426 research outputs found

    General U(N) gauge transformations in the realm of covariant Hamiltonian field theory

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    A consistent, local coordinate formulation of covariant Hamiltonian field theory is presented. While the covariant canonical field equations are equivalent to the Euler-Lagrange field equations, the covariant canonical transformation theory offers more general means for defining mappings that preserve the action functional - and hence the form of the field equations - than the usual Lagrangian description. Similar to the well-known canonical transformation theory of point dynamics, the canonical transformation rules for fields are derived from generating functions. As an interesting example, we work out the generating function of type F_2 of a general local U(N) gauge transformation and thus derive the most general form of a Hamiltonian density that is form-invariant under local U(N) gauge transformations.Comment: 36 pages, Symposium on Exciting Physics: Quarks and gluons/atomic nuclei/biological systems/networks, Makutsi Safari Farm, South Africa, 13-20 November 2011; Exciting Interdisciplinary Physics, Walter Greiner, Ed., FIAS Interdisciplinary Science Series, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 201

    Bi-layer encapsulation of Utah array based nerual interfaces by atomic layer deposited Al2O3 and parylene C

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    pre-printWe present a novel coating method that combines atomic layer deposited Al2O3 and Parylene C for encapsulation of biomedical implantable devices, focusing on its application on Utah electrode array based neural interfaces. The alumina and Parylene C bi-layer encapsulated wired Utah electrode array showed relatively stable impedance during the 320 days of soak testing at 37 °C in phosphate buffered solution. Also bi-layer coated fully integrated Utah array based wireless neural interfaces had stable power-up frequency and constant RF signal strength during the 600 days of equivalent soaking time at 37 °C. Bi-layer coated Utah arrays had constant current drawing of about 3 mA during 140 days of soak testing

    Long term in vitro stability of fully integrated wireless neural interfaces based on Utah slant electrode array

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    Journal ArticleWe herein report in vitro functional stability and recording longevity of a fully integrated wireless neural interface (INI). The INI uses biocompatible Parylene-C as an encapsulation layer, and was immersed in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) for a period of over 150 days. The full functionality (wireless radio-frequency power, command, and signal transmission) and the ability of INI to record artificial action potentials even after 150 days of PBS soaking without any change in signal/noise amplitude constitutes a major milestone in long term stability, and evaluate the encapsulation reliability, functional stability, and potential usefulness for future chronic implants

    Plasma-assisted atomic layer deposition of Al2O3 and parylene C bi-layer encapsulation for chronic implantable electronics

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    journal articleEncapsulation of biomedical implants with complex three dimensional geometries is one of the greatest challenges achieving long-term functionality and stability. This report presents an encapsulation scheme that combines Al2O3 by atomic layer deposition with parylene C for implantable electronic systems. The Al2O3-parylene C bi-layer was used to encapsulate interdigitated electrodes, which were tested in vitro by soak testing in phosphate buffered saline solution at body temperature (37 °C) and elevated temperatures (57 °C and 67 °C) for accelerated lifetime testing up to 5 months. Leakage current and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were measured for evaluating the integrity and insulation performance of the coating. Leakage current was stably about 15 pA at 5 V dc, and impedance was constantly about 3.5 MX at 1 kHz by using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for samples under 67 °C about 5 months (approximately equivalent to 40 months at 37 °C). Alumina and parylene coating lasted at least 3 times longer than parylene coated samples tested at 80 °C. The excellent insulation performance of the encapsulation shows its potential usefulness for chronic implants

    High speed wafer scale bulge testing for the determination of thin film mechanical properties

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    Journal ArticleA wafer scale bulge testing system has been constructed to study the mechanical properties of thin films and microstructures. The custom built test stage was coupled with a pressure regulation system and optical profilometer which gives high accuracy three-dimensional topographic images collected on the time scale of seconds. Membrane deflection measurements can be made on the wafer scale (50-150 mm) with up to nanometer-scale vertical resolution. Gauge pressures up to 689 kPa (100 psi) are controlled using an electronic regulator with and accuracy of approximately 0.344 kPa (0.05 psi). Initial testing was performed on square diaphragms 350, 550, and 1200 µm in width comprised of 720± 10 nm thick low pressure chemical vapor deposited silicon nitride with ~20 nm of e-beam evaporated aluminum. These initial experiments were focused on measuring the system limitations and used to determine what range of deflections and pressures can be accurately measured and controlled. Gauge pressures from 0 to ~8.3 kPa (1.2 psi) were initially applied to the bottom side of the diaphragms and their deflection was subsequently measured. The overall pressure resolution of the system is good (~350 Pa) but small fluctuations existed at pressures below 5 kPa leading to a larger standard deviation between deflection measurements. Analytical calculations and computed finite element analysis deflections closely matched those empirically measured. Using an analytical solution that relates pressure deflection data for the square diaphragms the Young's modulus was estimated for the films assuming a Poisson's ratio of v=0.25. Calculations to determine Young's modulus for the smaller diaphragms proved difficult because the pressure deflection relationship remained in the linear regime over the tested pressure range. Hence, the calculations result in large error when used to estimate the Young's modulus for the smaller membranes. The deflection measurements of three 1200x1200 µm2 Si3N4−x membranes were taken at increased pressures (>25 kPa) to increase nonlinearity and better determine Young's modulus. This pressure-deflection data were fit to an analytical solution and Young's modulus estimated to be 257±3 GPa, close to those previously reported in literature

    Excimer-laser deinsulation of Parylene-C coated Utah electrode array tips

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    Journal ArticleUtah electrode arrays (UEAs) are highly effective to measure or stimulate neural action potentials from the central or peripheral nervous system. The measured signals can be used for applications including control of prosthetics (recording) and stimulation of proprioceptive percepts. The UEAs are coated with biocompatible Parylene-C, and the electrode tips are deinsulated to expose the active electrode coated with sputtered iridium oxide films (SIROFs) to transduce neural signals. In conventional UEA technology, the electrode tips are deinsulated by poking the electrodes through aluminum foil followed by an oxygen plasma etch of the exposed areas. However, this method suffers from lack of uniformity and repeatability and it is time consuming. We focus on laser tip-deinsulation technology that can provide a repeatable, uniform, and less time consuming tip exposure for UEAs. The laser deinsulated SIROF area is characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), scanning electron microscope (SEM), atomic force microscope (AFM), and by measuring the impedance of the exposed sites. The value of impedance and XPS peaks showed that the Parylene was clearly removed. The damage induced by laser irradiation on the SIROF film was also investigated to understand the selectivity of laser deinsulation. Thicker SIROF films showed better resistance to fracture. The results indicate that laser deinsulation is an effective method to etch Parylene films

    TiO2-WO3 composite nanotubes from co-sputtered thin films on si substrate for enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting

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    pre-printElectrochemical anodization of a Ti-W nano-composite thin films deposited on a Si substrate by simultaneous magnetron sputtering of Ti and W resulted in the formation of TiO2-WO3 nanotubular arrays. A change in the morphology of TiO2-WO3 composite nanotubes with varying percentage of W in Ti-W composite thin films was observed. With a W density of less than or equal to 1.75 × 1019 W atoms per cm3 (after anodization), the morphology of the composite nanotubes were similar to that of plain TiO2 nanotubes. Whereas with further increase in W density resulted in a nanoporous morphology. Ti-W composite films were also deposited on Si substrates with a 100 nm thick layer of tin doped indium oxide (ITO) to examine the PEC activity of the formed oxide composites. The TiO2-WO3 composite nanotubes with 1.05 × 1019 W atoms per cm3 (3.15 × 1018 W atoms per cm3 before anodization) demonstrated to be an optimal W density for this system, giving rise to 40% increase in photocurrent at 0.5 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) compared to plain TiO2 nanotubes

    André Osiander e o “Infanticídio em Pösing”: alternativa no mundo anti-Semita da Reforma?

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    A Idade Média apresenta um triste saldo no que se refere à relação entre judeus e cristãos. Tomando por base um episódio na vida do reformador André Osiander, Ricardo W. Rieth tenta descrever o mundo anti-semita de então para que se possa, a partir daí, melhor ouvir “a voz que clama no deserto”

    Stability of an Exciton bound to an Ionized Donor in Quantum Dots

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    Total energy, binding energy, recombination rate (of the electron hole pair) for an exciton (X) bound in a parabolic two dimensional quantum dot by a donor impurity located on the z axis at a distance d from the dot plane, are calculated by using the Hartree formalism with a recently developed numerical method (PMM) for the solution of the Schroedinger equation. As our analysis indicates there is a critical dot radius such that for radius less than the critical radius the complex is unstable and with an increase of the impurity distance this critical radius increases. Furthermore, there is a critical value of the mass ratio such that for mass ratio less than the critical value the complex is stable. The appearance of this stability condition depends both on the impurity distance and the dot radius, in a way that with an increase of the impurity distance we have an increase in the maximum dot radius where this stability condition appears. For dot radii greater than this maximum dot radius (for fixed impurity distance) the complex is always stable.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures Applying a new numerical method which is based on the adiabatic stability of quantum mechanics, we study the stability of an exciton (X) bound in a parabolic two dimensional quantum dot by a donor impurity located on the z axis at a distance d from the dot plan

    Fé versus ganância: uma reflexão sobre o pensamento econômico de Lutero e suas implicações para igreja e teologia no Brasil

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    A reflexão sobre temas econômicos não é um componente marginal no âmbito do pensamento de Lutero. Ele via a “ganância” influenciando o comportamento injusto das pessoas — quando estas atuavam na produção e intercâmbio de riquezas — e perpassando as estruturas econômicas de seu tempo. O reformador contrapunha a “ganância” à fé; via-a gerando idolatria e destruindo boas obras. Depois de ressaltar a relevância dessas idéias para os/as cristãos/ãs na América Latina, o autor aborda algumas implicações da crítica econômica de Lutero para as comunidades luteranas no Brasil