3,043 research outputs found

    The influence of land surface heterogeneities on cloud size development

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    This study analyzes the effects of land surface heterogeneities at various horizontal scales on the transition from shallow to deep convection and on the cloud size distribution. An idealized case of mid-latitude summertime convection is simulated by means of large-eddy simulations coupled to an interactive land surface. The transition is accelerated over heterogeneous surfaces. The simulation with an intermediate patch size of 12.8 km exhibits the fastest transition with a transition time two thirds that over a homogeneous surface. A similar timing is observed for the precipitation onset whereas the total accumulated rainfall tends to increase with patch size. The cloud size distribution can be approximated by a power law with a scale break. The exponent of the power law is independent of the heterogeneity scale, implying a similar cloud cover between the simulations. In contrast, the scale break varies with patch size. The size of the largest clouds does not scale with the boundary layer height, although their maximum size scales with the patch size. Finally, the idea that larger clouds grow faster, known from homogeneous surface conditions, is not fully valid over heterogeneous surfaces. These various aspects can be understood from the complex interplay between the characteristics of the triggered mesoscale circulations and a cloud development acting in response to the diurnal cycle in surface heating. The results also call for adequate representation of such effects in convective parameterizations

    All the World's a (Hyper)Graph: A Data Drama

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    We introduce Hyperbard, a dataset of diverse relational data representationsderived from Shakespeare's plays. Our representations range from simple graphscapturing character co-occurrence in single scenes to hypergraphs encodingcomplex communication settings and character contributions as hyperedges withedge-specific node weights. By making multiple intuitive representationsreadily available for experimentation, we facilitate rigorous representationrobustness checks in graph learning, graph mining, and network analysis,highlighting the advantages and drawbacks of specific representations.Leveraging the data released in Hyperbard, we demonstrate that many solutionsto popular graph mining problems are highly dependent on the representationchoice, thus calling current graph curation practices into question. As anhomage to our data source, and asserting that science can also be art, wepresent all our points in the form of a play.<br

    Ollivier-Ricci Curvature for Hypergraphs: A Unified Framework

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    Bridging geometry and topology, curvature is a powerful and expressiveinvariant. While the utility of curvature has been theoretically andempirically confirmed in the context of manifolds and graphs, itsgeneralization to the emerging domain of hypergraphs has remained largelyunexplored. On graphs, Ollivier-Ricci curvature measures differences betweenrandom walks via Wasserstein distances, thus grounding a geometric concept inideas from probability and optimal transport. We develop ORCHID, a flexibleframework generalizing Ollivier-Ricci curvature to hypergraphs, and prove thatthe resulting curvatures have favorable theoretical properties. Throughextensive experiments on synthetic and real-world hypergraphs from differentdomains, we demonstrate that ORCHID curvatures are both scalable and useful toperform a variety of hypergraph tasks in practice.<br

    Summer Field Day Scheduled for ISU Northern Iowa Research Farm

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    Crop management, nitrogen management, and crops grown for an energy source will be highlighted topics of the summer field day at the Iowa State University Northern Research and Demonstration Farm. The field day will take place June 25, at the farm’s northern location at 310 S. Main St., Kanawha, immediately south of town on county road R-35

    Estimation of energy efficiency of residential buildings

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    Increasing energy performance of the residential buildings by means of reducing heat consumption on the heating and ventilation is the last segment in the system of energy resources saving. The first segments in the energy saving process are heat producing and transportation over the main lines and outside distribution networks. In the period from 2006 to 2013. by means of the heat-supply schemes optimization and modernization of the heating systems. using expensive (200-30

    Classifying Annihilating-Ideal Graphs of Commutative Artinian Rings

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    In this article we investigate the annihilating-ideal graph of a commutative ring, introduced by Behboodi and Rakeei in [BR11a]. Our main goal is to determine which algebraic properties of a ring are reflected in its annihilating-ideal graph. We prove that, for artinian rings, the annihilating-ideal graph can be used to determine whether the ring in question is a PIR or, more generally, if it is a dual ring. Moreover, with one trivial exception, the annihilating-ideal graph can distinguish between PIRs with different ideal lattices. In addition, we explore new techniques for classifying small annihilating-ideal graphs. Consequently, we completely determine the graphs with 6 or fewer vertices which can be realized as the annihilating-ideal graph of a commutative ring

    Defense contractor's cost estimating methods for state-of-the-art extensions.

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