9,699 research outputs found

    Particle acceleration close to the supermassive black hole horizon: the case of M87

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    The radio galaxy M87 has recently been found to be a rapidly variable TeV emitting source. We analyze the implications of the observed TeV characteristics and show that it proves challenging to account for them within conventional acceleration and emission models. We discuss a new pulsar-type scenario for the origin of variable, very high energy (VHE) emission close to the central supermassive black hole and show that magneto-centrifugally accelerated electrons could efficiently Compton upscatter sub-mm ADAF disk photons to the TeV regime, leading to VHE characteristics close to the observed ones. This suggests, conversely, that VHE observations of highly under-luminous AGNs could provide an important diagnostic tool for probing the conditions prevalent in the inner accretion disk of these sources.Comment: 5 pages, one figure (typos corrected); based on presentation at "High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows", Dublin, Sept. 2007; accepted for publication in International Journal of Modern Physics

    The muon (g − 2) experiment at Fermi National Laboratory

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    The E-989 experiment planned at Fermi National Laboratory in Batavia, IL, USA, has a goal to measure the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon (aμ) to 0.14 ppm. This will be a fourfold improvement over the previous measurement of aexp μ = 116 592 089 (63) × 10−11 (0.54 ppm) made at Brookhaven National Laboratory in 2001. This measurement compared to the current theoretical results differ by more than 3σ. It is imperative that we reduce the errors on both the experimental measurement and the theoretical value to better understand this difference. This paper covers the Brookhaven experiment as well as the upgrades that are planned for the Fermilab experiment

    Non equilibrium dynamics below the super-roughening transition

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    The non equilibrium relaxational dynamics of the solid on solid model on a disordered substrate and the Sine Gordon model with random phase shifts is studied numerically. Close to the super-roughening temperature TgT_g our results for the autocorrelations, spatial correlations and response function as well as for the fluctuation dissipation ratio (FDR) agree well with the prediction of a recent one loop RG calculation, whereas deep in the glassy low temperature phase substantial deviations occur. The change in the low temperature behavior of these quantities compared with the RG predictions is shown to be contained in a change of the functional temperature dependence of the dynamical exponent z(T)z(T), which relates the age tt of the system with a length scale L(t){\cal L}(t): z(T)z(T) changes from a linear TT-dependence close to TgT_g to a 1/T-behavior far away from TgT_g. By identifying spatial domains as connected patches of the exactly computable ground states of the system we demonstrate that the growing length scale L(t){\cal L}(t) is the characteristic size of thermally fluctuating clusters around ``typical'' long-lived configurations.Comment: RevTex

    Off-Equilibrium Dynamics in Finite-Dimensional Spin Glass Models

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    The low temperature dynamics of the two- and three-dimensional Ising spin glass model with Gaussian couplings is investigated via extensive Monte Carlo simulations. We find an algebraic decay of the remanent magnetization. For the autocorrelation function C(t,tw)=[]avC(t,t_w)=[]_{av} a typical aging scenario with a t/twt/t_w scaling is established. Investigating spatial correlations we find an algebraic growth law ξ(tw)∼twα(T)\xi(t_w)\sim t_w^{\alpha(T)} of the average domain size. The spatial correlation function G(r,tw)=[<Si(tw)Si+r(tw)>2]avG(r,t_w)=[< S_i(t_w)S_{i+r}(t_w)>^2]_{av} scales with r/ξ(tw)r/\xi(t_w). The sensitivity of the correlations in the spin glass phase with respect to temperature changes is examined by calculating a time dependent overlap length. In the two dimensional model we examine domain growth with a new method: First we determine the exact ground states of the various samples (of system sizes up to 100×100100\times 100) and then we calculate the correlations between this state and the states generated during a Monte Carlo simulation.Comment: 38 pages, RevTeX, 14 postscript figure

    Fluctuation Dissipation Ratio in Three-Dimensional Spin Glasses

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    We present an analysis of the data on aging in the three-dimensional Edwards Anderson spin glass model with nearest neighbor interactions, which is well suited for the comparison with a recently developed dynamical mean field theory. We measure the parameter x(q)x(q) describing the violation of the relation among correlation and response function implied by the fluctuation dissipation theorem.Comment: LaTeX 10 pages + 4 figures (appended as uuencoded compressed tar-file), THP81-9

    SMM detection of interstellar Al-26 gamma radiation

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    The gamma ray spectrometer on the Solar Maximum Mission Satellite has detected the interstellar Al-26 line when the Galactic center traversed its aperture. The center of the emission is consistent with the location of the Galactic center, but the spatial distribution is presently not well defined. The total flux in the direction of the Galactic center is 4.3 + or - 0.4) x .0001 gamma/sq cm-s-rad for an assumed population I distribution

    Extended surface disorder in the quantum Ising chain

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    We consider random extended surface perturbations in the transverse field Ising model decaying as a power of the distance from the surface towards a pure bulk system. The decay may be linked either to the evolution of the couplings or to their probabilities. Using scaling arguments, we develop a relevance-irrelevance criterion for such perturbations. We study the probability distribution of the surface magnetization, its average and typical critical behaviour for marginal and relevant perturbations. According to analytical results, the surface magnetization follows a log-normal distribution and both the average and typical critical behaviours are characterized by power-law singularities with continuously varying exponents in the marginal case and essential singularities in the relevant case. For enhanced average local couplings, the transition becomes first order with a nonvanishing critical surface magnetization. This occurs above a positive threshold value of the perturbation amplitude in the marginal case.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, Plain TeX. J. Phys. A (accepted

    Ground state properties of fluxlines in a disordered environment

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    A new numerical method to calculate exact ground states of multi-fluxline systems with quenched disorder is presented, which is based on the minimum cost flow algorithm from combinatorial optimization. We discuss several models that can be studied with this method including their specific implementations, physically relevant observables and results: 1) the N-line model with N fluxlines (or directed polymers) in a d-dimensional environment with point and/or columnar disorder and hard or soft core repulsion; 2) the vortex glass model for a disordered superconductor in the strong screening limit and 3) the Sine-Gordon model with random pase shifts in the strong coupling limit.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 3 eps-figures include

    Dynamical simulation of spin-glass and chiral-glass orderings in three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glasses

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    Spin-glass and chiral-glass orderings in three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glasses are studied with and without randaom magnetic anisotropy by dynamical Monte Carlo simulations. In isotropic case, clear evidence of a finite-temperature chiral-glass transition is presented. While the spin autocorrelation exhibits only an interrupted aging, the chirality autocorrelation persists to exhibit a pronounced aging effect reminisecnt of the one observed in the mean-field model. In anisotropic case, asymptotic mixing of the spin and the chirality is observed in the off-equilibrium dynamics.Comment: 4 pages including 5 figures, LaTex, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Search for gamma ray lines from SS433

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    Data obtained with the Gamma Ray Spectrometer (0.3 to 9 MeV) aboard the Solar Maximum Mission satellite from 1980 to 1985 for evidence of the reported Doppler shifted lines from SS433 were examined. The data base covers a total of 468 days when SS433 was in the field of view and includes times of quiescent and flaring radio activity. In 9 day integrations of the SMM data no evidence is found for gamma ray line emission from SS433. The 99% confidence upper limits for 9 day integrations of the shifted 1.37 and 6.1 MeV lines are 0.0013 gamma/sq cm-s and 0.0007 gamma/sq cm-s, respectively. The 360 day time averaged upper limits are 0.0002 gamma/sq cm-s x 0.0001 gamma/sq cm-s for both lines
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