12 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Mutu Manajemen Madrasah (Kajian Minat Masyarakat dan Prinsip Dasar Manajemen Lembaga Pendidikan Islam)

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    Recently, madrasah education has begun to dim its existence, the Islamic educational institutions have become less popular among the public in terms of output and quality, so that Madrasah education generally is in second class in real condition when it is juxtaposed with educational institutions in general in Indonesia. This condition occurs because the Madrasah only think about how education continues to run regardless of the factors that can attract the public to be the main choice in processing the son or his daughter, in addition madrasah is lost identity as an Islamic educational institution that should be principled in accordance with the values- the value of Islamic educational institutions contained in the Qur\u27an and Hadith as the main guidance in the effort to maintain its existence. In theory of interest, the most important thing to note is the view of parents in choosing a Madrasah which if it is ranked in percentage above 50%, so the sequence is qualified, excelling, then the closeness to school / madrasah with home. While if we ranked in percentage under 50%, then the sequence is a low cost, discipline, madrasah status, easy transportation and a supportive environment to the development of children creativity. So to fulfill all efforts which become the desire of the community become the key to the emergence of these interests, but the main thing is to maintain the quality of education continuously with the appropriate management model, meaning it is in accordance with the basic concept of management of Islamic Education Institution, so that objectively society will assess and care for the existence of madrasah education together with madrasah stakeholde

    Rancang Bangun Alat Ukur Unting-unting Digital Dan Waterpass Digital Dengan Accelero Sensor Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATmega8

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    Measurement process of concrete mold erectness (bekesting) and the floor slope was generally conducted using conventional method applying a plummet (pendulum) for bekesting erectness and waterpass for the floor slope. The drawbacks of this method are it requires a relatively longer processing time and the outcome of the slope measurement is not represented in degrees. The measurement of digital plummet and digital waterpass is easier as the measurement time is relatively short and the tilt angle is represented in degrees. This paper describes a design and implementation of digital plummet and waterpass using Accelero Sensor MMA 7361L based on microcontroller ATmega8. The Accelero sensor MMA 7361L was used to read the tilt axis x, y, and z with analog voltage output that is converted into digital form using the ADC on the microcontroller. Based on the results of tools test for bekesting erectness and floor slope measurement, it was obtained that the average error were 0.51% and 0.49% for x-axis and y-axis respectively

    Uji Fitokimia Dan Aktifitas Anti Bakteri Ekstrak Media Supernatan Bakteri Simbion Vibrio SP. Gastropoda Oliva Vidua Terhadap Bakteri Multi Drug Resistant

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    The development of antibiotic resistance has become an important issue in medicine. Many types of bacteria are pathogenic to humans were reported to have become resistant to one or more types of antibiotics. It is pushing for a new search for alternative sources of antibiotic-producing compounds. One source of potential alternatives to be developed as a source of new antibiotic compound s are symbiotic bacterium with gastropods. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of bacterial symbionts in gastropods ( TOV 12.16 bacterial isolates), the bioactivity of crude bacterial extracts against bacterial MDR and find a group of compounds from TOV 12.16 crude bacterial extracts which most potentially. The main materials used in this study were samples of bacterial isolates TOV 12.16 in isolation from the gastropods (Oliva vidua) from Aquatic Ternate (North Maluku). While the bacterium MDR test are Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus obtained from the Laboratory of Microbiology Faculty of Medicine UNDIP. Biochemical tests used to determine the characteristics of bacterial isolates TOV 12.16. Meanwhile, to identify the bioactive compounds using phytochemicals screening and GC/MS. Bacterial symbionts Oliva vidua Gastropoda is Vibrio ordalii. Ethyl acetate crude extract of bacterial symbionts Oliva vidua Gastropoda species showed antibacterial activity of the most active against MDR bacteria test. Phytochemical screening test results showed the ethyl acetate crude extract showed two groups of compounds which contain flavonoids and triterpenoid compound that has both the antibacterial activity. Being on the analysis of the GC/MS_are_known_isobutyric_acid_and_2-metilbutanoic_acid

    Urgensi Pengaturan Peredaran Minuman Beralkohol di Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    This study discusses the urgency of setting up the circulation of alcoholic beverages in DIY formulated in the following three research problems: first, what is the urgency of Yogyakarta Province government in regulating the circulation of alcoholic drinks? Second, what is the basic principles underlying Yogyakarta Province authority to regulate the circulation of alcoholic beverages and what is the best form of legal products to regulate the circulation of alcoholic beverages in the province? Third, what are the materials of the regulations on the distribution of alcoholic beverages in Yogyakarta Province? This research is a normative juridical which uses primary law, secondary law, and tertiary legal materials. The results showed that first, urgency settings of alcoholic beverages is intended as prevention (preventive), risk reduction (preparedness), responsiveness (response), as well as recovery efforts (recovery) from drinking alcoholic beverages. Secondly, the basis of the authority of Yogyakarta Province Government for the Distribution of Alcoholic Beverages regulation is rooted in Law 32 of 2004 and Presidential Decree No. 74 Year 2014. Third, the main points of the materials contain (i) the type and classification of alcoholic beverages; (ii) a ban on the production, distribution, sale and storage of alcoholic beverages; (iii) licensing; (iv) community participation

    Violin Education Kit (VOEDK) Alat Bantu Belajar Biola Berbasis Aplikasi Android

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    In this student creativity competition karsa cipta division, we would like to create an application tool to learn violin instrument named Violin Education Kit (VOEDK), by using application on android to execute scoring process. The main goal of this tool is to help those who wanted to learn violin, especially for children. Also, it could help those who have not be able to read nots, because it has a basic music tutorial. The method uses an Arduino microcontroller to convert digital signal (Digital Signal Processing) from silent violin, then the converted digital signal would be transmitted to Android Tab by using bluetooth. The application on Android Tab would synchronised the digital signal with a certain note, then the result will appear like on a game fiture. This tool is also completed with sound effect and monitor sound, so hopefully user would not be bored in learning. Applicable for solo concert

    Socioeconomic Status, Parental Involvement in Learning and Student' Mathematics Achievement in Indonesian Senior High School

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    The objectives of the research are to examine: (1) the relationship between parents' education level as an indicator of socioeconomic status (SES) with students' mathematics achievement, and (2) the interaction between parents' education level and the intensity of parental involvement in predicting students' mathematics achievement. The sample (N=2,867) was selected through stratified random sampling of Indonesian high school National Examination (NE) test takers in 2016. The sampling was based on careful consideration of the representativeness and the distribution of provinces, gender, type of school (general-vocational), and school status (public-private). Data was analyzed using parallel multiple mediator analyses. The findings highlight that: (1) compared to fathers, mothers' education level had a stronger contribution to students' achievement in mathematics, and (2) mothers' involvement mediated the relationship between mothers' level of education and students' mathematics achievement. However, more intensive parental involvement was associated with lower mathematics achievement

    Democratization of Islamic Education Through School-Based Management

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    This research raises democratization of Islamic education through application of Islamic Education Institution Management, SBM as a tool for educational institution to realize democratic Islamic education. Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning National Education System and quality assurance through 2005 Law on National Education Standard which all demonstrate the democratization of education. This study uses a qualitative approach by describing application of School-Based Management in Islamic educational institution, and analyzing that application of School-Based Management is a way of realizing democratic Madrasah. The results of the study showed that the reference of implementation of SBM in Madrasah starts from Law no. 2 of 1989, No. 20 of 2003, PP No. 19 of 2005 and PP No. 55 of 2007. The strategy of SBM implementation is autonomy, empowerment, independence and flexibility. While the stages of its implementation are by way of socialization, formulation of vision and mission goals, identification of challenges, identification of functions, SWOT analysis, alternative solutions, quality improvement plan, implementation of quality improvement, and evaluation and monitoring. Implementation of School-Based Management strongly shows the existence of democratization in education, this is reflected in principles of a democratic form of Islamic education including respect for the potential of Madrasah, dynamic curriculum and the creation of synchronization of educational institutions with community as customer