-FDG). PET efficacy was evaluated both globally (by employing the results achieved with both 11C-choline and 18F-FDG) and using both radiotracers independently to detect recurrence in patients with biochemical progression. For this purpose, we used comparison of means for k-independent samples, 2 x 2 and 2 x X contingency tables and ROC curves. RESULTS: 1. Global PET: there is evidence of PET alteration regarding the PSA level (P=.003): the clinical stage (P=.01). There are no statistically significant PET alterations regarding the affected biopsy (uni or bilateral), surgical margins, pathological stage and time to progression. ROC curve PET-PSA is statistically significant (P< .0001) permitting calculation of different cut-off points, with a specificity of 91% (highest) for a PSA of 4.3 ng/ml. 2. PET 18FDG: the area under the ROC curve is statistically significant (P< .0001) with a specificity of 91% for a PSA of 6.51 ng/ml. 3. PET 11choline: the area under the ROC curve is statistically significant (P< .0001) with a specificity of 91% for a PSA of 5.15 ng/ml. CONCLUSIONS: PET is a useful tool for diagnosing prostate cancer recurrence after a curative attempt using radical treatment

    Respuesta y supervivencia libre de progresión en tumores vesicales en estadiosT2-T4 tratados con tratamiento trimodal de conservación vesical

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    Objective: Toevaluatetheresponseandthefree-survivalprogressioninpacientsdiagnosed of invasivebladdercancerwhohavebeentreatedwithtransurethralresection, chemotherapyandradiotherapy.Thismultimodaltreatmentiscomparedwithanot random serieofpatientstreatedbyradicalcistectomy. Material andmethods: Retrospectiveanalysisof43casesofinvasivebladdercancertreated with twoschemesofbladderpreservationbetween1994–2007.Theyarecomparedwith145 cases treatedwithradicalcistectomyinthesameperiodoftime. Pronosticvariablesincludedinthestudyareclinicalstage,gradeofdifferentiation, presence ofureteralobstruction,chemotherapymodality,radiotherapydosesandp53and ki-67 expression. Results: Meanandmediantimeare51and39monthsinpatientswithmultimodal treatment.Completeresponseisachievedin72%ofcasestreatedwithbladder preservation.Ureteralobstructionisaprognosticfactor(OR:7,3;p:0,02).72%patientswith complete responsemantainitattheendofthestudy.Noneofanalyzedvariablesare predictors ofmaintenanceoftheresponse. Survivalrateswithaintactbladderwere6977% and6177% atthreeandfiveyears. Radiotherapydosesgreaterthan60Gy(OR:6,1;po0,001) andtheabsenceofureteral obstruction (OR:7,5;po0,002) werepronosticvariables. Free-survivalinpatientswithcompleteresponsewas8077% and58710% atthreeand five years. At theendofthestudy,53,5%ofpatientshadaintactbladderandfree-disease. Inthesameperiodoftime,145radicalcistectomieswereperformedduetomuscleinvasive bladdercancer.Meanandmediantimeinthisgroupwere29and18monthsrespectively. Stadisticalanalysisrevealsaworseclinicalstageinthegroupofpatientstreatedwith multimodaltreatment(p:0.01). Free-survivalwas7275% and6377%at3and5yearsinthegroupofradical cistectomies.Therewasnotstadisticalsignificantdifferencesbetweencistectomiesand bladderpreservation. Conclusions: Patientstreatedwithbladderpreservationhaveafree-survivalsimilartothose tretedwithradicalcistectomy.Radiotherapy doses greaterthan60Gyandabsenceofureteral obstructionwerefree-survivalprognosticvariables

    Cáncer de próstata localizado de alto riesgo tratado mediante prostatectomía radical. Pronóstico y estudio de variables influyentes

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    Fundamento. Estudiar la supervivencia libre de progresión bioquímica (SLPB) que ha obtenido un grupo de pacientes de alto riesgo de acuerdo con la clasificación de D’Amico mediante prostatectomía radical. Identificar las variables clínico-patológicas influyentes en la supervivencia libre de progresión bioquímica y diseñar con ellas, si es posible, un modelo pronóstico. Material y métodos. Se estudian 232 pacientes, de una serie de 1.054, diagnosticados de cáncer de próstata clínicamente localizado y calificados de alto riesgo en la clasificación de D’Amico (PSA >20 ng/ml ó Gleason 8-10 ó T3) tratados mediante prostatectomía radical. Se estudia la SLPB y se analizan las variables clínico-patológicas recogidas (PSA, Gleason de la biopsia y de la pieza, estadio clínico y patológico, afectación unilateral o bilateral, márgenes de la pieza de prostatectomía, expresión de Ki-67) para identificar si influyen en la SLPB. Se ha utilizado para el estudio estadístico: tablas de contingencia y para el análisis de la supervivencia: Kaplan-Meyer, Log-rank y modelos de Cox. Resultados. Estudio descriptivo: PSA: 23,3 ng/ml (mediana); cGleason 2-6: 33%; 7: 13%; 8-10: 54%; T2: 58%; Afectación bilateral en la biopsia diagnóstica: 59%; RNM T2: 60%; RNM T3: 40%. pGleason 2-6: 24%; 7: 28%; 8-10: 48%; pT2: 43%; pT3a: 30%; pT3b: 27%; Margen afectado: 51%; N1:13%. Supervivencia libre de progresión: con una media y mediana de seguimiento de 64 meses; el 53% evidencia progresión bioquímica. La mediana hasta progresión: 42 meses. La supervivencia libre de progresión a 5 y 10 años es 43±3% y 26±7%. El estudio multivariado (modelos de Cox) evidencia que las variables influyentes de forma independiente en la SLPB son la afectación de márgenes (HR: 3,5; 95% IC.1,9-6,7; p<0001); y Ki67 >10% (HR: 2,3; 95% IC: 1,2-4,3; P: 0,009). Grupos de riesgo: utilizando las dos variables influyentes y utilizando modelos de Cox se diseñan tres grupos de riesgo como mejor modelo: Grupo 1 (0 variables presentes); Grupo 2 (1 variable); Grupo 3 (2 variables). La supervivencia libre de progresión es de 69±8%; 27±6% y 18±11% a los 5 años. Las diferencias son significativas entre los tres grupos. Conclusión. El grupo de alto riesgo de la clasificación de D’Amico es heterogéneo en relación con la progresión bioquímica y puede ser desglosado en tres grupos de riesgo utilizando las dos variables de influencia independiente (márgenes afectados y porcentaje de Ki67)

    La infección del tracto urinario como causa principal de ingreso en pacientes cistectomizados

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    Introducción y objetivos La cistectomía radical con derivación urinaria asociada a linfadenectomía pélvica ampliada continúa siendo el tratamiento de elección en el cáncer vesical musculoinvasivo. Un 64% de los pacientes presentan complicaciones postoperatorias, siendo la infección urinaria responsable en un 20-40% de los casos. El objetivo del presente proyecto es valorar la tasa de infección urinaria como causa de reingreso tras cistectomía, e identificar factores protectores y predisponentes de infección urinaria en nuestro medio. Por último, conocer los resultados obtenidos al aplicar el protocolo de profilaxis antibiótica tras la retirada de los catéteres ureterales. Material y métodos Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de pacientes cistectomizados en el Servicio de Urología del Hospital Clínico Universitario desde enero de 2012 hasta diciembre de 2018. Desde octubre de 2017, de forma estandarizada, a todo paciente se le aplica un protocolo de prevención de infección del tracto urinario (ITU) tras la retirada de catéteres. Resultados La ITU es responsable del 54, 7% de los reingresos, siendo un 55, 1% de estos por causa de una ITU tras la retirada de los catéteres ureterales. El 9, 5% de los pacientes con profilaxis presenta ITU tras la retirada, frente a un 10, 6% en el grupo de pacientes sin profilaxis. El paciente que reingresa por ITU tras la retirada tiene un tiempo de catéteres medio de 24, 3 ± 7, 2 días, frente a los 24, 5 ± 7, 4 días en el grupo sin ITU (p = 0, 847). Conclusiones El tipo de derivación urinaria empleada no guarda relación con la tasa de infección urinaria. El modelo de regresión no identifica la profilaxis antibiótica, ni tampoco el tiempo de catéteres, como factores independientes de ITU tras la retirada de los catéteres. Introduction and objectives: Radical cystectomy with urinary diversion associated with extended pelvic lymphadenectomy continues to be the treatment of choice in muscle invasive bladder cancer. Sixty-four percent of patients submitted to this procedure present postoperative complications, with urinary infection being responsible in 20-40% of cases. The aim of this project is to assess the rate of urinary infection as a cause of re-admission after cystectomy, and to identify protective and predisposing factors for urinary infection in our environment. Finally, we will evaluate the outcomes after the establishment of a prophylactic antibiotic protocol after removal of ureteral catheters. Material and methods: Retrospective descriptive study of cystectomized patients in the Urology Service of the Hospital Clínico Universitario of Zaragoza, from January 2012 to December 2018. A urinary tract infection (UTI) prevention protocol after catheter removal is established for all patients since October 2017. Results: UTI is responsible for 54.7% of readmissions, with 55.1% of these being due to UTI after removal of ureteral catheters. Of the patients who received with prophylaxis, 9.5% presented UTIs after withdrawal, compared to 10.6% in the group of patients without prophylaxis. The patient who is re-admitted for UTI after withdrawal has a mean catheter time of 24.3 ± 7.2 days, compared to 24.5 ± 7.4 days for patients in the group without UTI (P =.847). Conclusions: The type of urinary diversion performed is not related to the rate of urinary infection. The regression model does not identify antibiotic prophylaxis, nor catheter time, as independent factors of UTI after catheter removal

    Prognostic Factors and Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Morbidity: A Multivariate Analysis of a Contemporary Series Using the Clavien Classification

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    Purpose: We stratified factors affecting treatment morbidity, compared the outcomes of percutaneous nephrolithotomy procedures from a single department and provided evidence of treatment benefits when percutaneous nephrolithotomy is performed in an expert setting. Materials and Methods: Since the department became a dedicated endourological center in 2002 we grouped all percutaneous nephrolithotomy procedures into those performed before 2002 (group 1) and after 2002 (group 2). The modified Clavien classification was used to score morbidity. Independent variables with an influence on complications were studied including stone size, operating time, operative complications, dilation device, urine culture, group allocation and lithotripsy device. Contingency and logistic regression were used for univariate and multivariate analysis. Results: Of the 244 percutaneous nephrolithotomy procedures 68 comprised group 1 and 176 formed group 2. Statistical preoperative differences were patient age, the use of anticoagulants and positive urinary cultures. Group 1 had a complication rate of 56.8% and group 2 had a complication rate of 37.2%. There were significant differences between the groups (p = 0.007). Almost all complications were grade I to 2. On univariate analysis the influence variables were urine culture (OR 1.69), group allocation (OR 2.20), stone size (OR 2.28), dilation device (OR 4.8), lithotripsy device (OR 1.22), perioperative complications (OR 2.83) and surgical time (OR 1.87). On multivariate analysis the independent factors in the complicated outcome were stone size (OR 1.25), type of lithotripsy device (OR 1.35) and incidence of perioperative complications (OR 3.71). Conclusions: The dedicated setting for percutaneous nephrolithotomy at our center resulted in decreased operative time, more uneventful procedures and decreased hospitalization time. The modified Clavien morbidity score is a reliable tool for more objective outcome comparisons after renal stone treatmen