154 research outputs found


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    Organisms often employ phenotypic plasticity as a strategy to cope with variable environments. This is particularly true of predation threats, wherein prey induce defenses to reduce detection or capture by predators. In order to produce appropriate defenses, prey must be able to discern useful information from environmental cues. Despite the pervasive production of inducible defenses, we understand very little of how much useful information is conveyed to organisms in cues, or how the subsequent plastic responses vary within groups of organisms. To address the need for comparative studies of phenotypic plasticity, we sought to examine morphological and behavioral defenses of five species of Ambystoma salamander larvae in response to larval dragonfly (Anax junius) chemical cues in a common garden environment. Dragonfly cues induced relatively few morphological changes across species. Likewise, salamanders did not vary in their refuge use during the experiment, though several species reduced their activity in the presence of predators early in development. Our results suggest that behavioral and morphological defenses in Ambystoma are highly variable among species and the genus appears to be less plastic than tadpoles and other salamander species. To understand what types of information prey are capable of responding to in their environment, we raised grey treefrog tadpoles (Hyla verisciolor) in the presence of cues isolated from different stages of an attack sequence by larval dragonflies (A. junius) or larval dragonflies THE ART OF WAR: PATTERNS AND MECHANISMS UNDERLYING PREDATOR-INDUCED PLASTICITY OF AMPHIBIANS Heather Michelle Shaffery, M.S. University of Pittsburgh, 2013 iv consuming different combinations of grey treefrog tadpoles and snails (Helisoma trivolvis) across different temporal sequences. When exposed to a predator consuming grey treefrogs, tadpoles reduced their activity, increased their hiding behavior, and induced deeper tails. As we exposed prey to more types of cues from an attack sequence, they also increased tail depth and hiding behavior but did not change their activity. Additionally, treefrog tadpoles generally increased their defense as the biomass of treefrogs consumed increased, regardless of whether heterospecifics were being consumed. Our results suggest that treefrogs can gain cue information from all portions of an attack sequence, and that both temporal patterns of feeding and diet content of predators influence the type and magnitude of induced prey defenses

    Predicting community outcomes from pairwise interactions: integrating density- and trait-mediated effects

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    Understanding how species interactions shape the structure of ecological communities based on pairwise comparisons has been a difficult undertaking for ecologists because effects in reassembled communities can be different than simple density-mediated interactions would suggest. Part of this complexity occurs because many species change their behavior and morphology with different predators and competitors and, thus, change their per-capita interaction rates (i.e. trait-mediated interactions). Our objective was to use a simple experimental community of two predators (larval dragonflies, Anax longipes , and larval salamanders, Ambystoma tigrinum ), two prey (larval green frogs, Rana clamitans , and larval bullfrogs, R . catesbeiana ), and a shared prey resource to determine whether we can predict interactions in a reassembled community by combining our knowledge of density- and trait-mediated interactions,. We combined pairwise laboratory experiments on predation rates and predator-induced behaviors with a mesocosm experiment to examine density- and trait-mediated effects. We used a factorial combination of no predators, caged Anax (to induce anti-predator traits without changing prey density), and lethal Anax crossed with no predators, caged Ambystoma , and lethal Ambystoma . The species interactions in the reassembled community were qualitatively predictable based on the pairwise experiments. Lethal Anax preyed upon Ambystoma and green frogs while lethal Ambystoma only preyed upon green frogs. Anax also reduced the activity of the green frogs; this caused a decrease in salamander predation on green frogs, a decrease in green frog acquisition of resources, and an increase in bullfrog acquisition of resources. Ambystoma had no effect on green frog activity, no effect on resource acquisition by green frogs, and no effect on resource acquisition by bullfrogs. These results suggest that we can better understand how species interact in natural communities if we have a more detailed understanding of trait-mediated mechanisms. However, if predicting the structure of large communities requires identifying how each species alters its traits in the presence of all other species along with altering density, improving our predictive ability may be a prohibitively large undertaking.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42288/1/442-131-4-569_s00442-002-0910-z.pd

    Understanding and mitigating global change with aquatic sensors: current challenges and future prospects

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    Human activities are causing global change around the world including habitat destruction, invasive species in non-native ecosystems, overexploitation, pollution, and global climate change. While traditional monitoring has long been used to quantify and aid mitigation of global change, in-situ autonomous sensors are being increasingly used for environmental monitoring. Sensors and sensor platforms that can be deployed in developed and remote areas and allow high-frequency data collection, which is critical for parameters that exhibit important short-term dynamics on the scale of days, hours, or minutes. In this article, we discuss the benefits of in-situ autonomous sensors in aquatic ecosystems as well as the many challenges that we have experienced over many years of working with these technologies. These challenges include decisions on sensor locations, sensor types, analytical specification, sensor calibration, sensor drift, the role of environmental conditions, sensor fouling, service intervals, cost of ownership, and data QA/QC. These challenges result in important tradeoffs when making decisions regarding which sensors to deploy, particularly when a network of sensors is desired to cover a large area. We also review recent advances in designing and building chemical-sensor platforms that are allowing researchers to develop the next-generation of autonomous sensors and the power of integrating multiple sensors into a network that provides increased insight into the dynamics of water quality over space and time. In the coming years, there will be an exponential growth in data related to aquatic sensing, which will be an essential part of global efforts to monitor and mitigate global change and its adverse impacts on society

    Modeling Diel Vertical Migration with Membrane Computing

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    Diel vertical migration (DVM) is an important ecological phenomenon in which zooplankton migrate vertically to deal with trade-offs associated with greater food availability in shallow waters and lower predator risk in deep waters due to lower light availability. Because of these trade-offs, DVM dynamics are particularly sensitive to changes in light intensity at the water surface. Therefore, changes in the proportion of cloudy and sunny days have the potential to disrupt DVM dynamics. We propose a new membrane computing model that captures the effect of cloud cover on DVM in Daphnia, and we use it to explore the impacts of an increased proportion of cloudy days that are predicted to occur with climate change. Our 2-dimensional, spatially explicit model integrates multiple trophic levels from abiotic nutrients to Daphnia predators. We analyzed the effect that different proportions of cloudy and sunny days throughout the summer have on our model. The model simulations suggest that an increase in sunny days promotes a high phytoplankton concentration near the surface but does not necessarily promote an increased abundance of Daphnia. Our model also suggests that a higher proportion of cloudy days would increase Daphnia abundance due to a shift in the vertical distribution of Daphnia populations towards superficial waters. Our results highlight that climate changes in multiple regions will affect animal migrations leading to altered food web dynamics in freshwater ecosystems, and emphasize the potential of membrane computing as a modeling framework for spatially and temporally explicit ecological processes

    Variation in upper thermal tolerance among 19 species from temperate wetlands

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    Communities usually possess a multitude of interconnected trophic interactions within food webs. Their regulation generally depends on a balance between bottom-up and top-down effects. However, if sensitivity to temperature varies among species, rising temperatures may change trophic interactions via direct and indirect effects. We examined the critical thermal maximum (CTmax) of 19 species from temperate wetlands (insect predators, amphibian larvae, zooplankton and amphipods) and determined if they vary in their sensitivity to warming temperatures. CTmax differed between the groups, with predatory insects having higher CTmax than amphibians (both herbivorous larval anurans and predatory larval salamanders), amphipods and zooplankton. In a scenario of global warming, these differences in thermal tolerance may affect top-down and bottom-up processes, particularly considering that insect predators are more likely to maintain or improve their performance at higher temperatures, which could lead to increased predation rates on the herbivores in the food web. Further studies are needed to understand how the energy flows through communities, how species’ energy budgets may change and whether other physiological and behavioral responses (such as phenotypic plasticity and thermoregulation) can buffer or increase these changes in the top-down regulation of wetland food webs.U.S. National Science Foundation 0716149Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación CGL2009-12767-C02-02Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CGL201240246C0201, CGL2017-86924-

    Cross-scale interactions and the distribution-abundance relationship.

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    Positive interspecific relationships between local abundance and extent of regional distribution are among the most ubiquitous patterns in ecology. Although multiple hypotheses have been proposed, the mechanisms underlying distribution-abundance (d-a) relationships remain poorly understood. We examined the intra- and interspecific distribution-abundance relationships for a metacommunity of 13 amphibian species sampled for 15 consecutive years. Mean density of larvae in occupied ponds was positively related to number of ponds occupied by species; employing the fraction of ponds uniquely available to each species this same relationship sharply decelerates. The latter relationship suggested that more abundant species inhabited most available habitats annually, whereas rarer species were dispersal limited. We inferred the mechanisms responsible for this pattern based on the dynamics of one species, Pseudacris triseriata, which transitioned between a rare, narrowly distributed species to a common, widely distributed species and then back again. Both transitions were presaged by marked changes in mean local densities driven by climatic effects on habitat quality. We identified threshold densities separating these population regime shifts that differed with landscape configuration. Our data suggest that these transitions were caused by strong cross-scale interactions between local resource/niche processes and larger scale metapopulation processes. The patterns we observed have relevance for understanding the mechanisms of interspecific d-a relationships and critical thresholds associated with habitat fragmentation

    Evolutionary change in continuous reaction norms

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    Abstract Understanding the evolution of reaction norms remains a major challenge in ecology and evolution. Investigating evolutionary divergence in reaction norm shapes between populations and closely related species is one approach to providing insights. Here we use a meta-analytic approach to compare divergence in reaction norms of closely related species or populations of animals and plants across types of traits and environments. We quantified mean-standardized differences in overall trait means (Offset) and reaction norm shape (including both Slope and Curvature). These analyses revealed that differences in shape (Slope and Curvature together) were generally greater than differences in Offset. Additionally, differences in Curvature were generally greater than differences in Slope. The type of taxon contrast (species vs. population), trait, organism, and the type and novelty of environments all contributed to the best-fitting models, especially for Offset, Curvature, and the total differences (Total) between reaction norms. Congeneric species had greater differences in reaction norms than populations, and novel environmental conditions increased the differences in reaction norms between populations or species. These results show that evolutionary divergence of curvature is common and should be considered an important aspect of plasticity, together with slope. Biological details about traits and environments, including cryptic variation expressed in novel environmental conditions, may be critical to understanding how reaction norms evolve in novel and rapidly changing environments