51 research outputs found

    Фактори, які кондиціонують поліваріантність ефектів бальнеотерапевтичного комплексу курорту Трускавець на інтракардіальну та центральну гемодинаміку

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    Показано что, разнообразие эффектов курса бальнеотерапии на курорте Трускавець на гемодинамику может быть сведено методом кластерного анализа к четырем вариантам. Методом дискриминантного анализа выявлены 15 исходных параметров гемодинамики, вегетативной регуляции и обмена электролитов и липидов, закономерно обуславливающих тот или иной вариант бальнеоэффекта.The method of an echocardiography studies reactings intracardial and central hemodynamics of the man on a course balneotherapy on a spa Truskavets'. Outgoing from shifts of main parameters: an index of contractility (IC), frequency of a rhythm (FR), middledynamic pressure (Pm), general peripheral resistance of vessels (GPRV), expulsion time (ET), enddyastolic (EDV), shock (SV) volumes of heart and cardiac output (CО) - is selected 4 types of reacting. Hypotensive bradycardiо-antikinetic reacting registered for 34,8% of persons, is characterized reduce of Pm, rhythm, ET and CО associated with absence of changes SV, EDV, GPRV and IC. For antiresistive tachycardiо-prokinetic type (30,3% of cases) is characteristic combination of increase of a FR, ET and CО with a considerable decrease GPRV. At proresistive antiinotropic tachycardiо-antikinetic type (19,7% of faces) is essentially increased GPRV and FR, reduced IC, ET, EDV, SV and CО. For 15,2% of faces is established antiresistive proinotropic prokinetic type described by a increase of IC, EDV, SV, FR and CО and decrease of GPRV. The type of effects are conditionized by constellation of 15 initial parameters of haemodynamic, vegetative regulation and exchange of lipides and electrolytes and are prognozed by method of disccriminant analysis (correctly 83,3%)

    How academic researchers select collaborative research projects: a choice experiment

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    Merit, Expertise and Measuremen

    О спектре сингулярных возмущений полупериодических операторов

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    Досліджено властивості заданих у комплексному сепарабельному гільбертовому просторі L^2(0,1) операторів (D^2−)^s+V(x), s що належить (1/2,∞), де D^2−=−d^2/dx^2 — диференціальний оператор з напівперіодичними граничними умовами, а 1-періодична узагальнена функція V(x) належить негативному простору Соболєва H^−sα +, α що належить [0,1]. Дано опис якісних спектральних властивостей таких операторів, знайдено многочленні асимптотичні формули для їх власних значень при s що належить (1,∞) як в самоспряженому випадку, так і в несамоспряженому.We investigate properties of the operators (D^2−)^s+V(x), s belongs (1/2,∞), given in the complex separable Hilbert space L^2(0,1), where D^2−=−d^2/dx^2 is a differential operator subject to semiperiodic boundary conditions, and the 1-periodic distribution V(x) is in the negative Sobolev space H^−sα +, α belongs [0,1]. We describe qualitative spectral properties of the operators and find polynomial asymptotic formulae for their eigenvalues for s belongs (1,∞) in a self-adjoint case and in a non-self-adjoint one

    Consumers in demand : The relationship between innovativeness and use of information sources

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    As bounded rational agents, consumers face many uncertainties during the process of innovation adoption. The consumers that face most uncertainties are the ones that first adopt new products. These so-called ‘innovators’ are important for the innovation diffusion process. They take the risks for others by adopting early, they partly test the products’ functionality, they contribute to further improvement of the product, they familiarize others with the product and they can contribute to the build-up of sufficient critical mass for the diffusion process to become self sustaining. To reduce the uncertainties that are attached to innovation adoption, consumers engage in a search for information prior to adoption. When searching, consumers can consult multiple information sources. Since innovative individuals are the ones that first take the risk of innovating, it is crucial to understand how their information search patterns using various channels differ from other individuals. Based on a literature review and empirical findings four external sources of information are identified: interpersonal sources, mass media, the World Wide Web (WWW) and retailers. Until now the link between innovativeness and the use of information sources was only poorly understood. To improve this understanding, this thesis consists of five empirical studies that investigate the relationship between consumer innovativeness and the use of information sources in two product domains: consumer electronics and automobiles. In the first two studies, based on qualitative and quantitative survey data, it is found that consumer electronics is a low risk multiple product domain f in which several clusters of products can be identified that are owned in combination together. Automobiles are considered to be a high risk single product domain. In the third study it is found that in a low risk domain such consumer electronics, innovative consumers get their information from outside a social system through specialized channels such as mass media and the WWW. In the fourth study it found that in a high risk domain such as cars consumers balance their search effort among the different information sources. A final study reveals that within the domain of automobiles three types of preferences for cars be identified: preferences for environmental friendly cars, for high performing cars and for convenient cars. These preferences were found to be related to consumer innovativeness and use of information sources: consumers with strong preferences for a high performance car are more innovative and make more use of mass media and WWW when searching for information. These media can be used to target the specific segment of consumers with a preference for high performance (and often more polluting) cars, using communication campaigns, in order to influence their preferences. The result further demonstrates that the preferences of innovators are not always representative for the entire population. For more successful innovation development it is recommended that, explicit attention is paid to the preferences of non-innovative consumers in the innovation process

    (I Can’t Get No) Saturation: A Simulation and Guidelines for Minimum Sample Sizes in Qualitative Research

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    This paper explores the sample size in qualitative research that is required to reach theoretical saturation. I conceptualize a population as consisting of sub-populations that contain different types of information sources that hold a number of codes. Theoretical saturation is reached after all the codes in the population have been observed once in the sample. I delineate three different scenarios to sample information sources: “random chance,” which is based on probability sampling, “minimal information,” which yields at least one new code per sampling step, and “maximum information,” which yields the largest number of new codes per sampling step. Next, I use simulations to assess the minimum sample size for each scenario for systematically varying hypothetical populations. I show that theoretical saturation is more dependent on the mean probability of observing codes than on the number of codes in a population. Moreover, the minimal and maximal information scenarios are significantly more efficient than random chance, but yield fewer repetitions per code to validate the findings. I formulate seven guidelines for purposive sampling and recommend that researchers follow a minimum information scenario

    Ondernemen met de geest

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    Ondernemen met de geest

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    Two important issues when promoting healthier food

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    In discussing strategies to combat cardiovascular disease worldwide, Sonia Anand and Salim Yusuf (Feb 12, p 529)1 rightly point to the complex socioeconomic interactions that need to be considered when promoting healthy food consumption. However, details of these interactions are left implicit. Two important issues that must be dealt with in any strategy are highlighted here