500 research outputs found

    Toward cognitively constrained models of language processing:A review

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    Language processing is not an isolated capacity, but is embedded in other aspects of our cognition. However, it is still largely unexplored to what extent and how language processing interacts with general cognitive resources. This question can be investigated with cognitively constrained computational models, which simulate the cognitive processes involved in language processing. The theoretical claims implemented in cognitive models interact with general architectural constraints such as memory limitations. This way, it generates new predictions that can be tested in experiments, thus generating new data that can give rise to new theoretical insights. This theory-model-experiment cycle is a promising method for investigating aspects of language processing that are difficult to investigate with more traditional experimental techniques. This review specifically examines the language processing models of Lewis and Vasishth (2005), Reitter et al. (2011), and Van Rij et al. (2010), all implemented in the cognitive architecture Adaptive Control of Thought—Rational (Anderson et al., 2004). These models are all limited by the assumptions about cognitive capacities provided by the cognitive architecture, but use different linguistic approaches. Because of this, their comparison provides insight into the extent to which assumptions about general cognitive resources influence concretely implemented models of linguistic competence. For example, the sheer speed and accuracy of human language processing is a current challenge in the field of cognitive modeling, as it does not seem to adhere to the same memory and processing capacities that have been found in other cognitive processes. Architecture-based cognitive models of language processing may be able to make explicit which language-specific resources are needed to acquire and process natural language. The review sheds light on cognitively constrained models of language processing from two angles: we discuss (1) whether currently adopted cognitive assumptions meet the requirements for language processing, and (2) how validated cognitive architectures can constrain linguistically motivated models, which, all other things being equal, will increase the cognitive plausibility of these models. Overall, the evaluation of cognitively constrained models of language processing will allow for a better understanding of the relation between data, linguistic theory, cognitive assumptions, and explanation

    Update kosten en baten van harmonisatie van de rechtspositie van overheidspersoneel

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    Dit rapport beschrijft de kosten en baten voor de overheid als ambtenaren dezelfde rechtspositie krijgen als andere werknemers (‘harmonisatie’). Zij krijgen dan een arbeidscontract in plaats van een aanstelling; gaan voor rechtszaken naar de kantonrechter in plaats van de bestuursrechter; en krijgen een eigen CAO. Omdat er bij verschillende kosten en baten onzekerheid bestaat, wordt gewerkt met drie scenario’s. De kosten van harmonisatie zijn eenmalig en liggen tussen € 53 en 186 miljoen. Dit betreft met name opleidingen en administratieve organisatie. De baten zijn € 6,6 tot 21,9 miljoen per jaar. Deze baten bestaan uit besparingen bij de rechtspraak en besparingen door deregulering. In het middenscenario is de terugverdientijd ruim zeven jaar. In het meest ongunstige geval loopt de terugverdientijd op tot 28 jaar. Bij een goede planning en sturing van het proces - waarbij de kosten in de hand worden gehouden - en baten die gunstig uitvallen, is de investering in drie jaar terugverdiend. Dit rapport bouwt voort op een rapport van SEO en Regioplan uit 2006. De kosten zijn gedaald omdat de huidige inzichten wijzen op minder behoefte aan opleidingen. De baten zijn hoger door een betere inschatting van de opbrengsten van de overgang van bestuursrechter naar kantonrechter

    Deformed two center shell model

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    A highly specialized two-center shell model has been developed accounting for the splitting of a deformed parent nucleus into two ellipsoidaly deformed fragments. The potential is based on deformed oscillator wells in direct correspondance with the shape change of the nuclear system. For the first time a potential responsible for the necking part between the fragments is introduced on potential theory basis. As a direct consequence, spin-orbit {\bf ls} and {\bf l2^2} operators are calculated as shape dependent. Level scheme evolution along the fission path for pairs of ellipsoidaly deformed fragments is calculated. The Strutinsky method yields the shell corrections for different mass asymmetries from the superheavy nucleus 306^{306}122 and 252^{252}Cf all along the splitting process.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figure


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    Radical removal of malignant lesions may be improved using tumor-targeted dual-modality probes that contain both a radiotracer and a fluorescent label to allow for enhanced intraoperative delineation of tumor resection margins. Because pretargeting strategies yield high signal-to-background ratios, we evaluated the feasibility of a pretargeting strategy for intraoperative imaging in prostate cancer using an anti-TROP-2 x anti-HSG bispecific antibody (TF12) in conjunction with the dual-labeled diHSG peptide (RDC018) equipped with both a DOTA chelate for radiolabeling purposes and a fluorophore (IRdye800CW) to allow near-infrared optical imaging. Nude mice implanted s.c. with TROP-2-expressing PC3 human prostate tumor cells or with PC3 metastases in the scapular and suprarenal region were injected i.v. with 1 mg of TF12 and, after 16 hours of tumor accumulation and blood clearance, were subsequently injected with 10 MBq, 0.2 nmol/mouse of either (111)In-RDC018 or (111)In-IMP288 as a control. Two hours after injection, both microSPECT/CT and fluorescence images were acquired, both before and after resection of the tumor nodules. After image acquisition, the biodistribution of (111)In-RDC018 and (111)In-IMP288 was determined and tumors were analyzed immunohistochemically. The biodistribution of the dual-label RDC018 showed specific accumulation in the TROP-2-expressing PC3 tumors (12.4 +/- 3.7% ID/g at 2 hours postinjection), comparable with (111)In-IMP288 (9.1 +/- 2.8% ID/g at 2 hours postinjection). MicroSPECT/CT and near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) imaging confirmed this TROP-2-specific uptake of the dual-label (111)In-RDC018 in both the s.c. and metastatic growing tumor model. In addition, PC3 metastases could be visualized preoperatively with SPECT/CT and could subsequently be resected by image-guided surgery using intraoperative NIRF imaging, showing the preclinical feasibility of pretargeted dual-modality imaging approach in prostate cancer

    Extinction of ants' feeding and social foraging on myrmecochorous seeds

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: Fibrocaps is a dry powder fibrin sealant containing human plasma-derived fibrinogen and thrombin. The safety, efficacy, and application methods for Fibrocaps were evaluated in an exploratory, first-in-human, noncomparative, clinical study. METHODS: Patients with minor bleeding/oozing after elective partial hepatic resection had Fibrocaps applied to the bleeding site either directly from the vial or from a spray device, with manual pressure applied using a cellulose, collagen, or gelatin sponge, if needed. Safety was evaluated at screening and postoperative days 1, 2, and 5, and weeks 4 and 12. The formation of anti-thrombin antibodies was assessed at baseline, and after 4 and 12 weeks. Time to hemostasis (TTH) within 10 min was determined. RESULTS: Twenty-nine patients were treated with Fibrocaps; 6 experienced serious adverse events that were not related to the course of treatment. Adverse events occurring in >10% of patients were nausea, constipation, hypotension, obstipation, hypokalemia, and postoperative pain. Most adverse events were mild or moderate in severity. No patient developed anti-thrombin antibodies. The percentage of patients who achieved hemostasis was 93%; the median TTH was 3.8 min (range 0.3-10.3). Manual pressure was applied with Fibrocaps in 19 patients and considered beneficial in most. CONCLUSION: Fibrocaps was well tolerated in patients undergoing elective hepatic resection and resulted in rapid hemostasis. These safety and efficacy results support further clinical testing of this ready-to-use fibrin sealant as an adjunct to surgical hemostasis. (c) 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Evaluation of Circulating Tumor DNA as a Liquid Biomarker in Uveal Melanoma

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    Purpose: Uveal melanoma (UM) has a high propensity to metastasize. Prognosis is associated with specific driver mutations and copy number variations (CNVs), but limited primary tumor tissue is available for molecular characterization due to eye-sparing irradiation treatment. This study aimed to assess the rise in circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) levels in UM and evaluate its efficacy for CNV-profiling of patients with UM. Methods:In a pilot study, we assessed ctDNA levels in the blood of patients with UM (n = 18) at various time points, including the time of diagnosis (n = 13), during fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (fSRT) treatment (n = 6), and upon detection of metastatic disease (n = 13). Shallow whole-genome sequencing (sWGS) combined with in silico size-selection was used to identify prognostically relevant CNVs in patients with UM (n = 26) from peripheral blood retrieved at the time of diagnosis (n = 9), during fSRT (n = 5), during post-treatment follow-up (n = 4), metastasis detection (n = 6), and metastasis follow-up (n = 4). Results: A total of 34 patients had blood analyzed for ctDNA detection (n = 18) and/or CNV analysis (n = 26) at various time points. At the time of diagnosis, 5 of 13 patients (38%) had detectable ctDNA (median = 0 copies/mL). Upon detection of metastatic disease, ctDNA was detected in 10 of 13 patients (77%) and showed increased ctDNA levels (median = 24 copies/mL, P &lt; 0.01). Among the six patients analyzed during fSRT, three (50%) patients had detectable ctDNA at baseline and three of six (50%) patients had undetectable levels of ctDNA. During the fSRT regimen, ctDNA levels remained unchanged (P &gt; 0.05). The ctDNA fractions were undetectable to low in localized disease, and sWGS did not elucidate chromosome 3 status from blood samples. However, in 7 of 10 (70%) patients with metastases, the detection of chromosome 3 loss corresponded to the high metastatic-risk class. Conclusions: The rise in ctDNA levels observed in patients with UM harboring metastases suggests its potential utility for CNV profiling. These findings highlight the potential of using ctDNA for metastasis detection and patient inclusion in therapeutic studies targeting metastatic UM.</p

    Arbovirus-Derived piRNAs Exhibit a Ping-Pong Signature in Mosquito Cells

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    The siRNA pathway is an essential antiviral mechanism in insects. Whether other RNA interference pathways are involved in antiviral defense remains unclear. Here, we report in cells derived from the two main vectors for arboviruses, Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti, the production of viral small RNAs that exhibit the hallmarks of ping-pong derived piwi-associated RNAs (piRNAs) after infection with positive or negative sense RNA viruses. Furthermore, these cells produce endogenous piRNAs that mapped to transposable elements. Our results show that these mosquito cells can initiate de novo piRNA production and recapitulate the ping-pong dependent piRNA pathway upon viral infection. The mechanism of viral-piRNA production is discussed
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