62 research outputs found

    Analyses of Socio-Economic and Product's Marketing of Social Forestry Participants in KPH Surakarta

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    Setiap kebijakan yang bertujuan sosial sebagaimana halnya Perhutanan Sosial (PS) merupakan salah satu bentuk terpenting dari aplikasi ekonomi kesejahteraan. Penduduk miskin adalah target utama program PS karena mereka seringkali diidentikkan sebagai agen perusak dan perambah hutan. Ada dua capaian utama yang hendak dituju program PS, yaitu: pertama, program PS harus melibatkan penduduk termiskin dari yang miskin sebagai peserta program. Kedua, program PS harus dapat meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat peserta program. Besarnya kontribusi pendapatan program PS terhadap pendapatan total peserta sangat bervariasi. Program PS dapat kurang berhasil akibat kesalahan dalam memahami fenomena sosial di masyarakat dan kurangnya perhatian terhadap perencanaan produksi dan strategi pemasaran

    Decentralization Policy and The Struggle for Authority Over Forest Resources in Tebo Regency, Jambi

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    Kebijakan desentralisasi atau yang umum dikenal dengan istilah otonomi daerah mengamanatkan kepada pusat untuk menyerahkan berbagai kewenangan pemerintahan kepadadaerah. Penyerahan kewenangan kepada daerah ini dimaksudkan agar tata pemerintahan dan pelayanan publik dapat berjalan secara lebih efektif dan efisien. Namun, peralihan sistem pemerintahan dari sentralisasi ke desentralisasi tidak selamanya berjalan lurus mulus. Ketegangan hubungan pusat dan daerah terjadi akibat keengganan penyelenggara pemerintahan di tingkat pusatmenyerahkan kewenangan kepada daerah dan egoisme kedaerahan yang berlebihan ditandai dengan terbitnya berbagai Peraturan Daerah yang bertentangan dengan peraturan di atasnya. Hal ini mengakibatkan ketidakpastian hukum yang berpotensi memicu konflik antara pusat dan daerah serta antara kelompok masyarakat menyangkut hak mereka untuk mendapatkan manfaat, akses dan tanggung jawab atas sumber daya alam termasuk huta

    Analisa Keseimbangan Pasar dan Reposisi Strategi Pemasaran Kayu Lapis

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    The economic crisis’ turbulence blows down almost all of Indonesian export commodity, included plywood. Dissolution of JMB-Apkindo (Joint Marketing Body-Association of Indonesian wood based panel) as an implementation of Letter of Intent between Indonesian Government and International Monetary Fund caused reposition of the Indonesian plywood marketing. Impacts of the dissolution of JMB are weakening of the bargaining position of Indonesian plywood market and pushing down the international price of Indonesian plywood. The large scale of illegal logging that follows reformation’s euphoria is another problem which influences supply-demand of timber products. A right strategy in the forestry sector policy especially in plywood marketing is needed to overcome the above problems


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    Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Lebak merupakan salah satu produk hukum yang dibuat oleh pemerintah sebagai upaya dalam menjamin kepastian hukum masyarakat adat kasepuhan dalam mengelola wilayah adatnya secara lestari. Implementasi kebijakan belum optimal, dilihat dari hanya satu kasepuhan yang mendapatkan Surat Keputusan (SK) penetapan hutan adat dari Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan dari total 522 kasepuhan yang tercantum di Peraturan Daerah. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengategorikan masyarakat Kasepuhan Pasireurih dan Kasepuhan Cirompang berdasarkan kepatuhannya terhadap ketentuan adat, mengevaluasi kesesuaian konten Peraturan Daerah (rule in law) dan aturan adat (rule in use) untuk mendorong pengelolaan wilayah adat secara lestari. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, Kasepuhan Pasireurih dikategorikan masyarakat yang patuh, sedangkan Kasepuhan Cirompang sudah luntur dalam mempraktikkan ketentuan adat. Kesesuaian rule in law dan rule in use terjadi pada aspek pengakuan masyarakat, batas sumber daya alam yang dikelola adat, tujuan pengelolaan dan jangka waktu pengelolaan. Ketidaksesuaian terjadi pada aspek objek yang dikelola dan mekanisme pengelolaan. Rekomendasi kebijakan pemungkin yaitu pembuatan peraturan Bupati yang lebih operasional, mendorong penataan tata batas dan mendorong penetapan hutan adat dari Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Republik Indonesia

    Analisa Keseimbangan Pasar dan Reposisi Strategi Pemasaran Kayu Lapis

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    The economic crisis’ turbulence blows down almost all of Indonesian export commodity, included plywood. Dissolution of JMB-Apkindo (Joint Marketing Body-Association of Indonesian wood based panel) as an implementation of Letter of Intent between Indonesian Government and International Monetary Fund caused reposition of the Indonesian plywood marketing. Impacts of the dissolution of JMB are weakening of the bargaining position of Indonesian plywood market and pushing down the international price of Indonesian plywood. The large scale of illegal logging that follows reformation’s euphoria is another problem which influences supply-demand of timber products. A right strategy in the forestry sector policy especially in plywood marketing is needed to overcome the above problems

    Commercialization of Medicinal Plants in Java Island, Indonesia

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    The benefit and transaction cost flow which people earn economically and socially from wild medicinal plant harvesting are addressed in this study.   The objectives of this study are three aspects: defining how many users are involved in utilization of medicinal plant raw materials (MPRM), how users describing their perception and motivation and describing benefit and transaction cost which influence users to harvest the plants. Results showed that utilization of medicinal plants in Java is still widely used as commercial products then medical services. There are 41 stakeholders who involved in this study and the highest motivation and perception in production and industrial clusters are economic interest. But stakeholder's perception and motivation in traditional healthcare cluster is social interest. The different motivation and perception in both clusters causing stakeholder who are work in traditional healthcare lack of market information, but they are important if the government will improve the traditional medicine.  Recommendation of this study is that medicinal plants need further research and product development which can help to expand the medicinal plant culture area in the natural forest.   By this reason, government should develop good political will to increase the medicinal plant resources for public healthcare

    Assessing Integration of Science in Policy-Making Process of the Utilization of Abandoned Lands in Indonesia: Case of Bogor Regency

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    Science cannot directly influence policy without a process of knowledge transfer and integration into policy-making called the science-policy interface. On the other hand, not all scientists intend to use their knowledge and findings to influence policy-makers. This condition causes a gap between science and policy. The main objective of this study is to identify various "knowledge products" that have varying amounts of policy space, understand the power relations between actors, and identify and analyze the process of integrating knowledge products into the policy-making process for abandoned land in Bogor Regency. The primary method used in this study is the RAPID (Research and Policy in Development) analytical framework. The study indicates that policy-makers will adopt the scientific evidence if they follow their organization's Main Performance Indicators (KPI) or gain political or economic benefits. The role of the lower-level bureaucracy as the implementing agency is crucial in the policy adoption process. The people "behind the organization" and "policy intrapreneurs" have an essential role in integrating scientific knowledge and policy. Scientific products, such as modeling, are often more effective in convincing policy-makers. The scientific evidence will become good advice and have a more significant impact when they meet policy-makers' interests. The study concludes that it is challenging to integrate science into policy-making without mutual trust amongst formal and informal network actors who have access to policy-makers to utilize abandoned lands in Bogor Regency


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    Kawah Putih is one of the leading tourist places in Bandung which has significantly contributed to the revenue of travel business division in the Forestry Housing as the manager. The revenue obtained depends on the marketing mix strategy conducted by the management because the marketing mix is the elements which become a consideration basis when making marketing communication strategy services in order to understand the demands of tourists. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to obtain and understand information and analyze the visitors’ responses on the natural tourism area related to the marketing mix that has been implemented by the management. The dependent variables included the elements of marketing mix, that involves 7P – product, price, place, promotion, people, procees and physical evidence, while the independent variable included the visitors’ decision. From the validity and tests, it is revealed that the overall regression model bring effects or at least there is one variable of the marketing mix factors that influences the decision of the visitors. From the data analysis, it is found that the process variables and physical appearance do not significantly affect the decision of the visitors. The other variables. that involve variables of product, price, place, promotion, and human have significantly influence the visitors’ decision.Keywords: Marketing mix, Kawah Putih, decision of visitors, touristsABSTRAKKawah Putih merupakan salah satu wisata unggulan Kota Bandung dan telah berkontribusi cukup signifikan untuk pendapatan divisi bisnis wisata Perum Perhutani. Pendapatan yang diperoleh tergantung dari strategi bauran pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh pengelola karena pada bauran pemasaran terdapat unsur atau elemen yang menjadi dasar pertimbangan pembuatan strategi komunikasi pemasaran jasa dalam rangka untuk memahami tuntutan dari wisatawan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperoleh informasi, memahami dan menganalisis tanggapan pengunjung kawasan wisata alam tentang bauran pemasaran yang telah dilakukan oleh pihak pengelola. Variabel independennya adalah elemen bauran pemasaran 7P yaitu product, price, place, promotion, people, procees dan physical evidence, sedangkan untuk variabel dependennya adalah keputusan pengunjung. Pada uji validitas dan reabilitas diketahui data hasil penelitian bisa digunakan. Pada uji asumsi didapatkan bahwa data memenuhi asumsi normal serta tidak terdapat multikolinearitas dan heteroskedasititas Dari hasil analisis data dapat diketahui variabel proses dan penampilan fisik tidak berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pengunjung. Sedangkan untuk variabel lainnya yang mencakup variabel produk, harga, tempat, promosi, dan manusia signifikan berpengaruh terhadap respon keputusan pengunjung.Kata kunci: marketing mix, Kawah Putih, keputusan pengunjung, wisatawa

    Enhancing the Role of the District Government in Decentralized Forest Management

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    Following the enactment of Law Number 23 of 2014 on the Regional Government, which superseded Law Number 22 of 1999 and Law Number 32 of 2004, now the local government has no longer holds an authority to manage state forest areas, except “grand forest park” (Taman Hutan Raya) located in their respective administrative areas. The management of production forests and protected forests (located at state forest areas) is the authority and responsibility of the provincial government, while the management of conservation forests is the authority of the central government. The success of forest management and management program activities is determined, among others, by government and local government policies and their implementation at the site level. By considering ntthe complexity of forest management, the context of decentralization, and available resources as well as constrained authority, this study aims to identify the level of importance, priorities, and main roles of district governments in forest management by applying the analytic network process (ANP) method.  This study suggests that the district government could play a significant role in building social capital, which serves as a first step in developing collaborative forest management by promoting the optimization of multipurpose forests to preserve forests
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