5,404 research outputs found

    Indeks Kekeringan Provinsi Riau Menggunakan Teori Run Berbasis Data Satelit

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    Drought disaster is caused by the decreasing of rainfall from normal condition and the duration of dry season. And the effect is show the reducing of water availability. Based on the drought disaster risk index map by National Disaster Management Agency, can be seen that 40-60 % Riau Province got drought. Therefore, it is necessary to anticipate to reduce the impact of drought by calculate the drought index using Run Theory. Drought index can be used to indicate the longest and the greatest number of drought. The rain data who used for the calculation of the drought index is satellite rainfall data in the last 8 years from 2009 to 2016 for every district in Riau Province. The rainfall data is divided into 2 groups, 15 days for daily rainfall data and 30 days for monthly rainfall data. For 15 daily rainfall data, the longest drought duration is 7.5 months and the greatest number of drought is 494.943 mm. While for monthly rainfall data, the longest drought duration is 12 months and the greatest number of drought is 508.6 mm. based on calculation classification level of drought for dryness criteria 15 daily rainfall data from Indragiri Hilir as many as 5 times incident. For monthly rainfall data is Rokan Hilir, Pelalawan, and Kuantan Singingi as many as 3 times incident. Level of drought depiction map using ArcMap 10.1 software

    An algorithmic approach to the existence of ideal objects in commutative algebra

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    The existence of ideal objects, such as maximal ideals in nonzero rings, plays a crucial role in commutative algebra. These are typically justified using Zorn's lemma, and thus pose a challenge from a computational point of view. Giving a constructive meaning to ideal objects is a problem which dates back to Hilbert's program, and today is still a central theme in the area of dynamical algebra, which focuses on the elimination of ideal objects via syntactic methods. In this paper, we take an alternative approach based on Kreisel's no counterexample interpretation and sequential algorithms. We first give a computational interpretation to an abstract maximality principle in the countable setting via an intuitive, state based algorithm. We then carry out a concrete case study, in which we give an algorithmic account of the result that in any commutative ring, the intersection of all prime ideals is contained in its nilradical

    Kewenangan Gubernur Aceh dalam Penggantian Pejabat Eselon II Setelah Pemilihan Kepala Daerah

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    Undang-Undang No. 11 Tahun 2006 tentang Pemerintah Aceh mempunyai kewenangan dalam penggantian pejabat eselon II yang tidak sesuai dengan Undang-Undang No. 10 Tahun 2016 tentang Pemilihan Gubernur, Bupati, dan Walikota. Gubernur Aceh dilarang melakukan penggantian pejabat 6 (enam) bulan sebelum tanggal penetapan pasangan calon sampai dengan akhir masa jabatan kecuali mendapat persetujuan tertulis dari Menteri. Prosedur penggantian pejabat eselon II dilakukan secara terbuka dan kompetitif di kalangan PNS dengan memperhatikan syarat kompetisi, kualifikasi, kepangkatan, pendidikan, pelatihan, rekam jejak jabatan dan integritas sesuai menurut UU No. 5 Tahun 2014 tentang Aparatur Sipil Negara. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui kewenangan Gubernur Aceh dalam mengangkat pejabat Eselon II dan mengetahui ketentuan UU No. 10 Tahun 2016 tentang Pemilihan Gubernur, Bupati, dan Walikota membatasi kewenangan Gubernur Aceh sebagai kepala daerah dalam otonomi khusus. Metode penelitian yang digunakan penelitian hukum normatif (yuridis normative). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Undang-Undang No. 10 Tahun 2016 tidak menghambat otonomi khusus di Aceh menurut UU No. 11 Tahun 2006. UU No. 10 Tahun 2016 tentang Pemilihan Gubernur, Bupati dan Walikota tetap berlaku di Aceh, dan penggantian pejabat eselon II tetap berdasarkan UU No. 5 Tahun 2014 tentang Aparatur Sipil Negara. Disarankan kepada Pemerintah Pusat dalam membuat peraturan Perundang-undangan harus sinkronisasi peraturan Perundang-undang lainnya, agar tidak timbul disharmonisasi peraturan Perundang-undangan. Memberikan pengecualian untuk Provinsi Aceh sebagai otonomi khusus, agar tidak timbul disharmonisasi peraturan Perundang-undangan.The Act Number 11, 2006 has a power to replace echelon II officials. In the replacement of the echelon II officials, which is against the Act Number 10, 2016on the Governor, Head of District and Major Elections. The Aceh Governor is not allowed to replace the officials within 6 (six) months before the date of the candidate couple determination till the end of official position date unless there is a written license from Ministry. The procedure of echelon II official\u27s replacement conducted openly and competitively among civil servants with due regard to terms of competition, qualifications, rank, education, training, track record and integrity accordingly based on the Act Number 5, 2014 on States\u27 Official. This research aims to determine and assess the authority of the Governor of Aceh in appointing Echelon II officials and knowing the provisions of Law no. 10 of 2016 on the Election of Governors, Regents, and Mayors limits the authority of the Governor of Aceh as regional head in special autonomy. This is juridical normative research. The research shows that the Act Number 10, 2016 is not against the Act Number 11, 2006. The Act Number 10, 2016 on the Governor, Head of District and Major Election, is still existing in Aceh, and in regard with the replacement of echelon II is still referring to the Act Number 5, 2014 on States\u27 Official, as the civil Servants in Aceh is nationally integrated as civil servants.It is recommended that the Central Government should enact legislation scrupolusly and refer to harmonization and synchronization of other laws, in order not to arise disharmonization of legislation. hence it provides exceptions for Aceh Province as the special autonomy province, in order to avoid legislations\u27s disharmony

    Pemisahan Emas pada Motherboard Komputer dengan Metode Elektrolisis

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    Gold metal has been using in electronics and telecommunication industry, for example, Motherboard computer. The separation of gold from the Motherboard computer has been done in this study. To get the maximum results in the separation of the are gold used variations potential difference ( 6; 9; 12 volt ) and the type of precipitant (NaHSO3 and H2C2O4) . In this study, a certain number of samples is used samples Motherboard computer electrolyzed H2SO4 for 1 hour. The precipitate formed is separated from the filtrate. The precipitate was dissolved in Aqua Regia at a temperature of 70ËšC for 30 minutes further diluted with Aqua DM until the volume is 50 mL . Au concentration was analyzed by AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry) and Au deposited with NaHSO3 and H2C2O4 . Based on the analysis result, the maximum Au concentration at the former Motherboard computer is equal to 2.285 ppm. For 5 grams of the sample , the maximum weight of Au precipitate obtained 0.97 grams by using H2C2O4 as a precipitant

    Penyusunan Peta Indeks Resiko Banjir dengan Teknologi Sistem Imformasi Geografis (SIG) Kecamatan Senapelan, Sukajadi dan Lima Puluh

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    Flood is a disaster that can cause a lot of disadvantage to society, from materials or people`s life. Based on the survey from Royal Haskoning Team (2011), Senapelan district had 3 (three) spots of puddles. Sukajadi with 7 (seven) spots and Limapuluh district with 4 (four) puddles. The issue was came from the existed drainage system was still depends and relying on the natural channel, like brooks, swamps, and the others. Nevertheless, the brooks or swamps which flows to Siak River isn`t always good and that can potentially let some puddles and flood in several spots happens.The preparation of flood risk index map was based on insecurity index, vulnerability index and capacity index. The insecurity index parameter was based on the high , the duration and the frequency of the puddles. The vulnerability index parameter was based on the number of peoples, the dense of buildings, the male ratio and the ratio for under 15 (fifteen) peoples. The capacity index parameter was based on the existed flood pump condition, water tunnel, levee and drainage. Those parameters were analyzed by using Geographic Information System Technology (GIS)Based on the flood risk map for those three districts had 2 (two) sub-districts with index III, 6 (six) sub-districts with index II, and 9 (nine) sub-districts with index I. Based on the insecurity index, they were 3 (three) sub-districts with index IV, 4 (four) sub-districts with index III, 1 (one) sub-district with index II, and 9 (nine) sub-districts with index I. Based on the vulnerability index, they were 6 (six) sub-districts with index IV, 9 (nine) sub-districts with index III, 2 (two) sub-districts with index II. Based on the capacity index, they were 3 (three) sub-districts with index V, 14 (fourteen) sub-districts with index I
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