12 research outputs found

    Community matrix

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    Community matrix used in the calculation of our functional diversity indices

    MHC genotypes by zone

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    This file contains the MHC genotypes for 310 Berthelot's pipits divided by zone. There are four zones. The first part of the table shows the frquency of each MHC allele in each of the four geographical zones

    Density of native and non-native species in rice fields and adjacent open habitats.

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    <p>The main figure shows densities of each species, while the insert shows overall densities averaged across native and non-native species. Densities were calculated by dividing observed counts during point counts by estimated detection probabilities based on the habitat at each point count location.</p

    Availability and selection of resources by native and non-native species.

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    <p>Selection of resources for (a) shelter and (b) feeding by native and non-native species. Positive values of Jacobs index indicate that a habitat is selected more than expected given availability, and negative values indicate that it is selected less than expected. (c) Proportion of resource sampling points containing selected habitat types at point count locations in rice fields and other open habitats and (d) species richness of plants in rice field margins and adjacent grassland. Error bars show standard error. *** denotes <i>P</i><0.001, ** denotes <i>P</i><0.01, * denotes P<0.05, NS denotes <i>P</i>>0.05.</p

    Habitat associations of native and non-native species along environmental gradients.

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    <p>These were from open to closed habitats (left) and wet to dry habitats (right). Mean habitat associations across non-native species are shown by a bold line, with dashed lines showing standard errors. Mean habitat associations across native species are shown by a solid line, with grey shading showing standard errors. Habitat associations for non-native species were based on descriptions of their habitat use in their native range.</p

    Location of survey sites and schematic of survey protocol.

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    <p>(a) Location of survey sites in the Iberian Peninsula. The centroids of each site are plotted. Sites surveyed in 2011 are shown by filled circles, and sites surveyed in 2012 are shown by open circles. The insert map shows the location of point counts at one site. Point counts in rice fields are shown by filled circles, point counts in wetlands are shown by open squares, and point counts in heterogeneous agriculture (defined as Corine land-cover level two class 24) are shown by open triangles. The remaining area not sampled by point counts is largely forestry. (b) Schematic of sampling protocol at each point count. The observer (position shown by binoculars) records birds seen within a 100m radius (shown by circle). Resources are recorded at regularly spaced points (shown by filled circles, resources also recorded at position of observer).</p

    Study species recorded, and number of sites and point counts present.

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    <p>The native rock sparrow <i>Petronia petronia</i>, common crossbill <i>Loxia curvirostra</i>, ortolan bunting <i>Emberiza hortulana</i> and yellowhammer <i>Emberiza citronella</i> were not recorded in any point counts. Non-native species are shown in bold. Percentages show the percentage of point counts in a habitat type in which a species was recorded.</p><p>Study species recorded, and number of sites and point counts present.</p