15 research outputs found

    Study on the socio-economic impact of cancer disease on cancer patients and their relatives

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    Cancer is one of the most relevant social and health problems in the world. The disease entails additional costs for cancer patients and their families that are not covered by the public part of our welfare state, and which they assume themselves simply because they are ill. The main objective of this study is to identify and analyse the additional cost and socioeconomic impact of cancer disease on patients diagnosed with cancer disease and their families. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional randomised observational epidemiological study without replacement with prevalence of cancer disease in the study base, carried out in the Medical Oncology Service of the Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Salamanca (CAUSA), Spain. Results: The study variable has been the additional cost of the cancer disease for cancer patients and their families that is not covered by our autonomous health system. Conclusions: Cancer disease entails an additional cost for the patient and family; more specifically, for 55% of the patients in the study sample, the diagnosis of cancer represents extra expenditure of between 8.38–9.67% of their annual income. Furthermore, the disability and dependence of patients does not represent an additional cost due to their levels of functionality, but it can have repercussions on the future cost of the evolution of the disease, in addition to the fact of having cancer

    Study of chemotherapy-induced cognitive impairment in women with breast cancer

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    Oncology patients experience a large number of symptoms and, those referring to cognitive performance has an ever-increasing importance in clinical practice, due to the increase in survival rates and interest in the patient’s quality of life. The studies reviewed showed that chemotherapy-related cognitive impairmentmight occur in 15 and 50% of oncology patients. The main objective of this research was to study the impact of chemotherapy on the cognitive function of patients with locoregional breast cancer. Method: Analytical, prospective, longitudinal study using three measures, unifactorial intrasubject design, non-probability, and random selection sampling. The sample comprisedwomen newly diagnosedwith locoregional breast cancer in stages I, II, IIIA who received chemotherapy at the University Hospital of Salamanca (Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Salamanca), randomly selected for three years. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, and anxiety and depression (Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale, HAD); quality of life (QLQ-BR23 scale) and the following cognitive variables were assessed—processing speed, attention, memory, and executive functions (subtests of theWechsler Intelligence Scale and the TrailMaking Test). Results: The final sample size included 151 participants; 23 were excluded. A decline in cognitive performance was observed in patients, which did not completely recover two months after chemotherapy was completed. Additionally, worse cognitive performance was observed in patients with anxious or depressive symptoms. There was a negative impact on the quality of life. Conclusion: Chemotherapy had an impact on the cognitive performance of oncology patients in most cognitive domains studied

    Effect of including a dietary supplement of raisins, a food rich in polyphenols, on cognitive function in healthy older adults; a study protocol for a randomized clinical trial

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    Background Polyphenols have been shown to be effective against many chronic diseases, including neurodegenerative diseases. Specifically, the consumption of raisins, being a food rich in polyphenols, has been attributed with neuroprotective benefits. Therefore, our main objective is to evaluate the effect of including 50 g of raisins in the diet daily for 6 months, on the improvement of cognitive performance, cardiovascular risk factors and markers of inflammation in a population of older adults without cognitive impairment. Methods Design and intervention: This study will be a randomized controlled clinical trial of two parallel groups. Each subject included in the study will be randomly assigned to one of two study groups: control group (no supplement), intervention group (50 g of raisins daily during 6 months). Study population: The participants will be selected by consecutive sampling in the Primary Care consultations of urban health centers in Salamanca and Zamora (Spain), taking into account the selection criteria. Study variables: Two visits will be made, baseline and at 6 months. Cognitive performance will be evaluated (MiniMental State Examination test, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, verbal fluency and montreal cognitive assessmentm(Moca)). It will also be analyzed the level of physical activity, quality of life, activities of daily living, energy and nutritional composition of the diet, body composition, blood pressure, heart rate, markers of inflammation and othermlaboratory tests of clinical relevance (glycaemia, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides). In addition, sociodemographic data, personal and family history, medication use and alcohol and tobacco consumption will be collected. Discussion In this project, it is intended to contribute to minimize the problems derived from cognitive deterioration in older people

    Urinary transferrin pre-emptively identifies the risk of renal damage posed by subclinical tubular alterations

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    Nephrotoxicity is an important limitation to the clinical use of many drugs and contrast media. Drug nephrotoxicity occurs in acute, subacute and chronic manifestations ranging from glomerular, tubular, vascular and immunological phenotypes to acute kidney injury. Pre-emptive risk assessment of drug nephrotoxicity posesman urgent need of precision medicine to optimize pharmacological therapies and interventional procedures involving nephrotoxic products in a preventive and personalized manner. Biomarkers of risk have been identified in animal models, and risk scores have been proposed, whose clinical use is abated by their reduced applicability to specific etiological models or clinical circumstances. However, our present data suggest that the urinary level of transferrin may be indicative of risk of renal damage, where risk is induced by subclinical tubular alterations regardless of etiology. In fact, urinary transferrin pre-emptively correlates with the subsequent renal damage in animal models in which risk has been induced by drugs and toxins affecting the renal tubules (i.e. cisplatin, gentamicin and uranyl nitrate); whereas transferrin shows no relation with the risk posed by a drug affecting renal hemodynamics (i.e. cyclosporine A). Our experiments also show that transferrin increases in the urine in the risk state (i.e. prior to the damage) precisely as a consequence of reduced tubular reabsorption. Finally, urinary transferrin pre-emptively identifies subpopulations of oncological and cardiac patients at risk of nephrotoxicity. In perspective, urinary transferrin might be further explored as a wider biomarker of an important mechanism of predisposition to renal damage induced by insults causing subclinical tubular alterations

    La información, el seguimiento y el apoyo al enfermo oncológico y su familia como estrategia de adaptación al tratamiento

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    [ES] Esta tesis pretende comprobar si los enfermos oncológicos que reciben apoyo formal educativo mediante un seguimiento telefónico mejoran su adherencia al tratamiento.[EN] This thesis seeks to determine whether cancer patients receiving formal support through telephone follow-up education improve adherence to treatment

    Adaptation and validation of the Spanish version of the everyday cognition battery for assessing everyday cognition in older adults

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    Ageing entails a series of neuroanatomical and neurophysiological changes in some cognitive processes that directly affect the daily life and autonomy of a person. We believe it is necessary to have tools that assess the cognitive functions that are essential for carrying out daily activities in an independent manner. The aim of this study was to translate the Everyday Cognition Battery (ECB) into Spanish, adapt it to the sociocultural context of Spain, and validate it by testing the psychometric properties, i.e., the reliability and validity of the translated version. Methods The translation and adaptation of the ECB into Spanish was carried out following the method recommended by Beaton et al., the process concluding with a pilot test to ensure that subjects were able to understand the scale correctly. Between March and October 2019, the study population voluntarily completed the translated version of each of the four subscales that make up the battery of tests. The translated version was validated by analysing its psychometric properties, using reliability or internal consistency tests assessed with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and validity tests analysed using correlation tables and Spearman’s correlation coefficient. The scale considered to represent the gold standard in the assessment of cognition was the Rapid Assessment of Cognitive Functions (RACF), and to assess Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) this was the Lawton and Brody Index. Results The total study population included 226 subjects, of which 52 participants were excluded, resulting in a study sample size of 174 older adults. The recognition, inductive reasoning and computation span tests showed good reliability (Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of > 0.827, > 0.836, and > 0.823, respectively), while the knowledge test showed questionable reliability with a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of > 0.615. The validity analysis demonstrated that all the combinations of correlations of the different scales were significantly and positively related to one another. Conclusions The Spanish version of the ECB tool is socially and culturally equivalent to the original version, and both its validity and reliability for assessing everyday cognition in older adults have been demonstrated