323 research outputs found


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                  Pendidikan yang berkualitas merupakan suatu investasi yang mahal. Kesadaran masyarakat untuk menanggung biaya pendidikan pada hakekatnya akan memberikan suatu kekuatan pada masyarakat untuk bertanggungjawab terhadap penyelenggaraan pendidikan. Pelaksanaan PP No. 19 Tahun 2005 membawa implikasi terhadap perlunya disusun standar pembiayaan yang meliputi standarisasi komponen biaya pendidikan yang meliputi biaya operasional, biaya investasi dan biaya personal. Sesuai  dengan UUD 1945 yang telah diamandemen, Negara Indonesia memberikan amanat kepada pemerintah untuk menetapkan anggaran pendidikan 20 persen dari anggaran belanja negara seperti tertuang pada pasal 31 Ayat 4. Kepmendiknas  No.129/U/2004  merupakan hasil revisi dari kepmen sebelumnya sesuai dengan perubahan yang terjadi dalam sistem  dan manajemen pendidikan nasional.  Pada kepmen ini pendidikan  nonformal, kepemudaan, olahraga, dan Pendidikan Usia Dini lebih ditonjolkan. Pendidikan nonformal seperti pendidikan keaksaraan, pendidikan kesetaraan SD, SMP, SMA, pendidikan ketrampilan dan bermata pencaharian, kelompok bermain, pendidikan kepemudaan dan olahraga secara ekplisit telah ditentukan standar pelayanan untuk masing-masing SPM


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    Skripsi ini merupakan penelitian tentang pengaruh media gambar seri terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran matematika kelas I Sekolah Dasar Negeri 1 Karangdowo. Rumusan masalah yaitu “Apakah terdapat pengaruh media gambar seri terhadap hasil belajar pada mata pelajaran matematika kelas I SD Negeri 1 Karangdowo”.? Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh media gambar seri terhadap kemampuan hasil belajar pada mata pelajaran matematika kelas I SD Negeri 1 Karangdowo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dalam mendapatkan sebuah data. Pada tekhnik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan dengan 1 tekhnik yaitu tekhnik tes dengan menggunakan pretest dan posttest. Hasil penelitian ini adalah adanya perbedaan antara pembelajaran sebelum diberikan perlakuan dan sesudah diberi perlakuan dilihat dari hasil pretest dan posttest dilihat dari uji hipotesis yang dilakukan menggunakan SPSS dengan ketentuan jika nilai Sig.(2-tailed)< 0,05 maka hipotesis diterima. Output SPSS menghasilkan nilai signifikan sig.(2-tailed) 0,00 yang artinya hipotesis diterima. Kesimpulannya adalah pembelajaran penjumlahan dan pengurangan menggunakan media gambar seri lebih baik dibandingkan pembelajaran ceramah dibuktikan dengan nilai rata-rata siswa lebih tinggi ketika posttest disbanding pretest yaitu 80 berbanding 55 untuk hasil belajar siswa. Kata Kunci: Gambar Seri, Hasil Belajar, Matematika

    A Cooperative and Hybrid Network Intrusion Detection Framework in Cloud Computing Based on Snort and Optimized Back Propagation Neural Network

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    AbstractCloud computing provides a framework for supporting end users easily attaching powerful services and applications through Internet. To give secure and reliable services in cloud computing environment is an important issue. Providing security requires more than user authentication with passwords or digital certificates and confidentiality in data transmission, because it is vulnerable and prone to network intrusions that affect confidentiality, availability and integrity of Cloud resources and offered services. To detect DoS attack and other network level malicious activities in Cloud, use of only traditional firewall is not an efficient solution. In this paper, we propose a cooperative and hybrid network intrusion detection system (CH-NIDS) to detect network attacks in the Cloud environment by monitoring network traffic, while maintaining performance and service quality. In our NIDS framework, we use Snort as a signature based detection to detect known attacks, while for detecting network anomaly, we use Back-Propagation Neural network (BPN). By applying snort prior to the BPN classifier, BPN has to detect only unknown attacks. So, detection time is reduced. To solve the problem of slow convergence of BPN and being easy to fall into local optimum, we propose to optimize the parameters of it by using an optimization algorithm in order to ensure high detection rate, high accuracy, low false positives and low false negatives with affordable computational cost. In addition, in this framework, the IDSs operate in cooperative way to oppose the DoS and DDoS attacks by sharing alerts stored in central log. In this way, unknown attacks that were detected by any IDS can easily be detected by others IDSs. This also helps to reduce computational cost for detecting intrusions at others IDS, and improve detection rate in overall the Cloud environment

    Modelling Oscillator synchronisation during vertebrate axis segmentation

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    he somitogenesis clock regulates the periodicity with which somites form in the posterior pre-somitic mesoderm. Whilst cell heterogeneity results in noisy oscillation rates amongst constituent cells, synchrony within the population is maintained as oscillators are entrained via juxtracine signalling mechanisms. Here we consider a population of phase-coupled oscillators and investigate how biologically motivated perturbations to the entrained state can perturb synchrony within the population. We find that the ratio of mitosis length to clock period can influence levels of desynchronisation. Moreover, we observe that random cell movement, and hence change of local neighbourhoods, increases synchronisation

    Spectroscopic Characteristics For Rhodamine C Tincture in Diverse Solvents

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    The article included calculating the quantum aptitude and Radiative emission probability, Radiative life time, and fluorescence life time of Rhodamine C with fixed concentration (5*10-5 mol/l) in some solvent ( Distilled water, Methanol, Ethanol, 2-Propanol, Dichloromethane, Ethyl acetate, Dimethyl formamide) which differ in their polarity.There is a slight change in the crest of the absorption which showed up at wavelength (555-560 nm), the red shift was about (16-23 nm) of RC dye in different solvent


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    From the search for funding for this conference, through the various preparations, scientific contributions and evaluations, to the organization and preparation of these conference proceedings, an international scientific committee with a diverse profile has been mobilized. For our first edition, we are publishing almost 26 articles selected by this international scientific committee among 73 submitted paper, from over 12 countries. This document constitutes a complete state-of-the-art review of the issue of African cities, approached as digital and intelligent cities, in relation to territorial, social and technological issues, as well as governance and financing. It presents the best innovative technological and management solutions related to the digital and intelligent city as an alternative to the urban challenges of African cities

    A centrosome clustering protein, KIFC1, predicts aggressive disease course in serous ovarian adenocarcinomas

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    Background Amplified centrosomes are widely recognized as a hallmark of cancer. Although supernumerary centrosomes would be expected to compromise cell viability by yielding multipolar spindles that results in death-inducing aneuploidy, cancer cells suppress multipolarity by clustering their extra centrosomes. Thus, cancer cells, with the aid of clustering mechanisms, maintain pseudobipolar spindle phenotypes that are associated with low-grade aneuploidy, an edge to their survival. KIFC1, a nonessential minus end-directed motor of the kinesin-14 family, is a centrosome clustering molecule, essential for viability of extra centrosome-bearing cancer cells. Given that ovarian cancers robustly display amplified centrosomes, we examined the overexpression of KIFC1 in human ovarian tumors. Results We found that in clinical epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) samples, an expression level of KIFC1 was significantly higher when compared to normal tissues. KIFC1 expression also increased with tumor grade. Our In silico analyses showed that higher KIFC1 expression was associated with poor overall survival (OS) in serous ovarian adenocarcinoma (SOC) patients suggesting that an aggressive disease course in ovarian adenocarcinoma patients can be attributed to high KIFC1 levels. Also, gene expression levels of KIFC1 in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma (HGSOC) highly correlated with expression of genes driving centrosome amplification (CA), as examined in publically-available databases. The pathway analysis results indicated that the genes overexpressed in KIFC1 high group were associated with processes like regulation of the cell cycle and cell proliferation. In addition, when we performed gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) for identifying the gene ontologies associated to KIFC1 high group, we found that the first 100 genes enriched in KIFC1 high group were from centrosome components, mitotic cell cycle, and microtubule-based processes. Results from in vitro experiments on well-established in vitro models of HGSOC (OVSAHO, KURAMOCHI), OVCAR3 and SKOV3) revealed that they display robust centrosome amplification and expression levels of KIFC1 was directly associated (inversely correlated) to the status of multipolar mitosis. This association of KIFC1 and centrosome amplification with HGSOC might be able to explain the increased aggressiveness in this disease. Conclusion These findings compellingly underscore that KIFC1 can be a biomarker that predicts an aggressive disease course in ovarian adenocarcinomas
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