12 research outputs found

    KAPASITAS ADAPTIF MASYARAKAT DI WILAYAH PESISIR TERHADAP BENCANA (Studi Kasus Bencana Banjir di Kelurahan Bastiong Karance Kota Terante)

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    Kelurahan Bastion Karance merupakan salah satu kelurahan yang terletak di wilayah pesisir Kota Ternate. Kelurahan ini sangat berpeluang mengalami bencana banjir karena letaknya topografinya yang datar dan landai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan informasi tentang paparan bencana, mengidentifikasi dampak bencana dan memahami kapasitas adaptif dari masyarakat and pemerintah di lokasi studi. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data lapangan dilakukan dengan empat teknik, yaitu; Forum Group Discussion (FGD); Indepth Interview (wawancara mendalam), Observasi dan literature review. Hasil studi mendapatkan bahwa masyarakat dan pemerintah Kota Ternate telah menunjukkan kapasitas adaptasi cukup baik meskipun masih perlu ditingkatkan untuk mengantisipasi bencana

    RETRACTED : Web Application To Monitor Logistics Distribution of Disaster Relief Using the CodeIgniter Framework

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    Following a rigorous, carefully concerns and considered review of the article published in International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research to article entitled “Web Application To Monitor Logistics Distribution of Disaster Relief Using the CodeIgniter Framework” Vol 1, No 2, pp. 54-61, December 2017, DOI: 10.29099/ijair.v1i2.23 This paper has been found to be in violation of the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research Publication principles and has been retracted.The article contained redundant material, the editor investigated and found that the paper published in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 325 on International Conference on Information Technology and Digital Applications (ICITDA 2017), https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/325/1/012015/metaThe document and its content have been removed from International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, and reasonable effort should be made to remove all references to this article

    Pelatihan Pembibitan Mangrove Bagi Kelompok Peduli Hutan Mangrove Desa Lelilef Waibulan dan Desa Lelilef Sawai

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    Hutan mangrove memegang peranan penting di wilayah pesisir diantaranya sebagai daerah pemijahan dan tempat mencari makan organisme laut. Selain itu, hutan mangrove juga menjaga garis pantai dari ancaman abrasi. Sayangnya keberadaan hutan mangrove di wilayah Kecamatan Weda Tengah khususnya Desa Lelilef Waibulan dan Desa Lelilef Sawai telah mengalami kerusakan. Oleh karenanya perlu dilakukan suatu program rehabilitasi hutan mangrove yang berbasis masyarakat, dimana masyarakat secara aktif terlibat baik dalam tahap perencanaan, pembibitan, penanaman, monitoring dan evaluasi. Pelatihan ini berfokus pada teknik pembibitan buah mangrove sebelum di tanam dengan tujuan memberikan pemahaman dan pengetahuan yang memadai tentang cara pembibitan dan penyemaian yang tepat bagi masyarakat khususnya kelompok masyarakat peduli hutan mangrove. Pelatihan berlangsung selama tiga hari dengan metode pemberian teori di kelas dan praktek lapang dilokasi pembibitan. Hasil pelatihan menunjukan bahwa semua peserta cukup memahami materi yang disampaikan. Hal ini terlihat dari cara anggota kelompok mengaplikasikan teori yang diperoleh di kelas dengan praktek lapang. Namun demikian perlu ada rencana tindak lanjut berupa pelatihan cara penanaman, perawatan dan pendampingan untuk kegiatan monitoring dan evaluasi pertumbuhan mangrove.Hutan mangrove memegang peranan penting di wilayah pesisir diantaranya sebagai daerah pemijahan dan tempat mencari makan organisme laut. Selain itu, hutan mangrove juga menjaga garis pantai dari ancaman abrasi. Sayangnya keberadaan hutan mangrove di wilayah Kecamatan Weda Tengah khususnya Desa Lelilef Waibulan dan Desa Lelilef Sawai telah mengalami kerusakan. Oleh karenanya perlu dilakukan suatu program rehabilitasi hutan mangrove yang berbasis masyarakat, dimana masyarakat secara aktif terlibat baik dalam tahap perencanaan, pembibitan, penanaman, monitoring dan evaluasi. Pelatihan ini berfokus pada teknik pembibitan buah mangrove sebelum di tanam dengan tujuan memberikan pemahaman dan pengetahuan yang memadai tentang cara pembibitan dan penyemaian yang baik bagi masyarakat khususnya kelompok masyarakat peduli hutan mangrove. Pelatihan berlangsung selama tiga hari dengan metode pemberian teori di kelas dan praktek lapang dilokasi pembibitan. Hasil pelatihan menunjukan bahwa semua peserta cukup memahami materi yang disampaikan. Hal ini terlihat dari cara anggota kelompok mengaplikasikan teori yang diperoleh di kelas dengan praktek lapang. Namun demikian perlu ada rencana tindak lanjut berupa pelatihan cara penanaman, perawatan dan pendampingan untuk kegiatan monitoring dan evaluasi pertumbuhan mangrove

    Implementation of Group Technology Concept on Tourism Information Application at North Maluku Province

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    This study discusses the development of tourism information system in context of asset inventory of tourism destinations at North Maluku Province by implementing the concept of Group Technology. Various data related to tourism will be grouped by using classification and coding. Group Technology has several advantages for identifying the various components which are then grouped into a small group based on common component design and manufacturing. By applying the Group Technology would be associated with standardization of design and minimize duplication of the design. Data stored in the database will be easily managed by administrators, and the planning process will more quickly and efficiently. The process of data grouping due to step:  a). selecting a number of sample data, b). identify and construct encoding, c). grouping data based on the similarity of tourism, and d). analysis and code examine, to ensure that the data have been grouped according to its code. The result shows that the integration of web-based tourism information system with the concept of group technology can be used to assist manager in data management and information to tourists or visitors


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    Pemetaan risiko tsunami dapat diimplementasikan dengan berbagai cara. Integrasi analisis spasial melalui pendekatan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) merupakan salah satu metode untuk mengembangkan pemetaan genangan dan penilaian risiko tsunami. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memetakan wilayah risiko akibat skenario bencana tsunami di wilayah Kecamatan Weda Tengah, Kabupaten Halmahera Tengan, Maluku Utara. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis dari data sekunder yang meliputi analisis, peta topografi, citra satelit, kemiringan lereng dan peta kawasan rawan bencana tsunami. Dalam peta risiko tsunami, zona bahaya tsunami diklasifikasikan sebagai kategori tinggi, sedang dan rendah berdasarkan tingkat penggenangan dalam meter (kontur). Berdasarkan hasil pemetaan terlihat bahwa beberapa desa wilayah studi sangat memiliki tingakat kerentanan yang tinggi dan tingkat kerentanan yang sedang, namun semua desa memiliki tingkat risiko yang tinggi. Hasil studi ini menyediakan peta interaktif untuk mengidentifikasi daerah yang terkena dampak tsunami setelah bencana dan menginformasikan desa yang rentan tsunami sebelum merencanakan perencanaan bencana di masa depan.Kata kunci: Risiko tsunami, GIS, Halmahera Tenga

    Transformative Pathways of Agrarian Reform: Comparative Bibliometric Insights of Southeast Asia and Indonesia Cases

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    Agrarian reform is recognized globally as a solution for reducing land ownership inequality. Many countries, including Indonesia, are still working to enhance its implementation. This study examines global agrarian reform research trends over the past decade, focusing on Southeast Asian (SEA) nations, particularly Indonesia. The methodology involved conducting a bibliometric analysis using RStudio and adhering to the PRISMA framework. The result of our analysis, which included 248 articles, reveals a trend of increasing interest in agrarian reform. Among the 20 selected articles, we observe that agrarian reform success in Europe, especially in Scandinavia, correlates with democratization. Conversely, Latin America contends with personal agenda challenges, while Africa faces issues of inclusivity and gender. SEA nations employ diverse approaches: Vietnam boosts productivity with private farming, Thailand enhances revenue through agrotourism, but Timor-Leste and the Philippines face managerial and credit access hurdles. Indonesia integrates asset and access management, yet access issues persist

    Analisis Potensi Genangan Tsunami dan Penentuan Jalur Evakuasi Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis di Desa Daruba Pantai – Kabupaten Pulau Morotai

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    Tsunami is one of the catastrophic events that threatened coastal areas in Morotai Island Regency. This is partly because the location of the regency is among several active faults. Therefore, the study aims to analyze the tsunami inundation area and determine a tsunami evacuation route in Daruba Pantai Village, South Morotai District. This study begins with the preparation of a digital elevation model and is compiled with other related maps to produce the tsunami inundation area at the study site. The study results show that a tsunami can hit 176.65 ha, with the disastrous and dangerous category being 5.02% and 0.66%. Meanwhile, specifically for the Daruba Pantai Village area with an area of 60.59 ha, the disastrous and dangerous categories are 10.72% and 1.30%, and the safe category is 36.61% and secure 23.07%. Furthermore, the preparation of the evacuation route is based on the scenario that residents from each zone of both the Neighborhood Unit (RT) and Community Unit (RW) are directed to follow the evacuation path to move towards the temporary shelter point and towards the safety zone

    Spatial Distribution of Beach Macro-Litter in Ternate Island, North Maluku – Indonesia

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    Beach litter in Small Island should become a special attention issue in Indonesia. This study was carried out to provide a comprehensive dataset including calculating the quantity of beach macro-litter, determine types and concentration of debris present by materials categories, and examine the actual coast cleanliness using Clean Coast Index (CCI). Total of six beaches along the South and North of Ternate Island in September 2018 and March 2019. All surveys performed based on the guideline NOAA Marine Debris Program. All areas in sampling sites will covering used transect 100 m × 10 m as a sampling unit with two replication transects at every location. All sampled will categorize into seven groups including polymers/plastics, rubber, cloths/fabric, paper/cardboard, processed wood, metals, and glass. Overall, there are 3332 items of beach macro-litter found in all surveyed beaches. Polymers/plastics (2040 items, 61.2%) became the highest number of items, followed by glass (403 items, 12.1%), and metals (296 items, 8.9%). During the survey, the highest number of beach litter found on St.1 (1128 items) while the lowest discovered on St.3 (324 items). The abundance (items/m2) found on all beaches range from 0.04 items/m2 to 0.23 items/m2. Meanwhile, CCI on all beaches in very clean to clean category

    Mapping Tsunami Vulnerability Area for Bacan Sub-District and Its Surroundings – North Maluku Province

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    This research aims to explore tsunami-prone areas in the Bacan and South Bacan districts of South Halmahera Regency. The findings of this research are planned to assist all stakeholders, particularly in developing disaster risk assessment sheets. To estimate the tsunami hazard map, the susceptibility of the elevation, slope, river distance, and coastal distance was collected. Overlaying thematic maps were used assisted by GIS software. The result shows that the low and very low tsunami vulnerability areas were safe from tsunami inundation predominate in the Eastern part and Northern part of the study area while the area designated as very vulnerable covered 157,10 hectares. These locations may have sustained the most damage from a tsunami catastrophe due to their proximity to the sea, low terrain and slope, and dense population. In consideration of the tsunami disasters in Aceh, we anticipate that tsunami risk maps will support in the initiation of humanitarian and development activities in North Maluku Province

    Forecasting of Significant Wave Height and Period at Western Waters of Ternate Island, North Maluku

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    The water of West Ternate Island is open waters which are very dynamic oceanographic conditions. One of them is ocean waves that are strongly related to wind friction. This study aims to analyze the height and wave period that occurred in the western part waters of Ternate Island based on wind data for 10 years. It is expected that the results of this study will be useful for policymakers in the sustainable management of coastal areas in Ternate City. This research used Wilson Method to estimate the wave height in four seasons.  The data collected includes the maximum wind direction and speed during the period 2009-2018 obtained from the Meteorological and Geophysical Station of Baabullah Airport, Ternate City. Wind data will be transformed to stability correction and wind stress factor to determine height and period of wave. The results showed that in The West Season and Transition Season 1 (TS 1), the wind direction is more dominant moving from the Northwest to the Southeast with an average maximum speed of 17.71 knots. During the observation year, significant wave height (Hs) formed in the Western Season period as high as 1.25 m – 2.75 m while in Transition Season 1 the wave height was between 1.0 m – 2.31m. While in the Eastern Season period the wave height that occurs ranges from 0.61 m – 1.55 m and in the MP2 period ranges from 0.67 m – 1.43 m. In the Western Season, the wave period ranges from 4.67 – 6.82 seconds, and in Transition Season 1 between 4.45 – 6.44 seconds. While in the eastern season the wave period ranges from 3.29 – 4.89 seconds and in Transition Season 2 (TS 2) ranges from 3.43 – 4.68 seconds