3 research outputs found

    Isolation and Identification of DPPH Radical (2,2-diphenyl-1-pikrylhidrazyl) Scavenging Active Compound in Ethyl acetat fraction of Piper acre Blume

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    Piper acre Blume, known as Black Betel (local name), is a plant that is widely used by the people of East Kalimantan, especially in Samarinda, for the treatment of illness. Leaves (3-4 months old) are collected from Samarinda, extracted, fractionated, and monitored by DPPH antiradical activity. The isolation of the Piper acre Blume is performed on the active fraction, and the structure identification is based on spectroscopic data of the compound.  The leaves were dried, pulverized, and macerated with MeOH. Dried MeOH extract was obtained upon evaporation of the solvent. The extract was then fractionated by vacuum liquid chromatography (vlc), eluted gradually by solvents having different polarities (n-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol). The fractions obtained were monitored using TLC [n-hexane: ethyl acetate (3: 1 v/v)] that was visualized by UV254 nm, UV366 nm and DPPH. The isolation was performed by preparative TLC [SiO2, n-hexane: ethyl acetate (3: 1)] on ethyl acetate fraction that showed the highest DPPH antiradical value. A single compound was obtained, and it appeared as a round spot and pure according to TLC performances at 3 different solvent systems. The isolated Piper acre Blume compound displayed the IC50 value on the anti-radical DPPH (measured at λ 520 nm) as 10.41µg/mL. The IR spectrum (KBr) showed –OH band (3450 cm-1), aliphatic bands [alkene, 3010 cm-1; alkana 2900 cm-1), an aromatic overtone bands (1900-200 cm-1) and a strong C=O band (1725 cm-1). The NMR (1H- and 13C-) (mono and 2D) indicated the present of a p-di-substituted aromatic signals (δ, 7.54 and 7.52, d, J =6 Hz, 1 H each), 2 methyl (δ, 0.96, d, J = 7.0 Hz, 6 Hs), a triplet signal (δ, 4.22 ppm). Other signals of CH- and CH2 were shown as m signals at δ, 1.64 and 1.34 ppm.  Based on those data, the compound was identified as isoamyl p-OH benzoate that is grouped as parabens used as a preservative in the pharmaceutical preparations. In conclusion, the anti-radical (DPPH) active compound present in the leaves of Piper acre Blume is identified as isoamyl p-OH benzoate, having IC50 value anti-radical DPPH 10,41µg/mL

    Uji Kualitatif Aktivitas Radikal Bebas DPPH dari Daun Penggugut (Knema pallens W.J.deWilde): Qualitative Test of DPPH Radical Scavenging Activity from Penggugut Leaves (Knema pallens W.J.deWilde)

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    Penggugut (Knema pallens W.J. deWilde) is an endemic plant from Kalimantan belongs to Myristicaceae or the nutmeg family. Penggugut can be found in habitats like lowland forest, sandy forests and mangroves. The efficacy and activity of penggugut especially the leaves, have not been widely known or studied. So that make the purpose was to know about the percentage yield of extract and fraction from penggugut leaves and to know the activity of Radical Scavenging DPPH from penggugut leaves. The methods used include extraction, liquid-liquid fractination and TLC by spraying DPPH. The results there are percentage of yield : methanol extract is 8,04%, n-hexane fraction is 28,9%, ethyl acetate fraction is 7,83% and n-butanol fraction is 9,8%. In the qualitative test, it was found that the spots have activity of Radical Scavenging were marked with yellow spots on a purple background, there are in the methanol extract have 4 spots with Rf values (0,07; 0,14; 0,29; 0,43), the n-hexane fraction have 3 spots with Rf values ??(0,1; 0,21; 0,43), the ethyl acetate fraction have 5 spots with Rf values ??(0,07; 0,17; 0,29; 0,43; 0,53) and the n-butanol fraction did not get any spots

    Studi Kasus: Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronis (Stage V) dengan Edema Paru dan Ketidakseimbangan Cairan Elektrolit: Case Study: Chronic Kidney Disease (Stage V) Patient with Pulmonary Edema and Fluid Electrolyte Imbalance

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    Gagal Ginjal Kronik (GGK) merupakan kondisi gangguan fungsi ginjal yang progresif dan tidak dapat pulih kembali, dimana tubuh tidak mampu memelihara metabolisme dan gagal memelihara keseimbangan cairan dan elektrolit. Pada penelitian ini pengambilan data dilakukan secara retrospektif yang dilihat dari data rekam medik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas pengkajian pengobatan pada pasien gagal ginjal kronik dengan komplikasi. Seorang pasien Ny. WN usia 42 tahun masuk rumah sakit dengan keluhan sesak nafas, dada berdebar, mual muntah, pusing, demam dan BAB encer. Dari hasil pemeriksaan fisik dan laboratorium diketahui diagnose pasien adalah gagal ginjal kronik (GGK) stage 5 disertai edema paru, dyspnea, hipokalsemia, hiponatremia dan hiperkalemia. Pasien memiliki riwayat Hipertensi yang merupakan salah satu faktor resiko terjadinya gagal ginjal kronik (GGK).Terapi yang telah diberikan pada studi kasus ini adalah terapi yang telah sesuai dengan asuhan kefarmasian pada pasien GGK stage 5