6 research outputs found

    Plane segmentation from point clouds

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    Recently, attempts have been made to automate data acquisition, which is also related to efforts to automate data processing. The paper deals with the automation of terrestrial laser scanning data processing. The approaches for point cloud segmentation are briefly described. An algorithm based on random sample consensus is proposed for automated plane identification and plane segmentation from point clouds. The proposed approach was tested by processing point clouds; the results of the testing are also described. Based on the proposed algorithm, a standalone application for automated plane segmentation from laser scanner data using Matlab® software was developed

    Automation of Cylinder Segmentation from Point Cloud Data

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    The results of terrestrial laser scanning are point clouds, which are becoming an increasingly common initial digital representation of real-world objects. Since point clouds in the most cases represent a huge amount of data, automation of the processing steps is advisable. The paper brings a short review of the most reliable methods of cylinder extraction. An innovative algorithm is proposed for an automated detection of cylinders and also for estimating their parameters from 3D point cloud data. The method was tested on the complex point clouds of pipelines. The proposed algorithm was implemented to a standalone application based on MATLAB® software

    Semi-Automated Segmentation of Geometric Shapes from Point Clouds

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    Building information models (BIM) in the civil industry are very popular nowadays. The basic information of these models is the 3D geometric model of a building structure. The most applied methodology to model the existing buildings is by generating 3D geometric information from point clouds provided by laser scanners. The fundamental principle of this methodology is the recognition of structures shaped in basic geometric primitives, e.g., planes, spheres, and cylinders. The basic premise of the efficiency of this methodology is the automation of detection, since manual segmentation of a point cloud can be challenging, time-consuming, and, therefore, inefficient. This paper presents a novel algorithm for the automated segmentation of geometric shapes in point clouds without needing pre-segmentation. With the designed algorithm, structures formed in three types of basic geometrical primitive can be identified and segmented: planar (e.g., walls, floors, ceilings), spherical (e.g., laser scanner reference targets), and cylindrical (e.g., columns, pillars, piping). The RANSAC paradigm partially inspires the proposed algorithm; however, various modifications must be made. The algorithm was tested on several point clouds and was compared with the standard RANSAC algorithm; this part is described in the last section of the paper. One of the tests was performed on a double cylinder-shaped test object, the parameters (radius and height) of this object were available with high accuracy (0.1 mm), and the differences between the known and estimated parameters were below 0.5 mm in each case, indicating the correctness of the proposed algorithm. Also, a comparison with the standard RANSAC algorithm was performed, where the algorithm proposed showed better results than the standard RANSAC algorithm. The segmentation quality was, on average, increased from 50% to 100%

    Automated Sphere Segmentation from Point Clouds

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    Nowadays huge datasets can be collected in a relatively short time. After capturing these data sets the next step is their processing. Automation of the processing steps can contribute to efficiency increase, to reduction of the time needed for processing, and to reduction of interactions of the user. The paper brings a short review of the most reliable methods for sphere segmentation. An innovative algorithm for automated detection of spheres and for estimating their parameters from 3D point clouds is introduced. The algorithm proposed was tested on complex point clouds. In the last part of the paper, the implementation of the algorithm proposed to a standalone application is described

    On the origin of vesuvianite-rich rodingites from the Western Carpathians, Slovakia

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    International audienceRodingite represents a particular metasomatic rock type that occurs as dykes or lenses in association with serpentinized ultramafic rocks and typically consists of Ca-rich, often hydrated silicate minerals. Rodingites have been recognized as a source of information on fluid compositions and their circulation in both ocean floor and subduction environments. Yet, the nature of the protoliths, the chemistry and the origin of fluids, the details of fluid-rock interaction, and the metamorphic context remain often obscure. This work investigates some of these questions in the case of rodingites from the Western Carpathians through petrological, mineralogical and geochemical studies. Rodingites are here associated in the field with serpentinized tectonically dismembered bodies of ultramafic rocks embeded into Carboniferous metasediments. They mostly consist of vesuvianite, diopside, and hydrated garnet with minor titanite, chlorite, epidote, calcite and Fe-Ti oxides. Three successive hydrothermal events were recognized: 1) formation of diopside, vesuvianite and garnet, 2) formation of a second generation of vesuvianite and garnet together with titanite and minor chlorite, and 3) formation of a mineral assemblage consisting of epidote, chlorite and calcite. The first two events represent a pervasive and intense rodingitization process, whereas the third one represents late, channeled, fluid circulation under greenschist facies conditions. The presence of Fe-Ti oxides influences the mineralogy and the whole rock chemistry of the investigated rodingites. Rutile and ilmenite are commonly associated with titanite and garnet, and whole rock analyses can reach up to 9.2 wt.% TiO2. Vesuvianite and garnet also incorporate a significant amount of titanium. The lack of primary minerals, the mineral composition as well as high CaO and low SiO2 contents demonstrate high extent of Ca-metasomatism. The high modal amount of vesuvianite and the immobility of Al during metasomatic processes suggest that the protolith was relatively Al-rich. Taking into account the REE patterns of whole-rock and minerals, the high TiO2 content and the local Fe-Ti-rich accumulations, we suggest that the protoliths were more or less Fe-Ti-rich gabbroic rocks initially occurring in association with the serpentinized ultramafic body

    Primary Minerals and Age of The Hydrothermal Quartz Veins Containing U-Mo-(Pb, Bi, Te) Mineralization in the Majerská Valley near Čučma (Gemeric Unit, Spišsko-Gemerské Rudohorie Mts., Slovak Republic)

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    An occurrence of vein U-Mo mineralization is located in the Majerská valley near Čučma, about 7 km to the NNE of the district town of Rožňava (Eastern Slovakia). Mineralization is hosted in the acidic metapyroclastics of the Silurian Bystrý Potok Fm. (Gemeric Unit), and originated in the following stages: (I.) quartz I, fluorapatite I; (II.) quartz II, fluorapatite II, zircon, rutile chlorite, tourmaline; (III.) uraninite, molybdenite, U-Ti oxides; (IV.) pyrite I, ullmannite, gersdorffite, cobaltite; (Va.) galena, bismuth, tetradymite, joséite A and B, Bi3(TeS)2 mineral phase, (BiPb)(TeS) mineral phase, ikunolite; (Vb.) minerals of the kobellite–tintinaite series, cosalite; (VI.) pyrite II; (VII.) titanite, chlorite; and (VIII.) supergene mineral phases. The chemical in-situ electron-microprobe U-Pb dating of uraninite from a studied vein yielded an average age of around 265 Ma, corresponding to the Guadalupian Epoch of Permian; the obtained data corresponds with the age of Gemeric S-type granites. The age correlation of uraninite with the Gemeric S-type granites and the spatial connection of the studied mineralization with the Čučma granite allows us to assume that it is a Hercynian, granite-related (perigranitic) mineralization