696 research outputs found

    First result with AMBER+FINITO on the VLTI: The high-precision angular diameter of V3879 Sgr

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    Our goal is to demonstrate the potential of the interferometric AMBER instrument linked with the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) fringe-tracking facility FINITO to derive high-precision stellar diameters. We use commissioning data obtained on the bright single star V3879 Sgr. Locking the interferometric fringes with FINITO allows us to record very low contrast fringes on the AMBER camera. By fitting the amplitude of these fringes, we measure the diameter of the target in three directions simultaneously with an accuracy of 25 micro-arcseconds. We showed that V3879 Sgr has a round photosphere down to a sub-percent level. We quickly reached this level of accuracy because the technique used is independent from absolute calibration (at least for baselines that fully span the visibility null). We briefly discuss the potential biases found at this level of precision. The proposed AMBER+FINITO instrumental setup opens several perspectives for the VLTI in the field of stellar astrophysics, like measuring with high accuracy the oblateness of fast rotating stars or detecting atmospheric starspots

    First Lunar Occultation Results from the 2.4 m Thai National Telescope equipped with ULTRASPEC

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    The recently inaugurated 2.4\,m Thai National Telescope (TNT) is equipped, among other instruments, with the ULTRASPEC low-noise, frame-transfer EMCCD camera. At the end of its first official observing season, we report on the use of this facility to record high time resolution imaging using small detector subarrays with sampling as fast as several 10210^2\,Hz. In particular, we have recorded lunar occultations of several stars which represent the first contribution to this area of research made from South-East Asia with a telescope of this class. Among the results, we discuss an accurate measurement of α\alpha ~Cnc, which has been reported previously as a suspected close binary. Attempts to resolve this star by several authors have so far met with a lack of unambiguous confirmation. With our observation we are able to place stringent limits on the projected angular separation (<0\farcs003) and brightness (Δm>5\Delta{\rm m} > 5) of a putative companion. We also present a measurement of the binary {HR~7072}, which extends considerably the time coverage available for its yet undetermined orbit. We discuss our precise determination of the flux ratio and projected separation in the context of other available data. We conclude by providing an estimate of the performance of ULTRASPEC at TNT for lunar occultation work. This facility can help to extend the lunar occultation technique in a geographical area where no comparable resources were available until now.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    Novel synthetic approach to heteroatom doped polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Optimizing the bottom-up approach to atomically precise doped nanographenes

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    The success of the rational bottom-up approach to nanostructured carbon materials and the discovery of the importance of their doping with heteroatoms puts under the spotlight all synthetic organic approaches to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The construction of atomically precise heteroatom doped nanographenes has evidenced the importance of controlling its geometry and the position of the doping heteroatoms, since these parameters influence their chemical–physical properties and their applications. The growing interest towards this research topic is testified by the large number of works published in this area, which have transformed a once “fundamental research” into applied research at the cutting edge of technology. This review analyzes the most recent synthetic approaches to this class of compounds

    Limb-Darkening of a K Giant in the Galactic Bulge: PLANET Photometry of MACHO 97-BLG-28

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    We present the PLANET photometric dataset for the binary-lens microlensing event MACHO 97-BLG-28 consisting of 696 I and V-band measurements, and analyze it to determine the radial surface brightness profile of the Galactic bulge source star. The microlensed source, demonstrated to be a K giant by our independent spectroscopy, crossed the central isolated cusp of the lensing binary, generating a sharp peak in the light curve that was well-resolved by dense (3 - 30 minute) and continuous monitoring from PLANET sites in Chile, South Africa, and Australia. Our modeling of these data has produced stellar profiles for the source star in the I and V bands that are in excellent agreement with those predicted by stellar atmospheric models for K giants. The limb-darkening coefficients presented here are the first derived from microlensing, among the first for normal giants by any technique, and the first for any star as distant as the Galactic bulge. Modeling indicates that the lensing binary has a mass ratio q = 0.23 and an (instantaneous) separation in units of the angular Einstein ring radius of d = 0.69 . For a lens in the Galactic bulge, this corresponds to a typical stellar binary with a projected separation between 1 and 2 AU. If the lens lies closer, the separation is smaller, and one or both of the lens objects is in the brown dwarf regime. Assuming that the source is a bulge K2 giant at 8 kpc, the relative lens-source proper motion is mu = 19.4 +/- 2.6 km/s /kpc, consistent with a disk or bulge lens. If the non-lensed blended light is due to a single star, it is likely to be a young white dwarf in the bulge, consistent with the blended light coming from the lens itself.Comment: 32 Pages, including 1 table and 9 postscript figures. (Revised version has slightly modified text, corrected typo, and 1 new figure.) Accepted for publication in 1999 Astrophysical Journal; data are now available at http://www.astro.rug.nl/~plane

    Interferometric Investigations of Eclipsing Binaries as a Key to an Improved Distance Scale

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    AbstractBinary and multiple systems constitute one of the main tools for obtaining fundamental stellar parameters, such as masses, radii, effective temperatures and distances. One especially fortunate, and at the same time rare, occurrence is that of double-lined eclipsing binaries with well-detached components. In this special case, it is possible to obtain a full solution of all orbital and stellar parameters, with the exception of the effective temperature of one star, which is normally estimated from spectral type or derived from atmospheric analysis of the spectrum. Long-baseline interferometry at facilities such as the ESO VLTI is beginning to have the capability to measure directly the angular separation and the angular diameter of some selected eclipsing binary systems, and we have proposed such observations with the AMBER instrument. In particular, we aim at deriving directly the effective temperature of at least one of the components in the proposed system, thereby avoiding any assumptions in the global solution through the Wilson–Devinney method. We will also obtain an independent check of the results of this latter method for the distance to the system. This represents the first step towards a global calibration of eclipsing binaries as distance indicators. Our results will also contribute to the effective temperature scale for hot stars. The extension of this approach to a wider sample of eclipsing binaries could provide an independent method to assess the distance to the LMC. The observations will extend accurate empirical calibration to spectral type O9 – B0

    Decays B→ηâ€ČKB \to \eta^{\prime} K in R-parity violating supersymmetry

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    In light of the recent experimental data from BB factories, We try to explain the large branching ratio (compared to the Standard Model prediction) of the decay B±→ηâ€ČK±B^{\pm}\to \eta' K^{\pm} in the context of R-parity violating (\rpv) supersymmetry. We investigate other observed η(â€Č)\eta^{(\prime)} modes and find that only two pairs of \rpv coupling can satisfy the requirements without affecting the other B→PPB \to PP and B→VPB \to VP decay modes except the mode B→ϕKB \to \phi K. We also calculate the CP asymmetry for the observed decay modes affected by the new couplings.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, Proceedings of the Fifth KEK Topical Conferenc

    Angular Radii of Stars via Microlensing

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    We outline a method by which the angular radii of giant and main sequence stars in the Galactic bulge can be measured to a few percent accuracy. The method combines ground-based photometry of caustic-crossing bulge microlensing events, with a handful of precise astrometric measurements of the lensed star during the event, to measure the angular radius of the source, theta_*. Dense photometric coverage of one caustic crossing yields the crossing timescale dt. Less frequent coverage of the entire event yields the Einstein timescale t_E and the angle phi of source trajectory with respect to the caustic. The photometric light curve solution predicts the motion of the source centroid up to an orientation on the sky and overall scale. A few precise astrometric measurements therefore yield theta_E, the angular Einstein ring radius. Then the angular radius of the source is obtained by theta_*=theta_E(dt/t_E) sin(phi). We argue that theta_* should be measurable to a few percent accuracy for Galactic bulge giant stars using ground-based photometry from a network of small (1m-class) telescopes, combined with astrometric observations with a precision of ~10 microarcsec to measure theta_E. We find that a factor of ~50 times fewer photons are required to measure theta_E to a given precision for binary-lens events than single-lens events. Adopting parameters appropriate to the Space Interferometry Mission (SIM), ~7 min of SIM time is required to measure theta_E to ~5% accuracy for giant sources in the bulge. For main-sequence sources, theta_E can be measured to ~15% accuracy in ~1.4 hours. With 10 hrs of SIM time, it should be possible to measure theta_* to ~5% for \~80 giant stars, or to 15% for ~7 main sequence stars. A byproduct of such a campaign is a significant sample of precise binary-lens mass measurements.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. Revised version, minor changes, required SIM integration times revised upward by ~60%. Accepted to ApJ, to appear in the March 20, 2003 issue (v586

    Young Low-Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs in IC 348

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    I present new results from a continuing program to identify and characterize the low-mass stellar and substellar populations in the young cluster IC 348 (1-10~Myr). Optical spectroscopy has revealed young objects with spectral types as late as M8.25. The intrinsic J-H and H-K colors of these sources are dwarf-like, whereas the R-I and I-J colors appear intermediate between the colors of dwarfs and giants. Furthermore, the spectra from 6500 to 9500 A are reproduced well with averages of standard dwarf and giant spectra, suggesting that such averages should be used in the classification of young late-type sources. An H-R diagram is constructed for the low-mass population in IC 348 (K6-M8). The presumably coeval components of the young quadruple system GG~Tau (White et al.) and the locus of stars in IC 348 are used as empirical isochrones to test the theoretical evolutionary models. For the models of Baraffe et al., an adjustment of the temperature scale to progressively warmer temperatures at later M types, intermediate between dwarfs and giants, brings all components of GG~Tau onto the same model isochrone and gives the population of IC 348 a constant age and age spread as a function of mass. When other observational constraints are considered, such as the dynamical masses of GM~Aur, DM~Tau, and GG~Tau~A, the models of Baraffe et al. are the most consistent with observations of young systems. With compatible temperature scales, the models of both D'Antona & Mazzitelli and Baraffe et al. suggest that the hydrogen burning mass limit occurs near M6 at ages of <10 Myr. Thus, several likely brown dwarfs are discovered in this study of IC 348, with masses down to ~20-30 M_J.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, accepted to Ap
