19,785 research outputs found

    Tubing and cable cutting tool

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    A hand held hydraulic cutting tool was developed which is particularly useful in deactivating ejection seats in military aircraft rescue operations. The tool consists primarily of a hydraulic system composed of a fluid reservoir, a pumping piston, and an actuator piston. Mechanical cutting jaws are attached to the actuator piston rod. The hydraulic system is controlled by a pump handle. As the pump handle is operated the actuator piston rod is forced outward and thus the cutting jaws are forced together. The frame of the device is a flexible metal tubing which permits easy positioning of the tool cutting jaws in remote and normally inaccessible locations. Bifurcated cutting edges ensure removal of a section of the tubing or cable to thereby reduce the possibility of accidental reactivation of the tubing or cable being severed

    Experimental Effervescence and Freezing Point Depression Measurements of Nitrogen in Liquid Methane-Ethane Mixtures

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    NASA is designing an unmanned submarine to explore the depths of the hydrocarbon-rich seas on Saturn's moon Titan. Data from Cassini indicates that the Titan north polar environment sustains stable seas of variable concentrations of ethane, methane, and nitrogen, with a surface temperature near 93 K. The submarine must operate autonomously, study atmosphere/sea exchange, interact with the seabed, hover at the surface or any depth within the sea, and be capable of tolerating variable hydrocarbon compositions. Currently, the main thermal design concern is the effect of effervescence on submarine operation, which affects the ballast system, science instruments, and propellers. Twelve effervescence measurements on various liquid methane-ethane compositions with dissolved gaseous nitrogen are thus presented from 1.5 bar to 4.5 bar at temperatures from 92 K to 96 K to simulate the conditions of the seas. After conducting effervescence measurements, two freezing point depression measurements were conducted. The freezing liquid line was depressed more than 15 K below the triple point temperatures of pure ethane (90.4 K) and pure methane (90.7 K). Experimental effervescence measurements will be used to compare directly with effervescence modeling to determine if changes are required in the design of the thermal management system as well as the propellers

    Adenosine A1 receptor activation mediates the developmental shift at layer 5 pyramidal cell synapses and is a determinant of mature synaptic strength

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    During the first postnatal month glutamatergic synapses between layer 5 pyramidal cells in the rodent neocortex switch from an immature state exhibiting high probability of neurotransmitter release, large unitary amplitude and synaptic depression to a mature state with decreased probability of release, smaller unitary amplitude and synaptic facilitation. Using paired recordings, we demonstrate that the developmental shift in release probability at synapses between rat somatosensory layer 5 thick-tufted pyramidal cells is due to a higher and more heterogeneous activation of presynaptic adenosine A1 receptors. Immature synapses under control conditions exhibited distributions of CV, failure rate and release probability that were almost coincident with the A1 receptor blocked condition; however, mature synapses under control conditions exhibited much broader distributions that spanned those of both the A1 receptor agonised and antagonised conditions. Immature and mature synapses expressed A1 receptors with no observable difference in functional efficacy and therefore the heterogeneous A1 receptor activation seen in the mature neocortex is due to increased adenosine concentrations that vary between synapses. Given the central role demonstrated for A1 receptor activation in determining synaptic amplitude and the statistics of transmission between mature layer 5 pyramidal cells, the emplacement of adenosine sources and sinks near the synaptic terminal could constitute a novel form of long-term synaptic plasticity

    Dispersion of tracer particles in a compressible flow

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    The turbulent diffusion of Lagrangian tracer particles has been studied in a flow on the surface of a large tank of water and in computer simulations. The effect of flow compressibility is captured in images of particle fields. The velocity field of floating particles has a divergence, whose probability density function shows exponential tails. Also studied is the motion of pairs and triplets of particles. The mean square separation is fitted to the scaling form ~ t^alpha, and in contrast with the Richardson-Kolmogorov prediction, an extended range with a reduced scaling exponent of alpha=1.65 pm 0.1 is found. Clustering is also manifest in strongly deformed triangles spanned within triplets of tracers.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Leech Parasitism of the Gulf Coast Box Turtle, Terrapene carolina major (Testudines:Emydidae) in Mississippi, USA

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    Ten leeches were collected from a Gulf Coast box turtle, Terrapene carolina major, found crossing a road in Gulfport, Harrison County, Mississippi, USA. Eight of the leeches were identified as Placobdella multilineata and 2 were identified as Helobdella europaea. This represents the second vouchered report of leeches from a box turtle. Helobdella europaea is reported for the first time associated with a turtle and for the second time from the New World

    Particle Acceleration in Relativistic Jets due to Weibel Instability

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    Shock acceleration is an ubiquitous phenomenon in astrophysical plasmas. Plasma waves and their associated instabilities (e.g., the Buneman instability, two-streaming instability, and the Weibel instability) created in the shocks are responsible for particle (electron, positron, and ion) acceleration. Using a 3-D relativistic electromagnetic particle (REMP) code, we have investigated particle acceleration associated with a relativistic jet front propagating through an ambient plasma with and without initial magnetic fields. We find only small differences in the results between no ambient and weak ambient magnetic fields. Simulations show that the Weibel instability created in the collisionless shock front accelerates particles perpendicular and parallel to the jet propagation direction. While some Fermi acceleration may occur at the jet front, the majority of electron acceleration takes place behind the jet front and cannot be characterized as Fermi acceleration. The simulation results show that this instability is responsible for generating and amplifying highly nonuniform, small-scale magnetic fields, which contribute to the electron's transverse deflection behind the jet head. The ``jitter'' radiation (Medvedev 2000) from deflected electrons has different properties than synchrotron radiation which is calculated in a uniform magnetic field. This jitter radiation may be important to understanding the complex time evolution and/or spectral structure in gamma-ray bursts, relativistic jets, and supernova remnants.Comment: ApJ, in press, Sept. 20, 2003 (figures with better resolution: http://gammaray.nsstc.nasa.gov/~nishikawa/apjweib.pdf

    Particle Acceleration and Magnetic Field Generation in Electron-Positron Relativistic Shocks

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    Shock acceleration is an ubiquitous phenomenon in astrophysical plasmas. Plasma waves and their associated instabilities (e.g., Buneman, Weibel and other two-stream instabilities) created in collisionless shocks are responsible for particle (electron, positron, and ion) acceleration. Using a 3-D relativistic electromagnetic particle (REMP) code, we have investigated particle acceleration associated with a relativistic electron-positron jet front propagating into an ambient electron-positron plasma with and without initial magnetic fields. We find small differences in the results for no ambient and modest ambient magnetic fields. New simulations show that the Weibel instability created in the collisionless shock front accelerates jet and ambient particles both perpendicular and parallel to the jet propagation direction. Furthermore, the non-linear fluctuation amplitudes of densities, currents, electric, and magnetic fields in the electron-positron shock are larger than those found in the electron-ion shock studied in a previous paper at the comparable simulation time. This comes from the fact that both electrons and positrons contribute to generation of the Weibel instability. Additionally, we have performed simulations with different electron skin depths. We find that growth times scale inversely with the plasma frequency, and the sizes of structures created by the Weibel instability scale proportional to the electron skin depth. This is the expected result and indicates that the simulations have sufficient grid resolution. The simulation results show that the Weibel instability is responsible for generating and amplifying nonuniform, small-scale magnetic fields which contribute to the electron's (positron's) transverse deflection behind the jet head.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, revised and accepted for ApJ, A full resolution of the paper can be found at http://gammaray.nsstc.nasa.gov/~nishikawa/apjep1.pd

    Particle Acceleration and Radiation associated with Magnetic Field Generation from Relativistic Collisionless Shocks

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    Shock acceleration is an ubiquitous phenomenon in astrophysical plasmas. Plasma waves and their associated instabilities (e.g., the Buneman instability, two-streaming instability, and the Weibel instability) created in the shocks are responsible for particle (electron, positron, and ion) acceleration. Using a 3-D relativistic electromagnetic particle (REMP) code, we have investigated particle acceleration associated with a relativistic jet front propagating through an ambient plasma with and without initial magnetic fields. We find only small differences in the results between no ambient and weak ambient magnetic fields. Simulations show that the Weibel instability created in the collisionless shock front accelerates particles perpendicular and parallel to the jet propagation direction. The simulation results show that this instability is responsible for generating and amplifying highly nonuniform, small-scale magnetic fields, which contribute to the electron's transverse deflection behind the jet head. The ``jitter'' radiation from deflected electrons has different properties than synchrotron radiation which is calculated in a uniform magnetic field. This jitter radiation may be important to understanding the complex time evolution and/or spectral structure in gamma-ray bursts, relativistic jets, and supernova remnants.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Proceedings of 2003 Gamma Ray Burst Conferenc

    Mars: The Next Steps

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    In 1993, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) began the Mars Surveyor program to fly small, focused missions to Mars at every launch opportunity (2-year intervals) using the “faster, better, cheaper” approach championed by administrator Dan Goldin. NASA's plans are now under intense scrutiny because of the loss of all spacecraft arriving at Mars within the past six months. Panels commissioned to study the failures have released reports enumerating technical, managerial, and program problems and made recommendations to address these lapses. Recent events also provide an opportunity to reconsider the larger picture of Mars exploration: What are the program's goals within the context of both the scientific community and the society that supports it, and what is the best strategy to achieve those goals

    Theory of pattern-formation of metallic microparticles in poorly conducting liquid

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    We develop continuum theory of self-assembly and pattern formation in metallic microparticles immersed in a poorly conducting liquid in DC electric field. The theory is formulated in terms of two conservation laws for the densities of immobile particles (precipitate) and bouncing particles (gas) coupled to the Navier-Stokes equation for the liquid. This theory successfully reproduces correct topology of the phase diagram and primary patterns observed in the experiment [Sapozhnikov et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. v. 90, 114301 (2003)]: static crystals and honeycombs and dynamic pulsating rings and rotating multi-petal vortices.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let