2,271 research outputs found

    Ethical and legal aspects of research involving older people with cognitive impairment: A survey of dementia researchers in Australia

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd People with dementia are under-represented in clinical research, in part due to the ethical and legal complexities of involving people in studies who may lack capacity to consent. Excluding this population from research limits the evidence to inform care. The attitudes and practices of researchers are key to the inclusion of people with dementia in research, however, there are few empirical studies on researchers' perspectives in this area. A cross-sectional study involved researchers in Australia who had experience in the ethical aspects of conducting dementia-related studies with human participants (n = 70). Data were collected via an online survey from November 2017 to January 2018. Most respondents (97%) agreed with the importance of including people at all stages of dementia in research, yet around three-quarters of respondents perceived ethical and legal rules and processes as unduly restrictive or time-consuming. Researchers reported variable practices in assessing prospective participants' capacity to consent to their studies. Various tools are used for this purpose, ranging from tools designed for research (eg, MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool for Clinical Research) to more general cognitive function screens (eg, Mini Mental State Exam). Few respondents (14%) routinely exclude people from studies who are unable to give their own consent, but instead seek permission from proxy decision-makers, such as legally appointed guardians or family carers. Respondents reported positive and negative outcomes of ethics review processes. Positive outcomes included strengthening the protections for participants with cognitive impairment while negative outcomes included delays and inconsistent decisions from different ethics committees. The findings suggest a need for improved strategies in the research context to assess and enhance the decision-making capacity of people with dementia to support appropriate opportunities for inclusion. Education for ethics committees, proxy decision-makers and other gatekeepers is also needed to reduce barriers to participation in research

    Potential for Liquefaction Due to Construction Blasting

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    A method based on laboratory cyclic triaxial and torsional tests of undisturbed soil samples has been developed to predict the potential for liquefaction due to buried charges, such as those used in construction blasting. The results of a test blasting program conducted at a construction site are presented. The case history yielded data on particle velocities and blast induced porewater pressure changes

    Microwave response near zero magnetic field in transition-metal-doped silicate glasses

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    A sharp microwave response centered at zero magnetic field was observed in manganese- and iron-doped Na2O-CaO-MgO-SiO2 glasses with phase opposite to the normal Mn+2 and Fe+3 paramagnetic signals. The response can be described as magneto-induced microwave conductivity in the dielectric glass that derives from spin-dependent charge migration within the first coordination sphere of the paramagnetic ion. In contrast to the spin-polarized tunneling in ferromagnets between different valence states of metals, the observed effect is due to spin-dependent tunneling that occurs in the vicinity of manganese or iron in diluted paramagnetic systems

    Irradiation programme HFR phase IIb - SPICE. Impact testing on up to 16.3 dpa irradiated RAFM steels. Final report for task TW2-TTMS 001b-D05

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    Bestrahlungsprogramm HFR Phase IIb – SPICE: Kerbschlagbiegeuntersuchungen an bis 16.3 dpa bestrahlten RAFM Stählen Die Untersuchung des bestrahlungsinduzierten Versprödungsverhaltens von niedrigaktivierbaren ferritisch-martensitischen (RAFM) Stählen bildet das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit. Die Neutronenbestrahlung bei verschiedenen Bestrahlungstemperaturen (250-450 °C) bis zu einer Schädigung von 16,3 dpa (nominell) wurde im Hoch Fluss Reaktor („High Flux Reactor“) Petten im Rahmen des HFR Phase IIb (SPICE) Bestrahlungsprogramms durchgeführt. Die Kerbschlageigenschaften wurden an miniaturisierten Charpy-V Proben (des KLST Typs) mittels der instrumentierten Kerbschlagbiegeversuche ermittelt. Der Hauptschwerpunkt des Bestrahlungsprogramms liegt in der Untersuchung des Einflusses der Neutronenbestrahlung auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften von einem europäischen RAFM Referenzstahl für die Erste Wand des Demonstrationsreaktors (DEMO), EUROFER97, bei zwei verschiedenen Wärmebehandlungen. Die mechanischen Eigenschaften von EUROFER97 wurden mit denen von internationalen Referenzmaterialien (F82H-mod, OPTIFER-Ia, GA3X und MANET-I), welche im SPICE Projekt untersucht wurden, verglichen. Die Bestrahlungsresistenz von bis 16,3 dpa bei 250-450 °C bestrahltem EUROFER97 ist vergleichbar mit der von besten Referenz-Strukturmaterialien. Es wurde für alle untersuchten RAFM Stähle eine erhebliche Tieftemperaturversprödung (Tirr ≤ 300 °C) beobachtet. Die Wärmebehandlung von EUROFER97 bei höherer Austenisierungstemperatur führt zur wesentlichen Verbesserung des Versprödungsverhaltens bei niedrigen Bestrahlungstemperaturen (Tirr ≤ 350 °C). Bei Tirr ≥ 350 °C liegen die Sprödbruchübergangstemperaturen (DBTT) von untersuchten niedrigaktivierbaren Stählen unterhalb von -20 °C und damit weit unterhalb der Anwendungstemperatur. Die Analyse des Verfestigungs- vs. Versprödungs- Verhaltens deutet auf die verfestigungsdominierte Versprödung unterhalb von Tirr ≤ 350 °C mit 0,17≤ C100 ≤ 0,53 °C/MPa. Oxiddispersionsgehärteter ODS EUROFER Stahl mit 0,5 wt.% Y2O3 wurde bei ausgewählten Temperaturen bestrahlt. Bereits im unbestrahlten Zustand zeigte ODS EUROFER keine be- friedigende Kerbschlagbiegeeigenschaften, gekennzeichnet durch eine niedrige USE = 2,54 J und durch eine große DBTT = 135 °C. Die Zunahme von USE für Bestrahlungstemperaturen unterhalb von Tirr ≤ 350°C deutet außerdem auf ein nicht optimiertes Herstellungsverfahren. Bei Tirr = 250 °C ist die bestrahlungsinduzierte Verschiebung der Übergangstemperatur vergleichbar mit der vom EUROFER97. Bei höheren Bestrahlungstemperaturen zeigt hingegen ODS EUROFER größere Versprödung im Vergleich zum Referenzmetall. Die Rolle des Heliums in der Materialversprödung wurde an EUROFER97 basierten Stählen untersucht, welche mit verschiedenem Bor Gehalt (0,008-0,112 wt.%) dotiert wurden. Bor dotierte Proben zeigen zunehmende Versprödung und Abnahme der Zähigkeit mit der Zunahme des generierten Helium Gehalts. Bis zu einem Helium Gehalt von 84 appm ist bei Tirr = 250 °C Helium induzierte Versprödung auf Helium induzierte Verfestigung zurückzuführen. Höhere Helium Konzentrationen führten zu weiteren Versprödungsmechanismen zusätzlich zur Helium induzierten Verfestigung

    How Do Software Startups Pivot? Empirical Results from a Multiple Case Study

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    In order to handle intense time pressure and survive in dynamic market, software startups have to make crucial decisions constantly on whether to change directions or stay on chosen courses, or in the terms of Lean Startup, to pivot or to persevere. The existing research and knowledge on software startup pivots are very limited. In this study, we focused on understanding the pivoting processes of software startups, and identified the triggering factors and pivot types. To achieve this, we employed a multiple case study approach, and analyzed the data obtained from four software startups. The initial findings show that different software startups make different types of pivots related to business and technology during their product development life cycle. The pivots are triggered by various factors including negative customer feedback.Comment: Conference publication, International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB'16), Sloveni

    Toward a One Percent Measurement of Frame Dragging by Spin with Satellite Laser Ranging to LAGEOS, LAGEOS 2 and LARES and GRACE gravity models

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    none8During the past century Einstein’s theory of General Relativity gave rise to an experimental triumph; however, there are still aspects of this theory to be measured or more accurately tested. Today one of the main challenges in experimental gravitation, together with the direct detection of gravitational waves, is the accurate measurement of the gravitomagnetic field generated by the angular momentum of a body. Here, after a brief introduction on frame-dragging, gravitomagnetism and Lunar Laser Ranging tests, we describe the past measurements of frame-dragging by the Earth spin using the satellites LAGEOS, LAGEOS 2 and the Earth’s gravity models obtained by the GRACE project. We demonstrate that these measurements have an accuracy of approximately 10%. We then describe the LARES experiment to be launched in 2010 by the Italian Space Agency for a measurement of frame-dragging with an accuracy of a few percent. We finally demonstrate that a number of claims by a single individual, that the error budget of the frame-dragging measurements with LAGEOS-LAGEOS 2 and LARES has been underestimated, are indeed ill-founded.IGNAZIO CIUFOLINI; Antonio Paolozzi; Erricos C. Pavlis; John C. Ries; Rolf Koenig; Richard A. Matzner; Giampiero Sindoni and Hans NeumayerCiufolini, Ignazio; Antonio, Paolozzi; Erricos C., Pavlis; John C., Ries; Rolf, Koenig; Richard A., Matzner; Giampiero, Sindoni; Hans, Neumaye

    Measuring and Correcting Wind-Induced Pointing Errors of the Green Bank Telescope Using an Optical Quadrant Detector

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    Wind-induced pointing errors are a serious concern for large-aperture high-frequency radio telescopes. In this paper, we describe the implementation of an optical quadrant detector instrument that can detect and provide a correction signal for wind-induced pointing errors on the 100m diameter Green Bank Telescope (GBT). The instrument was calibrated using a combination of astronomical measurements and metrology. We find that the main wind-induced pointing errors on time scales of minutes are caused by the feedarm being blown along the direction of the wind vector. We also find that wind-induced structural excitation is virtually non-existent. We have implemented offline software to apply pointing corrections to the data from imaging instruments such as the MUSTANG 3.3 mm bolometer array, which can recover ~70% of sensitivity lost due to wind-induced pointing errors. We have also performed preliminary tests that show great promise for correcting these pointing errors in real-time using the telescope's subreflector servo system in combination with the quadrant detector signal.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures; accepted for publication in PAS

    Flexible production and entry: institutional, technological, and organizational determinants

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    Academics, the media, and policymakers have all raised concerns about the implications of human workers being replaced by machines or software. Few have discussed the implications of the reverse: firms’ ability to replace capital with workers. We show that this flexibility can help new firms overcome uncertainty and increase entrepreneurial entry. We develop a simple real options model where permissive labor regulations allow firms to take advantage of capital-labor substitutability by replacing ‘rigid’ capital with ‘flexible’ labor. The model highlights institutional, technological, and organizational preconditions to using this flexibility. Using a large and comprehensive dataset on entry by standalone firms and group affiliates, we provide evidence in support of the model
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