21 research outputs found

    Rapid desiccation hardening changes the cuticular hydrocarbon profile of Drosophila melanogaster.

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    The success of insects in terrestrial environments is due in large part to their ability to resist desiccation stress. Since the majority of water is lost across the cuticle, a relatively water-impermeable cuticle is a major component of insect desiccation resistance. Cuticular permeability is affected by the properties and mixing effects of component hydrocarbons, and changes in cuticular hydrocarbons can affect desiccation tolerance. A pre-exposure to a mild desiccation stress increases duration of desiccation survival in adult female Drosophila melanogaster, via a decrease in cuticular permeability. To test whether this acute response to desiccation stress is due to a change in cuticular hydrocarbons, we treated male and female D. melanogaster to a rapid desiccation hardening (RDH) treatment and used gas chromatography to examine the effects on cuticular hydrocarbon composition. RDH led to reduced proportions of unsaturated and methylated hydrocarbons compared to controls in females, but although RDH modified the cuticular hydrocarbon profile in males, there was no coordinated pattern. These data suggest that the phenomenon of RDH leading to reduced cuticular water loss occurs via an acute change in cuticular hydrocarbons that enhances desiccation tolerance in female, but not male, D. melanogaster

    Spectroscopy detects skeletal muscle microvascular dysfunction during onset of sepsis in a rat fecal peritonitis model

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    Sepsis is a dysregulated host inflammatory response to infection potentially leading to life-threatening organ dysfunction. The objectives of this study were to determine whether early microvascular dysfunction (MVD) in skeletal muscle can be detected as dynamic changes in microvascular hemoglobin (MVHb) levels using spectroscopy and whether MVD precedes organ histopathology in septic peritonitis. Skeletal muscle of male Sprague–Dawley rats was prepared for intravital microscopy. After intraperitoneal injection of fecal slurry or saline, microscopy and spectroscopy recordings were taken for 6 h. Capillary red blood cell (RBC) dynamics and SO2 were quantified from digitized microscopy frames and MVHb levels were derived from spectroscopy data. Capillary RBC dynamics were significantly decreased by 4 h after peritoneal infection and preceded macrohemodynamic changes. At the same time, low-frequency oscillations in MVHb levels exhibited a significant increase in Power in parts of the muscle and resembled oscillations in RBC dynamics and SO2. After completion of microscopy, tissues were collected. Histopathological alterations were not observed in livers, kidneys, brains, or muscles 6 h after induction of peritonitis. The findings of this study show that, in our rat model of sepsis, MVD occurs before detectable organ histopathology and includes ~ 30-s oscillations in MVHb. Our work highlights MVHb oscillations as one of the indicators of MVD onset and provides a foundation for the use of non-invasive spectroscopy to continuously monitor MVD in septic patients

    Localized Oxygen Exchange Platform for Intravital Video Microscopy Investigations of Microvascular Oxygen Regulation

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    Intravital microscopy has proven to be a powerful tool for studying microvascular physiology. In this study, we propose a gas exchange system compatible with intravital microscopy that can be used to impose gas perturbations to small localized regions in skeletal muscles or other tissues that can be imaged using conventional inverted microscopes. We demonstrated the effectiveness of this system by locally manipulating oxygen concentrations in rat extensor digitorum longus muscle and measuring the resulting vascular responses. A computational model of oxygen transport was used to partially validate the localization of oxygen changes in the tissue, and oxygen saturation of red blood cells flowing through capillaries were measured as a surrogate for local tissue oxygenation. Overall, we have demonstrated that this approach can be used to study dynamic and spatial responses to local oxygen challenges to the microenvironment of skeletal muscle

    Finite Element Model of Oxygen Transport for the Design of Geometrically Complex Microfluidic Devices Used in Biological Studies.

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    Red blood cells play a crucial role in the local regulation of oxygen supply in the microcirculation through the oxygen dependent release of ATP. Since red blood cells serve as an oxygen sensor for the circulatory system, the dynamics of ATP release determine the effectiveness of red blood cells to relate the oxygen levels to the vessels. Previous work has focused on the feasibility of developing a microfluidic system to measure the dynamics of ATP release. The objective was to determine if a steep oxygen gradient could be developed in the channel to cause a rapid decrease in hemoglobin oxygen saturation in order to measure the corresponding levels of ATP released from the red blood cells. In the present study, oxygen transport simulations were used to optimize the geometric design parameters for a similar system which is easier to fabricate. The system is composed of a microfluidic device stacked on top of a large, gas impermeable flow channel with a hole to allow gas exchange. The microfluidic device is fabricated using soft lithography in polydimethyl-siloxane, an oxygen permeable material. Our objective is twofold: (1) optimize the parameters of our system and (2) develop a method to assess the oxygen distribution in complex 3D microfluidic device geometries. 3D simulations of oxygen transport were performed to simulate oxygen distribution throughout the device. The simulations demonstrate that microfluidic device geometry plays a critical role in molecule exchange, for instance, changing the orientation of the short wide microfluidic channel results in a 97.17% increase in oxygen exchange. Since microfluidic devices have become a more prominent tool in biological studies, understanding the transport of oxygen and other biological molecules in microfluidic devices is critical for maintaining a physiologically relevant environment. We have also demonstrated a method to assess oxygen levels in geometrically complex microfluidic devices

    Combination therapy with T cell engager and PD-L1 blockade enhances the antitumor potency of T cells as predicted by a QSP model

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    Background T cells have been recognized as core effectors for cancer immunotherapy. How to restore the anti-tumor ability of suppressed T cells or improve the lethality of cytotoxic T cells has become the main focus in immunotherapy. Bispecific antibodies, especially bispecific T cell engagers (TCEs), have shown their unique ability to enhance the patient’s immune response to tumors by stimulating T cell activation and cytokine production in an MHC-independent manner. Antibodies targeting the checkpoint inhibitory molecules such as programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1), PD-ligand 1 (PD-L1) and cytotoxic lymphocyte activated antigen 4 are able to restore the cytotoxic effect of immune suppressed T cells and have also shown durable responses in patients with malignancies. However, both types have their own limitations in treating certain cancers. Preclinical and clinical results have emphasized the potential of combining these two antibodies to improve tumor response and patients’ survival. However, the selection and evaluation of combination partners clinically is a costly endeavor. In addition, despite advances made in immunotherapy, there are subsets of patients who are non-responders, and reliable biomarkers for different immunotherapies are urgently needed to improve the ability to prospectively predict patients’ response and improve clinical study design. Therefore, mathematical and computational models are essential to optimize patient benefit, and guide combination approaches with lower cost and in a faster manner.Method In this study, we continued to extend the quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP) model we developed for a bispecific TCE to explore efficacy of combination therapy with an anti-PD-L1 monoclonal antibody in patients with colorectal cancer.Results Patient-specific response to TCE monotherapy, anti-PD-L1 monotherapy and the combination therapy were predicted using this model according to each patient’s individual characteristics.Conclusions Individual biomarkers for TCE monotherapy, anti-PD-L1 monotherapy and their combination have been determined based on the QSP model. Best treatment options for specific patients could be suggested based on their own characteristics to improve clinical trial efficiency. The model can be further used to assess plausible combination strategies for different TCEs and immune checkpoint inhibitors in different types of cancer

    Effect of Hematocrit.

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    <p>The weighted O<sub>2</sub> drop (black bars) and weighted O<sub>2</sub> drop rate (white bars) for 0% and 20% hematocrit. A negligible effect is shown for both.</p

    Device Design.

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    <p>Diagram of x-normal (left) and z-normal (right) views of the RBC channel and exchange window. The light blue colour represents PDMS and the grey colour represents glass.</p

    Effect of RBC Channel Aspect Ratio.

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    <p>The weighted O<sub>2</sub> drop (blue) and weighted O<sub>2</sub> drop rate (red) as a function of RBC channel aspect ratio (width:height). The area of the channels simulated was held constant (0.15 mm<sup>2</sup>).</p

    Effect of Exchange Window Length.

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    <p>The weighted O<sub>2</sub> drop (blue) and weighted O<sub>2</sub> drop rate (red) as a function of exchange window length.</p