19 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Control System in E-navigation

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    Učestali problem u pomorskom prometu jest smanjenje sigurnosti odvijanja plovidbe. Prisutno je viÅ”e čimbenika koji u određenoj mjeri utječu na sigurnost broda, ljudi i imovine te na zaÅ”titu okoliÅ”a. Kao posljedica djelovanja pojedinih čimbenika pojavljuju se opasne situacije poput nasukanja, sudara, požara, prevrnuća, kvarova glavnog stroja, oÅ”tećenja glavnog trupa broda, onečiŔćenja i druge situacije. Slijedom prepoznatoga, u ovome doktorskom radu istražuju se pojavne situacije sudara i mogućnost unaprjeđenja sigurnosti plovidbe primjenom odgovarajuće metode i programskih alata. Navedena problematika u skladu je sa zahtjevima i preporukama Međunarodne pomorske organizacije (engl. International Maritime Organization - IMO) za implementacijom suvremenih sustava kao Å”to je sustav e-navigacije u pomorstvu s ciljem unaprijeđenog koriÅ”tenja i usklađivanja navigacijskih sustava. Nedostatci postojećih sustava i primijenjenih tehnologija u pomorskom prometu dolaze do izražaja posebno u čvoriÅ”tima morskih prolaza gdje je prisutno smanjenje Å”irine prolaza i povećanje gustoće prometa. Cilj doktorskoga rada jest razviti formalnu metodu za sintezu nadzornog sustava upravljanja pomorskim prometom u akvatorijima povećane sudarne opasnosti koji bi pratio pomorski promet i njime upravljao te ograničavao prijelaz brodova između pojedinih sektora. Sustav ranog upozorenja na moguće opasnosti, praćenjem rute koju brod dobiva od obalnog centra za slučaj da brod ne slijedi unaprijed predefiniranu rutu, izdaje upozorenje operateru u nadzornom centru i na brodu. Predloženi nadzorni sustav ograničava kretanje brodova između sektora kao najmanje prostorne jedinice u kojoj se nalazi jedan brod te koordinira prometom brodova u čvoriÅ”tima samo u slučaju povećane sudarne opasnosti. U doktorskome radu je sintetiziran nadzorni sustav koji upravlja pomorskim prometom koriÅ”tenjem Petrijevih mreža i matematičke metode P-invarijante, a verifikacija nadzornog sustava provodi se računalnom simulacijom primjenom programa Visual Object Net.A common problem in maritime transport is safety. More factors affect the safety of the ship, the people, the environment and property. These factors are the grounding, collision, fire, capsizing, failure of the main electricity, damage to the main hull, pollution and so on. The factor that is considered in this thesis are collisions which are considered respectively through this doctoral thesis on the real problems of maritime transport using appropriate software tools to improve safety navigation. International Maritime Organization - IMO seeks to implement new systems such as e-Navigation in shipping with a view to harmonize the use of advanced navigation systems . Disadvantages of such systems and technologies are reflected in the traffic crossing of sea passages where the passage width decreases and the traffic density increases. The goal of this doctoral thesis is to develop formal method for sinthesis of supervising system for controlling marine traffic in aquatoria with increased collision danger which would monitor and control marine traffic and restrict transition of ships between the sectors. The objective of installing a supervising system in the coastal center is to prevent collisions and to improve safety in dangerous sea passages. The supervising system would monitor the traffic of ships in the respective traffic crossing in a way to achieve an early warning of impending danger. The supervising system would track the route that ship receives from the coastal center, and in the event that the ship does not follow a fixed route, supervising system alerts operators at traffic control center and ship. The proposed supervising system would restrict moving of ships between sectors and coordinate the traffic of ships traffic crossing only in the event of high collision risk. This paper synthesizes the supervising system which controls the vessel traffic using Petri net and the P-invariant mathematical method. Verification of the supervising system is done by using computer simulations based on Petri net program ''Visual Object Net''

    Synthesis of Control System in E-navigation

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    Učestali problem u pomorskom prometu jest smanjenje sigurnosti odvijanja plovidbe. Prisutno je viÅ”e čimbenika koji u određenoj mjeri utječu na sigurnost broda, ljudi i imovine te na zaÅ”titu okoliÅ”a. Kao posljedica djelovanja pojedinih čimbenika pojavljuju se opasne situacije poput nasukanja, sudara, požara, prevrnuća, kvarova glavnog stroja, oÅ”tećenja glavnog trupa broda, onečiŔćenja i druge situacije. Slijedom prepoznatoga, u ovome doktorskom radu istražuju se pojavne situacije sudara i mogućnost unaprjeđenja sigurnosti plovidbe primjenom odgovarajuće metode i programskih alata. Navedena problematika u skladu je sa zahtjevima i preporukama Međunarodne pomorske organizacije (engl. International Maritime Organization - IMO) za implementacijom suvremenih sustava kao Å”to je sustav e-navigacije u pomorstvu s ciljem unaprijeđenog koriÅ”tenja i usklađivanja navigacijskih sustava. Nedostatci postojećih sustava i primijenjenih tehnologija u pomorskom prometu dolaze do izražaja posebno u čvoriÅ”tima morskih prolaza gdje je prisutno smanjenje Å”irine prolaza i povećanje gustoće prometa. Cilj doktorskoga rada jest razviti formalnu metodu za sintezu nadzornog sustava upravljanja pomorskim prometom u akvatorijima povećane sudarne opasnosti koji bi pratio pomorski promet i njime upravljao te ograničavao prijelaz brodova između pojedinih sektora. Sustav ranog upozorenja na moguće opasnosti, praćenjem rute koju brod dobiva od obalnog centra za slučaj da brod ne slijedi unaprijed predefiniranu rutu, izdaje upozorenje operateru u nadzornom centru i na brodu. Predloženi nadzorni sustav ograničava kretanje brodova između sektora kao najmanje prostorne jedinice u kojoj se nalazi jedan brod te koordinira prometom brodova u čvoriÅ”tima samo u slučaju povećane sudarne opasnosti. U doktorskome radu je sintetiziran nadzorni sustav koji upravlja pomorskim prometom koriÅ”tenjem Petrijevih mreža i matematičke metode P-invarijante, a verifikacija nadzornog sustava provodi se računalnom simulacijom primjenom programa Visual Object Net.A common problem in maritime transport is safety. More factors affect the safety of the ship, the people, the environment and property. These factors are the grounding, collision, fire, capsizing, failure of the main electricity, damage to the main hull, pollution and so on. The factor that is considered in this thesis are collisions which are considered respectively through this doctoral thesis on the real problems of maritime transport using appropriate software tools to improve safety navigation. International Maritime Organization - IMO seeks to implement new systems such as e-Navigation in shipping with a view to harmonize the use of advanced navigation systems . Disadvantages of such systems and technologies are reflected in the traffic crossing of sea passages where the passage width decreases and the traffic density increases. The goal of this doctoral thesis is to develop formal method for sinthesis of supervising system for controlling marine traffic in aquatoria with increased collision danger which would monitor and control marine traffic and restrict transition of ships between the sectors. The objective of installing a supervising system in the coastal center is to prevent collisions and to improve safety in dangerous sea passages. The supervising system would monitor the traffic of ships in the respective traffic crossing in a way to achieve an early warning of impending danger. The supervising system would track the route that ship receives from the coastal center, and in the event that the ship does not follow a fixed route, supervising system alerts operators at traffic control center and ship. The proposed supervising system would restrict moving of ships between sectors and coordinate the traffic of ships traffic crossing only in the event of high collision risk. This paper synthesizes the supervising system which controls the vessel traffic using Petri net and the P-invariant mathematical method. Verification of the supervising system is done by using computer simulations based on Petri net program ''Visual Object Net''

    Synthesis of Control System in E-navigation

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    Učestali problem u pomorskom prometu jest smanjenje sigurnosti odvijanja plovidbe. Prisutno je viÅ”e čimbenika koji u određenoj mjeri utječu na sigurnost broda, ljudi i imovine te na zaÅ”titu okoliÅ”a. Kao posljedica djelovanja pojedinih čimbenika pojavljuju se opasne situacije poput nasukanja, sudara, požara, prevrnuća, kvarova glavnog stroja, oÅ”tećenja glavnog trupa broda, onečiŔćenja i druge situacije. Slijedom prepoznatoga, u ovome doktorskom radu istražuju se pojavne situacije sudara i mogućnost unaprjeđenja sigurnosti plovidbe primjenom odgovarajuće metode i programskih alata. Navedena problematika u skladu je sa zahtjevima i preporukama Međunarodne pomorske organizacije (engl. International Maritime Organization - IMO) za implementacijom suvremenih sustava kao Å”to je sustav e-navigacije u pomorstvu s ciljem unaprijeđenog koriÅ”tenja i usklađivanja navigacijskih sustava. Nedostatci postojećih sustava i primijenjenih tehnologija u pomorskom prometu dolaze do izražaja posebno u čvoriÅ”tima morskih prolaza gdje je prisutno smanjenje Å”irine prolaza i povećanje gustoće prometa. Cilj doktorskoga rada jest razviti formalnu metodu za sintezu nadzornog sustava upravljanja pomorskim prometom u akvatorijima povećane sudarne opasnosti koji bi pratio pomorski promet i njime upravljao te ograničavao prijelaz brodova između pojedinih sektora. Sustav ranog upozorenja na moguće opasnosti, praćenjem rute koju brod dobiva od obalnog centra za slučaj da brod ne slijedi unaprijed predefiniranu rutu, izdaje upozorenje operateru u nadzornom centru i na brodu. Predloženi nadzorni sustav ograničava kretanje brodova između sektora kao najmanje prostorne jedinice u kojoj se nalazi jedan brod te koordinira prometom brodova u čvoriÅ”tima samo u slučaju povećane sudarne opasnosti. U doktorskome radu je sintetiziran nadzorni sustav koji upravlja pomorskim prometom koriÅ”tenjem Petrijevih mreža i matematičke metode P-invarijante, a verifikacija nadzornog sustava provodi se računalnom simulacijom primjenom programa Visual Object Net.A common problem in maritime transport is safety. More factors affect the safety of the ship, the people, the environment and property. These factors are the grounding, collision, fire, capsizing, failure of the main electricity, damage to the main hull, pollution and so on. The factor that is considered in this thesis are collisions which are considered respectively through this doctoral thesis on the real problems of maritime transport using appropriate software tools to improve safety navigation. International Maritime Organization - IMO seeks to implement new systems such as e-Navigation in shipping with a view to harmonize the use of advanced navigation systems . Disadvantages of such systems and technologies are reflected in the traffic crossing of sea passages where the passage width decreases and the traffic density increases. The goal of this doctoral thesis is to develop formal method for sinthesis of supervising system for controlling marine traffic in aquatoria with increased collision danger which would monitor and control marine traffic and restrict transition of ships between the sectors. The objective of installing a supervising system in the coastal center is to prevent collisions and to improve safety in dangerous sea passages. The supervising system would monitor the traffic of ships in the respective traffic crossing in a way to achieve an early warning of impending danger. The supervising system would track the route that ship receives from the coastal center, and in the event that the ship does not follow a fixed route, supervising system alerts operators at traffic control center and ship. The proposed supervising system would restrict moving of ships between sectors and coordinate the traffic of ships traffic crossing only in the event of high collision risk. This paper synthesizes the supervising system which controls the vessel traffic using Petri net and the P-invariant mathematical method. Verification of the supervising system is done by using computer simulations based on Petri net program ''Visual Object Net''

    Simulation Method - Based Oil Spill Pollution Risk Analysis for the Port of Å ibenik

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    Statistical data, analyses and assessment of maritime-passenger traffic in sea ports in the Republic of Croatia pertaining to the traffic in the Port of Å ibenik indicate that, following the expansion and reconstruction of berths for large ships in 2014, marine traffic in the waters of the Port of Å ibenik and the Channel of St. Ante has been on the rise. There is therefore a need for pollution risk analysis for the Port of Å ibenik. Risk assessment was made using the qualitative method of ā€œRisk assessment-based threat rankingā€, following which a scenario involving discharge of harmful substances (oil spill) and possible pollution of the Port of Å ibenik and the Channel of St. Ante in difficult navigating conditions in restricted waterways and bad weather was simulated. Marine pollution itself has no direct impact on human life. There are usually no human casualties, although major disasters can affect human health. There can therefore be dire indirect consequences, with negative impact on the eco-system, and consequently on some of the most important branches of industry like tourism, sports, fishing, etc. The prevalent northerly and southerly winds have a particularly high influence on the spreading of oil spills in closedoff waters like those of the Port of Å ibenik. The influence of sea currents in the Krka river basin and the Channel of St. Ante is exceptionally strong, especially during heavy rains accompanied by increased water flow. Oil spill simulation is therefore an important tool for planning preventive action and response operations in case of oil spill from ships

    Comparative Analysis of the Maritime Venture Risk and the Cost of Averting a Fatality in the Republic of Croatia

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    Given the fact that every maritime venture is exposed to continuous risks, it is necessary to create a hierarchic structure of its predictors and to manage them efficiently. In view of that, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) suggests the possibility of risk management through the Formal Safety Assessment (FSA). The key element in the implementation of this method is to determine the optimum point of investment in risk reduction with the purpose of achieving the balance between the costs of protective measures and the profit. Although it may be inappropriate to discuss the price of a human life, it is nevertheless possible to calculate it by formal mathematical procedures through the Cost of Averting a Fatality (CAF) and the Implied Cost of Averting a Fatality (ICAF). This methodology has allowed to produce ā€“ and to present in this paper ā€“ the above values for the Republic of Croatia for the very first time. In addition, by using the Ļ°2 test, it has been possible to examine the relations between the observed actions (foundering, collision / impact, flooding, fire, disabled and adrift, man overboard) and the period (years 2006-2017). The results clearly show a statistically relevant dependence (Ļ°2(88)=143,17; p<0,001) among the observed categories, which probably results from various implementation dynamics of the risk reduction measures that are performed in Croatia on a yearly basis. The results obtained by this research can provide important additional guidelines for the optimisation of the risk management model

    BRI Project: Are There Alternatives?

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    This paper discusses the problems associated with the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) project. The investments of the Chinese government and individual companies in project implementation have been analyzed, and alternatives, namely TRACECA, IMEC, and the Trans-Saharan Road Corridor routes, studied

    Operability guidelines for product tanker in heavy weather in the Adriatic Sea

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    This paper presents operability guidelines for seafarers on a product tanker which navigates in the Adriatic Sea during heavy weather. Tanker route starts from the Otranto strait in the south to the island Krk in the north of Adriatic Sea. Heavy weather is caused by south wind called jugo (blowing from E-SE to SS-E, sirocco family). Operability guidelines are given based on an operability criteria platform for presenting ship seakeeping characteristics. Operability criteria considered in this paper are propeller emergence, deck wetness and bow acceleration of a product tanker. Limiting values of mentioned criteria determine sustainable speed. Heavy weather is described by extreme sea state of 7.5 m wave height. Wave spectrum used in this paper is Tabain spectrum which is developed specifically for Adriatic Sea. Seafarerā€™s approach of decisions making in extreme weather is also shown and servers as a guideline for further research of the authors.W artykule przedstawiono propozycję wytycznych operacyjnych dla żeglugi tankowca na Morzu Adriatyckim podczas pogody sztormowej. Rozpatrywany szlak zaczyna się w cieśninie Otranto na południu i prowadzi do wyspy Krk na pĆ³Å‚nocy. Założono, że pogoda sztormowa jest spowodowana przez wiejący z kierunku SS-E wiatr południowy Jugo z grupy wiatrĆ³w lokalnych Sirocco. Zalecenia operacyjne zostały opracowane na podstawie kryteriĆ³w użytecznych dla osĆ³b odpowiadających za wachtę morską. Za takie uznano przede wszystkim: aspekt wynurzania się śruby napędowej, czynnik zalewania pokładu i przyspieszenia rejestrowane na dziobie statku. Wartości graniczne wspomnianych kryteriĆ³w określają dopuszczalną prędkość statku. Pogoda sztormowa została opisana przez dopuszczalny stan morza wyrażony wysokością fal (7.5 m). Dla opisu spektrum fal zastosowano kryterium Tabaina, najlepiej opisujące specyfikę Morza Adriatyckiego. Zaproponowane podejście zostanie rĆ³wnież wykorzystane przez autora w dalszych badaniach


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    The ever-increasing maritime traffic becomes a great threat to the safety of navigation particularly in confined waters. It is therefore necessary to develop new solutions in order to enhance the safety at sea. One of the possible solutions involves the control and management of vessel flow by radar supervision and automated guiding systems. This paper discusses the collision avoidance issue in the area of predefined routes and analyses real-life problems in maritime traffic by using appropriate software tools aimed at the enhancement of the safety of navigation. The goal of this study is to suggest a method for synthesizing the navigation supervisor by using Petri nets, which would monitor and control maritime traffic. The objective of installing a supervisor in the coastal centers is to prevent collisions and to improve safety in hazardous sea passages


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    Putničke luke u Republici Hrvatskoj otvorene za međunarodni promet dodatno se nadziru sukladno odredbama ISPS kodeksa. Postojeće mjere nadzora i zaÅ”tite drže se nedostatnim. Ova manjkavost dolazi do izražaja naročito za vrijeme ljetne sezone kada je povećan promet putnika i vozila u Republici Hrvatskoj, Å”to je ujedno i ograničavajući čimbenik jer bi se primjenom strogih mjera zaÅ”tite povećale gužve na terminalima. Stoga, autori predlažu reorganizaciju postojećeg logističkog sustava koji bi omogućio informaciju o očekivanom prometu, optimalno planiranje prometa i koriÅ”tenje resursa, povećanu razinu zaÅ”tite putnika, brodova i luka te smanjivanje troÅ”kova koji nastaju zbog nedovoljnog planiranja.Passenger ports in the Republic of Croatia open for international traffic are additionally controlled in compliance with the provisions of the ISPS code. It is considered that the existing measures for control and protection are not sufficient. This drawback is specially enhanced during the summer season when there is an increased number of passengers and vehicles in the Republic of Croatia. The increased traffic in the summer season is the limiting factor, since the implementation of strict protection measures would further enlarge the crowds at the terminals. Therefore, the authors propose the reorganization of the existing logistics system in a way that it could provide information on the expected traffic, optimal traffic planning and use of resources, increase of the level of protection of passengers, vessels and ports, and reduction of the costs that arise due to insufficient planning

    Proposal of Measures for Increasing the Safety Level of Inland Navigation

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    Navigation along inland waterways was in history used only for the transportation of bulk cargo. However, in the last two centuries inland waterways have been used for transporting containers, general and liquid cargo. The density of navigation in the world waterways is considerable, especially because it is more profitable, when compared to other modes of transport. The increase of the density of navigation along inland waterways has also caused the threats of various undesired occurrences like collisions, stranding, pollution etc. Their decrease may be realised through the implementation of various measures relating to the safety of navigation along inland waterways. In this paper the authors will present new measures aimed at the increase of the traffic volume. It is expected that the implementation of new measures will enable optimal planning of navigation and better awareness of potential threats in the waterways