2,622 research outputs found

    Proteasome storage granules protect proteasomes from autophagic degradation upon carbon starvation

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    26S proteasome abundance is tightly regulated at multiple levels, including the elimination of excess or inactive particles by autophagy. In yeast, this proteaphagy occurs upon nitrogen starvation but not carbon starvation, which instead stimulates the rapid sequestration of proteasomes into cytoplasmic puncta termed proteasome storage granules (PSGs). Here, we show that PSGs help protect proteasomes from autophagic degradation. Both the core protease and regulatory particle sub-complexes are sequestered separately into PSGs via pathways dependent on the accessory proteins Blm10 and Spg5, respectively. Modulating PSG formation, either by perturbing cellular energy status or pH, or by genetically eliminating factors required for granule assembly, not only influences the rate of proteasome degradation, but also impacts cell viability upon recovery from carbon starvation. PSG formation and concomitant protection against proteaphagy also occurs in Arabidopsis, suggesting that PSGs represent an evolutionarily conserved cache of proteasomes that can be rapidly re-mobilized based on energy availability

    New Records of Michigan Cicadidae (Homoptera), With Notes on the Use of Songs to Monitor Range Changes

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    We present records of Diceroprocta vitripennis, Tibicen chloromera, and Tibicen pruinosa (new state record) in Michigan. Monitoring geographic range changes and population size differences by song suggests several population situations for cicadas: (1) sizable populations in most areas of apparently good habitat; (2) widely separated single individuals or small populations on the edges of populated regions, representing range extensions that may be of limited duration; (3) one or a few individuals present only once, probably transferred in soil on roots, and ultimately unsuccessful. Species- specific calling songs allow sensitive measurement of species\u27 range changes

    Autophagic Turnover of Inactive 26S Proteasomes in Yeast Is Directed by the Ubiquitin Receptor Cue5 and the Hsp42 Chaperone

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    Highlights The yeast 26S proteasome is degraded by Atg8-mediated autophagy Nitrogen starvation and inactivation stimulate proteaphagy via distinct pathways Proteasome inhibition is accompanied by extensive ubiquitylation of the complex Proteaphagy engages the Cue5 autophagy receptor and the Hsp42 chaperone Summary The autophagic clearance of 26S proteasomes (proteaphagy) is an important homeostatic mechanism within the ubiquitin system that modulates proteolytic capacity and eliminates damaged particles. Here, we define two proteaphagy routes in yeast that respond to either nitrogen starvation or particle inactivation. Whereas the core autophagic machineries required for Atg8 lipidation and vesiculation are essential for both routes, the upstream Atg1 kinase participates only in starvation-induced proteaphagy. Following inactivation, 26S proteasomes become extensively modified with ubiquitin. Although prior studies with Arabidopsis implicated RPN10 in tethering ubiquitylated proteasomes to ATG8 lining the autophagic membranes, yeast proteaphagy employs the evolutionarily distinct receptor Cue5, which simultaneously binds ubiquitin and Atg8. Proteaphagy of inactivated proteasomes also requires the oligomeric Hsp42 chaperone, suggesting that ubiquitylated proteasomes are directed by Hsp42 to insoluble protein deposit (IPOD)-type structures before encapsulation. Together, Cue5 and Hsp42 provide a quality control checkpoint in yeast directed at recycling dysfunctional 26S proteasomes

    The Outer Limits of Galaxy Clusters: Observations to the Virial Radius with Suzaku, XMM, and Chandra

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    The outskirts of galaxy clusters, near the virial radius, remain relatively unexplored territory and yet are vital to our understanding of cluster growth, structure, and mass. In this presentation, we show the first results from a program to constrain the state of the outer intracluster medium (ICM) in a large sample of galaxy clusters, exploiting the strengths of three complementary X-ray observatories: Suzaku (low, stable background), XMM-Newton (high sensitivity), and Chandra (good spatial resolution). By carefully combining observations from the cluster core to beyond r_200, we are able to identify and reduce systematic uncertainties that would impede our spatial and spectral analysis using a single telescope. Our sample comprises nine clusters at z ~ 0.1-0.2 fully covered in azimuth to beyond r_200, and our analysis indicates that the ICM is not in hydrostatic equilibrium in the cluster outskirts, where we see clear azimuthal variations in temperature and surface brightness. In one of the clusters, we are able to measure the diffuse X-ray emission well beyond r_200, and we find that the entropy profile and the gas fraction are consistent with expectations from theory and numerical simulations. These results stand in contrast to recent studies which point to gas clumping in the outskirts; the extent to which differences of cluster environment or instrumental effects factor in this difference remains unclear. From a broader perspective, this project will produce a sizeable fiducial data set for detailed comparison with high-resolution numerical simulations.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the Suzaku 2011 Conference, "Exploring the X-ray Universe: Suzaku and Beyond.

    Purification of 26S Proteasomes and Their Subcomplexes from Plants

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    The 26S proteasome is a highly dynamic, multisubunit, ATP-dependent protease that plays a central role in cellular housekeeping and many aspects of plant growth and development by degrading aberrant polypeptides and key cellular regulators that are first modified by ubiquitin. Although the 26S proteasome was originally enriched from plants over 30 years ago, only recently have significant advances been made in our ability to isolate and study the plant particle. Here, we describe two robust methods for purifying the 26S proteasome and its subcomplexes from Arabidopsis thaliana; one that involves conventional chromatography techniques to isolate the complex from wild-type plants, and another that employs the genetic replacement of individual subunits with epitope-tagged variants combined with affinity purification. In addition to these purification protocols, we describe methods commonly used to analyze the activity and composition of the complex

    A massive warm baryonic halo in the Coma cluster

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    Several deep PSPC observations of the Coma cluster reveal a very large-scale halo of soft X-ray emission, substantially in excess of the well known radiation from the hot intra-cluster medium. The excess emission, previously reported in the central region of the cluster using lower-sensitivity EUVE and ROSAT data, is now evident out to a radius of 2.6 Mpc, demonstrating that the soft excess radiation from clusters is a phenomenon of cosmological significance. The X-ray spectrum at these large radii cannot be modeled non-thermally, but is consistent with the original scenario of thermal emission from warm gas at ~ 10^6 K. The mass of the warm gas is on par with that of the hot X-ray emitting plasma, and significantly more massive if the warm gas resides in low-density filamentary structures. Thus the data lend vital support to current theories of cosmic evolution, which predict that at low redshift \~30-40 % of the baryons reside in warm filaments converging at clusters of galaxies.Comment: Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    Performance, Politics and Media: How the 2010 British General Election leadership debates generated ‘talk’ amongst the electorate.

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    During the British General Election 2010 a major innovation was introduced in part to improve engagement: a series of three live televised leadership debates took place where the leader of each of the three main parties, Labour, Liberal Democrat and Conservative, answered questions posed by members of the public and subsequently debated issues pertinent to the questions. In this study we consider these potentially ground breaking debates as the kind of event that was likely to generate discussion. We investigate various aspects of the ‘talk’ that emerged as a result of watching the debates. As an exploratory study concerned with situated accounts of the participants experiences we take an interpretive perspective. In this paper we outline the meta-narratives (of talk) associated with the viewing of the leadership debates that were identified, concluding our analysis by suggesting that putting a live debate on television and promoting and positioning it as a major innovation is likely to mean that is how the audience will make sense of it – as a media event

    RETROCAM: A Versatile Optical Imager for Synoptic Studies

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    We present RETROCAM, an auxiliary CCD camera that can be rapidly inserted into the optical beam of the MDM 2.4m telescope. The speed and ease of reconfiguring the telescope to use the imager and a straightforward user interface permit the camera to be used during the course of other observing programs. This in turn encourages RETROCAM's use for a variety of monitoring projects.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, Accepted by A
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