5 research outputs found

    Wealth, Poverty and Social Mobility in Restoration Spain: A Critique of Liberal Society in the Novelas contemporáneas of Benito Pérez Galdós

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    This thesis analyses seven of Galdós’s key Novelas contemporáneas – Lo prohibido (1884-1885), the four Torquemada novels (1889-1895), Ángel Guerra (1891) and Misericordia (1897) – in the context of contemporary discourses regarding the socio-economic changes which Spanish society had experienced from the 1830s. Adopting a socio-historical approach, this study emphasizes the variety of ideologies which Galdόs’s contemporaries embraced in response to the changing socio-economic circumstances of their own time, as well as the author’s own engagement with these diverse currents of thought. The particular focus is to examine Galdós’s preoccupation in these novels with questions relating to the creation and distribution of wealth in the modern money-centred society of Restoration Spain. Chapters 1, 2 and 3 analyse in detail the historical account of the ascent of the bourgeoisie which Galdós presents in Lo prohibido, the Torquemada series and Ángel Guerra. In these novels, Galdós links the wealth of his bourgeois characters to the speculative climate which resulted from the economic policies of the liberal State. In Ángel Guerra and the last of the Torquemada novels, Torquemada y San Pedro, Galdós brings into focus the social effects of the most representative of these liberal policies, Mendizábal’s 1835-1836 desamortización. I examine Galdós’s engagement here with the intense contemporary debate on this controversial policy. Chapter 4 analyses Galdós’s treatment of the themes of pauperism and charity in Misericordia in relation to contemporary discourses on the cuestión social. This study reveals Galdós’s perception, which he shares with other contemporary authors, of living through a time of profound social transformation

    Revisiting ‘place’ in a realist novel: ‘Thinking space’ in Galdós’s Torquemada en la hoguera (1889)

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    Departing from the premise that Galdós’s close engagement with space and place deserves to be at the forefront of scholarly attention, this article provides an in-depth study of their significance in Torquemada en la hoguera. It begins by analysing the relationship between the novel’s locations and the real world, demonstrating that the author codes the city of Madrid to express social concerns and promote reader engagement. It then proceeds to examine the public and private spheres, before highlighting the “place of the imagination” in the novel. It reveals that, as in Galdós’s press articles, reality is used as a springboard in Torquemada en la hoguera and, drawing upon recent theories, it posits that places serve as a framework for engaging readers with contemporary concerns and as an imaginative springboard for Galdós. They trigger what is effectively a “thinking space” for the author and it is through unravelling their significance that we can fully appreciate Galdós’s psychological sensitivity, the novel’s modernity, its symbolic value, and imaginative depth. The article concludes by proposing that Galdós’s works deserve to be re-examined as “Novels of the Geographical Imagination” and urges readers to revisit the significance of space and place therein