5 research outputs found

    Identification of Neural Mechanisms in First Single-Sweep Analysis in oVEMPs and Novel Normative Data

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    Background: Bone-conducted (BC) VEMPs provide important tools for measuring otolith function. However, two major drawbacks of this method are encountered in clinical practice—small n10 amplitude and averaging technique. In this study, we present the results of a new VEMP setup measuring technique combined with a novel single-sweep analysis. Methods: The study included BC oVEMP data from 92 participants for the evaluation of normative data using a novel analysis technique. For evaluating test-retest reliability, the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used. Results: We found significant n10 amplitude differences in single-sweep analyses after the first and second measurements. Thereby, mathematical analyses of the head movement did not show any differences in the first or second measurements. The normative n10 amplitude was 20.66 µV with an asymmetric ratio (AR) of 7%. The new value of late shift difference (LSD) was 0.01 ms. The test retest-reliability showed good to excellent ICC results in 9 out of 10 measurements. Conclusions: Our results support a phenomenon in single-sweep analysis of the first stimuli independent of head movement and signal morphology. Furthermore, the values obtained with the new measurement method appear to be more sensitive and may allow an extended diagnostic range due to the new parameter LSD

    The contribution of CAP greening measures to conservation biological control at two spatial scales

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    To promote a more sustainable agricultural production, the European Commission implemented direct payments that require farmers to implement greening measures aimed at reducing negative effects of agriculture on the environment and biodiversity. These greening measures (including fallows and permanent grasslands) have been criticised for their potential inability to conserve biodiversity and promote associated ecosystem services. In this study, we investigate if the presence of old or recently established fallows and permanent grassland in the landscape are beneficial for the emergence, activity density and spillover of ground-running natural enemies and as a result aphid biological control in cereal fields. Lycosidae and Theridiidae were more numerous in fallows (emergence & activity density) compared to crop fields, while Staphylinidae and Linyphiidae showed opposite patterns. Spillover of Lycosidae was significantly higher from fallows into cereal fields, than between cereal fields. As a result of the opposite patterns in activity density in fallows between different groups of predators, a spillover from fallows did not result in a significantly higher aphid control in crop fields adjacent to them. A high proportion of permanent grassland in the landscape resulted in lower emergence of Linyphiidae and Carabidae. Our results support the assumption that a higher emergence and activity density of ground-running predators generally results in higher spillover to adjacent fields. However, patterns of emergence and activity density differed between individual natural enemy groups. Fallows, independent of age, can therefore act as source or sink depending on the focal predator group and more permanent grassland in the landscape can result in lower local emergence. Fallows at the local scale and permanent grassland at larger spatial scales therefore did not generally promote aphid biological control services provided by ground-running natural enemies

    Identification of Neural Mechanisms in First Single-Sweep Analysis in oVEMPs and Novel Normative Data

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    Background: Bone-conducted (BC) VEMPs provide important tools for measuring otolith function. However, two major drawbacks of this method are encountered in clinical practice—small n10 amplitude and averaging technique. In this study, we present the results of a new VEMP setup measuring technique combined with a novel single-sweep analysis. Methods: The study included BC oVEMP data from 92 participants for the evaluation of normative data using a novel analysis technique. For evaluating test-retest reliability, the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used. Results: We found significant n10 amplitude differences in single-sweep analyses after the first and second measurements. Thereby, mathematical analyses of the head movement did not show any differences in the first or second measurements. The normative n10 amplitude was 20.66 µV with an asymmetric ratio (AR) of 7%. The new value of late shift difference (LSD) was 0.01 ms. The test retest-reliability showed good to excellent ICC results in 9 out of 10 measurements. Conclusions: Our results support a phenomenon in single-sweep analysis of the first stimuli independent of head movement and signal morphology. Furthermore, the values obtained with the new measurement method appear to be more sensitive and may allow an extended diagnostic range due to the new parameter LSD

    Maternal spindle transfer overcomes embryo developmental arrest caused by ooplasmic defects in mice

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    The developmental potential of early embryos is mainly dictated by the quality of the oocyte. Here, we explore the utility of the maternal spindle transfer (MST) technique as a reproductive approach to enhance oocyte developmental competence. Our proof-of-concept experiments show that replacement of the entire cytoplasm of oocytes from a sensitive mouse strain overcomes massive embryo developmental arrest characteristic of non-manipulated oocytes. Genetic analysis confirmed minimal carryover of mtDNA following MST. Resulting mice showed low heteroplasmy levels in multiple organs at adult age, normal histology and fertility. Mice were followed for 5 generations (F5), revealing that heteroplasmy was reduced in F2 mice and was undetectable in the subsequent generations. This pre-clinical model demonstrates the high efficiency and potential of the MST technique, not only to prevent the transmission of mtDNA mutations, but also as a new potential treatment for patients with certain forms of infertility refractory to current clinical strategies

    [The effect of low-dose hydrocortisone on requirement of norepinephrine and lactate clearance in patients with refractory septic shock].

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