512 research outputs found

    Gas temperature and density measurements based on spectrally resolved Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering

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    The use of molecular Rayleigh scattering for measurements of gas density and temperature is evaluated. The technique used is based on the measurement of the spectrum of the scattered light, where both temperature and density are determined from the spectral shape. Planar imaging of Rayleigh scattering from air using a laser light sheet is evaluated for ambient conditions. The Cramer-Rao lower bounds for the shot-noise limited density and temperature measurement uncertainties are calculated for an ideal optical spectrum analyzer and for a planar mirror Fabry-Perot interferometer used in a static, imaging mode. With this technique, a single image of the Rayleigh scattered light can be analyzed to obtain density (or pressure) and temperature. Experimental results are presented for planar measurements taken in a heated air stream

    Modelling the Strategic Alignment of Software Requirements using Goal Graphs

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    This paper builds on existing Goal Oriented Requirements Engineering (GORE) research by presenting a methodology with a supporting tool for analysing and demonstrating the alignment between software requirements and business objectives. Current GORE methodologies can be used to relate business goals to software goals through goal abstraction in goal graphs. However, we argue that unless the extent of goal-goal contribution is quantified with verifiable metrics and confidence levels, goal graphs are not sufficient for demonstrating the strategic alignment of software requirements. We introduce our methodology using an example software project from Rolls-Royce. We conclude that our methodology can improve requirements by making the relationships to business problems explicit, thereby disambiguating a requirement's underlying purpose and value.Comment: v2 minor updates: 1) bitmap images replaced with vector, 2) reworded related work ref[6] for clarit

    Impact of Marine Locomotion Constraints on a Bio-inspired Aerial-Aquatic Wing:Experimental Performance Verification

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    This paper describes the design, fabrication, experimental testing and performance optimization of the morphology of a flapping wing for use on a robot capable of aerial and aquatic modes of locomotion. The focus of the optimization studies is that of wing design for aquatic propulsion. Inspiration for the research stems from numerous avian species which use a flapping wing for the dual purpose of locomotion (propulsion) in both air and water. The main aim of this research is to determine optimal kinematic parameters for marine locomotion that maximize nondimensionalized performance measures (e.g., propulsive efficiency), derived from analysis of avian wing morphing mechanisms that balance competing demands of both aerial and aquatic movement. Optimization of the kinematic parameters enables the direct comparison between outstretched (aerial) and retracted (aquatic) wing morphologies and permits trade-off studies in the design space for future robotic vehicles. Static foils representing the wing in both an extended and retracted orientation have been manufactured and subsequently subjected to testing over a range of kinematics. Details of the purpose built 2 degree-of-freedom (dof) flapping mechanism are presented. The gathered results enable validation of previously developed numerical models as well as quantifying achievable performance measures. This research focuses on the mechanical propulsive efficiencies and thrust coefficients as key performance measures whilst simultaneously considering the required mechanical input torques and the associated thrust produced.</jats:p

    Investigation of Reverse Swing and Magnus Effect on a Cricket Ball Using Particle Image Velocimetry

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    Lateral movement from the principal trajectory, or &ldquo;swing&rdquo;, can be generated on a cricket ball when its seam, which sits proud of the surface, is angled to the flow. The boundary layer on the two hemispheres divided by the seam is governed by the Reynolds number and the surface roughness; the swing is fundamentally caused by the pressure differences associated with asymmetric flow separation. Skillful bowlers impart a small backspin to create gyroscopic inertia and stabilize the seam position in flight. Under certain flow conditions, the resultant pressure asymmetry can reverse across the hemispheres and &ldquo;reverse swing&rdquo; will occur. In this paper, particle image velocimetry measurements of a scaled cricket ball are presented to interrogate the flow field and the physical mechanism for reverse swing. The results show that a laminar separation bubble forms on the non-seam side (hemisphere), causing the separation angle for the boundary layer to be increased relative to that on the seam side. For the first time, it is shown that the separation bubble is present even under large rates of backspin, suggesting that this flow feature is present under match conditions. The Magnus effect on a rotating ball is also demonstrated, with the position of flow separation on the upper (retreating) side delayed due to the reduced relative speed between the surface and the freestream

    Religion and Tolerance in US Politics

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    Spiral Morphology-Dependent Resonances in an Optical Fiber: Effects of Fiber Tilt and Focused Gaussian Beam Illumination

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    Spiral morphology-dependent resonances have been observed in a tilted optical fiber. The polarization-preserving and the cross-polarized elastic-scattering spectra for plane-wave illumination show that the wavelengths of the resonances are blueshifted quadratically as the fiber tilt angle increases. When a focused Gaussian beam illuminates the fiber at its edge, the resonances are blueshifted and broadened as the detector is offset from the scattering plane with the maximum scattering intensity. The blueshift with focused beam illumination is also a consequence of the spiral resonances. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America

    Rayleigh-Brillouin Scattering to Determine One-Dimensional Temperature and Number Density Profiles of a Gas Flow Field

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    Rayleigh-Brillouin spectra for heated nitrogen gas were measured by imaging the output of a Fabry-Perot interferometer onto a CCD array The spectra were compared with the theoretical 6-moment model of Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering convolved with the Fabry-Perot instrument function. Estimates of the temperature and a dimensionless parameter proportional to the number density of the gas as functions of position in the laser beam were calculated by least-squares deviation fits between theory and experiment

    Rayleigh-Brillouin Scattering to Determine One-Dimensional Temperature and Number Density Profiles of a Gas Flow Field

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    Rayleigh-Brillouin spectra for heated nitrogen gas were measured by imaging the output of a Fabry-Perot interferometer onto a CCD array The spectra were compared with the theoretical 6-moment model of Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering convolved with the Fabry-Perot instrument function. Estimates of the temperature and a dimensionless parameter proportional to the number density of the gas as functions of position in the laser beam were calculated by least-squares deviation fits between theory and experiment

    Rainbows in the Grass. I. External Reflection Rainbows from Pendant Droplets

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    In the mid-morning on a sunny day one can sometimes see glare spots associated with uncolored rainbow (i.e., fold) caustics due to the sunlight reflected from the surface of dew or guttation drops. We show that these dewdrop reflection rainbows are due to places on the droplet (i.e., from an inflection circle ) where its Gaussian curvature becomes zero. We work out the theory of such caustics with horizontally incident light and present a comparison of the theory to measurements made in the laboratory. (C) 2008 Optical Society of Americ

    Towards an Approach for Analysing the Strategic Alignment of Software Requirements using Quantified Goal Graphs

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    Analysing the strategic alignment of software requirements primarily provides assurance to stakeholders that the software-to-be will add value to the organisation. Additionally, such analysis can improve a requirement by disambiguating its purpose and value, thereby supporting validation and value-oriented decisions in requirements engineering processes, such as prioritisation, release planning, and trade-off analysis. We review current approaches that could enable such an analysis. We focus on Goal Oriented Requirements Engineering methodologies, since goal graphs are well suited for relating software goals to business goals. However, we argue that unless the extent of goal-goal contribution is quantified with verifiable metrics, goal graphs are not sufficient for demonstrating the strategic alignment of software requirements. Since the concept of goal contribution is predictive, what results is a forecast of the benefits of implementing software requirements. Thus, we explore how the description of the contribution relationship can be enriched with concepts such as uncertainty and confidence, non-linear causation, and utility. We introduce the approach using an example software project from Rolls-Royce.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1211.625
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