17 research outputs found

    Burdening Care: A Study on Informal Caregivers of Frontotemporal Dementia Patients

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    Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a degenerative disease of the brain. The frontal areas of the brain that are affected by degeneration of neurones and accumulation of tau and other inclusion material control personality, social conduct, speech and language, organization and reasoning. In the early stages of the disease FTD patients present with disturbance of interpersonal conduct, loss of empathy and loss of insight. Later on patients progressively develop memory problems, aphasia and behavioral alterations such as pacing and repetitive stereotyped behaviors (1, 2). Due to the behavioral features of FTD, FTD is often misdiagnosed in its early phases (3). The age of onset of FTD ranges from 25 to 64 years partly depending on the specific underlying gene mutation (4) and men and women are equally at-risk (5). The mean course of FTD is 8 years from the time of diagnosis. The prevalence of FTD is estimated at 5 to 15 cases per 100.000 in the age group of 45 to 64 years in the Netherlands, thus FTD is recognized as the second most common type of presenile dementia in the Netherlands (6). Around 70-80% of cases are sporadic (6), whereas genetic mutations are found in 40% of cases with a positive family history (4, 6). The inheritance is mostly autosomal dominant, implying that children of a patient have 50% risk of receiving either the disease or the normal gene from the affected parent. The symptoms of the disease may vary significantly between affected relatives

    Psychosocial aspects of preconception consultation in primary care: Lessons from our experience in clinical genetics

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    To date, little is known about the psychosocial aspects of preconception consultation (PCC) in primary care. PCC in primary care is appropriate for couples and individuals with a reproductive wish. In PCC, non-genetic and genetic risk factors may be identified. Focusing on nongenetic and genetic risk factors in PCC requires the use of different counselling strategies and tools in optimizing the outcome of pregnancy. Addressing lifestyle alterations requires directive counselling, whereas addressing increased genetic risk and its subsequent reproductive options requires non-directiveness. When an increased genetic risk is detected, couples should be informed about their possibilities for not passing on a disease allele. Depending upon the various modes of inheritance and reproductive options, couples may face a variety of psychosocial challenges. This paper aims to provide insights into the psychosocial impact of the genetic aspects of PCC by drawing upon literature and clinical experienc

    The Psychological Impact of Prenatal Diagnosis and Disclosure of Susceptibility Loci: First Impressions of Parents’ Experiences

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    Genomic microarray may detect susceptibility loci (SL) for neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism and epilepsy, with a yet unquantifiable risk for the fetus. The prenatal disclosure of susceptibility loci is a topic of much debate. Many health care professionals fear that reporting susceptibility loci may put a psychological burden on pregnant couples. It is our policy to disclose prenatal susceptibility loci as we recognize them as actionable for prospective parents. The aim of this report was to evaluate the psychological impact of disclosing a prenatal diagnosis of susceptibility loci. The psychological impact of disclosing susceptibility loci was evaluated in the first patients who received such results. Eight out of 15 women who had a susceptibility locus disclosed and four of their partners consented to share their experiences through a telephonic evaluation (n = 12). Follow-up time ranged from 3 to 15 months after their prenatal test result. The reporting of susceptibility loci was initially ‘shocking’ for five parents while the other seven felt ‘worried’. Ten out of 12 participants indicated they would like to be informed about the susceptibility locus again, two were unsure. Most had no enduring worries. Participants unanimously indicated that pregnant couples should have an individualized pre-test choice about susceptibility loci (non)disclosure. We observed no negative psychological impact with the prenatal diagnosis and disclosure of SL on participants. A key factor in mitigating parental anxiety with SL disclosure appears to be post-test genetic counseling. Our report confirms that pregnant women and their partners prefer an individualized choice regarding the scope of prenatal testing

    Parental experiences of uncertainty following an abnormal fetal anomaly scan: Insights using Han’s taxonomy of uncertainty

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    For a number of prospective parents, uncertainty during pregnancy starts when an anomaly is found during a routine fetal anomaly scan. This may be followed by numerous tests to determine the etiology and nature of the anomaly. In this study, we aimed to understand how prospective parents perceive and manage uncertainty after being confronted with a structural anomaly during their routine ultrasound. Han's taxonomy of uncertainty was used as a framework to identify and understand the different types of uncertainty experienced. Interviews were held in the UK (n = 8 women and n = 1 male partner) and in the Netherlands (n = 7 women) with participants who had experienced uncertainty in their pregnancy after a fetal scan. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis, and the uncertainties experienced by parents were mapped against the dimensions of the Han taxonomy (sources, issues, and locus). Participants' experience of uncertainty was relevant to all dimensions and subcategories of the Han taxonomy, showing its applicability in the prenatal setting. Sources of uncertainty included receiving probabilistic

    Choosing between Higher and Lower Resolution Microarrays

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    Developments in prenatal testing allow the detection of more findings. SNP arrays in prenatal diagnosis (PND) can be analyzed at 0.5 Mb resolution detecting more clinically relevant anomalies, or at 5 Mb resolution. We investigated whether women had sufficient knowledge to make informed choices regarding the scope of their prenatal test that were consistent with their attitude. Pregnant women could choose between testing at 5 or at 0.5 Mb array. Consenting women (N = 69) received pre-test genetic counseling by phone and filled out the Measure of Informed Choice questionnaire designed for this study. Choices based on sufficient knowledge and consistent with attitude were considered informed. Sixty-two percent of the women made an adequately informed choice, based on sufficient knowledge and attitude-consistent with their choice of microarray resolution. Women who made an informed choice, opted for 0.5 Mb array resolution more often. There were no differences between women making adequately informed or less informed choices regarding level of experienced anxiety or doubts. Over time on T0 and T1, anxiety and doubts significantly decreased. While previous studies demonstrated that knowledge is an important component in informed decision-making, this study underlines that a consistent attitude might be equally important for decision-making. We advocate more focus on attitude-consistency and deliberation as compared to only a strong focus on knowledge

    Implementing non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) in the Netherlands: An interview study exploring opinions about and experiences with societal pressure, reimbursement, and an expanding scope

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    The noninvasive prenatal test (NIPT) as the first trimester prenatal screening (FTS) for trisomies 21, 18, and 13 is offered to all pregnant women in the Netherlands. NIPT using genome sequencing allows for an expansion of the scope of FTS and the introduction of NIPT gives rise to ethical and societal concerns about deliberated decision-making, pressure to engage in screening, and possible lack of equal access due to the financial contribution (€175) to NIPT. We explored the opinions and experiences of pregnant women, who were offered FTS, about these concerns, and the possibility of a broadened scope. Nineteen pregnant women representing a diversity of backgrounds were interviewed using a semi-structured interview guide. Eight women did not opt for prenatal screening while 11 did (NIPT = 4, combined test = 7). Women experienced a free choice to accept or decline prenatal screening, despite sometimes receiving advice from others. Prior to pretest counseling, some women had already deliberated about what an abnormal test result would mean to them. Others accepted or declined FTS without deliberation. The current Dutch policy of requiring a co-payment was acceptable to some, who believed that it functioned as a threshold to think carefully about FTS. Others were concerned that a financial threshold would lead to unequal access to screening. Finally, pregnant women found it difficult to formulate opinions on the scope of FTS, because of lack of knowledge. Life expectancy, severity, and treatability were considered important criteria for the inclusion of a condition in NIPT

    Social and medical need for whole genome high resolution NIPT

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    Background: Two technological innovations in the last decade significantly influenced the diagnostic yield of prenatal cytogenetic testing: genomic microarray allowing high resolution analysis and noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) focusing on aneuploidy. To anticipate future trends in prenatal screening and diagnosis, we evaluated the number of invasive tests in our center and the number of aberrant cases diagnosed in the last decade. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed fetal chromosomal aberrations diagnosed in 2009–2018 in 8,608 pregnancies without ultrasound anomalies. Results: The introduction of NIPT as the first-tier test led to a substantial decrease in the number of invasive tests and a substantially increased diagnostic yield of aneuploidies in the first trimester. However, we have also noted a decreased detection of submicroscopic aberrations, since the number of invasive tests substantially decreased. We have observed that pregnant women were interested in broader scope of prenatal screening and diagnosis than detection of common trisomies. Conclusion: Since the frequency of syndromic disorders caused by microdeletions/ microduplications is substantial and current routine NIPT and ultrasound investigations are not able to detect them, we suggest that a noninvasive test with resolution comparable to microarrays should be developed, which will also meet patient's needs

    Experts in science communication

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    Even if the predominant model of science communication with the public is now based on dialogue, many experts still adhere to the outdated deficit model of informing the public.[Image: see text

    Frontotemporal dementia: change of familial caregiver burden and partner relation in a Dutch cohort of 63 patients.

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    Contains fulltext : 70250.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)BACKGROUND/AIMS: The current study examined the change of caregiver burden and the development of the quality of the partner relation in frontotemporal dementia (FTD). METHODS: During a 2-year period, deterioration, behavioural problems, caregiver burden, general psychopathology, quality of life, social support, coping strategies and relationship quality were inspected in 63 FTD caregiver-care recipient dyads. RESULTS: After 2 years patients reached maximum dementia severity with stable Neuropsychiatric Inventory levels. Contrary to expectations, caregiver burden decreased and psychological well-being remained stable. Coping style and social support changed unfavourably. Relationship closeness and getting along were preserved, whereas communication and sharing viewpoint on life were dramatically reduced. CONCLUSIONS: FTD caregivers need support in coping with the increasingly hopeless situation of their patients. Future research methods into caregiver burden should address response shift as a means for psychological adjustment