1,188 research outputs found

    A Company Profile: a Way to Get More Customers for Irama Mas Yamaha Music School Surabaya

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    The absence of the Company Profile at Irama Mas Yamaha Music School (IMYMS) is a problem that can lead to several problems in convincing and attracting customers about its credibility and its uniqueness. Most customers only know that Irama Mas is a Yamaha Music School, while actually, it is more than just a music school. As a music company, Irama Mas needs to have more customers to support its successful in a business world. Therefore, the bilingual company profile with some chosen features is made to help IMYMS clearly explain and attract customers about its products and services and market IMYMS. This company profile can also be used as a guidance in making its website since it does not have a website

    Peran Guru dalam Pengembangan Bahasa Lisan pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun di Paud Kecamatan Belimbing

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    Teachers\u27 Role in Language Development of spoken language 5- 6 Years Old School Early Childhood Education Belimbing districts that teachers have not maximized the involvement of children so that teachers implement learning by methods such as writing, submission of materials, question and answer, basically just pressing on the concept of textual achievement alone but not the growth or development of learning activities, and make children become lazy and bored in following the lessons, especially during the development of oral language of children. Based on the results of data analysis shows that the role of teachers as a motivator in the development of spoken languageof children aged 5-6 years in early childhood education Belimbing District is good with the amount of 70.97%. the role of teachers as a mediator in the development of spoken languageof children aged 5-6 years in early childhood education Belimbing District is good with the amount of 65.52%. The role of teachers as facilitators in the development of spoken language children aged 5-6 years in early childhood education Belimbing District is good with number 48.39%. The role of teachers as evaluators in the development of spoken languagechildren aged 5-6 years in early childhood education District Belimbing i is good. with a total of 87.1%. It is expected that in the implementation of the teacher\u27s performances more carefully on the techniques or methods used

    Jaminan dalam Pembiayaan Syariah (Kafalah dan Rahn)

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    Jaminan Dalam Pembiayaan Syaiah. Jaminan diperlukan untuk melindungi bank-bank Islam dari risiko non-performing financing dan hilang keuangan lainnya yang mungkin disebabkan oleh perilaku curang (moral hazard) dari debitur. Maka jaminan dalam bentuk kontrak diperlukan, baik berupakafalahmaupunrahn untuk mengamankan posisi debitur yang curang. Meskipun penggunaan rahn dan kontrak kafalah tidak dikenal dalam pelaksanaan kontrak musyarakah dan mudarabah, akan tetapi menggunakan teori kebebasan berkontrak dimana semua pihak masih dapat kontrak di diktum utama karena prinsip dasar kontrak diperbolehkan dalam fikih muamalat selama kontrak atau persyaratan yang dibuat tidak bertentangan dengan syariah

    Penerapan Pembelajaran Kooperatif Teknik Keliling Kelompok untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Pokok Bahasan Ikatan Kimia di Kelas X SMA Negeri 10 Pekanbaru

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    The research about application of cooperative learning techniques roving group has been done to improve student's achievement on the topic of chemical bonds at 10th of SMAN 10 Pekanbaru on 02 October- 06 November 2013. This research is experimental research based on pretest-posttest design. The sample consisted of two classes, X4 class as experiment class and X3 class as control class that randomly selected after testing homogeneity. Application of cooperative learning techniques roving group applied in experiment class. Analysis of data used t-test. Results of data processing obtained tcount>ttable (3,678> 1,67). It means that the application of cooperative learning techniques roving group can improve student's achievementon the topic of chemical bonds at 10th of SMAN 10 Pekanbaru. The improvement of student's achievement in experiment class is 16,796%

    Produktivitas Sumberdaya Beberapa Pola Tanam di Lahan Kering

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    IndonesianSebagian besar areal pertanian di Jawa Timur merupakan dataran rendah beriklim kering dan lahan kering. Jumlah rumahtangga di pedesaan yang mengusahakan lahan pertanian lebih dari 0,5 ha hanya sekitar 30 persen. Dalam rangka pemenuhan beberapa alternatif tujuan yang hendak dicapai pada USAhataninya, petani dihadapkan pada keterbatasan sumberdaya yang dimiliki, sehingga keputusan yang diambil akan terbatas. Bertitik tolak dari permasalahan tersebut, penelitian ini mencoba menggunakan perancangan linier untuk mencari pola tanam optimal dan mengetahui pengaruh tersedianya modal terhadap Perubahan pola tanam optimal di daerah lahan kering. Penelitian dilakukan di desa Suwalan, kecamatan Jenuh, kabupaten Tuban musim tanam 1981/1982. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan sumberdaya pertanian pada lahan kering belum mencapai skema pola tanam optimal dan kebutuhan konsumsi pokok keluarga tani khususnya jagung belum terpenuhi. Hal ini disebabkan oleh keterbatasan sumberdaya modal dan tenaga kerja keluarga untuk setiap kegiatan. Apabila tersedia pinjaman modal sebesar 32 persen dari yang dimiliki petani, jumlah tersebut akan dapat memacu Perubahan skema pola tanam optimal, yaitu peningkatan pendapatan bersih sekitar 64 persen, penyerapan tenaga kerja lebih banyak sehingga mengurangi pengangguran di pedesaan, dan terpenuhinya kebutuhan konsumsi pokok keluarga tani

    Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif Learning Starts With A Question (Lsq) untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Pokok Bahasan Kelarutan dan Hasil Kali Kelarutan di Kelas XI IPA Sman 10 Pekanbaru

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    The purpose of this research to increase student achievement on the subject of solubility and solubility product in class XI IPA SMA N 10 Pekanbaru through the implementation of active learning strategy type Learning Starts With A Question (LSQ)). This research was used pretest-posttest design. The sample consisted of two classes, XI IPA 5 class as experiment class and XI IPA 4 class as control class that randomly selected after testing normality and homogeneity. Experiment class was given by implementing active learning strategy type LSQ and the control class was given by discution method. T-test was used to analyse the data. Data of research obtained tcount > ttable (2,503 > 1,67). It means the use of active learning strategy type LSQ could improve student's achievement on the subject of solubility and solubility product in class XI IPA SMAN 10 Pekanbaru with an increase of 7,81%.
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