5,097 research outputs found

    Migrants in the UK Labour Market: An Overview

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    This briefing provides an overview of the employment levels and employment shares of migrants in the UK economy as a whole, and in specific sectors and occupations

    Residual Wage Inequality and Immigration in the UK and the US

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    Over the last few decades, immigration has increased significantly in both the US and the UK; both countries have also experienced notable increases in the degree of wage inequality. Unlike previous studies, this paper focuses on the effects of immigration on the residual wage inequality in the UK and US between 1994 and 2008. It seeks to assess whether and to what degree immigration contributed, along with technology, institutions and traditional explanations, to widening inequality. To answer these questions, this work reassesses Lemieux’s hypothesis (i.e., composition effects exert an upward mechanical force on the residual wage inequality) by adding the immigration dimension to the original analysis. The empirical analysis reveals that residual wage inequality is higher among immigrants than among natives. However, such differences do not contribute (much) to the increasing residual wage inequality observed in the two countries.wage inequality, immigration, composition effects, residual

    Real Wages, Wage Inequality and the Regional Cost-of-living in the UK

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    University graduates in the UK are more concentrated in regions where the cost of housing is higher, implying that they face a higher cost-of-living that could possibly reduce the graduate real wage relative to other groups and carry implications for measures of wage dispersion. This paper reassesses how estimates of wage inequality from 1997 to 2008 vary when regional differences in the cost of housing in the UK are taken into consideration. In order to do so, the real wage is deflated by a specially constructed regional Retail Price Index (RPI); this is a new measure of the cost-of-living that partially updates the national RPI with a regional housing index, therefore allowing the RPI to vary by regions. Results show that the national RPI underestimates the cost-of-living of workers living in the most expensive regions (London, South East) and overestimates the cost-of-living for “cheaper” regions (Northern Ireland, Scotland). When deflating hourly wages by the regional RPI, the average level of wages is lower from 8% to 11% an hour for all workers in London and the South East, but is higher (from 2% to 9%) in the remaining regions; similarly the college –high school wage gap decreases form 6 to 13% in levels when deflating wages by the real regional RPI.cost-of-living, wages, wage inequality, RPI

    There is a positive and significant association between increases in the employment of migrant workers and labour productivity growth

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    New research from Cinzia Rienzo and colleagues at the NIESR finds that the increasing presence of immigrants in the labour force is associated with an increase in labour productivity. Specifically, a 1 percentage point change in immigrants as share of initial employment is associated with a change in labour productivity between 0.06 and 0.07 percent

    Classici latini e greci in redazione friulana. Esempi e sondaggi

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    pp.141-154La traduzione in friulano Ăš un’attivitĂ  cospicua, ma non uniforme e anzi disseminata nel tempo e nello spazio, con episodi straordinari per la qualitĂ  della scrittura, con realizzazioni di rilievo per i sottintesi ideologici, per il ruolo assegnato alla lingua. Rassegna e analisi di esempi di traduzione in lingua friulana di passi tratti dai classici greci e latini: la prosa di Giovan Battista Donato (1534-1604), Quanti saluti che fa un i e tre o, intrecciata di massime latine volte in friulano; Giovan Giuseppe Bosizio (1660-1743) traduce le Georgiche e l’Eneide; V.G.Blanch, alias Luigi Rodaro (1859-1932), propone traduzioni dal latino (da Tibullo, Orazio e Ovidio) nel suo Linguaggio friulano; Pierpaolo Pasolini: per lui il friulano Ăš ‘lingua virtuale’ e l’antitesi di lingua e dialetto trova il suo tratto fondante nella coscienza letteraria. In tale prospettiva, di enorme valore e interesse Ăš il ruolo delle traduzioni: Ăš una dimostrazione di virtuosismo perfino provocatoria, una acrobazia nella resa con uno strumento ancora acerbo, con assimilazioni superbe, come dimostra la prova pasoliniana di traduzione di Saffo. Infine Alessandro Carrozzo con i Lirics grĂȘcs e Pierluigi Visintin con Batracomiomachie e Flabis di Esopo, oltre a diverse satire di Orazio: in entrambi si punta a una totale autosufficienza linguistica, con le necessarie acquisizioni (prestiti e neologismi) per i settori scoperti.The translation into Friulian is a conspicuous activity, but not uniform, and even scattered in time and space, with extra episodes for the quality of writing, with significant achievements for the ideological underlying and the role assigned to language. Review and analysis of examples of translation in Friulian language of passages taken from Greek and Latin classics: the prose of Giovan Battista Donato (1534-1604), Quanti saluti che fa un i e tre o, twisted to Latine maximum translated in Friulian; Giovan Giuseppe Bosizio (1660-1743) translates Georgics and Aeneid; V.G.Blanch, alias Luigi Rodaro (1859-1932), offers translations from Latin (from Tibullus, Horace, and Ovid) in Friulian language, Pierpaolo Pasolini: for him, the Friulan is a ‘virtual language' and the antithesis of language and dialect suddenly finds its foundation in literary consciousness. In this context the role of translations is of paramount value and interest: it is demonstration of virtuosity, sometimes a provocative one, with superb assimilations, as shown by the Pasolini’s essay of translation from Sappho. Finally Alessandro Carrozzo with Lirics grĂȘcs and Pierluigi Visintin with Batracomiomachie and Flabis di Esopo, in addition to several satires of Horace: both point to a total linguistic self-sufficiency, with the necessary acquisitions (borrowings and neologisms) to uncovered areas

    Non-Canonical Amino Acids As Biochemical Probes of Ligand-Gated Ion Channel Structure and Function

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    This dissertation describes several different chemical-scale studies of proteins involved in cellular signaling. The primary focus of this work is on ligand-gated ion channels, an important family of membrane receptors. In each study, the incorporation of structurally diverse non-canonical amino acids have been used to attain a high level of precision in probing the mechanisms of molecular processes. The first chapter provides an introduction to the nonsense suppression methodology used to genetically encode these probes, and surveys the classes of proteins studied herein. The second and third chapters are concerned with the mechanism of activation of a prokaryotic receptor, Gloeobacter violaceus ligand-gated ion channel. In these experiments, novel histidine derivatives were designed, synthesized, and incorporated to test the functional importance of acid-base titration at several positions in the receptor. Then, a battery of proline analogs were used to identify necessary structural features of several critical proline residues, providing clues to conformational changes that occur during receptor activation. The fourth chapter discusses studies of a different class of receptors, the Acid-Sensing Ion Channels. Several fluorinated aspartic acid and glutamic acid derivatives were targeted to modulate the acidity of putative proton binding sites. Attempts at preparation of these compounds for incorporation into proteins are detailed. Additional sections describe, efforts to elucidate factors in the binding selectivity of the tarantula venom psalmotoxin and selectivity of cation permeability. In the final chapter, early efforts at developing crosslinking assays for protein-protein interactions in mammalian cells are outlined. These assays involve the introduction of orthogonal tRNA/synthetase pairs for genetically encoding photoreactive phenylalanine analogs. The most successful studies involve the ligand-dependent dimerization of the soluble nuclear receptor, estrogen receptor α. However, the ultimate goal of this work is to to probe protein-protein interactions among membrane receptors and other proteins. Progress toward extension of the photocrosslinking assay into membrane receptors is described.</p
