23 research outputs found
Seiring berjalannya waktu, populasi penduduk di Yogyakarta semakin
bertambah. Namun fasilitas yang bergerak di bidang natalitas (melahirkan) di
Indonesia masih sangat sedikit jumlahnya, sehingga tak jarang banyak ibu maupun
bayi yang tidak tertolong sewaktu melahirkan. Selain itu ibu dengan penyakit
kandungan juga membutuhkan fasilitas untuk bisa sembuh dan bisa memiliki anak
seperti ibu pada umumnya, begitu pula dengan ibu yang ingin mengatur jumlah
anak, pasti membutuhkan fasilitas kesehatan di bidang khusus kandungan. Sama
halnya dengan sang anak buah hati sang ibu, anak kecil atau balita biasanya
membutuhkan perawatan yang teramat khusus, mengingat kondisi mereka yang
masih rentan terhadap dunia luar. Kebanyakan anak kecil atau balita merasa takut
akan dunia kedokteran, seperti misalnya takut disuntik, takut dicabut gigi dan
sebaginya. Dari hal tersebut disadari bahwa sebenarnya ibu dan anak
membutuhkan adanya fasilitas dan sarana yang dapat melayani karakter khusus
dari ibu dan anak itu sendiri. Salah satu fasilitas tersebut dapat diwujudkan dalam
bentuk sebuah Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak yang khusus menangani ibu hamil, ibu
bersalin, ibu pasca bersalin, dan bayi yang baru lahir serta anak-anak usia 1-6
Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak di Yogyakarta merupakan suatu fasilitas untuk
melayani kesehatan khusus ibu dan anak. Karakter ibu dan anak tidak bisa
disamakan dengan karakter pasien pada umumnya, namun bukan berarti Rumah
Sakit Ibu dan Anak di Yogyakarta menjawab kebutuhan ibu dan anak, kebanyakan
dari mereka cenderung takut dengan rumah sakit. Sehingga nuansa homey, nuansa
yang sesuai dengan karakter ibu anak dihadirkan sebagai pendekatan supaya ibu
dan anak merasa seperti dirumah sendiri dan dengan demikian bisa mempercepat
proses penyembuhan
DRAMA TRAGEDI TRISAKTI 1998 Analisis Struktur Naratif Seymour Chatman Pada Laporan Utama Majalah GATRA 23 Mei 1998 āBau Mesiu dan Amis Darah di Trisaktiā
Didasarkan oleh upaya rekoreksi dan re-evaluasi terhadap berita yang memiliki peran
strategis dalam dinamika komunitas dan masyarakat, serta perannya untuk mengkonstruksi narasi
pemahaman masyarakat tentang suatu realitas, khususnya soal Peristiwa Trisakti 1998, penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk membedah struktur naratif teks berita majalah Gatra berjudul āBau Mesiu dan Amis
Darah di Trisaktiā berikut dengan intensi dramatisasi yang terkandung di dalamnya. Dengan
mendasarkan pada teori naratologi struktural Seymour Chatman, penelitian ini bergerak pada
penelaahan elemen story dan discourse. Khusus di elemen discourse, penelitian ini menggunakan
pendekatan analisis wacana model kognisi sosial Teun A. van Dijk dengan landasan berpikir, wacana
sebagai struktur transmisi narasi dan medium kebahasaan yang merupakan produk dari proses sosial
pemakai bahasa. Dari deskripsi dan analisis data, ditemukan bahwa (1)intensi dramatisasi dikonstruksi
melalui struktur plot, relasi antar karakter, pemunculan kontingensi, dan waktu penceritaan dimana
urutan (order) penceritaan tersusun secara anakronis, adanya repetisi sekuen dalam kacamata
frekuensi, serta model ellipsis yang membuang sekuen peristiwa tertentu di analisis durasi; (2) strategi
pengkomunikasian (discourse/wacana) cerita mendramatisasi Peristiwa Trisakti 1998 dengan
membangun konstruksi kekejaman aparat dan mendukung mahasiswa di lain sisi lewat strategi
tekstual dalam teks berita
The effects of age structures on asset prices : evidence from 18 OECD countries
In Japan, the turning point for its housing and stock prices at the beginning of the 1990s coincided with the turning point for its middle-aged-to-younger population ratio. In the United States, the financial crisis in 2007 also coincided with the turning point for the same ratio. Were these mere coincidences or was there a causal relationship between the middle-aged-to-younger population ratios and asset prices?
In this study, the author proposed two models, namely the income and investment channels, and six hypotheses. The empirical evidence from 18 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries from 1970 to 2010 showed that the middle-aged-to-younger population ratio influenced stock prices through both the income and investment channels and the housing prices mainly through the income channel. The income model suggested that the growth in the middle-aged-to-younger population ratio increased the average national income and, hence, asset prices. The investment model allowed individuals to take advantage of this trend in asset appreciation by saving and investing. As a result, asset prices went up. These discoveries might help us understand the causal relationship between the middle-aged-to-younger population ratio and asset prices and, in the long run, the co-movement of stock and housing prices.published_or_final_versionReal Estate and ConstructionMasterMaster of Philosoph
Literasi Kaum Muda tentang Good Governance Melalui Isu Korupsi di Televisi
Abstract: Politics, for young people, is mostly uninteresting. But the large amount of television news coverage on corruption cases could be used to study the literacy of youth about good governance. This research is using mix-method and examining 89 respondents and 12 informants in Kelurahan Panembahan and Gowongan Yogyakarta which are differentiated by socio-economic characteristics. Cross-tabulation and coding model are used for analysis. According to young people the government has bad performance due to various corruption cases that affect the governance embodiment. The uses of numerous medium to obtain information could help the youth to have high literacy about good governance.Abstrak: Bagi kaum muda umumnya, politik adalah membosankann, namun maraknya pemberitaan kasus korupsi di televisi perlu digunakan untuk menjajagi literasi kaum muda tentang good governance. Penelitian ini menggunakan mixmethodĆĀ terhadap 89 responden dan 12 informan di Kelurahan Panembahan dan Gowongan Yogyakarta yang terbedakan oleh latar sosio-ekonomi. Analisis menggunakan tabulasi silang dan tiga model coding: open, axial, selective. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan umumnya kaum muda menilai buruk kinerja pemerintah karena berbagai kasus korupsi, yang diyakini mempengaruhi perwujudan tata kelola pemerintahan. Penggunaan berbagai media untuk memperoleh informasiĆĀ memperlihatkan bahwa tingkat literasi kaum muda dalam pemahaman tentang good governance sudah cenderung tinggi
Role of Forkhead Box O Transcription Factors in Oxidative Stress-Induced Chondrocyte Dysfunction: Possible Therapeutic Target for Osteoarthritis?
Chondrocyte dysfunction occurs during the development of osteoarthritis (OA), typically resulting from a deleterious increase in oxidative stress. Accordingly, strategies for arresting oxidative stress-induced chondrocyte dysfunction may lead to new potential therapeutic targets for OA treatment. Forkhead box O (FoxO) transcription factors have recently been shown to play a protective role in chondrocyte dysfunction through the regulation of inflammation, autophagy, aging, and oxidative stress. They also regulate growth, maturation, and matrix synthesis in chondrocytes. In this review, we discuss the recent progress made in the field of oxidative stress-induced chondrocyte dysfunction. We also discuss the protective role of FoxO transcription factors as potential molecular targets for the treatment of OA. Understanding the function of FoxO transcription factors in the OA pathology may provide new insights that will facilitate the development of next-generation therapies to prevent OA development and to slow OA progression
Role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and nerve growth factor in the regulation of Neuropeptide W in vitro and in vivo
Nerve growth factor (NGF) and Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) are neurotrophic factors involved in the growth, survival and functioning of neurons. In addition, a possible role of neurotrophins, particularly BDNF, in HPA axis hyperactivation has recently been proposed. Neuropeptide W (NPW) is an endogenous peptide ligand for the GPR7 and GPR8 and a stress mediator in the hypothalamus. It activates the HPA axis by working on hypothalamic corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH). No information is available about the interrelationships between neurotrophines like NGF/BDNF and NPW. We studied the effect and underlying mechanisms of NGF/BDNF on the production of NPW in PC12\ua0cells and hypothalamus. NGF time- and concentration-dependently stimulated the expression of NPW in PC12\ua0cells. The effect of NGF was blocked by the inhibition of PI3K/Akt signal pathway with specific inhibitors for PI3K or AktsiRNA for Akt while inhibition of ERK pathway had no effect. Moreover, BDNF concentration-dependently induced the expression of NPW mRNA and decreased the expression of NPY mRNA in primary cultured hypothalamic neurons which was also blocked by a PI3K kinase inhibitor. Finally, in\ua0vivo study showed that exogenous BDNF injected icv increased NPW production in the hypothalamus and this effect was reversed by a PI3 kinase inhibitor. These results and the fact that BDNF was able to stimulate the expression of CRH demonstrated that neurotrophines can modulate the expression of NPW in neuronal cells via the PI3K/Akt pathway and suggest that BDNF might be involved in functions of the HPA axis, at least in part by modulating the expression of NPW/NPY and CRH
Gardenamide A Protects RGC-5 Cells from H2O2-Induced Oxidative Stress Insults by Activating PI3K/Akt/eNOS Signaling Pathway
Gardenamide A (GA) protects the rat retinal ganglion (RGC-5) cells against cell apoptosis induced by H2O2. The protective effect of GA was completely abrogated by the specific phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor LY294002, and the specific protein kinase B (Akt) inhibitor Akt VIII respectively, indicating that the protective mechanism of GA is mediated by the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway. The specific extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2) inhibitor PD98059 could not block the neuroprotection of GA. GA attenuated the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and malondialdehyde (MDA) induced by H2O2. Western blotting showed that GA promoted the phosphorylation of ERK1/2, Akt and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), respectively, and effectively reversed the H2O2-inhibited phosphorylation of these three proteins. LY294002 completely inhibited the GA-activated phosphorylation of Akt, while only partially inhibiting eNOS. This evidence implies that eNOS may be activated directly by GA. PD98059 attenuated only partially the GA-induced phosphorylation of ERK1/2 with/without the presence of H2O2, indicating that GA may activate ERK1/2 directly. All these results put together confirm that GA protects RGC-5 cells from H2O2 insults via the activation of PI3K/Akt/eNOS signaling pathway. Whether the ERK1/2 signaling pathway is involved requires further investigations