1,582 research outputs found

    Community Structure of Seagrass Meadows In Mantehage Island Waters, North Sulawesi

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    Research on the structure of seagrass communities in the waters of the island Mantehage was conducted in September 2010. The purpose of this study is to collect data and information on the structure of seagrass communities. Observations includes the identification seagrass species, measuring the number of individual/stand, cover percentage of each type/species on the transect. 6 types of seagrass found, i.e. Enhalus acoroides, Halophila ovalis, Thalassia hemprichii, Thalassodendron ciliatum, Cymodocea rotundata and Syringodium isoetifolium. Seagrass species composition and distribution varies at each location and is dominated by the presence of Thalassia hemprichii (48.14%) with coverage percentage ranges between 15.91% to 35.11%. Diversity index values ranged from 0.79 to 1.69 ; evenness index between 0.57 to 0.94 and the index of dominance between 0.20 to 0.56. In conclusion, the condition of seagrass meadows in Mantehage island is relatively good and can support marine life adequately.Keywords : Structure communities, seagrass, Mantehage Islan

    Community Structure of Seagrass Meadows in Mantehage Island Waters, North Sulawesi

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    Research on the structure of seagrass communities in the waters of the island Mantehage was conducted in September 2010. The purpose of this study is to collect data and information on the structure of seagrass communities. Observations includes the identification seagrass species, measuring the number of individual/stand, cover percentage of each type/species on the transect. 6 types of seagrass found, i.e. Enhalus acoroides, Halophila ovalis, Thalassia hemprichii, Thalassodendron ciliatum, Cymodocea rotundata and Syringodium isoetifolium. Seagrass species composition and distribution varies at each location and is dominated by the presence of Thalassia hemprichii (48.14%) with coverage percentage ranges between 15.91% to 35.11%. Diversity index values ranged from 0.79 to 1.69 ; evenness index between 0.57 to 0.94 and the index of dominance between 0.20 to 0.56. In conclusion, the condition of seagrass meadows in Mantehage island is relatively good and can support marine life adequately

    Pengembangan Model Interface Decision Support System Manajemen Pemeliharaan Jalan Berbasis Data Mining

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    Sistem Manajemen Perkerasan Jalan modern harus mampu melakukan interpretasi, prediksi, optimasi dan dukungan keputusan yang kuat bagi stake holder. Hal tersebut dapat diwujudkan apabila seluruh data historis dan kondisi eksisting dapat dipetakan secara terintegrasi dengan baik. Diperlukan pengembangan konsep Decision Support System (DSS) yang mampu memberikan gambaran implementasi integrasi antara proses interpretasi dan optimasi pemeliharaan jalan. Pendekatan yang dipilih adalah pengembangan model Geographic Information System (GIS) dengan piranti lunak open source. Data yang digunakan adalah sistem pemeliharaan jalan eksisting di Pulau Jawa. Konsep ini berupa model sebagai aplikasi antar muka yang mampu menerima input berupa numeric dan koordinat kemudian memberikan output berupa text, numeric, tabular, dan grafis. Metode yang digunakan adalah melakukan integrasi dan simulasi rangkaian pengolahan big data, proses optimasi, menjadi sebuah tampilan sederhana. Konsep model GIS yang kembangkan dengan melakukan integrasi Data mining (DM) dan optimasi, mampu menampilkan aplikasi interface yang sederhana dan dapat memberikan kemudahan para stake holder untuk melaksanakan sistem manajemen perkerasan jalan dengan langkah sederhana dan menyeluruh

    Use of antibiotics for asthma attacks in Egyptian children

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    Background: Bacterial infection plays a negligible role in pediatric acute asthma attacks. However, many patients are treated empirically with antibiotics.Objective: This study attempted to investigate the problem of antibiotic usage as a part of treatment of acute asthma among children living in Egypt.Methods: The current exploratory study included a random sample of 300 children visiting the allergy clinic, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University from September 2016 to September 2017. A study researcher applied a validated questionnaire to the child's parents about usage of antibiotics.Results: Most families belonged to the low or middle social class. About 65.7% of children had sub-optimal asthma control, 73.7% experienced acute attacks, with over half of them (51%) receiving antibiotics; 41.8% of those who received antibiotics were self-medicated. Over 90% reused previous prescriptions. Main single reasons for resorting to self-medication were to save money and the assumption that previous prescriptions can be reused. About 45.3% expressed intention to employ self-medication in the future. Low social class was associated with significantly higher odds of resorting to self-medication (odds ratio=3.32;p=0.05).Conclusion: A remarkable antibiotic use was detected among children who had acute asthma, a large proportion of which was without medical consultation. Family social class was an independent predictor for adopting self-medication.Keywords: Asthma, attacks, antibiotics, Egyptian, children

    Bambu sebagai Bahan Konstruksi Rangka Dinding Rumah Tembok Suku Bajo di Desa Kabalutan dalam Upaya Perbaikan Hunian

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    Suku Bajo adalah salah suku laut yang banyak bermukim di sepanjang perairan pulau Sulawesi, salah satunya yang menetap di desa Kabalutan kepulauan Togian. Desa Kabalutan adalah suatu pemukiman yang bangun di atas pulau-pulau karang sehingga sebahagian besar hunian masyarakat berada di atas permuaan air laut dan beberapa rumah didirikan di atas daratan dari bukit karang yang diratakan. Kawasan ini sangat jauh dari ibu kota Kabupaten Tojo Una-una yaitu Ampana, daerah ini dapat dicapai dengan perjalanan laut sekitar 4 -5 jam, sehingga pengadaan bahan-bahan konstruksi menjadi barang sangat mahal dan langka. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menerapkan ipteks bagi masyarakat Bajo dalam penggunaan bahan lokal utamanya bambu sebagai bahan konstruksi rumah Tinggal. Metode yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan dan praktek langsung yang dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap, dimulai tahap penentuan disain, mengolah bambu sebagai rangka dinding, selanjunya plasteran dinding dan finising. Hasil akhir adalah rumah yang estetik, sehat, ekonomis/murah, ramah lingkungan, struktur kuat dan awet. Kata Kunci: Konstruksi Rangka Dinding Bambu, Rumah Tembok, Suku Baj

    Pengaruh Insentif Individu terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Summit Oto Finance Bitung

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    This research aims to: Analyze how incentives affect individual performance of employees of PT. Summit Auto finance Bitung. This research is a survey while the methods used is the method that emphasizes research on the excavation of ideas and things - things other details attached to a phenomenon The research was carried on in PT. Summit Oto Finance Bitung. The results of this study may show no significant effect between individual incentives with the performance of employees at PT Summit Oto Finance Bitung because the incentive is too small, so the incentives of individuals from the perspective of employees is low. So based research company must still provide an incentive to add more number of individuals and individual incentives in order to get a positive response from employees

    Deciphering the stability of grassland productivity in response to rainfall manipulation experiments

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    Aim Rainfall manipulation experiments are essential tools for deciphering the mechanisms leading to variation in ecosystem stability across sites. Here, we gathered articles reporting results of experimental droughts on the above‐ground biomass of grasslands to identify which indices have been used to assess stability, to evaluate the overall grassland responses to drought and to quantify the relative importance of drought characteristics and climatic conditions for explaining variation in stability. Location Global. Time period 1989–2018. Major taxa studied Grasslands. Methods We used meta‐analytical approaches to evaluate overall grassland stability in terms of resistance, recovery and resilience, and multi‐model inference to assess the relative importance of different moderators on explaining the variability of those three stability properties. Results Numerous indices of stability have been used, but they are inadequate for comparisons across sites. After applying standardized indices, we found that grasslands were resilient (biomass remained unchanged 1 year after drought) and exhibited a trade‐off between low resistance (biomass was lost during drought) and high recovery (new biomass was produced after drought). Overall, climatic conditions and drought characteristics (intensity, duration and frequency) were not important to explain the differences in stability observed across grasslands. Main conclusions Grasslands are resilient, but if drought events last > 1 year, there might be long‐term declines of biomass production owing to incomplete recovery. Despite the hundreds of experiments conducted in grasslands across the globe, the results are still inconclusive because of four important shortcomings: 50% of the studies have failed to create drought; 81% have not included recovery and resilience, assessing only resistance; 87% have not applied quantitative indices to assess stability; and < 1% of the studies were conducted on tropical grasslands. We discuss how to overcome those limitations to improve our ability to ensure stable grassland productivity under climate change

    Evaluasi Keragaan USAha Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Rakyat Pola Plasma dalam Memenuhi Standarisasi Sertifikasi Rspo di Kecamatan Ukui Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    Highest productivity and cheapest price among vegetable oils has motivated manufacturers to use palm oil as principle ingredient in their products. While there are various derivative products of palm oil, demand for palm oil increase significantly. In line with higher price of oil palm fruits, the growers respond with land expansion to meet the demand of palm oil. However, massive expansion of oil palm plantations has generated various negative social and environment impacts including deforestation, biodiversity loss, forest fires, and social conflicts. These issues have motivated private International organizations to mitigate the effects of land expansion by establishing the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) certification. All growers and stakeholders have to comply with the RSPO standard to be included in the palm oil supply chain. The smallholders face the most challenging effort to meet the standard and to obtain the RSPO certificate. The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of scheme smallholders and to assess their compliance to the standard of RSPO. Data were collected through a survey on 70 sample from 224 members of the population. The data were analysed using farm business analysis and assessment on the application of RSPO Principles and Criteria. The result shows that the average farm income from oil palm plantation is Rp 16.443.449,- per year/ha or Rp 1.370.287,- per month/ha. The group farmer have comply to more than 100% of the RSPO standard