1,402 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada PT. Apac Inti Corpora Bawen Jawa Tengah Unit Spinning 2)

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    The performance is a result of the quality and quantity of work achieved by an officer in carrying out his duties in accordance with the responsibilities assigned. One of the causes of the declining performance of the employee is occupational safety and occupational health. This study aims to analyzed the effect of occupational safety and occupational health on employees performance at PT. Apac Inti Corpora Bawen Jawa Tengah Unit Spinning 2. Sampling in this research was using the method of random sampling by taking a sample as much as 81 respondents on PT. Apac Inti Corpora Unit Spinning 2 and using analyze regression method. Collecting primary data is done using the methods a questionnaire, while collecting secondary data done with a method of literature and the source of the internet. Based on the results of the calculation of regression analysis it can be concluded that the variable that have the greatest influence on the performance of the employee is Occupational health (X2) with the value of coefficient regression of 0,371, while the Occupational safety variable (X1) has a value of coefficient regression of 0,272

    Resiliensi: Narasi melalui Ruang

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    Kelahiran dan kematian merupakan peristiwa alami yang dialami setiap makhluk hidup. Setiap adat dan keyakinan memiliki caranya sendiri dalam melaksanakan penghormatan terakhir kepada yang meninggal. Salah satunya upacara pembakaran mayat atau kremasi. Perubahan sosial dan budaya di masyarakat modern dengan pemikiran praktis orang modernis akan makin menipisnya lahan untuk pemakaman sampai kesulitan dalam membayar uang kavling pemakaman yang berdampak pada penggusuran melatarbelakangi pembangunan krematorium dewasa ini. Akan tetapi, tidak banyak perancang yang memahami peran krematorium tidak hanya untuk mewadahi sebuah kegiatan, lebih dari itu krematorium memliki peran yang kuat terhadap psikologis seseorang. Tidak sedikit kasus syok maupun trauma yang terjadi pada fasilitas umum ini. Pemilihan tema resiliensi diambil dari kamus psikologi, mengangkat bahwa sebenarnya arsitektur dapat berbicara lebih daripada kehadiran sebuah bangunan. Melalui tema ini, perancang bertujuan untuk membangkitkan psikologi pengunjung yang dituangkan ke dalam alur perjalanan seseorang ketika melaksanakan upacara kremas

    Diagnosis Kondisi Transformator Berbasis Analisis Gas Terlarut Menggunakan Metode Sistem Pakar Fuzzy

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    Dissolved gas analysis of transformer oil is one of the most effective ways to determine the transformer condition. Currently, there are many interpretation techniques that have been used in data processing of dissolved gas analysis results. However, all of the techniques used are rely based on the experience of experts who have conducted research by using the results of dissolved gas analysis. The combination of expert system and fuzzy to diagnose the dissolved gas analysis data to identify the condition of the transformer is discussed in this paper. The data used for this research is collected from several different transformers and then interpreted by using a standard methods and fuzzy expert systems, and the results are compared. From several experiments show that fuzzy expert system is more effective to identify a transformer failure.Keyword---DGA, Dissolved Gas Analysis, Fuzzy Expert System, TDCG

    Pengaruh Struktur Aktiva, Ukuran Perusahaan, Tingkat Pertumbuhan, Profitabilitas dan Risiko Bisnis terhadap Struktur Modal: Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Sektor Pertambangan yang Listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2004-2007

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    The main purpose of this study was to determine whether the variables are considered to affect the company\u27s capital structure by a variety of literature and previous research, is able to explain the company\u27s capital structure policy in the mining sector enterprises. In addition this study also aims to determine where the greatest variable in explaining variations in leverage (capital structure). The variables analyzed in this study is the asset structure, firm size, growth rate, profitability, and business risk. The mining sector enterprises are listed on the Stock Exchange became the study sample, where the period of observations were made from 2004 to 2007. The samples taken using a purposive sampling method. Multiple linear regression model by pooling the data used in this study as a method of analysis of research. The results showed that the structure of assets and firm size has a positive and significant influence on capital structure, while profitability has a negative and significant influence on capital structure. Meanwhile, two other variables, the rate of growth and business risk does not significantly influence capital structure. The results show that profitability has the most impact on capital structure. The five independent variables simultaneously significant effect on capital structure, with adjusted R-square value of regression models for the study 46.4%

    Perencanaan Sistem Pengelolaan Persampahan Pelayanan Tpa Semali Kabupaten Kebumen

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    Sampah semakin menjadi permasalahan penting yang selalu dihadapi seluruh Kota/Kabupaten yang ada di Indonesia.Pada saat ini kondisi pengelolaan sampah masih kurang baik jika dilihat berdasarkan aspek kelembagaan, aspek peraturan, aspek pembiayaan dan aspek peran serta masyarakat. Daerah pelayanan TPA Semali Kabupaten kebumen yang terdiri dari UPTD Gombong dan UPTD Karanganyar saat ini masih menerapkan sistem persampahan secara kovensional dimana tidak adanya kegiatan pemisahan sampah yang dimulai dari sumber. Saat ini tingkat pelayanan di UPTD Gombong dan UPTD Karanganyar ialah sebesar 24,44% dan 19,53% dimana masih terdapatnya daerah yang belum terlayani. Berdasarkan Perpers No. 185 Tahun 2014 dimana pada tahun 2019 tingkat sanitasi yang harus dilayani sebesar 100% maka direncanakan sistem pengelolaan persampahan yang ditinjau berdasarkan 5 aspek persampahan yang terdiri dari, aspek teknik operasional, aspek kelembagaan, aspek peraturan, aspek pembiayaan dan aspek peran serta masyarakat. Perencanan pengelolaan sampahan akan menerapkan konsep pengelolaan sampah dengan metode 3R. Sampah yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan manusia akan dipisah berdasarkan jenisnya dimulai dari sumber sampah sampai dengan pemrosesan akhir, hal ini dapat mengurangi sampah yang dibuang ke TPA dengan memilah sampah yang masih dapat digunakan. Pemerintah selaku pihak yang mengelola sampah di wilayah UPTD Gombong dan UPTD Karanganyar, ditinjau ulang dengan menerapkan struktur organisasi sesuai dengan Perda Kabupaten Kebumen No. 20 Tahun 2011. Peran serta masyarakat sangat dibutuhkan dalam penerapan pengelolaan sampah dengan metode 3R ini, karena masyarakat akan memisahkan sampah yang dihasilkannya selama ini, selain itu masyarakat juga harus patuh dengan peraturan persampahan yang diterapkan di Kabupaten Kebumen dengan tidak membuang sampah di wilayah yang tidak semestinya dan ikut membayar besaran retribusi persampahan yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah. Retribusi yang dibayarkan masyarakat ini nantinya akan digunakan untuk biaya pengelolaan persampahan daerah pelayanan TPA Semali

    Immunopathology of Leishmaniasis: an update.

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    Leishmaniasis represents a severe, increasing, public health problem. The perspective of its control is highly dependent on research progress, on therapeutic manipulations of the immune system, and on vaccine development. There is a correlation between the clinical outcome of Leishmania infection and the cytokine response profile. While a protective immune response against Leishmania has been clearly identified to be related to the influence of a type-1 response and IFN-gamma production, the precise role of T helper (TH) 2 cytokines in non-healing infections requires further exploration. IL-4 and IL-13 (TH2 cytokines) can promote disease progression in cutaneous leishmaniasis, whereas IL-4 would appear to enhance protective type-1 responses in visceral leishmaniasis. Thus, the TH1/TH2 paradigm of resistance/susceptibility to intracellular parasites is probably an oversimplification of a more complicated network of regulatory/counter regulatory interactions. Moreover, the presence of antigen specific regulatory T cell subsets may provide an environment that contributes to the balance between TH1 and TH2 cells. Finally, the involvement of CD8 positive T cells has been described, but the modality of their function in this kind of infection has not been so far elucidated

    Environmental Health Risk Analysis Exposure to Nitrogen Dioxide (No2) and Sulfur Dioxide (So2) on Street Vendor in Ampera Terminal Palembang 2015

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    Background: Terminal is a location that generates air pollution as a result of transport activity performed. The use of motorized transport will produce a wide range of gases including NO2 and SO2. At certain concentrations of NO2 and SO2 can have an effect on health disorders for example respiratory problems, throat irritation and eye irritation.Methods: This study was a descriptive study of environmental health risk analysis method. Eighty four traders were sampled in this study. Simple random sampling was used as sampling technique. The variable used is the concentration of NO2, SO2 concentration, Inhalation Rate (R), exposure time, frequency of exposure, duration of exposure, weight, time period average-average, RFC, risk level. Univariate data analysis techniques. And then the data is presented in tabular form and narrative to interpret the data. Result: The street vendors in Terminal Palembang Ampera has a weight of less than 65.57 kg by 54.8%, exposure time ≤8 hours/day by 54.8%, the frequency of exposure ≤362 days/year amounted to 98.8 %, duration of exposure ≤10 years of 57.1%, intake NO2 ≤0.00132 mg/kg/day by 50%, SO2 intake 0.00677 mg/kg/day by 50%, NO2 RQ>1 at 0%, SO2 RQ>1 amounted to 11.9%, SO2 RQ>1 male sex-men by 80%, and SO2 RQ>1 is derived from the four measurement points by 40%. Conclution: This research concluded that exposure to Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) to street vendors at Terminal Ampera Palembang does not pose a risk, whereas exposure to Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) provides risk to 10 street vendors in Terminal Ampera Palembang

    Uji Performansi Pencuci Biodiesel Metode Pengkabutan Air Dalam Minyak

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    Washing of biodiesel removes contaminants (soap, catalyst, methanol and free glycerin) from biodiesel, even though this activity will sometimes cause an emulsion. This research aims to develop new method of washing that can minimize emulsification. The method used is misting water in crude biodiesel by certain nozzle. Washing apparatus has 5 main part i.e. nozzle, washing chamber, circulation pump, valve to set level of debit and piping channel. The research has been done to study dependency of biodiesel washing on the numbers of nozzles (2, 3 and 4) , the distance between nozzle and constrictor plate (2 cm, 4 cm, 6 cm and 8 cm) and the level of wash water debit 45.3 ml/min,83.6 ml/min and 150 ml/min . Parameters measured were pH of wash water, emulsion formed, rendemen of biodiesel, quality of biodiesel and energy consumption. Variation of the numbers of nozzles are purposed to have more extensively contact between water and biodiesel. At optimum level of debit, high performance biodiesel washing expeted, with little emulsion can be obtained. The research indicates that the numbers of nozzles, the distance of nozzle and level of water debit are significant variables to determine washing performance. The research showed that washing biodiesel with the numbers of nozzles 4 pc, debit of washing water 83.6 ml/min and 45.3ml/min and distance between nozzle and constrictor plate 8 cm produce 100 % biodiesel for every step washing, with pH of washing water at third washing 7.1 and emulsion formed 81.6 ml . Misting water in oil method needs smaller energy than others, i.e. only 4% of stirrer method and 1.2% of bubble method. Quality biodiesel – i.e. density, flash point, cetane index, cloud point, moisture content, viscosity – meets ISO standard
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