12 research outputs found

    Ethics-testing an eating disorder recovery memoir: a pre-publication experiment

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    Background: Narratives (including memoirs and novels) about eating disorders (EDs) are typically published with the intention to benefit readers, but survey evidence suggests that reading such narratives with an active ED may more often be harmful than helpful. To reduce the probability of inadvertent harm and learn more about how narrative reading and EDs interact, a pre-publication study was designed to determine whether or not a recovery memoir should be published. Methods: 64 participants with a self-reported ED read either the experimental text (The Hungry Anorexic [HA]) or a control text (Ten Zen Questions [TZ]) over a roughly two-week period. All participants completed the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) and the Anorexia Nervosa Stages of Change Questionnaire (ANSOCQ) one week before and two weeks after reading, and answered three recurring open-ended questions at regular timepoints during and after the reading. Computational analysis of the free-text responses assessed text/response similarity and response characteristics on emotional, sensory, and action-effector dimensions. Both rating-scale and free-text data were analysed using mixed ANOVAs to test for effects of time and condition, and the university ethics board was notified in advance of the quantitative threshold for harmful effects that would prohibit the ED memoir from being published. Results: On the two quantitative measures, there was an effect of time but not of condition: Significant improvement was found in both groups on the EDE-Q (with a medium-to-large effect size) and the ANSOCQ (with a very large effect size). In an ANCOVA analysis, no significant mediating effects were found for age, education, duration of professional support for the ED, or pre/post-reading BMI change. For the free-text responses, linguistic similarity measures indicated that HA responses most closely matched the text of HA, with the same being true for TZ. In a word-norm analysis, text condition significantly affected six emotional, sensory, and action-effector variables (interoception, olfaction, gustatory, mouth, torso, and hand/arm), mean scores for all of which were higher in HA responses than TZ responses. Close reading of readers’ responses explored two potential mechanisms for the positive effects of time but not condition: engagement with the during-reading prompts as part of the experimental setup and engagement with the texts’ dialogical form. Conclusions: The ED memoir was found not to yield measurably harmful effects for readers with an ED, and will therefore be published. The finding that significant improvement on both quantitative measures was observed irrespective of text condition suggests that positive effects may be attributable to linguistic characteristics shared by the two texts or to elements of the reading and/or reflective processes scaffolded by both. The quantitative results and the free-text testimony have implications for our understanding of bibliotherapy, “triggering”, and the practicalities of responsible publishing

    Hacia una práctica de aprendizaje-servicio a través de la literatura y el cine en el Grado de Estudios Ingleses: herramientas pedagógicas y educativas para desmantelar discursos colectivos de miedo

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    Memoria ID-096. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2019-2020.[ES]El objetivo del proyecto es fomentar el aprendizaje-servicio en el Grado de Estudios Ingleses, en temáticas consideradas no canónicas (literaturas y cines postcoloniales de diversidad racial, de género y sexual) para estudiar y promover análisis e intervenciones sobre cómo constructos culturales y performativos vertebran discursos de miedo, y establecer dinámicas de intervención, ordenación y, en la mayoría de los casos, subalternida

    Los efectos persuasivos de la literatura ¿una posible cura para la anorexia?

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    Desde que la literatura existe hemos sospechado acerca del poder que ejerce en nuestras vidas. Los egipcios de la antigüedad, por ejemplo, atribuían a los papiros propiedades mágicas. Tanto es así que se animaba a los lectores achacados de alguna enfermedad a consumir estos documentos (disolviendo el papiro en una solución líquida) para que su potencial terapéutico alcanzase directamente sus organismos. Los tratados medievales contra la peste, por su parte, concedían una enorme importancia a ..

    An Analysis of Class-as-Race and Gender Ideology in the US Young Adult Sports Novel Racing Savannah (2013)

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    Equine fiction is an established genre in the English juvenile literary canon. Current works in the field appeal to adolescent readers thanks to their interface between classic motifs of vintage and contemporary forms of equine narratives. Performing a close reading of selected passages in Miranda Kenneally’s Racing Savannah (2013), this paper acknowledges how this novel is a revitalization and a challenge to this pattern. Savannah, who is more gifted than her companions, is subordinate to the decisions of the junior of the household where she works. Jack Goodwin, the protagonist’s romantic lead, educated in a neocolonialist background of male jockeying, becomes Savannah’s marker of difference according to her sex and lower socioeconomic status, which lay at the root of her later racialization despite her being a white character. My analysis attempts to expose how these difficulties encountered by the protagonist to become a professional jockey articulate past and present constraints of the horse-racing ladder

    Niching New Materialist Studies: Contemporary North American Young Adult Sports Fiction as Anorexia Bibliotherapy

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    The aim of this MA thesis is to evaluate from a sociological literary viewpoint the contemporary Young Adult Sports Fiction novel by North American author Miranda Kenneally Breathe, Annie, Breathe (2014). The novel’s representation of its athletically performing young woman protagonist is considered a cognitive and affective role model with potential for promoting functionally oriented corporeal understandings, concerning what the organism can sensibly do and be put to do. Readers with eating disorders and vulnerabilities to them, I propose, can reshape meanings and goals of projects in their life away from abjection as they read of the bodily in this light. In short, the suggestion extends to the claim that literary fiction produces role models which alter the very states of readers. Such states, given their mental status, can be explored from a neurological and cognitive perspective. In particular, Annie’s quest is taken as the beginning of a psychosomatic notion of well-being many North-American girls can feel engaged in. With fiction and corporeality thus examined, I suggest that this approach to literary studies opens a unique and novel spot in bibliotherapeutic and New Materalist studies, with crucial implications for the politics of the bodily.El objetivo de esta Tesis de Fin de Máster es el de analizar desde una perspectiva sociológico-literaria la novela contemporánea juvenil de deportes Breathe, Annie, Breathe (2014), de la autora estadounidense Miranda Kenneally. Se considera a la protagonista, una joven atleta, un modelo cognitivo y afectivo de referencia, en concreto para promover visiones funcionales de lo corporal, es decir, basadas en un tratamiento respetuoso del organismo. Defiendo la idea de que las jóvenes con trastornos de la alimentación o vulnerables a padecerlos pueden beneficiarse de esta lectura de lo corporal, alejada de la abyección, que está presente en la novela,. Propongo, además, que durante todo procesamiento lector de ficción se configuran modelos a seguir que influyen en las trayectorias cognitivas de su público lector. La naturaleza mental de tales procesos permite su estudio neurológico y cognitivo. El caso de la protagonista es, en conreto, un ejemplo para lectoras norteamericanas con potencialidades de modelaje psicosomático de su propia noción de bienestar. Sugiero, finalmente, que desarrollar la investigación literaria y de lo corpóreo desde este plano supone la apertura de un nicho académico en los estudios del Nuevo Materialismo y de la biblioterapia, con repercusiones vitales para las políticas de lo corpora

    Ethics-testing an eating disorder recovery memoir: A pre-publication experiment

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    The dataset was created as part of a pre-publication study conducted between 2021 and 2023. It comprises 1) the pre- and post-reading scores for the two standardized measures used in the study (the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire [EDE-Q] and the Anorexia Nervosa Stages of Change Questionnaire [ANSOCQ] and 2) details of the qualitative analysis of the free-text data, including the data excerpts and their categorization, in a) .xlsx, b) .csv, and c) .docx formats. NB: This dataset has been superseded by a later version at https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:f1a148db-5d16-4c8b-9a0b-090bf3787433 (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5287/ora-7eomyxoy1