9 research outputs found


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    Purpose: This study was designed to unveil Arabic corpus written in the Indonesian undergraduate thesis abstracts. Methodology: Experimental and descriptive approaches were employed to elicit data which were in the forms of isim (noun), fi’il (verb), concordances, and idioms collected from 59 thesis abstracts written by undergraduate students of Universitas Negeri Malang UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, both are state-owned universities based in East Java, Indonesia. Principal Findings: The results of this study informed that two steps were carried out to craft an Arabic corpus for undergraduate theses, such as enacting need analysis and designing the model of Arabic corpus. Furthermore, this study also uncovered that the main page of the corpus website was concordances and word frequency. Implications/Applications: If in the context of translating the Qur'an into English only, for example, there is not yet a parallel corpus model of the Qur'an. Furthermore, similar models in other languages, such as the Indonesian context are possible. Novelty/Originality of this study: This research is the first step towards the formation of the first model of the parallel Qur'an corpus and its translation in the Indonesian language. Besides, this model can later be used as a reference for the preparation of other identical corpus models in the context of bilingual bodies or more for the benefit of translation research


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    Purpose of the study: This research aims to develop a digital Al-Qur’an learning book to improve novice learners’ Arabic reading and writing skills. It employs research and development methods and takes a procedural model, which is descriptive and has clear guidelines for developing the product. Methodology: The steps include several procedures: planning, implementation, and evaluation. The data consist of preliminary study data and try-out data. The data analysis covers data presentation, reduction, verification, and concluding. On the other hand, the data in this research had been elaborated using the content analysis to find the appropriate substance of Al-Qur’an digital. The methodology in this research also used some modeling of new trends in human-computer interaction by Macías (2009). In this case, Macías developed interfaces to facilitate the main interaction modes. In this research interface of digital Qur’an, online and offline, tried to facilitate the novice learners’ Arabic reading and writing process. The interface also related to the “word order” which had been used the model of Qur’anic words. Main Findings: The final product from this research is a digital-based book for learning to read Al-Qur’an, which is equipped with reading and writing exercises and is suitable for students at the beginner-level. The strengths and limitations of the digital-based book are discussed. Applications of this study: The result of this research can be used for Al-Qur’an educational institutions, both teachers and students. Novelty/Originality of this study: The model development of the digital Al-Qur’an learning book is presented comprehensively and completely

    Designing Research Result-Based Arabic Pragmatic Learning Module On Politeness Principles And Strategies

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    In the last decade, many studies on politeness in Arabic have been published on various platforms, but until now the results have not been systematically compiled and used as a module or teaching material. In addition, Arabic pragmatics teaching materials, especially regarding politeness principles and strategies, currently do not refer much to the results of the latest research, even though the results of these studies can be used as a basis in the context of applying, testing, or even developing a theoretical framework on Arabic politeness. Therefore, this study aims to design Arabic pragmatics learning modules, especially concerning politeness in Arabic by utilizing the results of these studies. It is assumed that the development of research-based learning modules can enrich learning materials with the latest findings. By utilizing content and thematic analysis, the research results are analyzed systematically and then designed as a learning module based on the lesson plan that has been set. The result shows a bunch of research about politeness in Arabic published in scientific journals and digital repositories. Almost all research refers to the remarkable theoretical framework of politeness principles proposed by Leech (1983), as well as politeness strategies proposed by Brown & Levinson (1987). Although both are relatively old-school frameworks, they still seem relevant to been implemented by some researchers to date. Furthermore, a systematic study of the results of these studies was then composed and designed into an Arabic pragmatic learning module, especially on the topic of linguistic politeness principles and strategies

    Aspek moral didaktis dalam puisi hadi asy-syajarah karya Abdullah Ghanim

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    Puisi hadis as-syajarah karya Abdullah Ghanim memuat pesan moral didaktis mengenai hubungan manusia dengan lingkungan alam. Salah satu dari pesannya merupakan Hari Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia tahun ini, yaitu: berilah kehidupan pada alam seperti alam memberi kehidupan kepada kita.1-89 hlm .; 24 c

    Using Nearpod for Teaching Arabic in Kindergarten and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

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    The rapid development of technology lately has had a great influence on various aspects of life, including the world of education. Among them is the creation of various kinds of online learning applications in the form of games. The game application is one of the educational media models that can be used by teachers and students as a learning tool. The use of game applications in the learning process aims in addition to attracting the attention of students to focus more on learning material, it is also intended to create a natural, active and fun learning atmosphere. Thus, it is hoped that students can gain knowledge without feeling forced to learn. This article aims to present the application of the Nearpod game in Arabic learning for vocabulary recognition (mufradat) and basic sentence patterns. Nearpod is a website-based application (accessible on the https://Nearpod.com/ page) that can support the learning process, both offline and online, so that the learning process becomes easy and fun for students

    An Analysis of Moral Values in Kamil Kilani’s “Jelifer Fii Bilaadi Al-‘Amaaliqah” and Its Application in Diraasah Natsriyah

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    This paper aims to (1) investigate moral values in “Jelifer fii bilaadil ’Amaaliqah” and (2) suggest the application of the moral values in the novel to the teaching and learning of dirasah natsriyah.This paper takes a descriptive qualitative approach. Zuchdi’s (1993) content analysis is used for data analysis method. The procedure includes inductive comparison, categorization, tabulation, and making inferences. The data is collected by following Ainin’s (2016) reading and note-taking techniques, which consist of close reading, making manual annotation, describing data, note-taking, and finding linguistic markers reflecting moral values. The result of this paper reveals that the moral values contained in the novel have the following themes: faith in Allah SWT (to have faith, to be grateful, tawakkal, and to pray), positive character traits (curious, responsible, courageous, honest, independent, diligent, wise, disciplined, creative, trustworthy, humble, and indulgent), moral values in social life (caring, communicative, tolerant, polite, democratic, and collaborative). This paper argues that these moral values can be implemented in the lesson plan and syllabus for dirasah natsriyah. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk (1) menyelidiki nilai-nilai moral dalam “Jelifer fii bilaadil 'Amaaliqah” dan (2) menyarankan penerapan nilai-nilai moral dalam novel pada pembelajaran dirasah natsriyah. Makalah ini mengambil pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Analisis konten yang dikembangkan oleh Zuchdi (1993) digunakan untuk metode analisis data. Prosedurnya meliputi perbandingan induktif, kategorisasi, tabulasi, dan membuat kesimpulan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengikuti teknik membaca dan mencatat yang dikembangkan oleh Ainin (2016), yang terdiri dari bacaan dekat, membuat anotasi manual, mendeskripsikan data, mencatat, dan menemukan penanda linguistik yang mencerminkan nilai-nilai moral. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam novel memiliki tema-tema sebagai berikut: beriman kepada Allah SWT (beriman, bersyukur, tawakal, dan berdoa), karakter positif (ingin tahu, bertanggung jawab, berani, jujur). , mandiri, rajin, bijaksana, disiplin, kreatif, dapat dipercaya, rendah hati, dan memanjakan), nilai-nilai moral dalam kehidupan sosial (peduli, komunikatif, toleran, sopan, demokratis, dan kolaboratif). Makalah ini berpendapat bahwa nilai-nilai moral tersebut dapat diimplementasikan dalam RPP dan silabus dirasah natsriyah

    Pelatihan Penyusunan Perangkat Pembelajaran Inovatif Bahasa Arab Qur’ani Berbasis Project Based Learning Bagi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam di Sekolah Indonesia Kuala Lumpur

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    Melihat kompleksnya materi pelajaran yg ada pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam yg meliputi; materi aqidah akhlak, fikih, hadist, SKI, dan ayat-ayat Qur’aniyah tematik sehingga ada materi yg terlewatkan karena terbatasnya waktu dan keterbatasan guru dalam mengembangkan materi bahasa Arab dari ayat-ayat qur’aniyah. Diantara manfaat penyusunan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis Project Based Learning adalah tersusunanya materi ajar dengan berbagai macam aktifitas yang bagi peserta didik. Maka dari itu diharapkan  Guru-guru diharapkan dapat menyususn materi ajar bahasa Arab ayat-ayat qur’aniyah  yang inovatif. Adapun langkah-langkah untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut meliputi; (1)Pengenalan Bahasa Arab Qur’ani, (2) Pengenalan Perangkat Pembelajaran Inovatif berbasis project based learning, (3) Menyusun Perangkat Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Qurani Inovatif berbasis berbasis project based learning, (4) Praktik Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Qurani Inovatif berbasis berbasis project based learning. adapun Target capaian dari kegiatan pengabdian Masyarakat luar negeri yang bermitra dengan Sekolah Indonesia Kuala Lumpur meliputi ; (1) artikel jurnal sinta 3, (2) produk HKI, (3) publikasi media massa, (4) foto kegiatan terlampir dalam laporan, dan (5) poster