6 research outputs found

    The Prediction of Rice Production in Indonesia Provinces for Developing Sustainable Agriculture

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    Rice is a the main food for Indonesian. At the end of 2017 until January 2018, the price of rice in Indonesia has increased. One of the causes of rising rice prices is the reduced production of rice in the national rice granary area.Rice production is influenced by several factors including the productivity of agricultural land and the extent of agricultural land. The extend of agricultural land in Indonesia tends to decrease, even though the demand of rice in Indonesiais increasing. Thus, the  prediction  of  rice  production  in  Indonesia  based  on  land area  and  productivity  is  important,  for  developing sustainable  agriculture in  this  country. Some semiparametric regression method based on Fourier series estimator compared to make prediction for every province as observations. The result is the best model with the smallest MSE and the biggest determination coefficient that suitable to predict of rice production in Indonesia

    Pemanfaatan Eceng Gondok (Eichhornia Crassipes) untuk Briket Sebagai Bahan Bakar Energi Alternatif di Kelurahan Panji Sari, Lombok Tengah

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    Panji Sari merupakan kelurahan yang terletak di sekitar Bendungan Batujai yang terbagi menjadi enam lingkungan, yaitu Lingkungan Bukal Malang, Gelondong, Harapan Baru, Kemulah, Darul Falah Selatan, dan Darul Falah Utara. Letak geografis Panji Sari yang berdekatan dengan Bendungan Batujai, mengakibatkan tumbuhan eceng gondok banyak ditemukan di wilayah Panji Sari, khususnya Lingkungan Bukal Malang. Eceng gondok (Eichhornia crassipes) adalah tanaman yang hidup mengapung di air dan kadang-kadang berakar dalam tanah. Eceng gondok (Eichornia crassipes) berkembang biak dengan sangat cepat, baik secara vegetatif maupun generatif. Akibat pertumbuhannya yang cepat, eceng gondok sering kali menjadi gulma yang menganggu suatu perairan termasuk juga di wilayah kelurahan Panji Sari. Keberadaan eceng gondok yang ditemukan dalam jumlah besar menjadi sangat potensial sebagai bahan baku utama pembuatan briket. Pembuatan briket merupakan upaya mengubah keberadaan eceng gondok sebagai bahan bakar energi terbarukan, menjadi solusi dalam upaya ‘zero waste’ serta dapat meningkatkan nilai ekonomi masyarakat Kelurahan Panji Sari. Pembuatan briket menggunakan eceng gondok sebagai bahan utama yang ditunjang dengan bahan lain dari kulit biji kenari, sekam padi, ranting kayu, serta tepung tapioka sebagai perekatnya. Hasil dari pembuatan briket eceng gondok dapat dimanfaatkan masyarakat sebagai pengganti arang batok kelapa yang digunakan masyarakat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sebagai bahan bakar serta pembuatan briket akan dapat memberikan nilai ekonomis tinggi bagi masyarakat khususnya di Kelurahan Panji Sari

    Nuclear factor-κB: Central regulator in ocular surface inflammation and diseases

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    10.1016/j.jtos.2012.04.001Ocular Surface103137-14

    Delivering a modified continuous objective structured clinical examination for ophthalmology residents through a hybrid online method

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    Abstract Since coronavirus disease 2019 was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization, it has become a challenging situation to continue medical education, including in Indonesia. The situation prohibited face-to-face (direct) educational activities in clinical settings, therefore also postponing examinations involving especially procedural skills. Adaptations were urgently needed to maintain the delivery of high-stake examinations to sustain the number of ophthalmology graduates and the continuation of eye health service. Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) has been one of our widely used method to assess clinical competencies for ophthalmology residents, and is the one method that involves gatherings, close contact of examiners, examinees and patients, therefore the most difficult to adjust. Pandemic challenges brought technical changes in our delivering the OSCE to online, maximizing digital platforms of meetings, while still concerned to guarding the safety of candidates, patients and staffs. OSCE scenarios were also made as timely efficient as possible by changing continuous station models to a cascade one. The purpose of this article is to document our experience in conducting a feasible and reproducible OSCE in this pandemic era filled with limitations