88 research outputs found

    Development and analysis of Laser Scanner data

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    Terrestrial Laser Scanning offers an alternative to traditional survey techniques and consists of high speed data capture. This technique is very recent and is still being studied. The aim of this project is to study the capabilities of Terrestrial Laser Scanners for Land Deformation Monitoring. This document firstly reviews the basic functioning of Terrestrial Laser Scanning technique and device. Furthermore it describes in detail the experimental work carried out at the Institute of Geomatics (IG)

    El mandala como herramienta de conocimiento personal

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    El mandala, Khil Khor en tibetano, es una manifestación artística procedente de la cultura budista. Este concepto se ha expandido ampliamente en occidente, siendo el psicólogo Carl Gustav Jung uno de los primeros en profundizar en este arquetipo universal y su potencial como herramienta de curación en los distintos niveles del ser humano. El estudio de estos encriptados diseños, generalmente circulares, es un acercamiento al conocimiento personal cuya clave se descifra en el centro del mandala, el axis mundi

    Avaliação do impacto dos cruzamentos Bos taurus x Bos indicus e tecnologias post mortem na qualidade gustativa de lombos de novilhos terminados a pasto

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    This experiment aimed to evaluate the effects of Brahman crossbreeding and postmortem technologies (electrical stimulation and vacuum aging) on eating quality of loins from pasture-finished bulls. Fifty yearling bulls representing five Brahman-influenced types (n = 10 each): Brahman (BRAH), F1-Angus (F1ANG), F1-Chianina (F1CHI), F1-Romosinuano (F1ROM), and F1-Simmental (F1SIM) were supplemented on pasture until reaching a desirable conformation at a suitable live weight of ca. 480 kg. All carcasses were classified as “Bullocks” according to U.S. standards. Carcass’s right sides were subjected to high-voltage electrical stimulation (ES) while the left sides were not stimulated (NOES). Longissimus lumborum (LL) steaks from ES and NOES carcasses were allotted either to the vacuum aging control treatment for 2 d (NOAGING) or 10 d (AGING).  LL steaks were evaluated for Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) and sensory traits by trained panelists. No differences in WBSF, juiciness, or flavor ratings were detected among breed types (P > 0.05). Sensory ratings for tenderness-related traits varied little with breed type (P < 0.05). Steaks from F1ANG received higher ratings for muscle fiber tenderness, overall tenderness, and amount of connective tissue, and differed (P < 0.05) from those of F1ROM and F1SIM which received the lowest ratings. Bullock loins were more responsive to ES+AGING in WBSF reduction and desirable tenderness ratings than other postmortem treatments (P < 0.05) by reaching a greater proportion (72%) of “tender” (WBSF < 40.1 N) steaks than AGING (48%), ES (36%), and NOES-NOAGING (24%) samples (P < 0.01). Tenderness of bullock loin steaks is marginally improved by crossbreeding; therefore, the application of ES+AGING is necessary to ensure a higher proportion of tenderloin steaks.Se evaluaron los efectos de cruzamientos interraciales y tecnologías postmortem sobre la calidad gustativa de lomos de toros terminados a pasto.  Cincuenta toros añosos representando cinco tipos raciales (n = 10 cada uno): Brahman puro (BRAH), F1-Angus (F1ANG), F1-Chianina (F1CHI), F1-Romosinuano (F1ROM) y F1-Simmental (F1SIM) se suplementaron a pastoreo hasta alcanzar una conformación satisfactoria a un peso vivo de ca. 480 kg. Todas las canales clasificaron como “Bullocks” (Toretes) por la norma estadounidense. Los lados derechos de cada canal se sometieron a estimulación eléctrica de alto voltaje (ES) mientras que los lados izquierdos no fueron estimulados (NOES).  Bistés de longissimus lumborum ES y NOES se asignaron a tratamientos de maduración al vacío por 2 d (NOMADURADOS) ó 10 d (MADURADOS). Los bistés se evaluaron para fuerza de corte Warner-Bratzler (FCWB) y rasgos sensoriales calificados por panelistas capacitados. No se detectaron diferencias en valores FCWB, o calificaciones para jugosidad o intensidad de sabor entre tipos raciales (P > 0.05).  Los rasgos relacionados con terneza variaron poco con el tipo racial (P < 0.05). Los bistecs de F1ANG recibieron calificaciones más altas para terneza de fibra muscular, terneza general y cantidad de tejido conectivo, y difirieron (P < 0.05) de los F1ROM y F1SIM, que recibieron las calificaciones más bajas. Los bistés ES+MADURADOS tuvieron menor FCWB y mayores calificaciones para rasgos asociados con la terneza que los ES ó los MADURADOS (P < 0.05) alcanzando una mayor proporción (72%) de "bistés tiernos" (FCWB < 40.1 N) que la de MADURADOS (48%), ES (36%) y NOES-NOMADURADOS (24%) (P < 0.01). La mejora en terneza de lomos de toretes Brahman mediante cruzamiento con razas taurinas es marginal; por lo tanto, se requiere aplicar el tratamiento combinado de ES y maduración al vacío para asegurar una proporción mayor de bistés tiernos.Foram avaliados os efeitos de cruzamentos interraciais e tecnologias postmortem na qualidade do sabor de lombos de touros terminados a pasto. Cinquenta touros envelhecidos representando cinco tipos de raça (n = 10 cada): Brahman puro (BRAH), F1-Angus (F1ANG), F1-Chianina (F1CHI), F1-Romosinuano (F1ROM) e F1-Simmental (F1SIM) foram suplementados. pastado com uma conformação satisfatória com um peso vivo de ca. 480kg Toda as carcaças classificadas como “Boi” (Toretes) pela norma americana. Os lados direitos de cada canal foram submetidos à estimulação elétrica de alta voltagem (ES), enquanto os lados esquerdos não foram estimulados (NOES). Bifes ES e NOES longissimus lumborum foram submetidos a tratamentos de maturação a vácuo por 2 d (NOMATURED) ou 10 d (MATURED). Os bifes foram avaliados quanto à resistência ao cisalhamento Warner-Bratzler (FCWB) e características sensoriais avaliadas por provadores treinados. Não foram detectadas diferenças nos valores de FCWB, ou classificações de suculência ou intensidade de sabor entre os tipos de raça (P > 0,05). As características relacionadas à ternura variaram pouco com o tipo de raça (P < 0,05). Os bifes F1ANG receberam pontuações mais altas para maciez da fibra muscular, maciez geral e quantidade de tecido conjuntivo, e diferiram (P <0,05) do F1ROM e F1SIM, que receberam as pontuações mais baixas. Os bifes ES + MADUROS apresentaram menor FCWB e maiores classificações para características associadas à maciez do que os bifes ES ou MATURADOS (P < 0,05), atingindo uma proporção maior (72%) de "bifes macios" (FCWB < 40,1 N) do que os bifes MATURADOS (48 %), ES (36%) e NOES-NOMATURADO (24%) (P < 0,01). A melhora na maciez dos lombos de touros Brahman pelo cruzamento com raças tauromáquicas é marginal; portanto, o tratamento combinado de ES e envelhecimento a vácuo é necessário para garantir uma maior proporção de bifes macios

    Els últims segles de Pollentia

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    Brand-specific influenza vaccine effectiveness estimates during 2019/20 season in Europe – Results from the DRIVE EU study platform

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    DRIVE (Development of Robust and Innovative Vaccine Effectiveness) is an IMI funded public–private platform that aims to annually estimate brand-specific influenza vaccine effectiveness (IVE), for public health and regulatory purposes. IVE analyses and reporting are conducted by public partners in the con- sortium. In 2019/20, four primary care-based test-negative design (TND) studies (Austria, England, Italy (n = 2)), eight hospital-based TND studies (Finland, France, Italy, Romania, Spain (n = 4)), and one population- based cohort study (Finland) were conducted. The COVID-19 pandemic affected influenza surveillance in all participating study sites, therefore the study period was truncated on February 29, 2020. Age- stratified (6 m-17y, 18-64y, !65y), confounder-adjusted, site-specific adjusted IVE estimates were calcu- lated and pooled through meta-analysis. Parsimonious confounder-adjustment was performed, adjusting the estimates for age, sex and calendar time. TND studies included 3531 cases (351 vaccinated) and 5546 controls (1415 vaccinated) of all ages. IVE estimates were available for 8/11 brands marketed in Europe in 2019. Most children and adults < 64y were captured in primary care setting and the most frequently observed vaccine brand was Vaxigrip Tetra. The estimate against any influenza for Vaxigrip Tetra in primary care setting was 61% (95%CI 38–77) in children and 32% (95%CI 13–59) in adults up to 64y. Most adults ! 65y were captured in hospital setting and the most frequently observed brand was Fluad, with an estimate of 52% (95%CI 27–68)

    Increases of Corporal Temperature as a Risk Factor of Atherosclerotic Plaque Instability

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    This work explores for the first time the effects of temperature increments on the development of high shear stresses between plaque and arterial wall due to their different dilatational properties. Data from the literature report febrile reactions prior to myocardial infarction in patients with normal coronary arteries and that coronary syndromes seem to be triggered by bacterial and viral infections, being fever the common symptom. Methods The thermo-mechanical behavior of thoracic aortas of New Zealand White rabbits with different degrees of atherosclerosis was measured by means of pressure–diameter tests at different temperatures. In addition, specific measurements of the thermal dilatation coefficient of atheroma plaques and of healthy arterial walls were performed by means of tensile tests at different temperatures. Results Results show a different thermo-mechanical behavior, the dilatation coefficient of atheroma plaque being at least twice that of the arterial wall. The calculation of temperature-induced mechanical stress at the plaque–vessel interface yielded shear stress levels enough to promote plaque rupture. Conclusions Increases of corporal temperature either local—produced by the inflammatory processes associated with atherosclerosis—or systemic—by febrile reactions—can play a role in increasing the risk of acute coronary syndromes, and they deserve a more comprehensive study

    Norovirus acute gastroenteritis among US and European travellers to areas of moderate to high risk of travellers' diarrhoea: a prospective cohort study

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    BACKGROUND Acute gastroenteritis (AGE) is a major medical condition for travellers worldwide, particularly travellers to low- and middle-income countries. Norovirus (NoV) is the most common cause of viral AGE in older children and adults, but data on prevalence and impact among travellers is limited. METHODS Prospective, multi-site, observational cohort study conducted 2015-2017, among adult international travellers from the US and Europe to areas of moderate to high risk of travel-acquired AGE. Participants provided self-collected pre-travel stool samples and self-reported AGE symptoms while travelling. Post-travel stool samples were requested from symptomatic subjects and a sample of asymptomatic travellers within 14days of return. Samples were tested for NoV by RT-qPCR, genotyped if positive, and tested for other common enteric pathogens by Luminex xTAG GPP. RESULTS Of the 1109 participants included, 437 (39.4%) developed AGE symptoms resulting in an overall AGE incidence of 24.7 per 100 person-weeks (95% CI: 22.4; 27.1). Twenty NoV-positive AGE cases (5.2% of those tested) were identified at an incidence of 1.1 per 100 person-weeks (95% CI: 0.7; 1.7). NoV-positive samples belonged mostly to genogroup GII (18, 85.7%); None of the 13 samples sequenced belonged to genotype GII.4. Clinical severity of AGE was higher for NoV-positive than for NoV-negative cases (mean modified Vesikari Score 6.8 vs 4.9) with more cases classified as severe or moderate (25% vs 6.8%). Eighty percent of NoV-positive participants (vs. 38.9% in NoV-negative) reported at least moderate impact on travel plans. CONCLUSIONS AGE is a prevalent disease among travellers with a small proportion associated with NoV. Post-travel stool sample collection timing might have influenced the low number of NoV cases detected; however, NoV infections resulted in high clinical severity and impact on travel plans. These results may contribute to targeted vaccine development and the design of future studies on NoV epidemiology

    Performance of Small Cluster Surveys and the Clustered LQAS Design to estimate Local-level Vaccination Coverage in Mali

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Estimation of vaccination coverage at the local level is essential to identify communities that may require additional support. Cluster surveys can be used in resource-poor settings, when population figures are inaccurate. To be feasible, cluster samples need to be small, without losing robustness of results. The clustered LQAS (CLQAS) approach has been proposed as an alternative, as smaller sample sizes are required.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We explored (i) the efficiency of cluster surveys of decreasing sample size through bootstrapping analysis and (ii) the performance of CLQAS under three alternative sampling plans to classify local VC, using data from a survey carried out in Mali after mass vaccination against meningococcal meningitis group A.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>VC estimates provided by a 10 × 15 cluster survey design were reasonably robust. We used them to classify health areas in three categories and guide mop-up activities: i) health areas not requiring supplemental activities; ii) health areas requiring additional vaccination; iii) health areas requiring further evaluation. As sample size decreased (from 10 × 15 to 10 × 3), standard error of VC and ICC estimates were increasingly unstable. Results of CLQAS simulations were not accurate for most health areas, with an overall risk of misclassification greater than 0.25 in one health area out of three. It was greater than 0.50 in one health area out of two under two of the three sampling plans.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Small sample cluster surveys (10 × 15) are acceptably robust for classification of VC at local level. We do not recommend the CLQAS method as currently formulated for evaluating vaccination programmes.</p

    Orientacions sobre la diversitat cultural i la salut

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    Diversitat cultural; Atenció sanitària; ImmigracióDiversidad cultural; Atención sanitaria; InmigraciónCultural diversity; Health care; ImmigrationEl respecte a la dignitat, a la llibertat i a la igualtat de les persones pot plantejar dubtes a l’hora de desenvolupar determinades pràctiques socials. L’àmbit sanitari és receptor de moltes peticions i fins i tot d’exigències que els professionals poden arribar a qüestionar dins la seva responsabilitat i el seu compromís social. Cada vegada amb més freqüència, s’adrecen al Comitè Consultiu de Bioètica sol·licituds d’orientació i aclariment respecte de problemes concrets. La via de la casuística circumstancial no sembla la millor manera d’afrontar els problemes actuals. Cal dur a terme una reflexió àmplia, que permeti comprendre la situació i fixar unes línies mestres per abordar els casos concrets. Aquesta és la tasca que s’intenta amb aquest document, és a dir, contribuir a fer el camí vers la comprensió de la diversitat cultural en l’àmbit de la salut, ja iniciat per altres grups institucionals

    Análisis de la situación de los estudios agronómicos y forestales en Europa. Anexo III: análisis de los estudios europeos

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    El documento que se presenta es el resultado del análisis de la situación actual en estas ingenierías y del estudio del futuro de las mismas. Todas las propuestas que aquí se hacen se han consensuado en las sesiones del Plenario del grupo de trabajo. Por ello, es justo reconocer la aportación que este trabajo puede suponer a la futura Convergencia Europea en la Educación Superior