251 research outputs found

    Factors influencing consideration of dental specialisation: a survey of current dental students at the University of Western Australia

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    Aim. At present, little research exists regarding factors that influence dental students and recent graduates to pursue specialist training. Through the provision of a questionnaire, the study investigated student's perceptions of dental specialities and factors impacting specialisation.Methods. Questionnaires (n=65) were undertaken by Doctor of Dental Medicine students in year three (n=34) and four (n=31) through paper means. An analysis was undertaken of the knowledge of speciality courses, speciality preferences and the main motivating and deterring factors influencing specialisation.Results. A response rate of 70% was observed, revealing that 13% of all participants correctly identified the speciality courses available in Western Australia, with 6% of students wanting to specialise in the long term. Altruistic factors were most motivating and financial most deterring when considering specialisation. Speciality preferences also varied between cohorts.Conclusions. Findings highlight that a small proportion of students want to pursue specialisation and the majority of students are unaware of the speciality courses available in Western Australia. This emphasises the need for greater exposure and education in dental specialties. Further research is advised in this field to better understand factors involved in the pathway to dental specialisation and how to encourage specialisation

    Exploración biomecánica de la carrera en futbolistas profesionales colombianos: propuesta inicial

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    Introduction: Football Soccer is the most popular team sport around the world, it is estimated that around 4% of the world's population practices it (1), this activity involves running, kicking, jumping, stopping and making changes of direction in high speed or half speed. The biomechanics of the sprint is important because it allows improving the technique and impact on the prevention of injuries.Objective: To determine the biomechanical characteristics of the sprint of professional soccer team players.Methods: descriptive observational study of a series cases of the sprint in 12 professional soccer players. We included players from 18 to 35 years old belonging to a professional team without knee, hip or ankle injuries in the last 4 weeks.Results: The median speed was 7.44 m / s [RIQ: 6.93 - 7.75 m / s] being higher in the right leg 7.49 m / s [RIQ 6.88 - 7.74 m / s] than on the left. The median stride length was 3.21 m (RIQ 3.05-3.64 m) with predominance in the right leg 3.20 m [RIQ 3.11-3.74 m]. It was evidenced that the winger player was the one who presented the highest speed, while the middle forward was the one who presented the lowest speed of the group evaluated.Conclusion: The biomechanical study of professional soccer players allows a characterization of the sports gesture of the sprint, allowing a different vision to those currently used both for the improvement in performance and training strategies, as well as in the possible intervention in the prevention of injuries.Introducción: El fútbol es el deporte en equipo más popular alrededor del mundo, se estima que alrededor del 4% de la población mundial lo practica (1), su actividad involucra correr, patear, saltar, parar y realizar cambios de dirección en altas y medias velocidades. La biomecánica de la carrera es importante ya que permite mejorar la técnica, e impactar en la prevención de lesiones.Objetivo: determinar las características biomecánicas de la carrera de los jugadores de un equipo de fútbol profesional.Métodos: estudio observacional descriptivo tipo serie de casos de la carrera en 12 jugadores de fútbol profesional. Se incluyeron jugadores de 18 a 35 años pertenecientes al equipo sin lesiones de rodilla, cadera o tobillo en las últimas 4 semanas.Resultados: La mediana de la velocidad fue 7.44 m/s [RIQ: 6,93 – 7,75 m/s] siendo mayor en la pierna derecha 7.49 m/s [RIQ 6,88 – 7,74 m/s] que en la izquierda. La mediana de la longitud de zancada, fue 3,21 m (RIQ 3,05-3,64 m) con predominancia en la pierna derecha 3.20 m [RIQ 3,11-3,74 m]. Se evidenció que el jugador de la posición volante fue quien mayor velocidad presentó, mientras que el volante derecho fue quien presentó la menor velocidad del grupo evaluado.Conclusión: El estudio biomecánico de los futbolistas profesionales permite una caracterización del gesto deportivo de la carrera, permitiendo una visión diferente a las actualmente utilizadas tanto para la mejora en el rendimiento y estrategias de entrenamiento, como en la posible intervención en la prevención de lesiones.

    ME3CA - Monitoring environment exercise and emotion by a cognitive assistant

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    The elderly population has increased dramatically in today’s society. This fact implies the need to propose new policies of attention to this group but without increasing social spending. Currently, there is a need to promote the care of elderly people in their own homes, avoiding being transferred to saturated residences. Bearing this in mind, in recent years numerous approaches have tried to offer solutions in this sense using the continuous advances in new information and communication technologies. In this way, this article proposes the employment of a personal assistant to help the elderly in the development of their daily life activities. The proposed system, called ME3CA, is a cognitive assistant that involves users in rehabilitating exercise, consisting of a sensorization platform and different integrated decision-making mechanisms. The system tries to plan and recommend activities to older people trying to improve their physical activity. In addition, in the decision making process the assistant takes into account the emotions of the user. In this way, the system is more personalized and emotionally intelligent.- (undefined

    Effect of Testosterone on Insulin Stimulated IRS1 Ser Phosphorylation in Primary Rat Myotubes—A Potential Model for PCOS-Related Insulin Resistance

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is characterized by a hyperandrogenic state and frequently develops skeletal muscle insulin resistance. We determined whether testosterone adversely affects insulin action by increasing serine phosphorylation of IRS-1(636/639) in differentiated rat skeletal muscle myotubes. The phosphorylation of Akt, mTOR, and S6K, downstream targets of the PI3-kinase-IRS-1 complex were also studied.Primary differentiated rat skeletal muscle myotubes were subjected to insulin for 30 min after 16-hour pre-exposure to either low (20 ng/ml) or high (200 ng/ml) doses of testosterone. Protein phosphorylation of IRS-1 Ser(636/639), Akt Ser(473), mTOR-Ser(2448), and S6K-Thr(389) were measured by Western blot with signal intensity measured by immunofluorescence.Cells exposed to 100 nM of insulin had increased IRS-1 Ser(636/639) and Akt Ser(473) phosphorylation. Cells pre-exposed to low-dose testosterone had significantly increased insulin-induced mTOR-Ser(2448) and S6K-Thr(389) phosphorylation (p<0.05), and further increased insulin-induced IRS-1 Ser(636/639) phosphorylation (p = 0.042) compared to control cells. High-dose testosterone pre-exposure attenuated the insulin-induced mTOR-Ser(2448) and S6K-Thr(389) phosphorylation.The data demonstrated an interaction between testosterone and insulin on phosphorylation of intracellular signaling proteins, and suggests a link between a hyperandrogenic, hyperinsulinemic environment and the development of insulin resistance involving serine phosphorylation of IRS-1 Ser(636/639). These results may guide further investigations of potential mechanisms of PCOS-related insulin resistance

    In vitro proliferation of human osteogenic cells in presence of different commercial bone substitute materials combined with enamel matrix derivatives

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cellular reactions to alloplastic bone substitute materials (BSM) are a subject of interest in basic research. In regenerative dentistry, these bone grafting materials are routinely combined with enamel matrix derivatives (EMD) in order to additionally enhance tissue regeneration.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>The aim of this study was to evaluate the proliferative activity of human osteogenic cells after incubation over a period of seven days with commercial BSM of various origin and chemical composition. Special focus was placed on the potential additional benefit of EMD on cellular proliferation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Except for PerioGlas<sup>®</sup>, osteogenic cell proliferation was significantly promoted by the investigated BSM. The application of EMD alone also resulted in significantly increased cellular proliferation. However, a combination of BSM and EMD resulted in only a moderate additional enhancement of osteogenic cell proliferation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The application of most BSM, as well as the exclusive application of EMD demonstrated a positive impact on the proliferation of human osteogenic cells <it>in vitro</it>. In order to increase the benefit from substrate combination (BSM + EMD), further studies on the interactions between BSM and EMD are needed.</p

    Systemic AAV vectors for widespread and targeted gene delivery in rodents

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    We recently developed adeno-associated virus (AAV) capsids to facilitate efficient and noninvasive gene transfer to the central and peripheral nervous systems. However, a detailed protocol for generating and systemically delivering novel AAV variants was not previously available. In this protocol, we describe how to produce and intravenously administer AAVs to adult mice to specifically label and/or genetically manipulate cells in the nervous system and organs, including the heart. The procedure comprises three separate stages: AAV production, intravenous delivery, and evaluation of transgene expression. The protocol spans 8 d, excluding the time required to assess gene expression, and can be readily adopted by researchers with basic molecular biology, cell culture, and animal work experience. We provide guidelines for experimental design and choice of the capsid, cargo, and viral dose appropriate for the experimental aims. The procedures outlined here are adaptable to diverse biomedical applications, from anatomical and functional mapping to gene expression, silencing, and editing

    STAT3 can be activated through paracrine signaling in breast epithelial cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many cancers, including breast cancer, have been identified with increased levels of phosphorylated or the active form of Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription 3 (STAT3) protein. However, whether the tumor microenvironment plays a role in this activation is still poorly understood.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Conditioned media, which contains soluble factors from MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-468 breast cancer cells and breast cancer associated fibroblasts, was added to MCF-10A breast epithelial and MDA-MB-453 breast cancer cells. The stimulation of phosphorylated STAT3 (p-STAT3) levels by conditioned media was assayed by Western blot in the presence or absence of neutralized IL-6 antibody, or a JAK/STAT3 inhibitor, JSI-124. The stimulation of cell proliferation in MCF-10A cells by conditioned media in the presence or absence of JSI-124 was subjected to MTT analysis. IL-6, IL-10, and VEGF levels were determined by ELISA analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our results demonstrated that conditioned media from cell lines with constitutively active STAT3 are sufficient to induce p-STAT3 levels in various recipients that do not possess elevated p-STAT3 levels. This signaling occurs through the JAK/STAT3 pathway, leading to STAT3 phosphorylation as early as 30 minutes and is persistent for at least 24 hours. ELISA analysis confirmed a correlation between elevated levels of IL-6 production and p-STAT3. Neutralization of the IL-6 ligand or gp130 was sufficient to block increased levels of p-STAT3 (Y705) in treated cells. Furthermore, soluble factors within the MDA-MB-231 conditioned media were also sufficient to stimulate an increase in IL-6 production from MCF-10A cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results demonstrate STAT3 phosphorylation in breast epithelial cells can be stimulated by paracrine signaling through soluble factors from both breast cancer cells and breast cancer associated fibroblasts with elevated STAT3 phosphorylation. The induction of STAT3 phosphorylation is through the IL-6/JAK pathway and appears to be associated with cell proliferation. Understanding how IL-6 and other soluble factors may lead to STAT3 activation via the tumor microenvironment will provide new therapeutic regimens for breast carcinomas and other cancers with elevated p-STAT3 levels.</p
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