103 research outputs found
The Pilot Model for Teaching Written Presentation: Writing of the Imaginary Text as a Sample
Arabic is considered one of the most important components that constitute the national, cultural, individual, and collective identity of the Arab pupil. On the one hand, it has a fundamental role in the pupil’s life because through it, he expresses his thoughts, his feelings, and his needs. On the other hand, through it, he acquires and creates knowledge. However, this language is facing a lot of challenges that make the mission of teaching Arabic a complex one due to the phenomenon of diglossia, of colloquial Arabic ('Ammiyya/Darija) and Standard Arabic (Fusha). People throughout the Arab world communicate in their local dialects of colloquial Arabic while standard (fusha) Arabic is used only on formal occasions, in official correspondence, and at governmental offices. The challenges of the era and the development of technology and sciences, and people’s resort to teaching courses of distant learning, especially during the recent period of the Corona pandemic, created a need to develop new teaching methods that help the pupils master all the aspects and the four language skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Since writing is the ultimate result that the pupil has to acquire and control perfectly, he also has to acquire a lot of skills and make a lot of follow-up. Due to this new development, I chose to focus in this research on a pilot model in teaching written presentation, which I have developed in response to the new circumstances and the need to provide Arabic teachers with new, systematic, gradual methods of teaching the writing skills that are based on the pupils’ needs, on the one hand, and the needs of the environment and the modern era, on the other. This study is an article in a series of forthcoming articles that will deal with teaching various literary genres through a pilot model of teaching written presentation. I chose to start here with the genre of imaginary fictional writing that is based on the existence of events of fantasy weaving, which cannot take place in reality due to the challenges and aesthetics that exists in this kind of fictional art
Pemberdayaan Guru Di SMP Negeri 2 Kismantoro
The research has three purposes. (1) To describe the teachers performance
in SMP Negeri 2 Kismantoro. (2) To describe the headmaster role in the teachers
empowerment in SMP Negeri 2 Kismantoro. (3) To describe the problem and
solution in teachers empowerment in SMP Negeri 2 Kismantoro.
This research is using descriptive qualitative while design of the research
is ethnography. Data used is primarily and secondary data. Data sources used is
informant, activity and document. Researcher’s attendance in this research is as
instrument. Data colleting technique used is interview, observation, and document
analysis. Data validity is obtained using interactive model data analysis including
data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing.
Based on the research result in this research it can be three concluded. (1)
Teachers performance in SMP Negeri 2 Kismantoro teachers prepare learning
tools, implement learning, evaluating learning outcomes. The teachers active in
seminary and teachers conference subject (2) Headmaster role in the teachers
empowerment in SMP Negeri 2 Kismantoro are increase work spirit, increase
professional, increase the effective of teacher workteam. (3) The problem and
solution in teachers empowerment in SMP Negeri 2 Kismantoro are school
location away from teachers and students domicile. The headmaster do evaluating
and monitoring. The headmaster active in founding professional competence
Strategic Perspective of Services Marketing
According to reports and research, the services sector has emerged as one of the biggest employers across different world economies during the last two decades. As per the UNCTAD, November 2021, the services sector pulled out following the trend of an overall expansion, trade-in services. However, tourism is still below pre-pandemic ranks at $6 trillion in 2021. While analyzing the regional picture, trade growth persisted patchy in the third quarter of 2021, considering decreased regional differences in comparison to the first half of the year. In fact, the growth of the services sector’s output has led to employment growth in these economies. In present times, it is of utmost importance to manage services in a more strategic manner, so that economic stability turns into a sustainable feature for the service businesses. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member countries, more than 70 percent of the employed labor force worked in the services sector in 2017; among high-income industrialized OECD member countries, except for Greece, this proportion exceeded 80 percent. With the advancement of technology, consumerism, digitalization, and never before consumer movements, the services sector has been witnessing drastic changes. Contrary to (Dacko, 2012) services marketing, now a day is not only an approach but is also a strategy to be pursued by all firms. Managers and executives of the Service industry should carefully adapt the marketing mix composition to identify the best services strategy to achieve their marketing and business objectives. To date services marketing has received little strategic attention in the services marketing literature. Most of the research in the service sector has been concentrated on SDL and service ecosystems. As per (Pomering & Johnson, 2018) it has been proposed that service organization has strengthened sustainability in terms of environment and society through decision making.
This paper is an attempt to propose a model, considering the services as an integral part of any organization. The proposed model is relevant to organizations irrespective of the fact whether they offer tangible goods or intangible services or both in some proportion. The methodology adopted is qualitative and exploratory. Authors have reviewed extensive literature and coupled the same with monitoring of industry trends to come up with the model for service marketing. The model may be applied as a strategic tool, to design and allocate the marketing mix components for enhanced visibility in the market
Aktivitas Biolarvasida Ekstrak Etanol Buah Piper retrofractum Vahl. Terhadap Larva Nyamuk Anopheles aconitus dan Aedes aegypti Serta Profil Kromatografi Lapis Tipisnya
Beberapa penyakit tropis yang sering terjadi di Indonesia diperantarai oleh nyamuk seperti nyamuk Anopheles aconitus (malaria) dan Aedes aegypti (demam berdarah). Salah satu cara pemberantasan nyamuk yang paling sering dilakukan adalah dengan menggunakan larvasida. Tanaman famili Piperaceae diketahui mengandung senyawa alkaloid yang dapat berperan sebagai larvasida. Oleh karena itu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui aktivitas biolarvasida ekstrak etanol buah Piper retrofractum Vahl.
Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan larva nyamuk Anopheles aconitus dan Aedes aegypti instar III. Tingkat kematian larva nyamuk diamati setelah 24 jam perlakuan. Hasil data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis probit metode Miller Tainter. Analisis kualitatif senyawa alkaloid ekstrak etanol buah Piper retrofractum Vahl. dilakukan dengan metode KLT menggunakan fase diam silika GF254 dan fase gerak toluen : etil asetat (7:3) ⁄.
Nilai LC50 larva nyamuk Anopheles aconitus dan Aedes aegypti berturut-turut yaitu 4,69 ppm dan 26,12 ppm. Hal ini berarti ekstrak etanol buah Piper retrofractum Vahl. lebih toksik terhadap larva nyamuk Anopheles aconitus dibandingkan dengan larva nyamuk Aedes aegypti. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi ekstrak yang digunakan semakin banyak jumlah larva nyamuk yang mati. Berdasarkan analisis KLT, di dalam ekstrak etanol buah Piper retrofractum Vahl. terdapat senyawa alkaloid
Aktivitas Biolarvasida Fraksi Semipolar Ekstrak Etanol 96% Buah Piper retrofractum Vahl. Terhadap Larva Nyamuk Anopheles aconitus DAN Aedes aegypti Serta Profil Kromatografi Lapis Tipisnya
Salah satu sumber daya alam Indonesia yang berpotensi menjadi biolarvasida
adalah buah cabe Jawa (Piper retrofractum Vahl.) dengan salah satu kandungan senyawa aktif yaitu piperin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan aktivitas
biolarvasida fraksi semipolar esktrak etanol 96% buah Piper retrofractum terhadap larva nyamuk Anopheles aconitus dan Aedes aegypti dengan menghitung LC50 (50% kematian populasi larva) Buah Piper retrofractum diekstraksi dengan cara maserasi menggunakan pelarut etanol 96%. Ekstrak selanjutnya difraksinasi dengan metode Kromatografi
Cair Vakum (KCV). Elusi dilakukan dengan pelarut kepolaran meningkat yaitu nheksan: etil asetat (9:1), n-heksan:etil asetat (8:2), n-heksan:etil asetat (7:3), n heksan:etil asetat (5:5) masing-masing 3 kali elusi sebanya k 75 ml dimulai dari pelarut nonpolar ke polar dan etanol ditambahkan terakhir. Uji larvasida ekstrak etanol 96% fraksi semipolar buah Piper retrofractum menggunakan konsentrasi 10, 20, 30 dan 40 ppm terhadap larva nyamuk Anopheles aconitus sedangkan pada larva nyamuk Aedes aegypti menggunakan konsentrasi 10, 30, 50 dan 80
ppm. Analisis senyawa alkaloid menggunakan Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT) dengan fase diam silika GF254 nm dan fase gerak n-heksan:etil asetat (4:1) serta deteksi penampak bercak dengan pereaksi semprot dragendorf. Ekstrak etanol 96% fraksi semipolar buah Piper retrofractum mempunyai
aktivitas biolarvasida dengan LC50 sebesar 46,484 ppm terhadap larva nyamuk Aedes aegypti dan 11,36 ppm terhadap Anophele s aconitus. Sedangkan hasil identifikasi senyawa kimia menunjukkan adanya senyawa alkaloid dengan Rf 0,36, kuning jingga pada UV366 dan coklat pada sinar tampa
Analisis Pengaruh Market Value, Return On Assets, Earning Per Share, Bid Ask Spread Terhadap Holding Period Saham Perusahaan Industri Manufaktur di Indonesia Yang Terdaftar di JII Tahun 2014-2016
In making investments, investors have the freedom to choose shares of companies listed on the Stock Exchange. That way investors need to consider to reduce risk and get optimal return. If investors predicted stocks to be bought would benefit, investors would tend to hold those stocks longer and vice versa. This study aims to determine the effect of MV, ROA, EPS and BAS variables on the holding period of manufacturing companies listed in JII. The research period used is year 2014-2016.This research is a quantitative research. The research population is 27 manufacturing industry companies registered in Jakarta Islamic Index period 2014-2016. The data used in this research is the number of shares outstanding, the volume of stock transactions, closing price, return on assets, Earning per share. Data analysis technique used in this research is panel data regression test using REM model.
The results of this study indicate that: 1). Market value variables have a significant positive effect on the holding period of manufacturing company's stock which is shown by the value of sig t 0,0075. 2). The variable return on asset has no significant effect on the holding period of manufacturing company stock which is shown by the value of sig t 0.1269. 3). The earning per share variable did not significantly affect the holding period of the manufacturing company's shares which was shown by the sig t value 0.7358. 4). The variable bid ask spread does not significantly affect the holding period of the manufacturing company's stock which is shown by the value of sig t 0.1031. 5). MV, ROA, EPS, BAS test model existence / F test is the model used exist with the value of F statistics 0.000397. 5). The value of Adjusted R2 of 19.85% indicates that variations of HP variables can be explained by independent variables, and the remaining 80.65% of HP variables are explained by other variables outside the research model
Aktivitas Larvasida Ekstrak Etanol Daun Inggu (Ruta angustifolia L.) Terhadap Larva Nyamuk Anopheles aconitus Dan Anopheles maculatus Beserta Profil Kromatografinya
Pemberantasan nyamuk Anopheles spp telah banyak dilakukan terutama menggunakan larvasida kimia. Seringnya penggunaan bahan kimia menyebabkan pencemaran lingkungan. Pemakaian larvasida alami banyak dikembangkan untuk mengatasi kerugian penggunaan larvasida kimia. Tanaman inggu (Ruta
angustifolia L.) bermanfaat sebagai antibakteri, antiinflamasi, dan insektisida. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas larvasida ekstrak etanol daun
inggu terhadap larva nyamuk Anopheles aconitus dan Anopheles maculatus dan mengetahui kandungan senyawa di dalam ekstrak etanol daun inggu menggunakan Kromatografi Lapis Tipis. Daun inggu yang diperoleh dari BBPPTOOT Karanganyar diekstraksi dengan metode maserasi menggunakan etanol 96% kemudian diuapkan hingga diperoleh ekstrak etanol daun inggu kemudian dibuat lima seri konsentrasi yaitu 50 ppm, 100 ppm, 200 ppm, 300 ppm, dan 500 ppm. Ekstrak etanol daun inggu diuji aktivitas larvasida terhadap nyamuk Anopheles aconitus dan Anopheles
maculatus. Setiap seri konsentrasi diberi larva sebanyak 25 ekor dengan volume total media 100 mL. Masing-masing perlakuan direplikasi sebanyak empat kali dan diamati jumlah larva yang mati setelah 24 jam kemudian dihitung nilai LC50 menggunakan metode Miller Tainter. Uji kandungan senyawa dilakukan dengan Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT), fase diam menggunakan silika dan fase gerak heksan:etil asetat (3:7) v/v. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekstrak etanol daun inggu mempunyai aktivitas larvasida terhadap Anopheles aconitus dan Anopheles maculatus dengan nilai LC50 berturut-turut sebesar 74,17 ppm dan 131,64 ppm. Identifikasi senyawa dalam ekstrak daun inggu dilakukan menggunakan KLT menunjukkan adanya flavonoid, alkaloid, kumarin, dan terpenoid. Dari uji tabung juga menunjukkan adanya saponin dalam ekstrak etanol daun inggu
Aktivitas Biolarvasida Fraksi Nonpolar Ekstrak Etanol 96% Buah Piper retrofractum Vahl. Terhadap Larva Nyamuk Anopheles aconitus Dan Aedes aegypti Serta Profil Kromatografi Lapis Tipisnya
Biolarvasida digunakan untuk memberantas nyamuk yang merupakan vektor penyakit malaria dan demam berdarah. Tanaman famili Piperaceae mempunyai aktivitas biolarvasida karena mengandung senyawa alkaloid. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas biolarvasida fraksi nonpolar ekstrak etanol 96% buah Piper retrofractum Vahl. terhadap larva nyamuk Anopheles aconitus dan Aedes aegypti serta profil kromatografi lapis tipisnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan post test with
control design. Simplisia kering buah Piper retrofractum Vahl. dimaserasi dengan etanol 96%. Ekstrak difraksinasi menggunakan metode KCV (Kromatografi Cair Vakum) dengan pelarut n-heksan:etil asetat (9:1; 8:2; 7:3; 5:5) v/v masing-masing 3 kali, kemudian dengan etanol sebanyak 2 kali. Fraksi nonpolar diuji aktivitas biolarvasidanya pada larva nyamuk Anopheles aconitus dan Aedes aegypti dengan
pengamatan setelah 24 jam. Konsentrasi yang digunakan untuk pengujian adalah 10, 20, 30, dan 40 ppm. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis probit metode Miller Tainter.
Fraksi nonpolar menunjukkan adanya aktivitas biolarvasida, dapat dilihat dengan nilai LC50 larva nyamuk Anopheles aconitus sebesar 10,09 ppm dan Aedes aegypti sebesar 22,08 ppm. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas biolarvasida fraksi nonpolar terhadap larva nyamuk Anopheles aconitus lebih besar dibanding Aedes aegypti. Profil KLT senyawa alkaloid fraksi nonpolar ekstrak etanol 96% buah Piper retrofractum Vahl. ditunjukkan warna coklat muda pada sinar tampak dengan Rf 0,3 dengan fase diam silika GF254 dan fase gerak nheksan: etil asetat (4:1) v/v dengan pereaksi semprot Dragendorff untuk mendeteksi senyawa alkaloid
Aktivitas Larvasida Ekstrak Etil Asetat Batang Inggu (Ruta angustifolia L.) Terhadap Larva Nyamuk Anopheles aconitus dan Anopheles maculates Beserta Profil Kromatografinya
Ekstrak etil asetat batang inggu memiliki aktivitas larvasida terhadap larva nyamuk Anopheles maculatus dan Anopheles aconitus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas larvasida ekstrak etil asetat batang inggu terhadap larva nyamuk Anopheles maculatus dan Anopheles aconitus, nilai LC50 pada ekstrak tersebut dan golongan senyawa yang terdapat di dalam batang inggu.
Ekstrak didapat dengan cara maserasi. Batang inggu diblender kemudian dimaserasi dengan menggunakan pelarut etil asetat. Kemudian diuji aktivitas larvasidanya terhadap larva nyamuk Anopheles maculatus dan Anopheles aconitus
dengan metode bioassay. Konsentrasi ekstrak yang digunakan adalah 100, 250, 500, 750, dan 1000 ppm. Parameter yang digunakan adalah nilai LC50. Untuk analisis senyawa, digunakan metode pemisahan kromatografi lapis tipis dengan
menggunakan fase gerak heksan-etil asetat (6:4). Ekstrak etil asetat batang inggu lebih efektif membunuh larva nyamuk
Anopheles aconitus (LC50 467,34 ppm) dibandingkan dengan larva nyamuk Anopheles maculatus ( LC50 755,95 ppm). Berdasarkan dari hasil KLT, senyawa yang terkandung di dalam ekstrak tersebut adalah flavonoid, alkaloid, terpenoid, dan kumarin dengan Rf berturut-turut 0,25;0,25; 0,73; dan 0,71
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