130 research outputs found

    Efficacy in Screening Patients for Lynch Syndrome

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    Lynch syndrome is an autosomal dominant syndrome caused by an inherited germline mutation of the MMR proteins. A mutation of any of the MMR proteins, MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2 and EPCAM increases the risk of developing cancer, specifically colorectal and endometrial cancer. Approximately 3% of colorectal cancers are associated with Lynch Syndrome (LS). Early identification of a patient’s hereditary cancer risk offers the best outcome. To aid clinicians in the identification of a carrier of LS clinical guidelines and risk prediction models are used. In this analysis the Amsterdam II criteria and Revised Bethesda guidelines are compared to the more recent prediction models, PREMM, MMRproand MMRpredictto identify if further tumor testing or germline sequences should be considered. A meta-analysis comparing clinical criteria to the predication models produced results identifying the prediction models with both a specificityand sensitivity of \u3e90% of predicting MMR protein mutations (Win , 2013). The performance of each model compared to Amsterdam or Bethesda guidelines was found to exceed the clinical criteria’s ability to discriminate LS carriers from noncarriers(Katrinos, Balmana,& Syngal, 2013).https://commons.und.edu/pas-grad-posters/1082/thumbnail.jp

    The Ontology of Dogs

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    page 3

    On Our Dog\u27s Birthday

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    pages 18-1

    At the Circus of The Dead

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    page 30-3

    Listening to Chopin in Early Winter

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    page 3

    It\u27s Hard to Know Where to Begin

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    page 8

    End-to-end cluster cosmology

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    Sorting Through the Records

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    page 3

    Ecological features and emergence patterns of stoneflies (Insecta, Plecoptera) along an oligotrophic hydrosystem

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    Sastav zajednice obalčara (Plecoptera, Insecta) važna je komponenta slatkovodnih ekosustava, osobito tekućica. Obalčari su važni pokazatelji kakvoće vode budući da se radi o skupini izrazito osjetljivoj na zagađenje. Tijekom dvogodišnjeg razdoblja, od veljače 2007. do prosinca 2008. godine, istraživane su emergencijske značajke obalčara na devet postaja u Nacionalnom parku Plitvička jezera. Odrasle jedinke su mjesečno uzorkovane emergencijskim klopkama, pri čemu je sakupljeno ukupno 14155 jedinki. Pronađene su 33 vrste iz 4 porodice. Veći broj vrsta, ali manji broj jedinki zabilježen je tijekom 2008. godine. Najveće razlike u trofičkoj strukturi zajednica, kao i longitudinalnoj distribuciji jedinki različitih vrsta zabilježene su niz longitudinalni gradijent od izvorskih lokacija do lokacije na rijeci Korani, što je primarno povezano sa razlikama u fizikalno-kemijskim čimbenicima vode. Najvažniji čimbenici bili su temperatura vode i pH. Većina zabilježenih vrsta je univoltina, no neke, poput vrste Nemurella pictetii, pokazuju naznake bivoltinosti. Vrhunac emergencije zabilježen je tijekom travnja i svibnja. Statistički značajna pozitivna korelacija brojnosti jedinki i brzine strujanja vode utvrđena je za vrste Protonemura auberti, P. intricata i P. praecox. Amphinemura triangularis, Protonemura intricata i P. praecox bile su izrazito sklone mahovinskim staništima, a vrlo slabo ili uopće nisu naseljavale makrofite na pjeskovitoj podlozi.Stoneflies (Plecoptera, Insecta) are important components of freshwater assemblages, especially in running waters. Stoneflies are important water quality indicators since they are one of the most sensitive groups of freshwater invertebrates to water pollution. This study was conducted in Plitvice Lakes National Park. Adults were collected monthly from February 2007 until December 2008 using pyramid-type emergence traps at 9 locations. A total of 14155 individuals belonging to 33 species were recorded. Higher number of species, but lower abundance of stoneflies was recorded during 2008. Considerable differences in trophic structure of stonefly communities and longitudinal distribution of species were recorded along a longitudinal gradient of studied sites, primarily related to differences in physical and chemical parameters of water. The most important parameters were water temperature and pH. Most of recorded species were univoltine, but some species, as Nemurella pictetii, showed signs of bivoltinism. Emergence peaks were recorded during April and May. A statistically significant positive correlation between the abundances and flow velocity of water was found for Protonemura auberti, P. intricata and P. praecox. Amphinemura triangularis, Protonemura intricata and P. praecox preferred moss-mats habitats. Furthermore, they scarcely inhabited macrophytes on the sandy substrate or were not present at all