416 research outputs found

    New insights into microstructure of neutron-irradiated tungsten

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    The development of appropriate materials for fusion reactors that can sustain high neutron fluence at elevated temperatures remains a great challenge. Tungsten is one of the promising candidate materials for plasma-facing components of future fusion reactors, due to several favorable properties as for example a high melting point, a high sputtering resistivity, and a low coefficient of thermal expansion. The microstructural details of a tungsten sample with a 1.25 dpa (displacements per atom) damage dose after neutron irradiation at 800 °C were examined by transmission electron microscopy. Three types of radiation-induced defects were observed, analyzed and characterized: (1) voids with sizes ranging from 10 to 65 nm, (2) dislocation loops with a size of up to 10 nm and (3) W–Re–Os containing σ- and χ-type precipitates. The distribution of voids as well as the nature of the occurring dislocation loops were studied in detail. In addition, nano-chemical analyses revealed that the σ- and χ-type precipitates, which are sometimes attached to voids, are surrounded by a solid solution cloud enriched with Re. For the first time the crystallographic orientation relationship of the σ- and χ-phases to the W-matrix was specified. Furthermore, electron energy-loss spectroscopy could not unambiguously verify the presence of He within individual voids

    The Loschmidt Echo as a robust decoherence quantifier for many-body systems

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    We employ the Loschmidt Echo, i.e. the signal recovered after the reversal of an evolution, to identify and quantify the processes contributing to decoherence. This procedure, which has been extensively used in single particle physics, is here employed in a spin ladder. The isolated chains have 1/2 spins with XY interaction and their excitations would sustain a one-body like propagation. One of them constitutes the controlled system S whose reversible dynamics is degraded by the weak coupling with the uncontrolled second chain, i.e. the environment E. The perturbative SE coupling is swept through arbitrary combinations of XY and Ising like interactions, that contain the standard Heisenberg and dipolar ones. Different time regimes are identified for the Loschmidt Echo dynamics in this perturbative configuration. In particular, the exponential decay scales as a Fermi golden rule, where the contributions of the different SE terms are individually evaluated and analyzed. Comparisons with previous analytical and numerical evaluations of decoherence based on the attenuation of specific interferences, show that the Loschmidt Echo is an advantageous decoherence quantifier at any time, regardless of the S internal dynamics.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Circular orbits and spin in black-hole initial data

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    The construction of initial data for black-hole binaries usually involves the choice of free parameters that define the spins of the black holes and essentially the eccentricity of the orbit. Such parameters must be chosen carefully to yield initial data with the desired physical properties. In this paper, we examine these choices in detail for the quasiequilibrium method coupled to apparent-horizon/quasiequilibrium boundary conditions. First, we compare two independent criteria for choosing the orbital frequency, the "Komar-mass condition" and the "effective-potential method," and find excellent agreement. Second, we implement quasi-local measures of the spin of the individual holes, calibrate these with corotating binaries, and revisit the construction of non-spinning black hole binaries. Higher-order effects, beyond those considered in earlier work, turn out to be important. Without those, supposedly non-spinning black holes have appreciable quasi-local spin; furthermore, the Komar-mass condition and effective potential method agree only when these higher-order effects are taken into account. We compute a new sequence of quasi-circular orbits for non-spinning black-hole binaries, and determine the innermost stable circular orbit of this sequence.Comment: 24 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review D, revtex4; Fixed error in computing proper separation and updated figures and tables accordingly, added reference to Sec. IV.A, fixed minor error in Sec. IV.B, added new data to Tables IV and V, fixed 1 reference, fixed error in Eq. (A7b), included minor changes from PRD editin

    Exact Eigenstates of Tight-Binding Hamiltonians on the Penrose Tiling

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    We investigate exact eigenstates of tight-binding models on the planar rhombic Penrose tiling. We consider a vertex model with hopping along the edges and the diagonals of the rhombi. For the wave functions, we employ an ansatz, first introduced by Sutherland, which is based on the arrow decoration that encodes the matching rules of the tiling. Exact eigenstates are constructed for particular values of the hopping parameters and the eigenenergy. By a generalized ansatz that exploits the inflation symmetry of the tiling, we show that the corresponding eigenenergies are infinitely degenerate. Generalizations and applications to other systems are outlined.Comment: 24 pages, REVTeX, 13 PostScript figures include

    Energy spectra, wavefunctions and quantum diffusion for quasiperiodic systems

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    We study energy spectra, eigenstates and quantum diffusion for one- and two-dimensional quasiperiodic tight-binding models. As our one-dimensional model system we choose the silver mean or `octonacci' chain. The two-dimensional labyrinth tiling, which is related to the octagonal tiling, is derived from a product of two octonacci chains. This makes it possible to treat rather large systems numerically. For the octonacci chain, one finds singular continuous energy spectra and critical eigenstates which is the typical behaviour for one-dimensional Schr"odinger operators based on substitution sequences. The energy spectra for the labyrinth tiling can, depending on the strength of the quasiperiodic modulation, be either band-like or fractal-like. However, the eigenstates are multifractal. The temporal spreading of a wavepacket is described in terms of the autocorrelation function C(t) and the mean square displacement d(t). In all cases, we observe power laws for C(t) and d(t) with exponents -delta and beta, respectively. For the octonacci chain, 0<delta<1, whereas for the labyrinth tiling a crossover is observed from delta=1 to 0<delta<1 with increasing modulation strength. Corresponding to the multifractal eigenstates, we obtain anomalous diffusion with 0<beta<1 for both systems. Moreover, we find that the behaviour of C(t) and d(t) is independent of the shape and the location of the initial wavepacket. We use our results to check several relations between the diffusion exponent beta and the fractal dimensions of energy spectra and eigenstates that were proposed in the literature.Comment: 24 pages, REVTeX, 10 PostScript figures included, major revision, new results adde
