2,515 research outputs found

    Cognitive Domains Found on Speaking Skill Questions Used in English Language Textbook

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    This is a qualitative study of cognitive domains of speaking skill questions used in Interlanguage: English for Third Grade Senior High School. In this study, the writer observed the six categories of cognitive domains and the dominant order thinking skill applied in the questions on speaking skill. In order, to know the position of the student\u27s proficiency in the speaking skill questions used in this textbook. The data were collected from the textbook. The theory used was from Anderson and Krathwohl (2001) about Revised Bloom\u27s Taxonomy. This study showed that there were five from six categories of the cognitive domains applied in the questions on speaking skills used in the textbook, the dominant category was ‘remembering\u27 because in speaking skill students need to remember what they want to say and what people said. The writer found that the questions on speaking skill in this textbook belongs to lower order thinking skill because it was important for the students to master the lower order thinking skill before they achieve the higher order thinking

    Opini Audit dan Pengungkapan Atas Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Kabupaten Serta Kaitannya dengan Korupsi di Indonesia

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    The study examined the relationship between the areas of financial reporting quality proxy by the audit opinion of the financial statements and the disclosure of local government (LKPD) districts, as well as the level of corruption in Indonesia. Study is qualitative and descriptive content analysis method (content) to process the data. The results of this study indicate that the quality of reporting of financial statements has increased as indicated by the improvement in the audit opinion above LKPD district in Indonesia. The second finding shows there is no link between the financial statement disclosures local government district with the opinion given by the BPK. The third findings showed case of corruption in Indonesian is increasing. The findings of the fourth, the disclosure of financial statements and audit opinions district has associated with the level of corruption in IndonesiaDOI: 10.15408/etk.v13i1.187

    Perbandingan Reaksi Pasar Sebelum Dan Sesudah Pengumuman Opini Audit Unqualified

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    This study aims to determine the difference of market reaction before and after the announcement of unqualified audit opinion (WTP) on the companies that included in the index LQ 45 period of 2012-2014. This study was performed on 66 samples that announced WTP audit opinion on the annual financial statements for the years ended 2011-2013. The statistical method used is T-test Paired Samples (t-test) with event period for 15 days, namely is 7 trading days before until 7 days after the announcement of WTP audit opinion. The results of this study showed that there was no significant difference of market reaction seen from Average Abnormal Return before and after the announcement of WTP audit report (Unqualified Audit Report). This was showed from the results of Paired Samples Test, with the number of t-test results is -1.502 and a significance value of 0.138, or in other word the significance value is > á ( 0.138 > 0.05 ), this mean rejecting Ha. Based on the results of this hypothesis testing can be concluded that investors reacted negatively upon the announcement of WTP audit report conducted by the companies whose the shares listed in LQ 45 Index period of 2012-2014. This result indicated that the information of unqualified audit opinion report (WTP) was not used by the investors as one of reference in taking investment decisions

    Nurse's Spiritual Care Competencies to Patient with End Stage Breast Cancer

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    Cancer has many side effects on patient's physic and mostly on mental which may affect on their quality of life. Physically most patients feel fatigue, insomnia, anorexia, nausea, and vomit while mentally they feel emotional disturbances such as anxiety, stress, or depression. One of the methods to that appropriate to overcome both of the conditions is spiritual care. Many research found that because spiritual care associated with better wellbeing, less emotional disturbance, less substance abuse, greater social support, better health behaviours, so it has impact to longer survival periods. This research aimed to investigate nurse's spiritual care competencies to patients with end stage cancer. This was descriptive study design employed Spiritual Care Competencies Scale (SCCS) instrument. A total sampling of 24 nurses working in Oncology department in Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital were recruited. This research found that there are 12 nurses (50 %) that work in oncology department have low competencies of spiritual care. Involving spiritual care is associated with better wellbeing and longer survival periods. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the competence of nurses on spiritual care in meeting the spiritual needs of patients with end stage breast cancer. A training of spiritual care can be an alternative for nurses to improve spiritual care in hospitals

    How not to test for philosophical expertise

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    Recent empirical work appears to suggest that the moral intuitions of professional philosophers are just as vulnerable to distorting psychological factors as are those of ordinary people. This paper assesses these recent tests of the ‘expertise defense’ of philosophical intuition. I argue that the use of familiar cases and principles constitutes a methodological problem. Since these items are familiar to philosophers, but not ordinary people, the two subject groups do not confront identical cognitive tasks. Reflection on this point shows that these findings do not threaten philosophical expertise—though we can draw lessons for more effective empirical test

    Evaluasi Ketersediaan Rumah Susun Sewa Terhadap Pertumbuhan Permukiman Kumuh Kelurahan Wameo Kecamatan Batupuaro

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    Pengembangan dan pemanfaatan rumah susun sewa di Kelurahan Wameo saat ini masih belum optimal dan belum efektif dalam mengatasi masalah permukiman kumuh di wilayah tersebut. Masalah tersebut diantaranya bahwa pengadaan rusunawa tidak menarik minat masyarakat di permukiman kumuh secara keseluruhan. Sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian terkait evaluasi ketersediaan rumah susun sewa terhadap pertumbuhan permukiman. Berdasarkan hasil tinjauan lapangan, masih terdapat wilayah dengan ciri kawasan kumuh. Disisi lain pemerintah telah menyediakan fasilitas rumah susun sewa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif, dimana alat analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis chi kuadrat. Hasil analisis menunjukkan faktor tingkat pendapatan dan faktor tingkat sosialisasi merupakan faktor penyebab tidak efektifnya rumah susun. Arahan alternatif yang dapat dilakukan untuk untuk mengefektifkan rumah susun sewa dalam mengatasi permukiman kumuh yaitu memberikan penyuluhan, ikut dalam kegiatan sosial menyangkut kepedulian lingkungan serta melakukan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat

    Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif Sepak Bola Verbal untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Pokok Bahasan Koloid di Kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Kampar Timur

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    It has been done of research with applied the active learning strategy of Football Verbal that aims to improve student learning achievement on the topic of Colloid in class XI science of Senior High School Number1 Kampar Timur. The research is a kind of experiment research with pretest-posttest design. The samples of this research were the students of class XI IPA2 as the experimental class and students of class XI IPA3 as the control class randomly selected after homogeneity test. Experimental class is a class which was given a treatment by applying active learning strategy of Football Verbal in learning process. Data analysis technique used is the t-test with α = 0,05. Based on the result of data analysis, it obtained tcount> ttable which is 3,74>1,67. The results showed that the application of active learning strategy of Football Verbal can improve student learning achievement on the topic of Colloid in class XI science of Senior High School Number 1 Kampar Timur. Improved learning achievement can be seen from the coefficient of the effect achieved is 18,91%
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