2,296 research outputs found

    \u3ci\u3eAcrobasis\u3c/i\u3e Shoot Moth (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) Infestation-Tree Height Link in a Young Black Walnut Plantation

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    Acrobasis shoot moth infestations were evaluated in a young black walnut progeny test for 4 years, from ages 3 to 6. Infestation levels were greatest on the largest trees in the fourth and fifth year after plantation establishment, and were declining by the sixth year. Acrobasis infestation appears to be a problem primarily on young trees less than 2.5 m in height. There was no evidence for genetic resistance to Acrobasis infestation in black walnut

    Ultrastructure of Bone Marrow of Rats After Severe Hemodilution with Starch or Modified Hemoglobin

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    The ultrastructure of bone marrow of rats was studied 24 h after exchange-transfusion with solutions of starch or modified hemoglobin to a hematocrit of 10-15. Blood smears of the transfused rats had 17-20% reticulocytes as compared to 5-6% for sham operated controls. In the transfused rats marrow macrophages had numerous heterolysosomes apparently containing the starch or hemoglobin from the transfused solutions. Endothelial cells and reticular cells also possessed a few heterolysosomes thought to contain starch or hemoglobin. Reticular cells of the transfused rats contained numerous glycogen particles scattered throughout the cytoplasm or arranged in large masses. Synthesis of glycogen may indicate a metabolic change in reticular cells in response to tissue hypoxia induced by the exchange-transfusion procedure

    Vortices on Hyperbolic Surfaces

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    It is shown that abelian Higgs vortices on a hyperbolic surface MM can be constructed geometrically from holomorphic maps f:M→Nf:M \to N, where NN is also a hyperbolic surface. The fields depend on ff and on the metrics of MM and NN. The vortex centres are the ramification points, where the derivative of ff vanishes. The magnitude of the Higgs field measures the extent to which ff is locally an isometry. Witten's construction of vortices on the hyperbolic plane is rederived, and new examples of vortices on compact surfaces and on hyperbolic surfaces of revolution are obtained. The interpretation of these solutions as SO(3)-invariant, self-dual SU(2) Yang--Mills fields on R4\R^4 is also given.Comment: Revised version: new section on four-dimensional interpretation of hyperbolic vortices added

    Improved fertilization and implantation rates after non-touch zona pellucida microdrilling of mouse oocytes with a 1.48 μm diode laser beam

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    The safety of microdrilling the zona pellucida of moose oocytes with a 1.48 μm diode laser has been investigated by determining the ability of mouse oocytes to fertilize in vitro and develop in vivo. Mice born after transfer of control and zona pelludda-microdrilled embryos into foster mothers were submitted to anatomical and immunohisto-chemical investigations, and their aptitude to breed was assessed in two subsequent generations. Decolonization of the oocytes with hyaluronidase induced a reduction of the fertilization and implantation rates, which was attributed to a zona hardening phenomenon. After laser zona pellucida microdrilling, these rates were restored to those obtained with embryos derived from untreated oocyte-cumulus complexes. Pups derived from zona pellucida microdrilled embryos were comparable with those obtained from control embryos, confirming the lack of deleterious effects of the laser treatment In conclusion, the 1.48 μm diode laser allows safe microdrilling of the zona pellucida of mouse oocytes after decoronization with hyaluronidase. Based on the health of the F2 generation and the lack of neuroanatom-ical and neurochemical differences, we concluded that this technology may be investigated in the human, particularly when the zona pellucida represents the main impediment for fertilization or embryo hatchin

    Neutron-induced background in the CONUS experiment

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    CONUS is a novel experiment aiming at detecting elastic neutrino nucleus scattering in the fully coherent regime using high-purity Germanium (Ge) detectors and a reactor as antineutrino (νˉ\bar\nu) source. The detector setup is installed at the commercial nuclear power plant in Brokdorf, Germany, at a very small distance to the reactor core in order to guarantee a high flux of more than 1013νˉ^{13}\bar\nu/(s⋅\cdotcm2^2). For the experiment, a good understanding of neutron-induced background events is required, as the neutron recoil signals can mimic the predicted neutrino interactions. Especially neutron-induced events correlated with the thermal power generation are troublesome for CONUS. On-site measurements revealed the presence of a thermal power correlated, highly thermalized neutron field with a fluence rate of (745±\pm30)cm−2^{-2}d−1^{-1}. These neutrons that are produced by nuclear fission inside the reactor core, are reduced by a factor of ∼\sim1020^{20} on their way to the CONUS shield. With a high-purity Ge detector without shield the γ\gamma-ray background was examined including highly thermal power correlated 16^{16}N decay products as well as γ\gamma-lines from neutron capture. Using the measured neutron spectrum as input, it was shown, with the help of Monte Carlo simulations, that the thermal power correlated field is successfully mitigated by the installed CONUS shield. The reactor-induced background contribution in the region of interest is exceeded by the expected signal by at least one order of magnitude assuming a realistic ionization quenching factor of 0.2.Comment: 28 pages, 28 figure

    Transverse sound in a magnetic field in UPt_3

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    We have propagated transverse sound in a magnetic field in the basal plane of UPt_3, with the polarization vector oriented both in the basal plane and perpendicular to it. We observe a strong anisotropy in the magnetic field dependence of the attenuation for the two polarizations. Using a simple phenomenological model, we can understand the low-temperature field dependence as a natural consequence of the anisotropy with temperature in zero field reported earlier [Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 1078 (1986)]. However, for increasing temperatures there are significant deviations from this model. In no case do we find evidence for new superconducting phases in a magnetic field

    Quasiparticle photoemission intensity in doped two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets

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    Using the self-consistent Born approximation, and the corresponding wave function of the magnetic polaron, we calculate the quasiparticle weight corresponding to destruction of a real electron (in contrast to creation of a spinless holon), as a funtion of wave vector for one hole in a generalized t−Jt-J model and the strong coupling limit of a generalized Hubbard model. The results are in excellent agreement with those obtained by exact diagonalization of a sufficiently large cluster. Only the Hubbard weigth compares very well with photoemission measurements in Sr_2CuO_2Cl_2.Comment: 11 pages, latex, 3 figure

    Density of States and NMR Relaxation Rate in Anisotropic Superconductivity with Intersecting Line Nodes

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    We show that the density of states in an anisotropic superconductor with intersecting line nodes in the gap function is proportional to Elog(αΔ0/E)E log (\alpha \Delta_0 /E) for ∣E∣<<Δ0|E| << \Delta_0, where Δ0\Delta_0 is the maximum value of the gap function and α\alpha is constant, while it is proportional to EE if the line nodes do not intersect. As a result, a logarithmic correction appears in the temperature dependence of the NMR relaxation rate and the specific heat, which can be observed experimentally. By comparing with those for the heavy fermion superconductors, we can obtain information about the symmetry of the gap function.Comment: 7 pages, 4 PostScript Figures, LaTeX, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Pump Built-in Hamiltonian Method for Pump-Probe Spectroscopy

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    We propose a new method of calculating nonlinear optical responses of interacting electronic systems. In this method, the total Hamiltonian (system + system-pump interaction) is transformed into a different form that (apparently) does not have a system-pump interaction. The transformed Hamiltonian, which we call the pump built-in Hamiltonian, has parameters that depend on the strength of the pump beam. Using the pump built-in Hamiltonian, we can calculate nonlinear responses (responses to probe beams as a function of the pump beam) by applying the {\em linear} response theory. We demonstrate the basic idea of this new method by applying it to a one-dimensional, two-band model, in the case the pump excitation is virtual (coherent excitation). We find that the exponent of the Fermi edge singularity varies with the pump intensity.Comment: 6 page
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