173 research outputs found

    Dicer is required for female reproductive tract development and fertility in the mouse.

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    Dicer encodes a riboendonuclease required for microRNA biosynthesis. Dicer was inactivated in Müllerian duct mesenchyme-derived tissues of the reproductive tract of the mouse, using an Amhr2-Cre allele. Although Amhr2-Cre; Dicer conditional mutant males appeared normal and were fertile, mutant females were infertile. In adult mutant females, there was a reduction in the size of the oviducts and uterine horns. The oviducts were less coiled compared to controls and cysts formed at the isthmus near the uterotubal junction. Unfertilized, degenerate oocytes were commonly found within these cysts, indicating a defect in embryo transit. Beads transferred into the mutant oviduct failed to migrate into the uterus. In addition, blastocysts transferred directly into the mutant uterus did not result in pregnancy. Histological analysis demonstrated that the mutant uterus contained less glandular tissue and often the few glands that remained were found within the myometrium, an abnormal condition known as adenomyosis. In adult mutants, there was ectopic expression of Wnt4 and Wnt5a in the luminal epithelium (LE) and glandular epithelium (GE) of the uterus, and Wnt11 was ectopically expressed in GE. These results demonstrate that Dicer is necessary for postnatal differentiation of Müllerian duct mesenchyme-derived tissues of the female reproductive tract, suggesting that microRNAs are important regulators of female reproductive tract development and fertility

    Goosecoid acts cell autonomously in mesenchyme-derived tissues during craniofacial development

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    Mice homozygous for a targeted deletion of the homeobox gene Goosecoid (Gsc) have multiple craniofacial defects. To understand the mechanisms responsible for these defects, the behavior of Gsc-null cells was examined in morula aggregation chimeras. In these chimeras, Gsc-null cells were marked with beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) activity using the ROSA26 lacZ allele. In addition, mice with a lacZ gene that had been introduced into the Gsc locus were used as a guide to visualize the location of Gsc-expressing cells. In Gsc-null\u3c-\u3ewild-type chimeras, tissues that would normally not express Gsc were composed of both Gsc-null and wild-type cells that were well mixed, reflecting the overall genotypic composition of the chimeras. However, craniofacial tissues that would normally express Gsc were essentially devoid of Gsc-null cells. Furthermore, the nasal capsules and mandibles of the chimeras had defects similar to Gsc-null mice that varied in severity depending upon the proportion of Gsc-null cells. These results combined with the analysis of Gsc-null mice suggest that Gsc functions cell autonomously in mesenchyme-derived tissues of the head. A developmental analysis of the tympanic ring bone, a bone that is always absent in Gsc-null mice because of defects at the cell condensation stage, showed that Gsc-null cells had the capacity to form the tympanic ring condensation in the presence of wild-type cells. However, analysis of the tympanic ring bones of 18.5 d.p.c. chimeras suggests that Gsc-null cells were not maintained. The participation of Gsc-null cells in the tympanic ring condensation of chimeras may be an epigenetic phenomenon that results in a local environment in which more precursor cells are present. Thus, the skeletal defects observed in Gsc-null mice may reflect a regional reduction of precursor cells during embryonic development

    Hoxd11 specifies a program of metanephric kidney development within the intermediate mesoderm of the mouse embryo

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    AbstractThe mammalian kidney consists of an array of tubules connected to a ductal system that collectively function to control water/salt balance and to remove waste from the organisms' circulatory system. During mammalian embryogenesis, three kidney structures form within the intermediate mesoderm. The two most anterior structures, the pronephros and the mesonephros, are transitory and largely non-functional, while the most posterior, the metanephros, persists as the adult kidney. We have explored the mechanisms underlying regional specific differentiation of the kidney forming mesoderm. Previous studies have shown a requirement for Hox11 paralogs (Hoxa11, Hoxc11 and Hoxd11) in metanephric development. Mice lacking all Hox11 activity fail to form metanephric kidney structures. We demonstrate that the Hox11 paralog expression is restricted in the intermediate mesoderm to the posterior, metanephric level. When Hoxd11 is ectopically activated in the anterior mesonephros, we observe a partial transformation to a metanephric program of development. Anterior Hoxd11+ cells activate Six2, a transcription factor required for the maintenance of metanephric tubule progenitors. Additionally, Hoxd11+ mesonephric tubules exhibit an altered morphology and activate several metanephric specific markers normally confined to distal portions of the functional nephron. Collectively, our data support a model where Hox11 paralogs specify a metanephric developmental program in responsive intermediate mesoderm. This program maintains tubule forming progenitors and instructs a metanephric specific pattern of nephron differentiation

    Role of Wilms\u27 Tumor 1 in Sex Development

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    Goosecoid is not an essential component of the mouse gastrula organizer but is required for craniofacial and rib development

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    Goosecoid (gsc) is an evolutionarily conserved homeobox gene expressed in the gastrula organizer region of a variety of vertebrate embryos, including zebrafish, Xenopus, chicken and mouse. To understand the role of gsc during mouse embryogenesis, we generated gsc-null mice by gene targeting in embryonic stem cells. Surprisingly, gsc-null embryos gastrulated and formed the primary body axes; gsc-null mice were born alive but died soon after birth with numerous craniofacial defects. In addition, rib fusions and sternum abnormalities were detected that varied depending upon the genetic background. Transplantation experiments suggest that the ovary does not provide gsc function to rescue gastrulation defects. These results demonstrate that gsc is not essential for organizer activity in the mouse but is required later during embryogenesis for craniofacial and rib cage development

    Gene expression profiles in developing nephrons using Lim1 metanephric mesenchyme-specific conditional mutant mice

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    BACKGROUND: Lim1 is a homeobox gene that is essential for nephrogenesis. During metanephric kidney development, Lim1 is expressed in the nephric duct, ureteric buds, and the induced metanephric mesenchyme. Conditional ablation of Lim1 in the metanephric mesenchyme blocks the formation of nephrons at the nephric vesicle stage, leading to the production of small, non-functional kidneys that lack nephrons. METHODS: In the present study, we used Affymetrix probe arrays to screen for nephron-specific genes by comparing the expression profiles of control and Lim1 conditional mutant kidneys. Kidneys from two developmental stages, embryonic day 14.5 (E14.5) and 18.5 (E18.5), were examined. RESULTS: Comparison of E18.5 kidney expression profiles generated a list of 465 nephron-specific gene candidates that showed a more than 2-fold increase in their expression level in control kidney versus the Lim1 conditional mutant kidney. Computational analysis confirmed that this screen enriched for kidney-specific genes. Furthermore, at least twenty-eight of the top fifty (56%) candidates (or their vertebrate orthologs) were previously reported to have a nephron-specific expression pattern. Our analysis of E14.5 expression data yielded 41 candidate genes that are up-regulated in the control kidneys compared to the conditional mutants. Three of them are related to the Notch signaling pathway that is known to be important in cell fate determination and nephron patterning. CONCLUSION: Therefore, we demonstrate that Lim1 conditional mutant kidneys serve as a novel tissue source for comprehensive expression studies and provide a means to identify nephron-specific genes

    Multiple elements in human β-globin locus control region 5′ HS 2 are involved in enhancer activity and position independent, transgene expression

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    The human β-globin Locus Control Region (LCR) has two important activities. First, the LCR opens a 200 kb chromosomal domain containing the human ε-, γ- and β-giobin genes and, secondly, these sequences function as a powerful enhancer of ε-, γ- and β-globin gene expression. Erythrold-specific, DNase I hypersensitive sites (HS) mark sequences that are critical for LCR activity. Previous experiments demonstrated that a 1.9 kb fragment containing the 5′ HS 2 site confers position-independent expression in transgenic mice and enhances human β-giobin gene expression 100-fold. Further analysis of this region demonstrates that multiple sequences are required for maximal enhancer activity; deletion of SP1, NF-E2, GATA-1 or USF binding sites significantly decrease β-globin gene expression. In contrast, no single site is required for position- independent transgene expression; all mice with site- specific mutations in 5′ HS 2 express human β-globin mRNA regardless of the site of transgene integration. Apparently, multiple combinations of protein binding sites in 5′ HS 2 are sufficient to prevent chromosomal position effects that inhibit transgene expression. © 1994 Oxford University Press

    Transient development of ovotestes in XX Sox9 transgenic mice

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    AbstractThe sex of an individual results from the paternal transmission of the SRY gene located on the Y chromosome. In turn, SRY initiates Sox9 expression, a transcription factor required for testicular differentiation. Ectopic activation of SOX9 in XX Wt1:Sox9 transgenic mice induces female-to-male sex reversal in adult mice. Here we show that complete sex reversal is preceded by a transient phase of ovotestis differentiation with XX Wt1:Sox9 transgenic gonads containing a testicular central region and one or both ovarian poles indicating that Wt1:Sox9 is not as efficient as Sry to induce male development. In XX Wt1:Sox9Tg/+ gonads, transgenic Sox9 is expressed earlier than Sox9 in XY gonads and is able to induce the expression of EGFP, knocked into the 3′ UTR of Sox9 indicating that SOX9 is involved in the initiation and maintenance of its own expression. However, the delayed onset of expression of endogenous Sox9–EGFP suggests that this activation requires other factors, whose expression depends on SOX9. In the testicular regions of the XX Wt1:Sox9 ovotestes, proliferation of the XX fetal germ cells is hampered and they differentiate as pro-spermatogonia. This indicates that XX germ cells are not competent to respond to proliferative signals released from a testicular environment. In the ovarian regions, despite the continuous mRNA expression of the WT1:Sox9 transgene, the SOX9 protein does not accumulate suggesting that regulation of this gene in ovarian cells involves post-transcriptional mechanisms. Finally, ovarian cells of the XX Wt1:Sox9 ovotestis undergo apoptosis during late embryogenesis leading to complete female-to-male sex reversal of the transgenic mice at birth

    Goosecoid and HNF-3beta genetically interact to regulate neural tube patterning during mouse embryogenesis

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    The homeobox gene goosecoid (gsc) and the winged-helix gene Hepatic Nuclear Factor-3beta (HNF-3beta) are co-expressed in all three germ layers in the anterior primitive streak and at the rostral end of mouse embryos during gastrulation. In this paper, we have tested the possibility of functional synergism or redundancy between these two genes during embryogenesis by generating double-mutant mice for gsc and HNF-3beta. Double-mutant embryos of genotype gsc(-/-);HNF-3beta(+/-) show a new phenotype as early as embryonic days 8.75. Loss of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) and HNF-3beta expression was observed in the notochord and ventral neural tube of these embryos. These results indicate that gsc and HNF-3beta interact to regulate Shh expression and consequently dorsal-ventral patterning in the neural tube. In the forebrain of the mutant embryos, severe growth defects and absence of optic vesicles could involve loss of expression of fibroblast growth factor-8, in addition to Shh. Our results also suggest that interaction between gsc and HNF-3beta regulates other signalling molecules required for proper development of the foregut, branchial arches and heart

    PiggyBac Transposon-Mediated Mutagenesis in Rats Reveals a Crucial Role of Bbx in Growth and Male Fertility

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    Bobby sox homolog (Bbx) is an evolutionally conserved gene, but its biological function remains elusive. Here, we characterized defects of Bbx mutant rats that were created by PiggyBac-mediated insertional mutagenesis. Smaller body size and male infertility were the two major phenotypes of homozygous Bbx mutants. Bbx expression profile analysis showed that Bbx was more highly expressed in the testis and pituitary gland than in other organs. Histology and hormonal gene expression analysis of control and Bbx-null pituitary glands showed that loss of Bbx appeared to be dispensable for pituitary histogenesis and the expression of major hormones. BBX was localized in the nuclei of postmeiotic spermatids and Sertoli cells in wild-type testes, but absent in mutant testes. An increased presence of aberrant multinuclear giant cells and apoptotic cells was observed in mutant seminiferous tubules. TUNEL-positive cells costained with CREM (round spermatid marker), but not PLZF (spermatogonia marker), gammaH2Ax (meiotic spermatocyte marker), or GATA4 (Sertoli cell marker). Finally, there were drastically reduced numbers and motility of epididymal sperm from Bbx-null rats. These results suggest that loss of BBX induces apoptosis of postmeiotic spermatids and results in spermiogenesis defects and infertility
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