67 research outputs found


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    Gambling is a relatively new form of risk behaviour in our area. Modern Croatian and foreign scientific studies suggest that there is a considerable prevalence of problem gambling among high­school students. The aim of this paper is to explore how high­school counsellors perceive youth gambling. In addition to other tasks, they are responsible for detecting risk behaviour among youths and ensuring prevention and early intervention. This research was conducted among 120 counsellors from 18 Croatian counties. In general, the results show that they encounter issues surrounding youth gambling relatively rarely and they underestimate the prevalence of this risk behaviour, despite being aware of the fact that gambling products are easily accessible to youths. At the same time, counsellors do not perceive themselves sufficiently competent to provide adequate interventions in this field and they are not familiar enough with the developed training and interventions in Croatia. The results are interpreted in terms of their practical implications and with the aim of ensuring necessary professional knowledge and skills


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    Suvremeni pristup maloljetničkoj delinkvenciji temelji se na identificiranju rizičnih čimbenika koji su doprinijeli razvoju takvog ponašanja te usmjeravanju intervencija prema njima. Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi maloljetni delinkventni čemu atribuiraju takvo svoje ponašanje, te ispitati razlike u načinu atribuiranja s obzirom na definiranu razinu rizičnosti. Visoko rizični maloljetnici su oni koji se nalaze u institucionalnom tretmanu, koji često čine kaznena djela, koji su ranije počeli s delinkventnim ponašanjem te oni koji se dulje vrijeme tako ponašaju. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 335 muških mladih počinitelja kaznenih djela s područja Republike Hrvatske. Podjednak broj ispitanika nalazio se u institucionalnom (56,1%) i izvaninstitucionalnom (43,9%) tretmanu. Raspon dobi ispitanika kreće se od 14 do 21 godine života (M=17,1; SD=1,858) U istraživanju je korištena Skala atribuiranja vlastitog delinkventnog ponašanja mladih (Ricijaš, 2009) te pitanja o učestalosti činjenja kaznenih djela, duljini činjenja kaznenih djela, kontaktima s policijom i sudom, te o nekim važnijim obilježjima obitelji i roditelja. Rezultati konzistentno pokazuju kako visoko rizični maloljetnici pripisuju vlastito delinkventno ponašanje većem broju čimbenika u odnosu na nisko rizične, što je sukladno i dosadašnjim saznanjima iz područja maloljetničke delinkvencije koja su korelate između stupnja rizičnosti i izloženosti rizičnim čimbenicima mjerila drukčijim metodama.Contemporary approach in juvenile delinquency aims to identify risk factors that contributed to delinquent behavior and to focus interventions towards those risks. The aim of this paper is to explore how juvenile delinquents attribute their delinquent behavior and to explore differences in the structure of attribution regarding their risk level. High-risk delinquents are considered those who are place in an institutional treatment, who often do criminal acts, who are early-starters and whose delinquent behavior lasts longer. Research included 335 male juvenile delinquents in the Republic of Croatia within three types of sanctions: (1) probation, (2) open institution facility, (3) closed institution facility. 43,9% of juveniles were on probation (not in the institutional treatment) and 56,1% of them were placed in the institutional treatment. Age range of participants was from 14 to 21 years of age (M=17,1; SD=1,858). Delinquent Behavior Attribution Scale for juvenile delinquents (Ricijaš, 2009) was used to identify the structure of attributions, and juveniles also answered some questions about their criminal behavior, contacts with police and court as well as some family circumstances questions. Results consistently show that high-risk juvenile delinquents attribute their delinquent behavior to a greater number of factors, which is in accordance with other criminological research that measured causes of delinquent behavior with other methods

    Geotehnička istraživanja za potrebe polaganja trase ceste i temeljenja pješačkog mosta u NP Paklenica

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    U ovom radu objašnjeni su i opisani geotehnički istražni radovi za potrebe polaganja trase ceste i temeljenja pješačkog mosta u NP Paklenica. Cilj istražnih radova je dobivanje pouzdanih informacija o fizičko-mehaničkim svojstvima tla na kojem se gradi. Geotehnički istražni radovi uključuju geoelektrično sondiranje i tomografiju, georadar, „in situ“ istraživanje Schmidtovim čekićem, istražno bušenje sa standardnim penetracijskim testom, te su izvršena granulometrijska ispitivanja u laboratoriju. Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja kasnije su korišteni u daljnjim izračunima, te su izračunate analize slijeganja, nosivosti i modul reakcije tla

    Python in data analysis and problem solving in environmental engineering

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    U ovom radu nastojano je prikazati prednosti i nedostatke Python programskog jezika u analizi i prikazu podataka iz inženjerstva okoliša poput: a) mjerenja koncentracije radona u kućama, b) određivanje dominantne frekvencije vibracijske ploče, c) analiza zapisa potresa s raznih seizmoloških postaja, d) korelacije geofizičkih i in-situ istraživanja, e) analiza prosječne temperature, e) statistička analiza pomoću RAPS metode u praćenju kakvoće otpadne vode, i, f) analiza srednje temperature za vremensko razdoblje od godinu dana. RAPS (Rescaled Adjusted Partial Sums) metoda zasnovana je na analizi vremenske raspodjele otjecanja metodom sumarne krivulje odstupanja. Objašnjene su metode analize i koraci u pisanju koda kako bi olakšali i omogućili reproduciranje koda za gore navedene probleme


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    Background: Cognitive processes are important factors in the aetiology of pathological gambling and they are always important aspect of all gambling interventions. Among other things, the gamblers’ decision making process and persistence in gambling is under the influence of their perception of the importance of knowledge/skills versus luck in different gambling activities. In this study, we examine cognitive distortions of pathological gamblers and their perceptions on the significance of luck versus knowledge/skills in different games of chance. Effects of age and length of treatment are also examined. Subjects and methods: A total of 65 pathological gamblers at the gambling addicts’ club in Zagreb were included in the study. Cognitive distortions were measured using a modified version of the Gambling related cognitive distortions scale (Ricijaš et al. 2011). Participant thoughts on the role of luck versus knowledge/skills in games of chance were measured with a questionnaire especially designed for this study. All instruments were self-assessment questionnaires and anonymously filled out during a group sessions. Results: In general, results showed moderate cognitive distortions in terms of gambling beliefs, but significant perception of the importance of knowledge/skills for some games, especially sports betting and card games. Younger patients and patients in treatment for longer period have lower illusion of control. Length of treatment also seem to effect gambling-related superstition beliefs and incorrect understanding of probability, as well as importance of knowledge/skills for success in sports betting and card games. Conclusions: The results of this study lead to the indirect conclusion that length of treatment is a positive factor, which likely influences gamblers’ cognitive distortions. This conclusion certainly requires additional examination using longitudinal studies, which would provide a better overview of whether these differences are in fact due to the length of treatment and also to confirm its value for future abstinence from gambling activities

    Geotehnička istraživanja za potrebe polaganja trase ceste i temeljenja pješačkog mosta u NP Paklenica

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    U ovom radu objašnjeni su i opisani geotehnički istražni radovi za potrebe polaganja trase ceste i temeljenja pješačkog mosta u NP Paklenica. Cilj istražnih radova je dobivanje pouzdanih informacija o fizičko-mehaničkim svojstvima tla na kojem se gradi. Geotehnički istražni radovi uključuju geoelektrično sondiranje i tomografiju, georadar, „in situ“ istraživanje Schmidtovim čekićem, istražno bušenje sa standardnim penetracijskim testom, te su izvršena granulometrijska ispitivanja u laboratoriju. Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja kasnije su korišteni u daljnjim izračunima, te su izračunate analize slijeganja, nosivosti i modul reakcije tla

    Geotehnička istraživanja za potrebe polaganja trase ceste i temeljenja pješačkog mosta u NP Paklenica

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    U ovom radu objašnjeni su i opisani geotehnički istražni radovi za potrebe polaganja trase ceste i temeljenja pješačkog mosta u NP Paklenica. Cilj istražnih radova je dobivanje pouzdanih informacija o fizičko-mehaničkim svojstvima tla na kojem se gradi. Geotehnički istražni radovi uključuju geoelektrično sondiranje i tomografiju, georadar, „in situ“ istraživanje Schmidtovim čekićem, istražno bušenje sa standardnim penetracijskim testom, te su izvršena granulometrijska ispitivanja u laboratoriju. Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja kasnije su korišteni u daljnjim izračunima, te su izračunate analize slijeganja, nosivosti i modul reakcije tla

    Probacija za maloljetnike u Hrvatskoj: stanje i perspektive

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