57 research outputs found

    Synonymy and stratigraphic ranges of Belemnopsis in the Heterian and Ohauan Stages (Callovian-Tithonian), southwest Auckland, New Zealand.

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    Belemnopsis stevensi, Belemnopsis maccrawi, and Belemnopsis sp. A (Challinor 1979a) are synonymous; B. stevensi has priority. New belemnite material from Kawhia Harbour and Port Waikato, together with graphical study methods, indicates that many small fragmentary specimens associated with B. stevensi in the lower part of its stratigraphic range are probably the same taxon. B. stevensi has been found only in the Middle and Upper Heterian Stage (Lower Kimmeridgian) at Kawhia and only in the Lower Ohauan Stage (Upper Kimmeridgian) at Port Waikato. This apparently disjunct distribution is attributed to poor exposure in the relevant sections. Belemnopsis kiwiensis n.sp., Belemnopsis cf. sp. B, Belemnopsis sp. B, Belemnopsis sp. D, and Belemnopsis spp. are associated with B. stevensi near the lowest known point in its stratigraphic range. The distribution of stratigraphically useful belemnites within the Heterian and Ohauan Stages is: Conodicoelites spp. (Lower Heterian; correlated with Lower Callovian); Belemnopsis annae (Lower and Middle Heterian; Lower Callovian/Lower Kimmeridgian); Belemnopsis stevensi (Middle Heterian/Lower Ohauan; Kimmeridgian); Belemnopsis keari (Upper Heterian; Kimmeridgian); Belemnopsis trechmanni (Upper Ohauan; Upper Kimmeridgian/Middle Tithonian). The apparently extreme range of Belemnopsis annae remains unexplained. Klondyke Sandstone (new) is recognised as the basal member of Moewaka Formation (Port Waikato area)

    Mikrofauna, Biostratigraphie und Fazies im Unteren Toarcium Suedwestdeutschlands und Vergleiche mit benachbarten Gebieten

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    SIGLETIB: RO 3576 (3) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Belemnites paxillosa Lamarck 1801 Mollusca Coleoidea Proposed Suppression Of Both Generic And Specific Names

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    Volume: 43Start Page: 355End Page: 35

    The belemnite family Holcobelidae (Coleoidea) in the European Jurassic: systematics, biostratigraphy, palaeobiogeography and evolutionary trends

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    The belemnite family Holcobelidae GUSTOMESOV, 1977 is revised, based on ca. 200 rostra from recent fieldwork as well as historical museum collections. The studied specimens originate from various European localities and are dated from the Early Aalenian to the Early Bajocian (Middle Jurassic). Eight species of the genera Holcobelus STOLLEY 1927 (including H. elmii n.sp.) and Calabribelus nov. gen. (with type species C. pallinii) are described. The evolution of the morphological characters at the family level is outlined and compared with acrocoelitids (Belemnitina) and pachybelemnopseids (Pachybelemnopseina); the possible phylogenetic links between the Holcobelidae and the latter are discussed. The stratigraphic and palaeobiogeographic distribution of holcobelids is analysed in respect to morphological changes, leading to a hypothesis on different lifestyles among the investigated taxa.The peculiar distribution pattern of Holcobelidae represents a colonization event by belemnites in the northern Tethys and a distinctive belemnitid Tethyan fauna developed during the Bajocian, dominated by Pachybelemnopsis and Hibolithes
