50 research outputs found

    Collective and individual burial practices. Changing patterns at the beginning of the third millennium BC: The megalithic grave of Altendorf

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    The re-analyses of the Altendorf gallery grave reveal three different phases of inhumation burial practices: collective burials of a whole community (3250–3100 BC), a hiatus in burial practice (3100–2600 BC), and fewer but continuous single inhumations (2600–1450 BC). These changes can be associated with the abandonment of collective social practices all over Central Europe at the end of the fourth millennium BC, and the establishment of new ideologies and the re-use of older monuments by 2600 BC. In Altendorf, this last phase extends to the next pan-European change in burial practices, and reveals an enduring relationship with a local burial monument

    RADON 2009.03 – Die Datenbank mitteleuropäischer 14C-Daten im neuen Gewand

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    Ten years have passed since the first version of RADON, a database for radiocarbondates of the central-european neolithic period has been developed. After a short retrospective the new version of RADON with GUI and added features is presented, focusing on a new aspect of the free accessible database: the introduction into the possibilities using VBA with MS Access

    Digitale Archäologie. Nachlass von Jürgen Hoika †

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    This article describes the recovery of research data of Jürgen Hoika, saved on ten 5,25 inch floppys between 1988 and 1994. All data could be read and interpreted thanks to the use of the popular formats Word Perfect 5.1 and dBase III. In addition, the latest version of a data collection of Jürgen Hoika, comprising 1033 records of megalithic graves in Schleswig-Holstein, is roughly presented to introduce the potential of the dataset. Thanks to the generous consent of Evelin Hoika, the dataset is now freely available

    Geomagnetic investigations at Monte da Contenda, Arronches, Portugal – Results from the 2018 campaign

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    In light of the current interest in climate change and its effects on modern economies, several projects have highlighted the role of climate forcing on past societies. In particular, there has been focus on the role of climate forcing in the Iberian Peninsula, during the 4.2 k event, which roughly coincides with the Chalcolithic to Bronze Age transition (c. 2200–2000 BCE).While much of this research has focused on the South-eastern regions, given its long and rich history of archaeological research, some attention has shifted to the Southwest Iberia, which has revealed in recent years a clearer picture of its societies during the Chalcolithic period. More specifically, Southwest Iberia has disclosed very interesting social dynamics when it comes to ditched-enclosure sites, dynamics that came to a rather abrupt end around the same time of the 4.2 k event. The current paper reports the results of the 2018 geomagnetic survey campaign at the ditched-enclosure site of Monte da Contenda, in Arronches, Portugal. While these results are not directly related to climate forcing per se, they do provide more insight into the Chalcolithic communities that could have been directly affected by climate events.Whereas the first campaign, in 2013, revealed a very complex ditch system but was unable to expose the site’s full layout, the 2018 campaign was able to reveal the site’s ditch systems in their entirety. Many of the assumptions established in the first campaign concerning the layout of the site were confirmed during this second campaign, namely that the ditch system is delimited to the south by the ribeira das Argamassas and that the site contains two distinct ditch systems, comprising a total of 17 to 19 ditches, establishing Monte da Contenda as the site with the highest number of ditches currently known in Portugal

    Wattendorf-Motzenstein – Eine schnurkeramische Siedlung im digitalen Landschaftsmodell

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    This paper deals with the digital model development of the Wattendorf- Motzenstein Corded Ware settlement (Northern Franconian Alb, Germany) and his surrounding landscape. The aim and the demand to the model as well as the details of the modelling and visualisation process will be described by stating the uncertainties in translating the real archaeological findings into three-dimensional virtual images

    The Chalcolithic–Bronze Age transition in southern Iberia under the influence of the 4.2 kyr event? A correlation of climatological and demographic proxies

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    The end of the third millennium BCE represents (not only) on the Iberian Peninsula the time of transition to the Bronze Age. At the same time this is the time of a general climatic event, the so-called 4.2 ka BP event, which can be observed (in different manifestations) in different regions of the northern hemisphere. By synchronizing cultural and climatic developments and above all by assessing demographic developments and their spatial development, a much-discussed connection between the two phenomena can be made plausible and opens the perspective for further, more detailed research on the interdependence between cultural, demographic and climatological processes. For this purpose, the results of aoristics, 14C sum calibration and the evaluation of the concentration of long-chain n-alkane homologues of terrestrial origin as precipitation predictor are combined, their correlation is presented and possible responses are interpreted from the mapping of the settlement system development. This article provides an initial overview of the current results

    Periodisierung der Trichterbecher-Gesellschaften. Ein Arbeitsentwurf

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    Old and new data from the Funnel Beaker societies have been collated to create a new chronological chart of regional developments. The comparison between Scandinavian and North Central European periodisations offers the possibility to identify different developments in a synchronized time frame

    Open-access tool of linked electricity market models: Deliverable D4.8

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    Project TradeRES - New Markets Design & Models for 100% Renewable Power Systems: https://traderes.eu/about/ABSTRACT: For a holistic understanding and simulation of the energy markets, many different aspects need to modelled properly. Often no single modelling tool offers the whole picture, but a combination of methods needs to be used. A model linkage platform has been chosen previously and this deliverable describes the integration of the modelling tools used in TradeRES to the linking application, Spine Toolbox. Spine Toolbox was used to build data processing and execution workflows around the energy system modelling tools Backbone, AMIRIS, EMLab, COMPETES, RESTrade and MASCEM. The aim is to integrate selected tools together for answering the research questions in the TradeRES project. The integrations of individual tools and some combinations are described in this document. Mostly, the work is still in progress. Also, a common database to serve the case studies has been created, but populating the database with scenario data is still in progress. A common data model to serve all the modelling tools has been created and the database is implemented using Spine Toolbox.N/

    Niedertiefenbach. Ein Galeriegrab der spätneolithischen Wartberggruppe südwestlich von Niedertiefenbach (Landkreis Limburg-Weilburg, Hessen)

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    Das Galeriegrab von Niedertiefenbach stellt einen besonderen Befund der späten Wartberggruppe im Neolithikum der Deutschen Mittelgebirgsschwelle dar; nur hier findet sich ein in zehn Straten geborgenes Bestattungskollektiv von mindestens 177 Individuen. Eine umfangreiche Serie von Radiokarbondatierungen belegt ein wesentlich höheres Alter des Grabes als bisher publiziert und erlaubt die Modellierung einer Bestattungssequenz zwischen 3.350 und 2.900 cal BC. Eine neue paläopathologische Untersuchung, vorerst nur an den Schädeln vorgenommen, zeigt einen hohen Krankenstand mit zahlreichen entzündlichen Prozessen. Mit einer verheilten Trepanation bei einem Kind wird aber zugleich auch ein besonderes Wissen im Bereich der medizinischen Versorgung deutlich. Erste Analysen zur aDNA mittels Hochfrequenzsequenzierung (HTS) belegen die Anwesenheit mitochondrialer DNA mit den Haplogruppen U5 und X2. Der erstmalige Einsatz eines CAD/CAM-Computersystems (CEREC) bietet eine detaillierte Erfassung morphologischer und pathologischer Merkmale an den Zähnen und Kiefern mit noch folgender metrisch-statistischer Analyse

    RADON - Radiocarbon dates online 2012. Central European database of 14C dates for the Neolithic and the Early Bronze Age.

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    In order to understand the dynamics of cultural phenomena, scientific dating in archaeology is an increasingly indispensable tool. Only by dating independently of typology is it possible to understand typological development itself (Müller 2004). Here radiometric dating methods, especially those based on carbon isotopy, still play the most important role. For evaluations exceeding the intra-site level, it is particularly important that such data is collected in large numbers and that the dates are easily accessible. Also, new statistical analyses, such as sequential calibration based on Bayesian methods, do not require single dates, but rather demand a greater number. By their combination significantly more elaborate results can be achieved compared to the results from conventional evaluation (e. g. Whittle et al. 2011).A second premise of RADON is that of „Open Access“. This approach continues to be applied in the international research community, which we welcome as a highly positive development. The radiocarbon database RADON has been committed to this principle for more than 12 years. In this database 14C data – primarily of the Neolithic of Central Europe and Southern Scandinavia – is collected and successively augmented