1,946 research outputs found

    The effect of temperature anisotropy on observations of Doppler dimming and pumping in the inner corona

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    Recent observations of the spectral line profiles and intensity ratio of the O VI 1032 {\AA} and 1037.6 {\AA} doublet by the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), made in coronal holes below 3.5 RsR_s, provide evidence for Doppler dimming of the O VI 1037.6 {\AA} line and pumping by the chromospheric C II 1037.0182 {\AA} line. Evidence for a significant kinetic temperature anisotropy of O5+^{5+} ions was also derived from these observations. We show in this Letter how the component of the kinetic temperature in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field, for both isotropic and anisotropic temperature distributions, affects both the amount of Doppler dimming and pumping. Taking this component into account, we further show that the observation that the O VI doublet intensity ratio is less than unity can be accounted for only if pumping by C II 1036.3367 {\AA} in addition to C II 1037.0182 {\AA} is in effect. The inclusion of the C II 1036.3367 {\AA} pumping implies that the speed of the O5+^{5+} ions can reach 400 km/s around 3 RsR_s which is significantly higher than the reported UVCS values for atomic hydrogen in polar coronal holes. These results imply that oxygen ions flow much faster than protons at that heliocentric distance.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pencatatan Data Kependudukan Kelurahan Pahlawan Berbasis Web

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    Kelurahan pahlawan the activities are still using manual systems in the process ofrecording data so that the population data recording process, searching and reporting ofdata becomes less effective. Residents recording is a routine activity for governmentrelatedengineering science, collecting, recording, population data that consists of datamoved, the data entrants, date of birth, mortality data, and the card families. PopulationData Listing of Applications In kelurahan pahlawan is designed to facilitate the recordingof data and preparing reports efficiently and effectively. This application is built with thenotation Flowchart, Data Flow Diagram, Entity Relationship Diagram and programmingis PHP and MySql as DBMS, method development and modeling systems engineering,requirements analysis, design, coding, testing and maintenance. Population Datamutilations application has several advantages, such as to show the number of people inthe kelurahan pahlawan of every month

    Konsentrasi Nitrat Dan Bahan Organik Total Pada Saat Pasang Dan Surut Di Muara Sungai Demaan Jepara

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    Muara Sungai Demaan adalah salah satu muara sungai yang digunakan oleh masyarakat untuk mencari ikan dan sebagai tempat berlabuh kapal nelayan. Aktivitas di sekitar muara sungai dan buangan limbah yang berasal dari daratan mengakibatkan Perubahan kualitas perairan muara sungai Demaan. Hal ini dapat ditinjau pada Perubahan konsentrasi nitrat dan bahan organik pada saat pasang dan surut yang berkaitan dengan faktor fisika kimia perairan, yaitu suhu, DO, salinitas dan pH. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat konsentrasi dan pola sebaran nitrat dan bahan organik pada saat pasang dan surut di muara Sungai Demaan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret 2014, dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Metode pemilihan lokasi dengan purposive sampling yang dilakukan di 6 stasiun dengan pertimbangan dapat mewakili wilayah sungai, muara sungai dan laut. Data yang diamati adalah konsentrasi nitrat, konsentrasi bahan organik, suhu, Salinitas, DO dan pH sebagai data primer. Permodelan arus laut menggunakan SMS 8.1 sebagai data sekunder. Pengolahan data menggunakan software ArcGIS 10.0 dan Surfer 11 untuk menganalisis model persebaran. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan, ketika surut konsentrasi nitrat berkisar <0,001 – 0,344 mg/l dan bahan organik berkisar 103,41 – 132,13 mg/l, pada saat pasang konsentrasi nitrat berkisar 0,056 – 0,154 mg/l dan konsentrasi bahan organik berkisar 99,48 – 134,6 mg/l

    The Analysis of Purse Seine at the Port of Sibolga Archipelago Fishery Tapanuli Regency Intermediates North Sumatra Province

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    Penelitian ini tentang analisis USAha purse seine yang dilaksanakan pada bulanJanuari sampai bulan Februari 2014 di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Sibolga KabupatenTapanuli Tengah Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisisbesar investasi dan kelayakan USAha penangkapan dengan menggunakan alat tangkappurse seine. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode survey dengan penentuan respondendilakukan secara purposive sampling yaitu nelayan yang menggunakan purse seine kecildan nelayan yang menggunakan purse seine besar.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa investasi untuk USAha purse seinekecil sebesar Rp 1.915.486.000 sedangkan Investasi USAha purse seine besar yaitu Rp2.798.120.000. Kriteria investasi untuk USAha purse seine kecil menghasil NPV sebesarRp 2.204.956.856,- BCR sebesar 1.35 dan IRR sebesar 39.07%, sedangkan USAha purseseine besar menghasilkan NPV sebesar Rp1.548.739.520, BCR sebesar 1.21 dan IRRsebesar 32.42%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa USAha purse seine kecil lebih layakdilanjutkan dibandingkan purse seine besar dilihat dari kriteria investasi

    Analisis Produktivitas, Pendapatan dan Kesejahteraan Petani Karet Eks Upp Tcsdp di Desa Balam Merah Kecamatan Bunut Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    This study aims to analyze the productivity, revenue, households income structure, to analyze the pattern of households expenditure, and to the welfare of households of the smallholder rubber plantation of ex-TCSDP development. Research was done by survey at Balam Merah Village. Data were collected from 30 small-holders rubber farmers using purposive sampling. Analysis of the results showed that the productivity of smallholder rubber plantation as 84,35 ton/ha/year, the revenues of smallholder rubber plantation as Rp. 16.738.070/ha/year. The structure of household income derived from agriculture is 91,94 percent and 8,06 percent for non-agricultural income. The pattern of household expenditure shown that the food expenditure as 27,44percent and non-food expenditures as 72,56 percent. Result also show the household of small-holders rubber plantation at Balam Merah village have the total expenditure above the poverty line (Rp. 429.452/capita/month). The household welfare using the 14 indicators of relative poverty by Indonesian Statistic show that 100 percent household have ability to fullfill the basic need or prosperous

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Profitabilitas Lembaga Keuangan Mikro di Kecamatan Tandun Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    Analisis Ketahanan Pangan Rumahtangga Peserta Program Desa Mandiri Pangan di Desa Sei Geringging Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Kabupaten Kampar

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    The purpose of this study is to analyse household food security over village food resilience Programme Participants at Sei Geringging Village in Left Kampar District of Kampar Regency. Sampling using purposive sampling method (75 people) with 30 people respondents. The result shows that the availability of food at Sei Geringging Village in Left Kampar District Kampar Regency in 2013 as village food resilience disable to provide food for villager because from eight kinds of comestible, threre are just side dish, vegetables and fruits available from the village. Total distribution of respondent income is IDR 66.339.750,00 which are 75,77% main income and 24,33% other income. The average of respondents expends is IDR 749.028,00 in which 78,88% for food expenditure and 21,12% for non food expenditure. Aspect of food consumption indicate that people have a good knowledge for food and nutrition at score of 3,70 (knowing category), in practicing prefer to fill the food needs without taking seriously for nutrients and energy standards that must be filled every day instead. That is illustrated by the number of calorie 1.197,57 Kkal which is far below from Food and Nutrients National Widya Karya Standard (2.000 Kkal and at 42,48% lower than rular calorie consumption in Riau Province

    Desain Dan Eksperimentasi Perancangan Sumur Resapan Air Hujan Berdasarkan Hasil Uji Permeabilitas Lapangan

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    Due to the development of housing in Bandar Lampung so rapidly, its specialty in Housing Bhayangkara, Village Beringin Jaya, District Kemiling. The process of absorption of water into the ground is not going well. Runoff rainwater that falls directly flowing into the drainage channel. Infiltration wells serves as a temporary rainwater that falls on the roof of the house, then the rain water will be absorbed by the soil. In this study determines the permeability coefficient values obtained by means of modified with different diameters, which will then be compared and a determination made as catchment wells. Based on the examination of the physical properties of the original soil, using samples that have been tested in this study, soil samples can be classified in the group of argillaceous soil, while USCS soil samples classified as clay and included in the CL group The results of the analysis and calculations performed, the permeability coefficient obtained for the field test tool diameter 2 ", 3" and 4 "as well as the permeability coefficient in laboratory research. The permeability coefficient used to calculate the amount of recharge wells that efsien

    Adaptation to geometrically skewed moving images : an asymmetrical effect on the double-drift illusion

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    Progressive addition lenses introduce distortions in the peripheral visual field that alter both form and motion perception. Here we seek to understand how our peripheral visual field adapts to complex distortions. The adaptation was induced across the visual field by geometrically skewed image sequences, and aftereffects were measured via changes in perception of the double-drift illusion. The double-drift or curveball stimulus contains both local and object motion. Therefore, the aftereffects induced by geometrical distortions might be indicative of how this adaptation interacts with the local and object motion signals. In the absence of the local motion components, the adaptation to skewness modified the perceived trajectory of object motion in the opposite direction of the adaptation stimulus skew. This effect demonstrates that the environment can also tune perceived object trajectories. Testing with the full double-drift stimulus, adaptation to a skew in the opposite direction to the local motion component induced a change in perception, reducing the illusion magnitude (when the stimulus was presented on the right side of the screen. A non-statistically significant shift, when stimuli were on the left side). However, adaptation to the other orientation resulted in no change in the strength of the double-drift illusion (for both stimuli locations). Thus, it seems that the adaptor's orientation and the motion statistics of the stimulus jointly define the perception of the measured aftereffect. In conclusion, not only size, contrast or drifting speed affects the double-drift illusion, but also adaptation to image distortions
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